32 research outputs found

    Paths to equilibrium in non-conformal collisions

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    We extend our previous analysis of holographic heavy ion collisions in non-conformal theories. We provide a detailed description of our numerical code. We study collisions at different energies in gauge theories with different degrees of non-conformality. We compare four relaxation times: the hydrodynamization time (when hydrodynamics becomes applicable), the EoSization time (when the average pressure approaches its equilibrium value), the isotropization time (when the longitudinal and transverse pressures approach each other) and the condensate relaxation time (when the expectation value of a scalar operator approaches its equilibrium value). We find that these processes can occur in several different orderings. In particular, the condensate can remain far from equilibrium even long after the plasma has hydrodynamized and EoSized. We also explore the rapidity distribution of the energy density at hydrodynamization. This is far from boost-invariant and its width decreases as the non-conformality increases. Nevertheless, the velocity field at hydrodynamization is almost exactly boost-invariant regardless of the non-conformality. This result may be used to constrain the initialization of hydrodynamic fields in heavy ion collisions

    Bayesian Model Selection for LISA Pathfinder

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    The main goal of the LISA Pathfinder (LPF) mission is to fully characterize the acceleration noise models and to test key technologies for future space-based gravitational-wave observatories similar to the eLISA concept. The data analysis team has developed complex three-dimensional models of the LISA Technology Package (LTP) experiment on-board LPF. These models are used for simulations, but more importantly, they will be used for parameter estimation purposes during flight operations. One of the tasks of the data analysis team is to identify the physical effects that contribute significantly to the properties of the instrument noise. A way of approaching this problem is to recover the essential parameters of a LTP model fitting the data. Thus, we want to define the simplest model that efficiently explains the observations. To do so, adopting a Bayesian framework, one has to estimate the so-called Bayes Factor between two competing models. In our analysis, we use three main different methods to estimate it: The Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, the Schwarz criterion, and the Laplace approximation. They are applied to simulated LPF experiments where the most probable LTP model that explains the observations is recovered. The same type of analysis presented in this paper is expected to be followed during flight operations. Moreover, the correlation of the output of the aforementioned methods with the design of the experiment is explored

    Beyond the required LISA free-fall performance: new LISA pathfinder results down to 20  μHz

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    In the months since the publication of the first results, the noise performance of LISA Pathfinder has improved because of reduced Brownian noise due to the continued decrease in pressure around the test masses, from a better correction of noninertial effects, and from a better calibration of the electrostatic force actuation. In addition, the availability of numerous long noise measurement runs, during which no perturbation is purposely applied to the test masses, has allowed the measurement of noise with good statistics down to 20  μHz. The Letter presents the measured differential acceleration noise figure, which is at (1.74±0.05)  fm s^{-2}/sqrt[Hz] above 2 mHz and (6±1)×10  fm s^{-2}/sqrt[Hz] at 20  μHz, and discusses the physical sources for the measured noise. This performance provides an experimental benchmark demonstrating the ability to realize the low-frequency science potential of the LISA mission, recently selected by the European Space Agency

    Measuring the Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux with the LISA Pathfinder Radiation Monitor

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    Test mass charging caused by cosmic rays will be a significant source of acceleration noise for space-based gravitational wave detectors like LISA. Operating between December 2015 and July 2017, the technology demonstration mission LISA Pathfinder included a bespoke monitor to help characterise the relationship between test mass charging and the local radiation environment. The radiation monitor made in situ measurements of the cosmic ray flux while also providing information about its energy spectrum. We describe the monitor and present measurements which show a gradual 40% increase in count rate coinciding with the declining phase of the solar cycle. Modulations of up to 10% were also observed with periods of 13 and 26 days that are associated with co-rotating interaction regions and heliospheric current sheet crossings. These variations in the flux above the monitor detection threshold (approximately 70 MeV) are shown to be coherent with measurements made by the IREM monitor on-board the Earth orbiting INTEGRAL spacecraft. Finally we use the measured deposited energy spectra, in combination with a GEANT4 model, to estimate the galactic cosmic ray differential energy spectrum over the course of the mission

    Gravitational Radiation from Post-Newtonian Sources and Inspiralling Compact Binaries

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    Paths to equilibrium in non-conformal collisions

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    We extend our previous analysis of holographic heavy ion collisions in non-conformal theories. We provide a detailed description of our numerical code. We study collisions at different energies in gauge theories with different degrees of non-conformality. We compare four relaxation times: the hydrodynamization time (when hydrodynamics becomes applicable), the EoSization time (when the average pressure approaches its equilibrium value), the isotropization time (when the longitudinal and transverse pressures approach each other) and the condensate relaxation time (when the expectation value of a scalar operator approaches its equilibrium value). We find that these processes can occur in several different orderings. In particular, the condensate can remain far from equilibrium even long after the plasma has hydrodynamized and EoSized. We also explore the rapidity distribution of the energy density at hydrodynamization. This is far from boost-invariant and its width decreases as the non-conformality increases. Nevertheless, the velocity field at hydrodynamization is almost exactly boost-invariant regardless of the non-conformality. This result may be used to constrain the initialization of hydrodynamic fields in heavy ion collisions

    Thermodynamics, transport and relaxation in non-conformal theories

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    We study the equilibrium and near-equilibrium properties of a holographic five-dimensional model consisting of Einstein gravity coupled to a scalar field with a non-trivial potential. The dual four-dimensional gauge theory is not conformal and, at zero temperature, exhibits a renormalisation group flow between two different fixed points. We quantify the deviations from conformality both in terms of thermodynamic observables and in terms of the bulk viscosity of the theory. The ratio of bulk over shear viscosity violates Buchel’s bound. We study relaxation of small-amplitude, homogeneous perturbations by computing the quasi-normal modes of the system at zero spatial momentum. In this approximation we identify two different relaxation channels. At high temperatures, the different pressures first become approximately equal to one another, and subsequently this average pressure evolves towards the equilibrium value dictated by the equation of state. At low temperatures, the average pressure first evolves towards the equilibrium pressure, and only later the different pressures become approximately equal to one another