1,111 research outputs found

    Morfología comparada de la escápula de primates humanos y no humanos mediante morfometría geométrica. Estudio preliminar.

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    Este trabajo estudia la morfología comparada de la escápula de primates humanos y no humanos mediante morfometría geométrica. Se han utilizado 62 omóplatos de individuos adultos de sexo desconocido (22 humanos actuales, 1 Neandertal y 39 primates no humanos), procedentes de las colecciones de las Universidades UAB, UB y del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona. Cada escápula se fotografió ortogonalmente y se cuantificó su morfología mediante el uso de puntos anatómicos de referencia (12 para la cara posterior y 13 para la anterior). Después de evaluar la fiabilidad de las mediciones mediante un test de distancias euclídeas, se analizó la diversidad de este hueso en las diferentes especies de primates mediante un Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP). Los resultados mostraron clara separación morfológica entre primates cuadrúpedos y no cuadrúpedos (suspensores, saltadores y bípedos). En este último conjunto los humanos se separan netamente del resto. En los primates cuadrúpedos predomina la dimensión horizontal (mayor anchura y menor altura), mientras que en los no cuadrúpedos se da la tendencia contraria (menor anchura y mayor altura). La espina escapular queda situada en posición más horizontal enprimates cuadrúpedos respecto a los no cuadrúpedos, aunque en el género Homo, esta inclinación está atenuada. La escápula analizada de Neandertal, si bien es más robusta y con menor inclinación de la espina escapular que la de los humanos actuales, se agrupa bien con éstos. Nuestros resultados muestran el potencial de la metodología utilizada para el estudio de la morfología escapular de Homo y demás géneros de primates

    On a Ermakov-Kalitkin scheme based family of fourth order

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    Cobollos, C.; Cordero Barbero, A.; Torregrosa Sánchez, JR. (2021). On a Ermakov-Kalitkin scheme based family of fourth order. Universitat Politècnica de València. 54-59. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/182972S545

    Endogenous Taxation in Ongoing Internal Conflict: The Case of Colombia

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    Recent empirical evidence suggests an ambiguous relationship between internal conflicts, state capacity, and tax performance. In theory, internal conflict should create strong incentives for governments to develop the fiscal capacity necessary to defeat rivals. We argue that one reason that this does not occur is because internal conflict enables groups with de facto power to capture local fiscal and property rights institutions. We test this mechanism in Colombia using data on tax performance and property rights institutions at the municipal level. Municipalities affected by internal conflict have tax institutions consistent with the preferences of the parties dominating local violence. Those suffering more right-wing violence feature more land formalization and higher property tax revenues. Municipalities with substantial left-wing guerrilla violence collect less tax revenue and witness less land formalization. Our findings provide systematic evidence that internal armed conflict helps interest groups capture municipal institutions for their own private benefit, impeding state-building. Copyright © American Political Science Association 2018

    Calidad microbiológica de una fórmula enteral lista para usar

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    Indexación: ScieloTo determinate and compare the microbiological quality of a ready to use enteral formula (EF): liquid ADN™ during different periods of time. Methods: The study was developed in the Hospital formula-preparing room. Twenty liters of EF were delivered in 40 plastic sterile bottles using aseptic technique, and were maintained at room temperature during 24 hours. Feed samples of 50 ml at time 0 and at 24 hours were obtained and frozen at _70º C, until they were investigated (40 feed samples of EF were cultivated at preparation time 0, and 24 hours). Mesophile count (Me), total coliform (TC) and faecal coliform (FC) bacteria were investigated. The feed samples were analized at the Microbiologic Laboratory of CESMEC. The microbial quality standards (MQS) were at time 0: < 10² UFC/ml of (Me), and no (TC) and (FC). At 24 hours: < 10³ UFC/ml of (Me), < 10 UFC/ml of (TC) and no (FC).The statistical data analysis was done using Stata program and Z test was used for proportions. The level of p < 0,05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The average of fulfilment (MQS) for liquid ADN™ at time 0, and 24 hours was 100% and 95% (p = 0,3) for Me. TC got 100% fulfilment (MQS) at any time. FC were not detected at any time. Conclusions: Liquid ADN™can be hung during 24 hours at room temperature.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-10182004000400005&nrm=is

    Comparación entre nutrición enteral precoz y nutrición enteral tardía en el estado nutricional de pacientes gastrectomizados

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    Indexación: ScieloLa nutrición enteral (NE) es un método efectivo para cubrir los requerimientos nutricionales en pacientes que presentan un estado nutricional deteriorado. Objetivos: Comparar la Nutrición Enteral Precoz (NEP) versus Nutrición Enteral Tardía (NET) en la evolución clínica y nutricional de pacientes sometidos a gastrectomía total por Cáncer Gástrico. Material y Método: 18 pacientes con cáncer gástrico resecable, fueron estudiados con parámetros antropométricos, funcionales y bioquímicos que evalúan el estado nutricional, en el período preoperatorio y postoperatorio. Recibieron una fórmula enteral polimérica (1 kcal/ml) en el período postoperatorio. De manera aleatoria fueron asignados al tipo de nutrición (precoz o tardía). Resultados: El grupo con NEP presentó mejoría significativa del porcentaje de adecuación del pliegue bicipital y dinamometría. El grupo con NET presentó disminución significativa de la albuminemia. La distensión abdominal fue más frecuente en grupo con NEP. Conclusión: La Nutrición Enteral Precoz es un soporte nutricional seguro, eficaz y que trae consigo ventajas nutricionales en comparación con la Nutrición Enteral Tardía en el grupo de pacientes gastrectomizados totales por presentar cáncer gástrico.Enteral nutrition (EN) is an effective method to meet the nutritional requirements in patients who have a deteriorated nutritional status. Objectives: To compare clinical and nutritional performance oftwo groups: Early Enteral Nutrition (EEN) versus Late Enteral Nutrition (LEN) of patients undergoing to total gastrectomy for gastric cancer. Material and Methods: 18 patients with resectable gastric cancer were studied with anthropometric, functional and biochemical parameters to assess nutritional status in the preoperative and postoperative period. They received a polimeric enteral formula (1 kcal/ml) in the postoperative period. They were randomly assigned to the type of nutrition (early or late). Results: The group with EEN had a significant improvement in the bicipital fold adequacy percentage and dynamometry. The LEN group had a significant decrease of albumin. The bloating was more fre quent in the group with EEN. Conclusion: Early enteral nutrition is a safe nutritional support, effective and that brings nutritional benefits compared with late enteral nutrition in patients undergoing to total gastrectomy for gastric cancer.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-75182009000100002&nrm=is

    Detailed analysis of the interaction between alongslope and downslope sedimentary processes in the Alboran Sea during the Pliocene and Quaternary

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    This work aims to analyze the interaction between alongslope contouritic and downslope gravitational processes in the Alboran Sea. Recent results (Juan et al., 2012, 2016) demonstrated that the Pliocene and Quaternary stratigraphic architecture is mostly made up the vertical stacking of contourites interrupted by turbidite systems (TSs). The accurate analysis of all available seismic profiles has revealed several morpho-sedimentary signatures produced by the interaction of the Atlantic Water (AW) and Mediterranean waters (MWs) with the gravity flows in the Pliocene and Quaternary sedimentary record, as well as on the present-day seafloor. Different levels of interaction have been identified and they move between two-end-members: from bottom currents dominating gravity flows, to gravity flows dominating bottom currents. In between these extreme cases, a range of possibilities can occur. First, downslope and alongslope processes can alternate, with vertical and cyclic stacking of both types of deposit. Second, these processes can be balanced, allowing the simultaneous outbuilding of contourites and gravity flow deposits. Last, bottom currents can influence gravity flows. This last interaction is the most common in the Alboran Sea, resulting in the migration of the fan deposits in the direction of the dominant current, and also with effects on the architecture of the turbidite fans, and on their sedimentary composition (grain size). The different levels of interaction change in space and time. These changes have controlled the different depositional architecture displayed by the Spanish and Moroccan margins and the lateral changes along the Spanish margin as a consequence of the different architecture of the turbidite systems. Although interaction occurs in both margins, it is especially complex and varied on the Spanish margin, where the alongslope action is related to the AW, the light intermediate and the dense deep Mediterranean waters (LMw and DMw, respectively). This complex interaction has resulted in a depositional architecture that changes laterally as a consequence of the different architecture of the turbidite systems. Contrasting, on the Moroccan margin the alonsglope action is dominant, being mainly governed by the energy of the AW and the WMDW, that primarily inhibits the formation of canyons and related fan lobe deposits. This inhibition has been interpreted to be result of the topographical acceleration of the WMDW core that would favour an intense alongslope sediment transport, preventing deposition, avoiding the convergence of sediment, and thus inhibiting the formation of downslope gravity flows

    Electronic and photoconductive properties of ultrathin InGaN photodetectors

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    We report on the compositional dependencies of electron transport and photoconductive properties for ultrathin metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors based on In-rich InxGa1-xN alloys. For a In0.64Ga0.36N/GaN structure, the rise time close to the RC constant at low fields has been measured along with a transparency of similar to 77% and an absorbance of similar to 0.2 at a wavelength of 632 nm. The electron density profiles and low-field mobilities for different compositions of InGaN have been calculated by numerically solving the Schrodinger and Poisson equations and applying the ensemble Monte Carlo method, respectively. It was demonstrated that in ultrathin InxGa1-xN/GaN (0.5 < x < 1) heterostructures, in contrast to bulk InN exhibiting a strong surface electron accumulation, free electrons mostly tend to accumulate at the buried InGaN/GaN interface. We have also found that the low-field mobility in the InGaN/GaN heterostructures is strongly limited by the buried interface roughness which causes more than 95% of all scattering events occurred by two-dimensional electron transport under low electric field conditions.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) MAT2007-60643 Españ


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    Con el objetivo de evaluar la susceptibilidad de la Eupelia cruziana (tórtola) al virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle, se inocularon 15 aves adultas con una cepa de virus velogénico viscerotrópico de la enfermedad de Newcastle y 15 fueron usadas como control. Ambos grupos fueron sometidos a similares condiciones ambientales y de alimentación pero en lugares separados. Se llevó un registro de signos clínicos y mortalidad y se tomaron muestras de sangre para la prueba de Inhibición de la Hemaglutinación y muestras de tejidos para evaluación histopatológica y recuperación viral. Seis aves del grupo inoculado presentaron signos clínicos de tipo nervioso (tremores en cabeza, torsión de pescuezo e incoordinación para desplazarse) y tres de éstas murieron. Lesiones macroscópicas y microscópicas fueron observadas en el sistema nervioso y en el análisis histopatológico se observaron lesiones en tráquea y pulmón. Se registró un incremento en los niveles de anticuerpos a partir de los 7 días post-inoculación alcanzando el mayor promedio geométrico de títulos (PGT = 12.1) a los 21 días. Se logró la recuperación viral a partir de pulmón, tráquea e hisopado de cloaca en aves muertas por la enfermedad.This study was designed to assess the susceptibility of turtle-doves (Eupelia cruziana) to Newcastle virus. A group of 15 turtle-doves was inoculated with a velogenic viscerotropic strain of the Newcastle virus, and a group of 15 was used as control. Both groups were raised in the same environmental conditions and were fed with similar feeds, but kept separate. Clinical signs and mortality were recorded. Blood samples were tested by the hemaglutination inhibition technique and tissue samples were collected for virus recovery and histological studies. From the inoculated group, 6 birds showed nervous signs like head tremors, neck torsion and uncoordinated movements, and three of them died. Macroscopic lesions were observed on the nervous system. Histological lesions were observed in the brain, and in lungs and tracheal epithelium. An increase in the antibody titers was observed at the 7th day of exposure to Newcastle virus, reaching the highest titers (PGT= 12.1) at the 21th day. Viral recovery was obtained in lung and trachea tissues, and from a cloacal swab from dead birds