303 research outputs found

    Effect of band anisotropy on electronic structure of PbS, PbSe, and PbTe quantum dots

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    We have calculated the electronic structure of spherical PbS, PbSe, and PbTe quantum dots using a four-band envelope-function formalism that accounts for band anisotropy. By comparing our results with an analytical calculation that assumes a spherical approximation of the (k) over right arrow.(p) over right arrow Hamiltonian, we show that the effects of band anisotropy are more pronounced for the excited states and increase with the confinement. We also show how the same technique can be applied to ellipsoidal quantum dots.62117357736


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    We present experimental evidences of quantum confinement in borosilicate glasses with a new microcrystallite CdTexS1-x semiconductor. The microcrystallite sizes are controlled by the heat-treatment time and temperature. Transmission electron microscopy measurements show the microcrystallites average diameters near 55 angstrom for the sample treated for the longest time. We observe a red shift from 570 to 640 nm in the absorption and photoluminescence spectra as the size increases. These shifts agree with the expected quantum-confined energies, varying from 0.80 to 0.60 eV. The absorption spectra also show a second feature which can be assigned to the second quantum-confined transition.59212715271

    Size effects on the phonon spectra of quantum dots in CdTe-doped glasses

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    We studied the confinement effects on the phonon Spectra of CdTe quantum dots by means of resonant Raman scattering measurements. The spectra show clearly longitudinal optical phonons, surface phonons and some of their overtone combinations. We show that the scattering due to surface phonons increases as the quantum dot size decreases. The results are obtained by tuning the laser excitation energy to resonance for quantum dots of different sizes inside the broad size distribution in CdTe-doped glasses. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.69335735

    Axial optical trapping efficiency through a dielectric interface

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    Axial trapping through a dielectric interface is investigated in the framework of the angular spectrum representation and of the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory. We determine the optical force for an arbitrarily polarized non-paraxial, strongly aberrated, axially symmetric focusing beam and apply this description to the case of an arbitrarily positioned dielectric microsphere, commonly employed in optical tweezers, not taking into account the contribution of evanescent waves at the interface. We derive the analytical expression of the force profile, finding that the incident polarization does not affect the axial optical force. In addition, we derive an approximated expression for the axial force as a function of beam displacement just outside the microsphere and we show how the information provided by the ripple structure of the optical trapping efficiency versus sphere displacement curve, due to the aberration effect, could be exploited to calibrate the bead axial position versus the experimental beam positioning controls.766

    Structure of PbTe(SiO2)/SiO2 multilayers deposited on Si(111)

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The structure of thin films composed of a multilayer of PbTe nanocrystals embedded in SiO2, named as PbTe(SiO2), between homogeneous layers of amorphous SiO2 deposited on a single-crystal Si( 111) substrate was studied by grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) as a function of PbTe content. PbTe(SiO2)/SiO2 multilayers were produced by alternately applying plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition and pulsed laser deposition techniques. From the analysis of the experimental GISAXS patterns, the average radius and radius dispersion of PbTe nanocrystals were determined. With increasing deposition dose the size of the PbTe nanocrystals progressively increases while their number density decreases. Analysis of the GISAXS intensity profiles along the normal to the sample surface allowed the determination of the period parameter of the layers and a structure parameter that characterizes the disorder in the distances between PbTe layers. (C) 2010 International Union of Crystallography Printed in Singapore - all rights reserved433385393Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS)PRONEXConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Preparation and characterisation of high refractive index PhO-TiO2-TeO2 glass systems

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    We describe the predaration and characterisation of high refractive index PbO-TiO2-TeO2 glass systems. Highly homogeneous glasses were obtained by agitating the oxide mixture during the melting process in an alumina crucible. The characterisation was performed by X-ray diffraction, density, dilatometry, Raman scattering, light absorption and linear refractive index measurements. The results show a change in the glass structure as the PbO content increases: the TeO4 trigonal bipyramids characteristic of TeO4 glasses transform into TeO, trigonal pyramids. However, the measured refractive indices are almost independent of the glass composition. We show that third-order non-linear optical susceptibilities calculated from the measured refractive indices using Lines' theoretical model are also independent of the glass composition.6111811181