263 research outputs found

    Il conflitto tra copyright e privacy nelle reti Peer to Peer: il caso Peppermint: profili di diritto comparato

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    Articolo già apparso in: Diritto dell’Internet, 2007, 471. Questa versione 1.0 (dicembre 2007) in formato PDF © 2007 by Roberto Caso è pubblicata con Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 2.5 Italia License. Tale licenza consente l’uso non commerciale dell’opera, a condizione che ne sia sempre data attribuzione all’autore. Maggiori informazioni all’URL: «http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/it/»

    President Caso address

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    Possiamo dare un contributo tangibile alla scienza aperta e per questo vogliamo dedicare attenzione ai giovani. Vogliamo essere in ascolto dei giovani, perché dai giovani viene la forza, la passione, l’entusiasmo, l’energia, le idee per cambiare, per migliorare. Serve un “risveglio della forza” etica della scienza

    Forme di controllo delle informazioni digitali: il Digital Rights Management

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    Non è la prima volta che le strutture giuridiche sulle quali poggia il controllo delle informazioni – in primo luogo: la proprietà intellettuale – traballano sotto i colpi del progresso tecnologico (si pensi alla fotografia, al grammofono, al cinema, alla radio ed alla televisione). Ma la carica rivoluzionaria delle tecnologie digitali sembra paragonabile solo (ed è con tutta probabilità superiore) agli sconvolgimenti innescati dalla stampa a caratteri mobili. Tra le tante ricadute della crittografia digitale vi sono anche i sistemi di Digital Rights Management (DRM) ovvero i sistemi per la gestione delle regole di accesso ed utilizzo delle informazioni digitali. Il saggio è dedicato ad effettuare una breve esplorazione della storia della tutela delle opere dell’ingegno (paragrafo 2), ad accennare alla struttura economica del diritto d’autore (paragrafo 3), a ripercorrere alcuni tratti del rapporto tra tecnologie digitali e controllo delle informazioni (paragrafo 4), ad inquadrare il DRM nell’ambito delle diverse possibili forme di controllo delle informazioni digitali (paragrafo 5), a descrivere gli abusi a cui si presta il potere di controllo generato dal DRM (paragrafo 6), a delineare la logica ed i difetti dell’attuale disciplina legislativa di tutela delle misure tecnologiche di protezione (paragrafo 7), nonché a mettere in luce alcuni profili salienti degli scenari attuali (paragrafo 8)

    I libri nella "tempesta perfetta": dal copyright al controllo delle informazioni digitali = Books into the "perfect storm": from copyright to the control of information

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    In questo paper faccio uso di metafore (tempesta perfetta, pirati, zombi, corsari) per delineare alcuni argomenti che muovono contro il rafforza-mento del diritto d’autore nel mercato degli e-books. In particolare, il raf-forzamento dell’esclusiva, tramite la legge le licenze d’uso e le protezioni tecnologice, distorce la concorrenza e minaccia l’innovazione. Un diritto d’autore forte alimenta il rischio di un mercato dominato da pochi grandi attori. Inoltre in questo scenario il ruolo degli editori tradizionali e delle biblioteche pubbliche è marginalizzato. D’altra parte, un diritto d’autore più flessibile basato sulle licenze aperte e sulla difesa del diritto di partenità incentiva la concorrenza e il pluralismo dei modelli di business. La legge sul diritto d’autore andrebbe ripensata al fine di favorire maggiore concorrenza e innovazione nel mercato degli e-books. ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this paper, I use some metaphors (perfect storm, pirates, zombies and cor-sairs) to present some arguments against the strengthening of copyright in the market of e-books. In particular, I will argue that the strengthening of exclusive rights, through law, user licenses and technological protection, is one of factors that distorts competition and hampers innovation. A strong copyright fosters a market dominated by few big actors. Moreover, in this scenario the role of traditional publishers and public libraries is marginalized. On the contrary, a more flexible copyright based on open licenses and focused on the attribution right incentives competition and promotes pluralism in business models. In other words, we need to rethink the copyright law in order to foster competition and innovation in the market of e-books

    Progettazione di antenne per stazione radio base dei sistemi WiMax

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    Nel capitolo 1 dell'elaborato è esposta un'analisi di mercato delle antenne settoriali con angolo a metà potenza sul piano orizzontale funzionanti nella banda 3.4-3.6 Ghz impiegabili nei sistemi WiMax. I dati sono stati elaborati mediante una funzione Matlab capace di migliorarne la visualizzaione.Il capitolo 2 è dedicato alla progettazione di un'antenna per stazione radio base nella banda 3.4-3.6 GHz. Nel capitolo 3 è sviluppato il progetto di un'antenna dual-band per stazione radio-base funzionante nelle bande UMTS/WiMax

    Poisonous Science: the Dark Side of Academic Copyright in the Digital Age

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    Copyright on academic and scientific publications (papers, articles, essays, books etc.) is the result of the interaction between formal rules (copyright law), social norms (norms of science) and technology (printing press, digital technologies). Prior to the digital age, academic copyright has had two main functions. a) Priority. The acknowledgment of a paternity (or attribution) right on the scientific publication has facilitated the certification of priority of the scientific discovery described in the text. b) Dissemination. The protection of economic rights (reproduction, distribution etc.) has enabled the alliance between scientific authors and publishers finalized to distribute scientific publications to the public. Usually, scientific authors transfer their economic rights to the publisher because the latter has the economic and technological power to disseminate scientific publications. Nevertheless, scientific authors are mostly interested in reputation and not in the economic return derived from the commercialization of copyright. According to Robert Merton's theory, the norms of science are Communism, Universalism, Disinterestedness, and Organized Skepticism (CUDOS). Scientists compete for priority but they put their ideas and information in the public domain. The ultimate scope is to share ideas and information because the progress of science depends on "communism" and "organized skepticism". In other terms, scientific publications are part of the public and critical dialogue. In this perspective, formal law and social norms, normally stating that the original ownership of copyright belongs to the authors and not to their academic or scientific institutions, mirror freedom of speech and academic liberty. The current scenario however seems completely different. In theory, Internet represents an extraordinary opportunity to strengthen the scientific debate. But reality tells a very different story. In the digital age, scientific publications are only "products". The changing nature of scientific publications is the effect of the commodification of academic research. While the interaction between commodification of academic research and university patents has been deeply investigated and discussed, scholars have paid relatively little attention to the commodification of academic copyright. In the market of scientific publications, bibliometrics and digitization distort the two functions (priority and dissemination) of academic copyright. On the one hand, the right of paternity becomes only part of academic metrics, aimed to generate long lists of publications in academic cv and citations in commercial databases like Scopus, ISI WoS, and Google Scholar. Not surprisingly, according to some studies, the logics of "publish or perish" and "impact or perish" foster scientific misconduct (e.g., falsification, fabrication, plagiarism). On the other hand, economic rights (reproduction, distribution etc.) become the leverage of the oligopolistic power of commercial and proprietary databases which concentrate publishing and evaluation - related to metrics - powers. For example, Elsevier is at the same time the biggest scientific publisher and the "largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature". This market power is the result of the interplay between copyright and the contemporary processes of academic evaluation connected to the notion of "metrics". In this perspective, the real goal of economic copyright is not to disseminate, but to concentrate the control of scientific information in few hands. The Open Access and Open Science movements are trying to oppose the distortion of academic copyright and indeed re-establish its original twofold function (priority and dissemination). Nevertheless, it is worth emphasising that, without a deep and radical change in the process of academic evaluation and in the copyright law, the progress of science and academic freedom will be at great risk. References Biagioli M. et al., Gaming Metrics: Innovation & Surveillance in Academic Misconduct, Conference at UC Davis, February 4-5, 2016, https://video.ucdavis.edu/media/Gaming+Metrics+-+Mario-Biagioli+%2802-04-2016%29/0_0wcg4w9l Biagioli M., Recycling Texts or Stealing Time?: Plagiarism, Authorship, and Credit in Science (2012). International Journal of Cultural Property, 19: 453-476, 2012. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2427955 Guédon J.C., Open Access: Toward the Internet of the Mind, Budapest Open Access Initiative, 2017, http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/open-access-toward-the-internet-of-the-mind Guédon J.C., In Oldenburg's Long Shadow: Librarians, Research Scientists, Publishers, and the Control of Scientific Publishing, Association of Research Libraries, Washinghton D.C., 2001, ISBN 0-918006-81-3, http://www.arl.org/storage/documents/publications/in-oldenburgs-long-shadow.pdf Merton R. K., The Matthew Effect in Science, II: Cumulative Advantage and the Symbolism of Intellectual Property, Isis, Vol. 79, No. 4 (Dec., 1988), 606 Merton R. K., The Matthew Effect in Science, Science, New Series, Vol. 159, No. 3810. (Jan. 5, 1968), 56 Merton R. K., Priorities in Scientific Discovery: A Chapter in the Sociology of Science, American Sociological Review, Vol. 22, No. 6 (Dec., 1957), 635 Merton R. K., Science and Technology in a Democratic Order, Journal of Legal and Politcal Sociology, 1 (1942), 115 Merton R. K., Science and Social Order, Philosophy of Science, 5 (1938), 321 Moscon V., Academic Freedom, Copyright, and Accessto Scholarly Works: A Comparative Perspective, in Caso R., Giovanella F., Balancing copyright law in the digital age: some comparative perspectives, Springer, 2015, 99 Reichman J. H., Okediji R., When Copyright Law and Science Collide: Empowering Digitally Integrated Research Methods on a Global Scale (September 19, 2012). Minnesota Law Review, Vol. 96, No. 4, 2012; Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper 12-54. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2149218 Shavell S., Should Copyright of Academic Works be Abolished?. The Journal of Legal Analysis, Forthcoming; Harvard Law and Economics Discussion Paper No. 655; Harvard Public Law Working Paper No. 10-10. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=152566

    Copyright as Monopoly: The Italian Fire Under the Ashes

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    This essay provides an overview of some research that is in its early stages. The principal purpose of the authors is to understand whether, in a Continental European legal system such as the Italian one – traditionally led by a strong historical and normative vision of copyright (or author’s right) as natural right and nowadays influenced by the EU propertization trend – it is yet possible to foresee a different approach that is prone to interpreting the exclusivity of copyright in terms of monopoly. The latter approach, to some extent, might in fact be more relevant to restricting copyright protection by limiting the exclusive rights (ius excludendi alios) while supporting the public interest. Besides, the vision of “copyright as monopoly” seems in particular to play an overriding role within the digital context, where property is less apt in terms of the promotion and sharing of knowledge and, on the contrary, monopolistic jeopardy is sensibly flourishing

    Design and characterization of antennas for wireless communications systems

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    In this PhD thesis the author has dealt with the design and characterization of novel antenna layouts for modern communication systems. Specific attention has been devoted to cost-effective and compact solutions; also, some of the proposed antenna layouts have been designed facing with severe integration constraints. A novel slot-coupling feeding technique for dual-polarized patch antennas is presented in Chapter I. A square patch is fed through a square ring slot excited by two non-overlapping feed lines printed on the same side of a single-layer substrate. This technique was used to implement a wideband dual-polarized 2x1 microstrip stacked patch array working in the GSM band (1710 – 1910 MHz), UMTS band (1920 - 2170 MHz), ISM band (2400 - 2484 MHz) and UMTS 3G expansion band (2500 - 2690 MHz) or, alternatively, WIMAX™ band (2300 – 2700 MHz), with a resulting 45% percentage bandwidth. Moreover a circularly polarized 2x2 microstrip array, where each array element is fed through two microstrip lines which are excited 90° out-of-phase, has been realized for the WiMAX (3300 - 3800 MHz) band, resulting in excellent Axial Ratio performance. In Chapter II, a compact dual-band Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) working in both the DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial) and the WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) IEEE 802.11b,g frequency bands is presented. It has been designed to be integrated in a monitor-equipped device, exhibiting reduced electrical size with respect to similar PIFA solutions, also in a L-shape configuration. In the context of compact wideband antenna design, Chapter III presents a numerical analysis of a novel wideband two-arm Archimedean spiral antenna whose arms are made of vertical metallic strips. An advantage of this spiral is that the input impedance and polarization purity can be effectively controlled by varying the strip width and turn thickness. Also, when the antenna is embedded in a dielectric block, miniaturization is more effective than in conventional planar Archimedean spirals. In Chapter IV, two configurations of slot antennas suitable for integration into a class of commercial large photovoltaic (PV) panels are presented. The basic idea is to exploit the room available between adjacent PV cells, also taking advantage of the presence of the cover glass layer that gives a valuable miniaturization effect. As test cases, two antenna designs are presented for stand-alone communication systems operating in the GSM/UMTS (1710-2170 MHz) and WIMAX (3300-3800 MHz) frequency bands. Finally, a top-loaded vertical monopole antenna was designed to be integrated in a wireless sensor of a car park monitoring system operating at 433MHz, and it is described in Chapter V. The final design came out from a careful analysis of the effects on the antenna input impedance of nearby elements (photovoltaic cells, battery, sensor cover, ultrasonic transducer). A performance comparison between the proposed vertically polarized antenna and a commercial ceramic antenna has been carried out, showing an average increase of the received power level at the reader of about 2.2dB, when measurements are performed on a distance range of 10-60m between the sensor and the reader antenna of the car park monitoring system

    Il diritto morale di ripubblicazione in accesso aperto

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    While in Italy the Gallo proposal (DDL 1146) on the right of republication of scientific texts lies sadly in the maze of a drawer of the Senate of the Republic, the world is running. The time available, in a pandemic era, becomes increasingly scarce and precious. The pressures to guarantee an immediate right (without embargo) of republication are getting stronger. While the so-called Plan S's "Rights Retention Strategy" represents a compression of scientific-academic freedom, the moral right of republication in open access constitutes its antagonist: a tool for expanding the freedom of the scientific author. Unlike the copyright laws of the last thirty years which have looked at the particular interests of the intermediaries of the creativity market, the moral right of republication looks at the interest of society as a whole and places the (scientific) author at the center again. of the scene

    Il diritto (morale) di liberare i testi

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    1.Le dimensioni del diritto d’autore accademico: norme informali (e pirateria) e leggi sul diritto d’autore 2.La cessione dei diritti economici: ricatto dell’editore o disinteresse dell’autore? 3.Diritto morale di liberare i testi o «rentention strategy»
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