15 research outputs found

    Globalization, Food Quality and Labor: The Case of Grape Production in North-Eastern Brazil

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    Article originally published in International Journal of Sociology of AgricultureThis article investigates the consequences of the production of table grapes for export to corporate supermarkets in the global North on labor in a region of the Brazilian North-east. This production is destined to meet the growing demand for year-round food marketed as quality food. Quality food is required by supermarket chains to increase competitiveness and is guaranteed through third-party certification programs. Despite claims that certification not only maintains product quality but also safeguards the use of labor, the study demonstrates that the global production of quality grapes engenders negative consequences for workers. Laborers work longer for less pay, perform more sophisticated tasks, are employed mostly through temporary contracts, and experience new and more advanced forms of control. Additionally, the article illustrates the ways in which other salient actors, such as global food retailers, brokers and firms, operate in regard to labor and quality grape production. It is concluded that, despite various claims about the objectives of certification programs, the actual use of the certification processes at the local level does not translate immediately into better labor relations in the global South.Sociolog

    En memoria de Mónica Bendini

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    The Interdisciplinary Journal of Agrarian Studies publishes this issue in memory of Mónica Bendini, a dear friend and member of its Editorial Committee. In addition to her multiple and valuable contributions to argentine and latin american agrarian studies, Mónica distinguished herself for her diverse contributions in the academic environment, especially as a trainer of valuable and numerous researchers; and also for her permanent commitment to field work, where she knew how to recognize and defend the interests and perspective of all types of rural workers. Texts by Maria Moraes Silva, Josefa Salete Barbosa Cavalcanti and Martha Mabel Radonich are published here.La Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios Agrarios edita este número en memoria de Mónica Bendini, entrañable amiga integrante de su Comité Editorial. Además de sus múltiples y valiosas contribuciones a los estudios agrarios argentinos y latinoamericanos, Mónica se distinguió por sus diversos aportes en el medio académico, en especial como formadora de valiosos y numerosos investigadores; y también por su compromiso permanente con el trabajo de campo, donde supo reconocer y defender los intereses y perspectiva de todos los tipos de trabajadores rurales. Se publican aquí textos de Maria Moraes Silva, Josefa Salete Barbosa Cavalcanti y Martha Mabel Radonich

    Precariedad, trabajo y reproducción: el trabajo de las mujeres en el sector exportador de uva en Chile y Brasil

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    The expansion of export agribusiness in Latin America leads to a growing feminization of the workforce. However, women are incorporated in this sector under unfavorable conditions- occupying low-skilled, low-income and temporary jobs. This article intends to investigate the precariousness of the working and living conditions of women who work as wage earners in San Francisco Valley (Brazil) and in Elqui/Limarí Valley (Chile) grape export sector, putting forward an analysis that integrates both the sphere of production and reproduction. The aim of this article is to contribute to identify the existing interconnections between productive and reproductive universes, as well as the main mechanisms implemented by companies for extracting surplus value and outsourcing costs to households.  La expansión del agronegocio de exportación en Latinoamérica ha ido acompañado de una creciente femeinización de la fuerza de trabajo. No obstante, las mujeres han sido incorporadas en condiciones poco favorables, ocupando empleos de baja calificación, bajos ingresos y temporales. El presente artículo propone investigar la precariedad de las condiciones de trabajo y de vida de las mujeres que trabajan como asalariadas en el sector de exportación de uva en el Valle San Francisco (Brasil) y en el Valle de Elqui/Limarí (Chile), proponiendo un análisis que integra tanto la esfera de la producción como de la reproducción. Esto con la finalidad de identificar las interconexiones existentes entre ambos ámbitos así como los principales mecanismos de extracción de plusvalor y de externalización de los costos a los hogares, implementados por las empresas

    A pós-graduação em Sociologia no Brasil: conquistas e desafios em tempos de globalização

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    Brazilian Sociology stands out both for its contribution to the understanding of contemporary societies and for its insertion in research groups and international theoretical debates. An important facet of such a performance is explained by the vitality and continuous internationalization of Graduate Programs in Sociology. This article contributes to understand the process of implementation of graduate education in Sociology in Brazil; analyzes the complexity of challenges faced by Graduate Programs in the area; and explains the achievements that elevated Brazilian Sociology to international recognition in present times of globalization. The text is organized in 3 sections: the first analyzes the current conditions of knowledge construction in Sociology, focusing on contexts and requirements of the world system of teaching and research. The second focuses on the implications of National Graduate Plans - PNPGs for the structuring and evaluation of specific programs to face contemporary challenges. Finally, the third one proposes questions about configuration of PPGS, achievements, relevance and performance of the graduate programs in Sociology, besides highlighting the growing challenge faced by them to achieve the requirements of scientific knowledge production in contemporary societies.A sociologia brasileira se destaca por sua contribuição para a compreensão das sociedades contemporâneas e por sua inserção em grupos de pesquisa e debates teóricos internacionais. Uma importante faceta de tal desempenho é explicada pela vitalidade e internacionalização contínua dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia. Este artigo tem como objetivos compreender o processo de implementação da formação pós-graduada em Sociologia no Brasil; analisar a complexidade dos desafios enfrentados pelos Programas de Pós-Graduação na área; e explicitar as realizações que elevaram a sociologia brasileira ao reconhecimento internacional nos tempos atuais da globalização. O texto está organizado em 3 seções: a primeira analisa as condições atuais de construção do conhecimento em Sociologia, com foco em contextos e requisitos do sistema mundial de ensino e pesquisa. A segunda centra-se nas implicações dos Planos Nacionais de Pós-Graduação – PNPG para a definição de metas e avaliação de programas específicos para enfrentar os desafios contemporâneos. Finalmente, a terceira propõe questões sobre a configuração dos PPGS, apresenta análises das conquistas e relevância do desempenho dos programas de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia, além de destacar o crescente desafio que enfrentam para responder aos requisitos da produção de conhecimento científico das sociedades contemporâneas

    Trabalhadores rurais no Brasil no fim do milênio

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    As mudanças na base técnica da agricultura e a reestruturação das atividades agropecuárias na ultima década do século passado, contribuíram para a redefinição do lugar do trabalho e dos trabalhadores na gestão dos estabelecimentos rurais; como revelam evidências empíricas recentes. O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre as novas configurações do trabalho e suas implicações na reprodução social dos trabalhadores nos velhos e novos espaços produtivos, espaços esses, reconhecidos como lugar de agricultura e de outras atividades. Influências dos movimentos sociais, tendências e número de ocupações, lugar de homens, crianças e mulheres nos processos produtivos, inovações tecnológicas seletivas e flexibilização das relações de trabalho são os temas que perpassam a nossa analise, chamando a atenção para as mudanças nas qualificações requeridas dos trabalhadores e para a contínua diminuição do numero de postos de trabalho na agricultura. Palavras-chave: Trabalho rural, modernização agrícola, ocupação, Brasil. The changes in the technical basis of Brazilian agriculture and the re-structuring of agro and cattle raising activities in the last decade of the last century contributed to re-defining the workplace as well as the place of workers in the management of rural establishments, as revealed by recent empirical and census evidences. This article aims to reflect upon the new configurations of work and its implications on the social reproduction of workers in old and new productive spaces. Influences from social movements, trends and number of jobs, places for men, children and women in productive processes, selective technological innovations and a flexibility of work relations are the subjects that come through our scrutiny, with special attention on the changes in the qualification required from workers and to the continuous reduction in the number of jobs in agriculture. Key-words: Rural work, modernization of agriculture, occupation, Brazi