1,515 research outputs found

    Two- and three-particle azimuthal correlations of high-pt charged hadrons in Pb-Au collisions at 158A GeV/c

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    Azimuthal correlations of hadrons with high transverse momenta serve as a measure to study the energy loss and the fragmentation pattern of jets emerging from hard parton-parton interactions in heavy ion collisions. Preliminary results from the CERES experiment on two- and three-particle correlations in central Pb-Au collisions are presented. A strongly non-Gaussian shape on the away-side of the two-particle correlation function is observed, indicating significant interactions of the emerging partons with the medium. Mechanisms like deflection of the initial partons or the evolution of a mach cone in the medium can lead to similar modifications of the jet structure on the away-side. An analysis based on three-particle correlations is presented which helps to shed light on the origin of the observed away-side pattern.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, contribution to the Quark Matter conference 200

    Images of the body: Lay and biomedical views of the reproductive system in Britain and Brazil

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.This thesis presents an anthropological study of ordinary people's views about the body in general and the reproductive system in particular, based on two case studies carried out in Britain and in Brazil. I discuss the meanings of lay and biomedical images of the body and identify the ways the researched groups reinterpret the biomedical view of the body anatomy and physiology. Through the analysis of ethnographic material on time, space and domestic organisation in four shantytown groups in Porto Alegre, Brazil and in three different groups in London, UK, I point out the dwelling peculiarities of the different groups and suggest there is a relationship between embodied experiences of time/space and knowledge of the reproductive system. These arguments lead to a more general phenomenologically theorised view of gendered and status-framed bodies, consequently situating this work in the interface of Medical Anthropology and a more general socio-cultural Anthropology.This study is funded by the CNPQ - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico

    Second Ceres, 1982

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    1982 Menus from Second Ceres restaurant, 21 Pleasant Street. The space had previously been The Hungry Hunza restaurant, Second Ceres was in business from 1981-1983, and by early 1984 the space became home to Alberta\u27s restaurant (where Alberta\u27s was located through 1996). See Additional Files link (above) for the Second Ceres Breakfast MENU.1981 Photograph from Second Ceres can be seen at this link.https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/menus/1053/thumbnail.jp

    Identificação da origem dos principais focos de poluição através do mapeamento espacial de isótopos de enxofre na área industrial de Sines

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    Relatório de projecto no âmbito de Bolsa Universidade de Lisboa/Fundação Amadeu Dias (2010/2011). Universidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de CiênciasA monitorização do enxofre (S) é extremamente importante nos dias de hoje, mesmo tendo em conta a implementação e legislação de medidas de redução das emissões de compostos sulfurosos, já que é necessário averiguar a eficácia destas mesmas medidas e o modo como os valores de S nos ecossistemas têm vindo a evoluir. Esta monitorização pode ser feita com recurso a biomonitores, como é o caso dos líquenes. Dadas as características fisiológicas destes organismos, os líquenes retêm em si os elementos que absorvem da atmosfera e portanto a sua análise é representativa da mesma. No entanto, o S pode ser emitido a partir tanto de fontes naturais, como vulcânicas, marinhas, ou de processos de decomposição, como de fontes 3 antropogénicas, dificultando a identificação da sua origem. Para responder a este problema é feita a análise isotópica do S retido pelos líquenes, cuja assinatura é fiel àquela que interceptaram do ambiente e, por sua vez, nos dá a indicação da fonte emissora de onde o S proveio. Através da amostragem do líquen Parmotrema hypoleucinum na área industrial de Sines e envolventes, e sua análise em concentração de S e seus valores isotópicos, este estudo demonstrou que na área de estudo existem duas fontes principais de S: antropogénica e marinha. A influência marinha, traduzida por valores isotópicos superiores, estende-se até cerca de 4000m de distância ao mar, mas mesmo nesta faixa foi possível distinguir as fontes antropogénicas de S (ETAR e Central Termoeléctrica de Sines). Através da comparação dos resultados obtidos com resultados de estudos anteriores na mesma área de estudo, concluiu-se também que as emissões de S têm vindo a reduzir, o que significará que as medidas de mitigação implementadas pelas indústrias emissoras de S serão eficazes

    Taking Jazz Singers Seriously: Gender, Race, and Vocal Improvisation

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Arts of Bard College

    Genomics and pharmacogenomics of colorectal cancer

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    Se ha estimado que la heredabilidad asociada al cáncer colorrectal (CCR) es de alrededor de un 35%. A pesar de que cerca de un 5% de esta proporción es explicable a través de mutaciones raras de alta penetrancia, y un 7% adicional es debido a la presencia de combinaciones de algunos de los 16 loci de susceptibilidad descritos, existe aún una fracción de esta susceptibilidad genética que no ha podido ser explicada. Por otro lado, existe también una importante variabilidad en la forma en la que los pacientes de CCR responden al tratamiento con quimioterapia. Además, el hecho de que la mayoría de fármacos usados en quimioterapia presentan rangos terapéuticos restringidos resulta en la frecuente aparición de reacciones adversas a fármacos (ADRs). Por ello, la identificación de la variación genética que modula esta respuesta es indispensable a la hora de ofrecer tratamientos personalizados que sean más efectivos, produzcan menos efectos secundarios y se optimicen los costes sanitarios. En este contexto, el trabajo presentado en esta Tesis Doctoral ha tenido dos objetivos principales: en primer lugar, la búsqueda de nuevas variantes de susceptibilidad al CCR. En segundo, el análisis de la variación genética subyacente a las diferencias en las respuestas tóxicas de pacientes de CCR tratados con quimioterapia

    Exploring disaster-related disease outbreaks and the impact of pre-existing vulnerabilities: focusing on cholera and Africa

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    Research into the links between infectious disease outbreaks and disasters has increased over time, with continued discussion regarding the rate and mechanisms for these links. Yet, significant discrepancies and research gaps remain globally in terms of the frequency, geography and characteristics of post-disaster disease outbreaks. Here, the aim was to address these gaps and discrepancies by exploring several disasters and their associated risk factors and further quantifying their impact. By increasing this understanding, this improves the extent to which disaster-related disease outbreaks can be prepared for, to prevent outbreaks from exacerbating and prolonging disaster recovery. To further understand these risk factors, disease outbreaks in drought and conflict settings were analysed and an overview of the research area was gained through the first global systematic review of the literature. Cholera was selected as a focus for the research here, due to it being a disease of global public health importance and potentially linked to drought and conflict. The area of study was predominately Africa (due to the relatively high cholera, conflict and drought burden) and was studied at several spatial scales, from national to administrative level 1. The research identified many important risk factors for cholera outbreaks in a disaster context. To help further identify areas for prioritisation both nationally and sub-nationally, drought-related cholera outbreaks were investigated, as droughts are a relatively understudied natural hazard. Generalised linear models were used to identify a potential relationship and the flexibility of the modelling approach allowed for multiple covariates to be tested. The lack of available water during a drought exacerbates risk factors relating to cholera transmission. However, increasing freshwater availability, improving access to sanitation, poverty elimination and emissions reductions could help to offset cholera risk in the future. Using random forest models, specific targets for these risk factors were further quantified for Nigeria. States with Multi Dimensional Poverty Index values over 0.38 and sanitation access below 54% were particularly at risk for cholera transmission, which includes most northern states in Nigeria. Conflict-related cholera outbreaks were analysed by applying the self-controlled case series in a new application. The modelling approach uses conditional logistic regression to understand the impact of an exposure (conflict) on an event (outbreak). Conflict had the most significant impact on cholera in the first week after the conflict and increased the risk of cholera outbreaks by as much as 3.6 times. The recently developed percentage attributable fraction equations were applied to these results and identified <20% of cholera outbreaks being attributable to conflict in Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The research helped quantify a specific health effect of both the Boko Haram conflict in Nigeria and the civil unrest in eastern DRC. Disease, disasters and global change were brought together here beyond what has previously been done and the knowledge gained was applied to policy throughout. Furthermore, a variety of projections and scenarios were used to identify how potential future conditions could alter cholera transmission. The Global Task for Cholera Control have ambitious 2030 targets, that will be essential for global cholera eradication and are important to make sure governments are committed to overcoming challenges. Both disasters and cholera outbreaks are not new phenomenon and societies have always had to respond and adapt but marked differences in global inequity can prevent this. Giving people agency and empowerment to react to sudden changes and make informed decisions to protect their health will require long-term investment in sustainable development. Enhancing development has far-reaching impacts and is essential for controlling disease, both regionally and globally.Open Acces