976 research outputs found

    Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy and rudist-bearing facies of the Simbruini Mts. (Central Apennines, Italy). New field data and a review

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    The rudist-bearing carbonate platform succession of Marsia, in the northern Simbruini Mts. (Central Apennines), is described for the first time through the analysis of two stratigraphic sections, and better characterized by the study of three single significant outcrops located outside the sections. The identification of the rudist assemblages, related facies and micropaleontological analyses of the collected samples allowed to determine the age of this Upper Cretaceous succession, and the definition of a biostratigraphic frame for the of the entire study area. The Marsia composite stratigraphic section encompasses the late Turonian-early/middle Campanian interval, and records the evolution from inner platform-low hydrodynamic setting in the late Turonian, to an open platform setting characterized by high hydrodynamism in the late Santonian-early/middle Campanian. This succession has been compared to the already described Trevi, Santa Maria dei Bisognosi and Subiaco carbonate platform successions, and to regional bioevent schemes, in order to constrain the evolution of these carbonate facies in a wider sedimentological and stratigraphic context. Since the late Turonian, a spreading of rudist facies occurred throughout the central-southern Apennines, representing the first Upper Cretaceous rudist bioevent. In the Simbruini area inner platform environments, characterized by soft fine-grained sediment, are widespread. The successions of Marsia and Trevi, which are marked by upper Turonian inner platform facies with a thriving oligospecific rradiolitid association characterized by semi-infaunal lifestyle, record this bioevent. During the Santonian and the early Campanian a gradual increase in hydrodynamic conditions is recorded by rudist assemblages with hippuritids and robust radiolitids, associated with rare corals and echinoids which mark the second and third Upper Cretaceous rudist bievent, recorded at Marsia, Trevi and Santa Maria dei Bisognosi. The middle Campanian-Maastrichtian bioevents are only represented at Santa Maria dei Bisognosi and Subiaco, where high energy bioclastic facies, dominated by the peculiar radiolitid Sabinia sp., occur

    Stratigraphic and taxonomic considerations on the late Cretaceous rudist fauna of Aksai Chin (Western Tibet, China) from the De Filippi collection

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    The rudist fauna collected in western Tibet in the Aksai Chin area by the DE FILIPPI expedition in 1914 has been reprised and redescribed. This fauna is composed of Radiolites cf. lusitanicus, Radiolites sp., Gorjanovicia cf. endrissi, ? Sauvagesia sp., Sphaerulites sp., Durania sp., and Gyropleu-ra sp. The rudist-bearing beds belong to the Tielongtan Group of the Tianshuihai terrane. The Turo-nian-? Coniacian Xiloqzung Formation (Fm.) bear the older rudists (Radiolites cf. lusitanicus, Radiolites sp., Sphaerulites sp., Durania sp.), whereas younger ages have been determined through microfossil analysis which, compared with the western Neotethys records, suggests an early-mid Campanian age. This allowed to ascribe the younger rudists of the collection (Gorjanovicia cf. endrissi, ? Sauvagesia sp., Gyropleura sp., Radiolites sp.) to the Dongloqzung Formation. Our data confirm that rudist-bea-ring facies in the Tielongtan Group extend at least up to the middle Campanian. The Aksai Chin rudist assemblage should belong to the Southwestern Asian assemblage of the Eastern Mediterranean Sub-province

    Conditioning of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes using surface topography obtained with high throughput technology

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    Surface functionalization of polymers aims to introduce novel properties that favor bioactive responses. We have investigated the possibility of surface functionalization of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) sheets by the combination of laser ablation with hot embossing and the application of such techniques in the field of stem cell research. We investigated the response of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) to topography in the low micrometer range. HiPSC-CMs are expected to offer new therapeutic tools for myocardial replacement or regeneration after an infarct or other causes of cardiac tissue loss. However, hiPSC-CMs are phenotypically immature compared to myocytes in the adult myocardium, hampering their clinical application. We aimed to develop and test a high-throughput technique for surface structuring that would improve hiPSC-CMs structural maturation. We used laser ablation with a ps-laser source in combination with nanoimprint lithography to fabricate large areas of homogeneous micron- to submicron line-like pattern with a spatial period of 3 µm on the PET surface. We evaluated cell morphology, alignment, sarcomeric myofibrils assembly, and calcium transients to evaluate phenotypic changes associated with culturing hiPSC-CMs on functionalized PET. Surface functionalization through hot embossing was able to generate, at low cost, low micrometer features on the PET surface that influenced the hiPSC-CMs phenotype, suggesting improved structural and functional maturation. This technique may be relevant for high-throughput technologies that require conditioning of hiPSC-CMs and may be useful for the production of these cells for drug screening and disease modeling applications with lower costs.Fil: Cortella, Lucas R. X.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Cestari, Idágene A.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Lahuerta, Ricardo D.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Arana, Matheus C.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Soldera, Marcos Maximiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas; ArgentinaFil: Rank, Andreas. Technische Universität Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Lasagni, Andrés F.. Technische Universität Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Cestari, Ismar N.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Andador con mecanismo de asistencia en operaciones de levantado y sentado de un usuario

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    Andador (1) con mecanismo de asistencia en operaciones de levantado y sentado de un usuario (21) que comprende una estructura de soporte dotada de medios de desplazamiento (2, 3), un dispositivo de sujeción (20) del usuario al andador y un sistema de bloqueo de los medios de desplazamiento, donde la estructura de soporte comprende al menos un brazo pivotante (14) que guía al dispositivo de sujeción (20) del usuario (21), un soporte guía (11) fijado al andador (1) y que guía al brazo (14) y un módulo de control (15) que controla el sistema de bloqueo de los medios de desplazamiento (2,3) y que comprende medios de selección de un modo de trabajo del andador seleccionado entre “modo andar” y “modo sentarse/levantarse”Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad Politécnica de MadridB1 Patente sin examen previ

    investigation of particle dynamics and classification mechanism in a spiral jet mill through computational fluid dynamics and discrete element methods

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    Abstract Predicting the outcome of jet-milling based on the knowledge of process parameters and starting material properties is a task still far from being accomplished. Given the technical difficulties in measuring thermodynamics, flow properties and particle statistics directly in the mills, modelling and simulations constitute alternative tools to gain insight in the process physics and many papers have been recently published on the subject. An ideal predictive simulation tool should combine the correct description of non-isothermal, compressible, high Mach number fluid flow, the correct particle-fluid and particle-particle interactions and the correct fracture mechanics of particle upon collisions but it is not currently available. In this paper we present our coupled CFD-DEM simulation results; while comparing them with the recent modelling and experimental works we will review the current understating of the jet-mill physics and particle classification. Subsequently we analyze the missing elements and the bottlenecks currently limiting the simulation technique as well as the possible ways to circumvent them towards a quantitative, predictive simulation of jet-milling

    A New Environmentally Safe Formulation and of Low Cost for Prolonged Release System of Atrazine and Diuron

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    Diuron and atrazine were incorporated in new formulations developed with the purpose to improve herbicides action through release systems, as well as to reduce the environmental toxicity. A low cost formulation (ALG/ESC) was obtained by combining sodium alginate (ALG) with fish scales of the Piau fish (ESC) from the Leporinus elongatus species. From the crosslinking of ALG/ESC with CaCl2, the formulation ALG/ESC-CaCl2 was obtained. For ALG/ESC-CaCl2, the results are successful, showing a prolonged release of 3.5 and 4.5 days for atrazine and diuron, respectively. Based on parameters of an empirical equation used to fit the herbicide release data, it appears that the release systems of diuron and atrazine from ALG/ESC-CaCl2 are by diffusion processes due to anomalous transport, which did not follow Fick’s laws of diffusion. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v9i3.99

    Ivar, an interpretation‐oriented tool to manage the update and revision of variant annotation and classification

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    The rapid evolution of Next Generation Sequencing in clinical settings, and the resulting challenge of variant reinterpretation given the constantly updated information, require robust data management systems and organized approaches. In this paper, we present iVar: a freely available and highly customizable tool with a user‐friendly web interface. It represents a platform for the unified management of variants identified by different sequencing technologies. iVar accepts variant call format (VCF) files and text annotation files and elaborates them, optimizing data organization and avoiding redundancies. Updated annotations can be periodically re‐uploaded and associated with variants as historically tracked attributes, i.e., modifications can be recorded whenever an updated value is imported, thus keeping track of all changes. Data can be visualized through variant‐centered and sample‐centered interfaces. A customizable search function can be exploited to periodically check if pathogenicity‐related data of a variant has changed over time. Patient recontacting ensuing from variant reinterpretation is made easier by iVar through the effective identification of all patients present in the database carrying a specific variant. We tested iVar by uploading 4171 VCF files and 1463 annotation files, obtaining a database of 4166 samples and 22,569 unique variants. iVar has proven to be a useful tool with good performance in terms of collecting and managing data from a medium‐throughput laboratory

    Reduced pancreatic β-cell mass is associated with decreased FoxO1 and Erk1/2 protein phosphorylation in low-protein malnourished rats

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    A low-protein diet leads to functional and structural pancreatic islet alterations, including islet hypotrophy. Insulin-signaling pathways are involved in several adaptive responses by pancreatic islets. We determined the levels of some insulin-signaling proteins related to pancreatic islet function and growth in malnourished rats. Adult male Wistar rats (N = 20 per group) were fed a 17% protein (normal-protein diet; NP) or 6% protein (low-protein diet; LP), for 8 weeks. At the end of this period, blood glucose and serum insulin and albumin levels were measured. The morphometric parameters of the endocrine pancreas and the content of some proteins in islet lysates were determined. The β-cell mass was significantly reduced (≅65%) in normoglycemic but hypoinsulinemic LP rats compared to NP rats. Associated with these alterations, a significant 30% reduction in insulin receptor substrate-1 and a 70% increase in insulin receptor substrate-2 protein content were observed in LP islets compared to NP islets. The phosphorylated serine-threonine protein kinase (pAkt)/Akt protein ratio was similar in LP and NP islets. The phosphorylated forkhead-O1 (pFoxO1)/FoxO1 protein ratio was decreased by 43% in LP islets compared to NP islets (P < 0.05). Finally, the ratio of phosphorylated-extracellular signal-related kinase 1/2 (pErk1/2) to total Erk1/2 protein levels was decreased by 71% in LP islets compared to NP islets (P < 0.05). Therefore, the reduced β-cell mass observed in LP rats is associated with the reduction of phosphorylation in mitogenic-related signals, FoxO1 and Erk proteins. The cause/effect basis of this association remains to be determined4210935941FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2/04310-4; 04/11684-9; 03/10829-