264 research outputs found

    Trade through FDI: investing in services

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    The type of relationship between different modes of trading services internationally is of great interest, both for the academic literature and for liberalization policies under the GATS, because cross-border and commercial presence abroad might complement or substitute each other. This paper offers a consistent theoretical foundation for the application of the gravity model to services trade, using a composite demand model yielding testable hypothesis about that complementary or substitutive relationship and linking the results to market regulations as trade barriers. For the OECD countries over 1994-2004 a robust complementary effects in the short-run is found, reinforced in the long-run by an increased potential for cross-border imports bases on pervious FDI inflows, highlighting business, communication and financial services.Imports, services, panel data, substitution and complementary effects

    Patrón de depleción glucogénica y respuesta metabólica muscular a la lidia en toros bravos

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    Se ha investigado el metabolismo muscular y el patrón de depleción glucogénica en 12 toros bravos tras la lidia para establecer su adaptación al ejercicio y el orden de intervención de las fibras musculares. Se obtuvieron biopsias musculares tras la lidia, en el músculo glúteo medio, a una profundidad absoluta de 50 mm, para realizar análisis histoquímicos y bioquímicos. El patrón de depleción glucogénica se evaluó mediante la tinción del ácido peryódico de Schiff, las concentraciones musculares de glucógeno y lactato se cuantificaron mediante fluorimetría y se midió el pH muscular. Durante la lidia, se produjo una intervención importante de las vías glucolíticas, con formación de lactato y acidosis muscular. El patrón de depleción glucogénica mostró un orden de contracción fibrilar I→IIA→IIB. El contenido muscular total de glucógeno tras la lidia dependió fundamentalmente del porcentaje de fibras IIB con contenido elevado en glucógeno. En resumen, durante la lidia existe un metabolismo muscular anaerobio intenso, a pesar de la intervención preferencial de las fibras I y IIA, resultados que podrían haberse debido al efecto del estrés psicológico y liberación de catecolaminas. El bajo pH tras la lidia indicaría una capacidad tamponadora reducida, posiblemente debido a la escasez de precursores energéticos e incapacidad de refosforilación del ADP.Muscle metabolism and glycogen depletion pattern were investigated in 12 4-year old bulls after bullfighting in order to establish their muscular adaptation to exercise and the order of recruitment of muscle fibers. Biopsies were taken immediately after bullfighting from the gluteus medium muscle at an absolute depth of 50 mm to perform histochemistry and biochemistry. Glycogen depletion pattern was evaluated by means of periodic acid Schiff’s stain and muscle glycogen and lactate concentrations were determined fluorometrically. Muscle pH was also determined. During bullfighting, a marked intervention of the glycolytic pathways occurred, with glycogen breakdown, lactate formation and muscle acidosis. Glycogen depletion pattern showed a recruitment order of I→IIA→IIB. Total muscle glycogen content after bullfighting was mainly dependent on the percentage of type IIB fibers with high content in glycogen. In summary, the results showed the high anaerobic metabolism during bullfighting, in spite of the main intervention of type I and IIA fibers, which could have been linked to psychological stress and catecholamines release. Furthermore, the low pH could be indicative of a reduced muscle buffer capacity, possible due to the lack of energy precursors and incapacity for ADP rephosphorilationFacultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Stellarator theory studies and optimization under EUROfusion

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    The WPS2 EUROfusion work package entitled “Stellarator Optimization: Theory, Development, Modelling and Engineering” and is targeted to the development of tools for designing new optimised configurations and to support W7-X exploitation. We present here the main research lines and recent achievements under the work package S2, including those to support W7-X project.Рабочий пакет WPS2 EUROfusion «Оптимизация стеллараторов: теория, новые разработки, моделирование и инженерия» направлен на развитие методов расчёта новых оптимальных конфигураций для поддержания эксплуатации установки W7-X. Приводятся основные направления и результаты недавних достижений в рамках пакета S2, включая и те, что направлены на поддержку проекта W7-X.Робочий пакет WPS2 EUROfusion «Оптимізація стелараторів: теорія, нові розробки, моделювання та інженерія» спрямований на розвиток методів розрахунку нових оптимальних конфігурацій для підтримки експлуатації установки W7-X. Наводяться основні напрямки і результати недавніх досягнень у рамках пакету S2, включаючи і ті, що спрямовані на підтримку проекту W7-X

    Microencapsulation by spray drying of omega-3 lipids extracted from oilseeds and microalgae: Effect on polyunsaturated fatty acid composition

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    In this work, microencapsulation of omega-3 lipids from sustainable sources, including oilseeds such as Salvia hispanica L., Echium plantagineum L. and Camelina sativa L., microalgal lipids (from Nannochloropsis gaditana) and enzymatically produced fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs), was successfully done by spray drying and their outcomes studied. Previous to microencapsulation process, lipid extracts from new omega-3 sources (chia, camelina and echium oilseeds and wet microalgal biomass of Nannochloropsis) were produced using Pressurized Liquid Extraction. The best microencapsulation efficiency was achieved for chia FAEEs (76.9%), while the lowest was obtained for camelina oil (58.8%) and Nannochloropsis gaditana lipids (57.0%) microcapsules, which also showed low emulsion stability. Analysis by GC-MS showed that microencapsulation process did not negatively affect omega-3 fatty acid profile of microencapsulated extracts. The percentage of omega-3 in each used lipid was similar before and after spray drying (no significant differences at 5% level). Under the optimal conditions, produced microcapsules ranged from 1.5 to 30 μm and showed spherical shape and smooth surface without cracks. Thus, the proposed method provides an original approach to produce omega-3 microencapsulated lipid extracts from different nature, with high microencapsulation efficiency and payload, for potential applications in the development of foods enriched in omega-3 fatty acidsAuthors thank the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport for the pre-doctoral contract (FPU 2013–01796) granted to Natalia Castejón. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Comunidad de Madrid provided through project ALGATEC-CM (P2018/BAA-4532), co-financed by the European Social Fund. Authors thank Camelina Company (Spain) for kindly provide camelina seeds, Technology Crops Int. (UK) for providing echium seeds and Novozymes (Denmark) for donating commercial lipases. The assistance of Javier Agundez (ICP–CSIC, Spain) for getting SEM images is also acknowledged. Authors also thank AlgaEnergy S.A. (Spain) and Dr. Federico Witt for kindly provide Nannochloropsis gaditana biomas

    Transport and plasma control in the Tj-Ii stellarator

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    This paper shows the effect of 3D geometry on transport and plasma control in the TJ-II stellarator. The fuelling and impurity transport are affected due to the enhancement of neoclassical (NC) transport and subsequent onset of a radial electric field. Turbulence affects not only plasma but also neutral density, with effects on the fuelling. SOL is shown to be affected by plasma edge turbulence. The properties of stability and MHD modes are also explored. The plasma flow is shown to be affected by 3/2 magnetic island. Promissing experimental results show the possibility of controlling Alfvén modes by ECRH, and magnetic configuration by rotational transform and magnetic well scans.Статья посвящена влиянию 3D-геометрии на перенос и контроль состояния плазмы в стеллараторе TJ-II. Усиление роли неоклассического переноса (НС) и возникновение радиального электрического поля влияет на результат инжекции крупинок и перенос примесей. Турбулентность оказывает влияние не только на плазму, но и на плотность нейтралов, то есть на результат инжекции крупинки. Параметры плазмы в SOL зависят от турбулентности на границе плазмы. Исследованы свойства плазмы в стабильном состоянии и при появлении МГД-колебаний. Появление острова 3/2 оказывает влияние на плазменный поток. Перспективными представляются результаты, указывающие на возможность контроля Альфвеновских мод при ЭЦР-нагреве и магнитной конфигурации изменением вращательного преобразования и величиной магнитной ямы.Стаття присвячена впливу 3D-геометрії на перенос та контроль стану плазми в стеллараторі TJ-II. Збільшення ролі неокласичного переносу (НС) і поява радіального електричного поля впливає на результат інжекції крупинок та перенос домішок. Турбулентність впливає не тільки на плазму, але й на густину нейтралів, що з’являються в результаті інжекції крупинки. Параметри плазми в SOL залежать від турбулентності на границі плазми. Вивчено властивості плазми у стабільному стані та при появі МГД- коливань. Плазмовий потік змінюється при появі острова 3/2. Здається, що результати, яки вказують на можливість контролю Альфвенівських мод при ЭЦР-нагріві та магнітної конфігурації зміною обертального перетворення і величини магнітної ями є перспективними

    Predicted and validated theoretical results for stellarators in the frame of eurofusion WPS2

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    The main results of the work performed under EUROfusion for stellarator optimization are shown. Physics and engineering activities are undertaken in order that both are considered from the very beginning and the physics optimization takes into account the engineering constrains. are considered The HELIAS (W7-X like) configuration has been chosen as starting point and the physics criteria comprises minimization of NC transport, reduction of bootstrap current in order to have a feasible island-based divertor, reduction of turbulence and improving MHD stability and fast ion confinement. Coils are also simplified and breeding blanket studies together with the power balance of the device.Показано основні результати роботи в рамках ЄВРО-термоядерної програми для оптимізації стеларатора. Фізична та інженерна діяльності наведені для того, щоб оптимізація фізики враховувала інженерні обмеження. Конфігурація ГЕЛІАС (подібна) була обрана в якості відправної точки, а фізичні критерії включають мінімізацію транспорту, зменшення бутстреп-струму, щоб мати можливий острівний дивертор, зниження турбулентності, поліпшення МГД-стабільності і утримання швидких іонів. Котушки спрощені і розмножені з використанням балансу потужності пристрою.Показаны основные результаты работы в рамках ЕВРО-термоядерной программы для оптимизации стелларатора. Физическая и инженерная деятельности приведены для того, чтобы оптимизация физики учитывала инженерные ограничения. Конфигурация ГЕЛИАС (подобная) была выбрана в качестве отправной точки, а физические критерии включают минимизацию транспорта, уменьшение бутстрэп-тока, чтобы иметь возможный островной дивертор, снижение турбулентности, улучшение МГД-стабильности и удержание быстрых ионов. Катушки упрощены и размножены с использованием баланса мощности устройства

    Differences in muscle enzyme profile and metabolic response to fighting in bulls from one to three years old

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    The metabolic response to exercise is partially linked to muscle enzyme profile, and both factors might be influenced by ageing. This research aims: 1) To analyze the differences in muscle characteristics of fighting bulls of different ages; and 2) To assess whether the muscle enzyme profile is affected by ageing in the same way it affects other bovine breeds. Muscle biopsies from gluteus medius and semitendinosus muscles were withdrawn immediately after bullfighting, at depths of 3 and 5 cm, from a total of 24 animals, belonging to three age groups: A (1-year-olds; n=6), B (2-year-olds; n=6) and C (3-year-olds; n=12). Muscle concentrations of glycogen, lactate, adenosin triphosphate and glucose-6-P were determined. In addition, activities of citrate synthase, 3-OH-acyl-dehydrogenase, glycogen phosphorylase, lactate dehydrogenase and hexokinase were measured. No significant differences were found between the two analyzed muscles and neither between depths for any of the muscle parameters. Group A showed lower muscle lactate accumulation, with positive correlations between oxidative and glycolytic enzymes, reflecting a balance between both metabolic pathways. Group B was the most oxidative, whereas group C was the most glycolytic. Therefore, muscle oxidative potential achieved its maximum at 2 years of age, whereas the glycolytic capacity increased progressively with ageing. These results are different from those showed by other bovine breeds, with a progressive reduction in oxidative potential from birth. In conclusion, age significantly influences metabolic response to fighting as well as muscle enzyme profile in bulls

    Biological actions and determinant factors of the circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor type 1, IGF-1, in the horse

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    El eje somatotrópico es esencial para el desarrollo somático del organismo, determinando el metabolismo celular. Aunque está constituido por diversas hormonas, los componentes esenciales son tres: la insulina, la hormona de crecimiento o GH y los factores de crecimiento similares a la insulina, tipos 1 y 2 (IGF-1 e IGF-2). La cuantificación de la GH es complicada debido, en primer lugar, a su liberación episódica hacia la circulación sistémica y en segundo lugar, a su corta vida media en sangre, unos 20 min. Uno de los lugares de actuación de la GH es el hígado, donde induce la síntesis de IGF-1 e IGF-2. La cuantificación de estos factores, por tanto, se considera un marcador fiable de la función hipofisaria y de la actividad del eje somatotrópico. En la presente revisión bibliográfica, en primer lugar, se describen las principales acciones biológicas del IGF-1. En segundo lugar, se presentan los factores principales que afectan significativamente a sus concentraciones circulantes. Entre estos factores, destacan el tamaño corporal, raza, edad, sexo, momento de la extracción de la muestra, ritmos circadianos, dieta, privación de comida, ejercicio y entrenamiento. El efecto de estos factores debe ser conocido antes de llevar a cabo una aplicación clínica e investigadora del IGF-1 en el caballoThe somatotropic axis is pivotal for somatic development and cell metabolism. Although it is composed by several hormones, the most important components are three: insulin, growth hormone or GH and insulin-like growth factors type 1 and 2 (IGF- 1 and IGF-2). The measurement of GH is difficult and inaccurate, because two main reasons: firstly, the GH hormone is released in an episodic way and secondly, its blood half-life is short, about 20 min. The GH hormone has significant actions on the liver, inducing the synthesis of IGF-1 and IGF-2. The measurement of these factors, therefore, is considered a reliable marker of the activity of the hypophysis and the somatotropic axis. In the present review, firstly, we will describe the main biological actions of the IGF-1 and secondly, we will define the main factors that could significantly influence the circulating concentrations of IGF-1. Among these factors, the most important are body size, breed, age, gender, time of blood extraction, circadian rhythms, diet, food privation, exercise and training. The effect of these factors should be assessed prior to extended clinical and research use of IGF-1 in horse

    Electron Bernstein waves emission in the TJ-II Stellarator

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    Taking advantage of the electron Bernstein waves heating (EBWH) system of the TJ-II stellarator, an electron Bernstein emission (EBE) diagnostic was installed. Its purpose is to investigate the B-X-O radiation properties in the zone where optimum theoretical EBW coupling is predicted. An internal movable mirror shared by both systems allows us to collect the EBE radiation along the same line of sight that is used for EBW heating. The theoretical EBE has been calculated for different orientations of the internal mirror using the TRUBA code as ray tracer. A comparison with experimental data obtained in NBI discharges is carried out. The results provide a valuable information regarding the experimental O-X mode conversion window expected in the EBW heating experiments. Furthermore, the characterization of the radiation polarization shows evidence of the underlying B-X-O conversion process.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure