365 research outputs found

    Cause of death estimation from verbal autopsies: is the open response redundant or synergistic?

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    Civil registration and vital statistics systems capture birth and death events to compile vital statistics and to provide legal rights to citizens. Vital statistics are a key factor in promoting public health policies and the health of the population. Medical certification of cause of death is the preferred source of cause of death information. However, two thirds of all deaths worldwide are not captured in routine mortality information systems and their cause of death is unknown. Verbal autopsy is an interim solution for estimating the cause of death distribution at the population level in the absence of medical certification. A Verbal Autopsy (VA) consists of an interview with the relative or the caregiver of the deceased. The VA includes both Closed Questions (CQs) with structured answer options, and an Open Response (OR) consisting of a free narrative of the events expressed in natural language and without any pre-determined structure. There are a number of automated systems to analyze the CQs to obtain cause specific mortality fractions with limited performance. We hypothesize that the incorporation of the text provided by the OR might convey relevant information to discern the CoD. The experimental layout compares existing Computer Coding Verbal Autopsy methods such as Tariff 2.0 with other approaches well suited to the processing of structured inputs as is the case of the CQs. Next, alternative approaches based on language models are employed to analyze the OR. Finally, we propose a new method with a bi-modal input that combines the CQs and the OR. Empirical results corroborated that the CoD prediction capability of the Tariff 2.0 algorithm is outperformed by our method taking into account the valuable information conveyed by the OR. As an added value, with this work we made available the software to enable the reproducibility of the results attained with a version implemented in R to make the comparison with Tariff 2.0 evident

    Normative data of Lower-limb muscle flexibility in futsal players

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue definir cuantitativamente los valores de referencia del perfil de flexibilidad en 20 jugadores profesionales de fĂștbol sala. Para ello se valorĂł la flexibilidad de los principales grupos musculares de la extremidad inferior a travĂ©s de 7 pruebas de rango de movimiento articular pasivo mĂĄximo. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que los jugadores de fĂștbol sala analizados presentan un perfil de flexibilidad de la extremidad inferior superior a los valores propuestos para poblaciĂłn general, a los valores encontrados en sujetos sanos sedentarios, asĂ­ como en personas fĂ­sicamente activas. De la misma forma, los valores de flexibilidad de los jugadores de fĂștbol sala seleccionados son superiores a los observados en otras modalidades deportivas.The purpose of this study was to quantitatively define the normative lower-limb flexibility data in 20 professional futsal players. For it, the flexibility of the major lower-limb muscles was evaluated throughout 7 different peak joint ROM assessment tests. The results of the current study demonstrate that the professional futsal players assessed have higher normative data of lower-limb flexibility than the previously stabilised flexibility normative data for general population, healthy sedentary adults, as well as for recreationally active adults. Likewise, the normative lower-limb flexibility data for the professional futsal players selected are higher than those reported for other sport modalities

    Optimal data of lower-limb muscle flexibility in female futsal players

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    El objetivo fue definir cuantitativamente los valores del perfil Ăłptimo de flexibilidad en 20 jugadoras de fĂștbol sala. Para ello, se valorĂł la flexibilidad de los principales grupos musculares del miembro inferior a travĂ©s de 7 pruebas de rango de movimiento pasivo mĂĄximo (ROM). Los resultados del presente estudio definen como ROM Ăłptimo los siguientes rangos para las jugadoras de campo: 43Âș-52Âș para gemelo, 48Âș-54Âș para sĂłleo, 148Âș-154Âș para glĂșteo mayor, 99Âș-118Âș para musculatura isquiosural, 46Âș-56Âș para aductores, 12Âș-20Âș para psoas iliaco y 116Âș-129Âș para cuĂĄdriceps. Para las porteras se han obtenido los siguientes rangos: 40Âș-46Âș para gemelo, 40Âș-47Âș para sĂłleo, 150Âș-155Âș para el glĂșteo mayor, 94Âș-118Âș para musculatura isquiosural, 45Âș-54Âș para aductores, 8Âș-12Âș para psoas iliaco y 115Âș-133Âș para cuĂĄdriceps. Teniendo en cuenta que se ha definido el percentil >80 como el ROM Ăłptimo, sĂłlo 4 jugadoras de campo y 2 porteras presentaban este ROM en cada movimiento evaluadoThe purpose of this study was to define the optimal lower-limb flexibility data for 20 female futsal players. Therefore, the flexibility of the major lower-limb muscles was evaluated throughout 7 different passive range of motion (ROM) assessment tests. The results of this study define the optimal ROM ranges for field players as: 43Âș-52Âș for the gastrocnemius, 48Âș-54Âș for the soleus, 148Âș-154Âș for the gluteus maximus, 99Âș-118Âș for the hamstrings, 46Âș-56Âș for the adductors, 12Âș-20Âș for the iliopsoas, and 116Âș-129Âș for the quadriceps. For goalkeepers have obtained the following ranges: 40Âș-46Âș for the gastrocnemius, 40Âș-47Âș for the soleus, 150Âș-155Âș for the gluteus, 94Âș-118Âș for the hamstrings, 45Âș-54Âș for the adductors, 8Âș-12Âș for the iliopsoas, and 115Âș-133Âș for the quadriceps. Keeping in mind that optimal ROM values were defined as >80th percentile, only 4 field players and 2 goalkeepers presented this ROM values in each movement assessed

    Football training program and injury prevention program WTA: a season of analysis with IT management Weakrisk Sporstsolutions in Italan Ă©lite football players third division (Serie C).

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is analyze the relationship with training program and injury prevention program in professional football players during competitive season in AJ Fano Calcio 1906 srl (Italian 3rd Division Serie C, 2019-2020). In fact, it is very important for the team to try to minimize or greatly reduce the incidence of injuries to ensure a better choice of players available to the coach according to the match. Our analysis will try to better understand the importance of creating an adequate postural set up by optimizing the functioning of the muscle kinetic chains, during the pre-training phase. Twenty eigth (n=28) Ă©lite football players took part in this study (age 21.4±3.3; body weigth 79.7±3.4 ; heigth 182.4±5.5 ; fat mass 9.2±1.9 ; ), without goalkeepers. In pre-season (4 weeks, from july to august) and during a season (december) the players performed yo yo intermittent recovery test level 2 (IR2), to evaluate aerobic and anaerobic performance before the start of season. At same time the players perfomed jump test (SJ, CMJ, CMJAS, JUMPS 15’’), with Optojump Microgate (Microgate, Bolzano, Italy). Every players has been analyzed with K-GPS Live 50Hz (K-Sport Universal STATS, Montelabbate (PU), Italy) and Polar Team System PRO 2 (Polar Electro, Finland, OY) to recorder maximal heart rate during a intermittent test and official match. Every players has done from July (start preseason) to February (in season), 300 sessions of WTA primitive prevention training program before and after training to preparare muscle chains to daily workout, 244 training during this period. Pre and post training program, performed on a daily basis, highlighted that AJ Fano Calcio 1906 srl, total incidence injury is 3.14/1000h, training incidence injury is 1.34/1000h and match incidence injury is 23.6/1000h, respectively - 23.4% to UEFA data total incidence injury (4.1/1000h), -46.4% to UEFA data training incidence injury (2.5/1000h) and 22.3% to Uefa data match incidence injury (19.3/1000h). Infact, this improvement in match injury (contact and non-contact), probabily due, to difference level of football players: in professional third division there are players that have a reduced coordination and intervention times compared to top level players. This element is clear also in different energy cost (Ă­) from different players level during official matches: first division (21.7±0.7%) vs third division (27±2.5%) (ES=3.05, p<0.05). This event represent energy expenditure during a match: third division has low physical, technical and tactical quality compare first division pro and players have high energy expenditure levels. Probabily our hypothesis on this type of prevention program (primitive WTA) should be used already started youth to prepare muscle chains and improve coordination and movements in future athletes to reduce injuries

    Comparative analysis between subjective and instrumental quality assessment through advanced technology: a pilot study on tennis serve

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    The purpose of this study in the first instance is to evaluate objectively, with data provided by latest-generation inertial sensors, the dynamic qualities of the technical-sporting gestures such as serve in tennis. Furthermore, the possible correlation between the aforementioned data and the evaluation monitoring of the specialized technical staff (Italian Tennis Federation qualified Coach) was assessed, in essence, a comparison between objective instrumental data and quality technical analysis. The study is not based on probative statistical numbers, five athletes, but the interest of the research is focused on establishing the validity, reliability and reproducibility of the information deriving from the acquisition with inertial instrumentation in the sport of tennis. The work seemed useful also by virtue of the fact that in the literature not many works have been produced on the subject at the moment, and in any case not with the latest technologies as in our case (K-Track, K-Sport Universal, Stats Perform, Montecchio PU, Italy). As mentioned, the research took into consideration the technical fundamental of the serve, an element that has taken on more and more importance in modern tennis in the achievement of the point and therefore in the result of the game. The serve is the stroke that marks the beginning of each point and that can influence the continuance of the same. Moreover, due to the speed of the surfaces of the fields and the game, the serve became in effect a substantial percentage of the final victory of the match. This is the basic motivation that led us to analyse this fundamental and its biomechanical composition, however, highlighting those elements that best qualify the gesture in a performative sense, trying to establish parameters that can be considered helpful for the technical staff and for the tennis player,in order to improve their performance. Keywords: IMU, tennis serve, comparative analysis, technical evaluation, professional evaluation, physical dat

    Event versus activity-based cues and motivation in school-related prospective memory tasks

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    Prospective memory (PM), the ability to remember an intention in the future, is essential to children’s everyday lives. We explored age differences (6- to 7- vs. 10- to 11-year-olds) in PM depending on the nature of the task and the children’s motivation. Children performed event-based PM tasks (in which the cue was presented during the ongoing activity) and activity-based PM tasks (in which the cue consisted of finishing the ongoing activity). Additionally, the children were assigned to either a reward condition or a no-reward condition. The results showed better performance in event than in activity based tasks, with older children outperforming younger children in both. There was a marginal effect of reward for PM accuracy. These patterns suggest that the cue detection process and children’s motivation play a role in PM performance during development.The current research was completed thanks to financial aid provided by a doctoral research grant (FPU13/03768) to ABC and grants from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Fondos Feder to MTB (PSI2015-65502-C2-1-P) and (PCIN-2015-132)

    Validation of the new technology sensor fusion K-50 based on data integration detected by GPS 50 Hz and inertial sensors

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    Advanced technology systems applied to sports are increasingly valid support for operators and technicians in the sector. Useful to improve the correct planning of training and therefore of the athlete as well as to the correct management of workloads developed during it and of the season. Studies carried out on the use of new dedicated technologies have shown how supportive they are for improving the performance and preparedness of the individual and the athlete in our case, mathematically developing real parameters for the sessions of the sport practiced (Barbero et a., 2010, Boyd et al., 2011, Brodie et al., 2016, Izzo et al., 2018). The attempt is to further reduce the error coefficient, of the same, the GPS in this case, the objective of this validation study is the validity and reliability of the advanced GPS device K-50 (K-Sport Universal, Ita). The test protocol was administered to 50 junior soccer students-players aged 17 ± 3 years by amateur sports clubs in Italy. The athletes were subjected to different types of stresses considered in the literature, significant in surveys with GPS (Izzo et al., 2018). The GPS device K-50 in our case is a tool, also equipped with inertial sensors (IMU) such as accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope, and it is the only one on the market that has the features to be able to use the technologies integrated into a calculation method integrated within the K-50 device, thanks to the use of a Sensor Fusion which allows more performing and sharper data quality. The results of the research protocol were compared using different methodologies for the calculation of some investigated parameters or using the GPS device with the Doppler effect, using the Sensor Fusion, and using the position calculation with different interpolations such as Lat-Lon 0.2 and Lat-Lon 0.05 (Latitude - longitude). In the end, the decidedly positive test results verify the validity of the device (GPS K-50). With the use of inertial systems enriched with the Sensor Fusion the error of the device in measuring the distances traveled is very close to zero with a standard deviation within the percentage limits

    Dynamic inertial analysis of the technical boxing gesture of Jab

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the inertial dynamics of the Jab technical gesture in boxing. The target is to test and establish with the precision of the latest generation inertial technology the real physical parameters of the mechanical components of the technical gesture subjected to analysis to use, in the event of an expected congruence, the parameters obtained as key elements in the project of sports training investigated for performative purposes, given that the literature on this subject is scarce and sometimes with data obtained using non-state-of-the-art equipment and therefore not reliable. Five boxers (n = 5) took part in this research, considered sufficient for an exploratory study, respectively two female (n = 2), (18.5 ± 6.4 years, weight 63.7 ± 0.4 kg, height 169 ± 1.4 cm; arm length 69.5 ± 2.1 cm) and three male (n = 3), (23.0 ± 3.5 years, weight 80.0 ± 7.0 kg, height 184.3 ± 7.1 cm; arm length 79.7 ± 2.5 cm). These athletes were from different levels of experience, also to obtain specific threshold data in the various stadiums, however, all participating in national level competitions (elitĂš level). From the dataset, it’s possible to appreciate a different average acceleration value in the Jab execution phase between 8.65 m/sÂČ (woman) and 13.85 m/sÂČ (man) of the stroke, statistically significant (p <0.05), even in the small sample. The same situation is true for the torsion phase of the trunk between the best performing male boxer (boxer 1) and the best female boxer (boxer 5) respectively 0.733 vs 0.338 gÂČ (p <0.05). This allows us to understand how gender and category differences are a key element in relation to the training planning of the discipline and that often turn out to be quite generic and that doesn’t take into account accurately and weighed the differences and what are the values to be respected in the specific training workload and also in the performance level of the exercises necessary to achieve those physiological conditions and techniques useful for performance improvement. The differences in this sample were also evident between individuals of the same gender and level

    The global symmetry index, symmetry index, quality index and kinematics of the gait cycle with the synchronized contribution of the latest generation magneticinertial and electromyographic technology. Practical surveys and planning hypotheses for the revision of gesture.

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    The walk is certainly the cornerstone of human mobility. The literature has focused on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of walking and how certain parameters can change after an aerobic fatigue test. Our research proposal is based, in an innovative way in literature, on the analysis of specific parameters of the gait cycle, considered highly significant, such as the global symmetry index, the symmetry index, the quality index of the gait cycle, pelvic kinematics and muscle activation and the differences in these parameters before and after an aerobic fatigue test (resistance of the gesture over time). A total of 27 male athletes, aged (9-11) participated to the study, in which state-of-the-art equipment was used in the field of movement sciences that includes a device that integrates triaxial inertial sensors and a set of synchronized wireless probes, part of fourth generation instruments, still the most advanced on the market, for wireless surface electromyographic analysis. Thanks to these devices it was possible to carry out an evaluation of the subjects directly, with the live acquisition of data during the entire execution of the test protocol, allowing to evaluate the aforementioned parameters, which are considered strategic in pre-adolescent age, both for a more accurate basic construction of the element sure to offer a better planning of work sessions or training sessions at the time and in the future, also in consideration of periods immediately following high workloads, where fatigue affects the precision of gestures in the young athlete with various consequences, including significant ones, which is not always taken into consideration

    Evaluation of differences at high intensity threshold and its performance value during the most valuable soccer championships in Europe

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    The sports performance of footballers during games and training has been the subject of research for years. Nowadays thanks to the new technologies applied to the match analysis, is possible to highlightperformance using statistical-mathematical criteria. Recent studies support that not only the phase of the match spent at high speeds are determinants, but even each instant in which the acceleration and deceleration values cross above the high intensity thresholds.Our research seeks essentially to add, in the literature, a specific study, concerning quantity and quality of work expressed on these parameters, above the high intensity thresholds, in the various European elite championships.The search raises 26 players for each match (including substitutes), 260 athletes per championship, for a total of 1300 players (average age 28.4 years, height 1.79 meters, weight kg 78) and 9100 parameters data.The high intensity parameters evaluated are:Distance covered at high intensity (> 16 Km/h); Distance covered in Acceleration (> 2m/sÂČ); Distance covered in Deceleration (< -2m/sÂČ); Distance covered a MP> 20 Watt / Kg; Average AMP; D = Total Distance; Drel = distance/minute. Data shows that the comparison in French league is balanced, that is high intensity activity is equal for winning and losing teams, in German and Italian championship, winning teams work below the high intensity threshold compared with losers, in the English and Spanish league winning teams work upper the high intensity threshold respect to losers. This confirms that the efficiency of sport performance, in case of football the victory of competition or matches, is not directly dependent only on the ability to carry out high-intensity activities and also supports the lack of specific training aimed at promoting the development of such skills. A more specific investigation directed at the analysis of only winning teams and losing teams in all championships showed a no decisive difference in high intensity parameters. In the chart below, it is highlighted that the high intensity activity is greater in the parameters of D_AccHI and D_DecHI in the winning teams than the losers (5-6%)
