82 research outputs found

    Los proyectos de integración social del indio y el imaginario nacional de las elites intelectuales guatemaltecas, siglos XIX y XX

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    This article studies the ideas of a number of 19th and 20th Century political thinkers in regard to national projects which were inclusive or exclusive of subordinate groups such as Indians and Ladinos. The 19th Century inclusive position of José Cecilio del Valle and the more exclusive one conceived by Batres Jauregui are analyzed, as well as the reasons why these types of ideas are still prevailing. In the 20th Century, the analysis includes exclusion defenders such as Horacio Altamirano and their opposites, like Juárez Muñoz. The whole article is pervaded with the ideas of the so called Generación del 20, the analysis of which is particularly original and important to understand arguments which have prevailed till the present day and are used to support theories for the inclusion and/or exclusion of Indians in the nation project of Guatemala.En este artículo se exponen con cierto rigor las tesis de algunos de los pensadores políticos del siglo XIX y XX, en torno a los proyectos de nación incluyentes o excluyentes de los grupos subalternos, indios o ladinos. Se analizan a lo largo del siglo XIX las posiciones más incluyentes, representadas por José Cecilio del Valle, o las excluyentes, Batres Jáuregui y se analiza el proceso por el cual estas tesis siguen perdurando hasta el momento actual. Se pueden encontrar defensores de la exclusión en Horacio Altamirano o de la inclusión, Juárez Muñoz, durante el primer cuarto del siglo XX. El análisis de algunos pensadores de la llamada Generación del 20 permea todo este artículo y representa un novedoso análisis y una veta de trabajo realmente importante para comprender cuáles han sido algunos de aquellos argumentos que se siguen utilizando incluso en el presente, para seguir sosteniendo las teorías de la exclusión o inclusión de los indígenas en el proyecto de nación guatemalteco

    Alimentación en niños muy prematuros ingresados en unidades de cuidados intensivos

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    Se entiende por niños muy prematuros aquellos que no superan las 32 semanas de edad gestacional o cuyo peso sea menor de 1.500g. La tasa de prematuridad en España y en Europa, en las tres últimas décadas, ha pasado del 4-5% al 7-10%. Evitar o reducir esta tasa es el principal objetivo de la perinatología. Para recibir un tratamiento adecuado y con el fin de asegurar su supervivencia y evitar posibles discapacidades se aconseja la hospitalización. Al permanecer en unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) lo más recomendable es que se les proporcione lactancia materna (LM), ya que es la más adecuada y específica para alimentar a este grupo de niños y favorece el vínculo madre-hijo, mientras que los sucedáneos de leche humana no ofrecen las ventajas de la LM. La madre y el niño deben ser considerados como un sistema psicosomático cerrado. Para apoyar la LM en el caso del niño muy prematuro las UCI deben favorecer el cuidado individualizado, el apoyo técnico y emocional hacia las madres y favorecer el aumento del contacto piel-piel (Método canguro). Es decir, deben trabajar conjuntamente las UCI con los padres. Por todo ello pretendo realizar una revisión de protocolos que fomentan la LM y el vínculo madre-hijo de varios hospitales referentes, para definir una estrategia de actuación acorde con los métodos más avanzados empleados en nuestro medio

    Diferencias entre los métodos de determinación de 2.a y 3.a generación de la parathormona sérica sobre la mortalidad en el paciente en hemodiálisis

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    Parathormone plays a key role in controlling mineral metabolism. PTH is considered a uremic toxin causing cardiovascular damage and cardiovascular mortality in dialysis patients. There are two different assays to measure PTH called 2nd generation or intact PTH (iPTH) and 3rd generation or bioPTH (PTHbio). Objective: To evaluate the differences in mortality of dialysis patients between both assays to measure PTH, as well as the possible prognostic role of the PTHbio/iPTH ratio. Methods: 145 haemodialysis patients were included with 2-year monitoring including baseline laboratory test and annually thereafter. Results: 21 patients died in the first year and 28 in the second. No correlation was found between PTH, PTHbio and PTHbio/iPTH ratio with mortality. Both PTH have a perfect correlation between them and correlate similarly with other molecules of the mineral metabolism. The extreme baseline values of PTH are those of higher mortality. In survival by iPTH intervals (according to guidelines and COSMOS study), a J curve is observed. When iPTH increases, the ratio decreases, possibly when increasing fragments no. 1–84. There is no greater prognostic approximation on mortality with PTHbio than PTHi. There was also no difference in mortality when progression ratio PTHbio/PTHi was analysed. Conclusions: We didn’t find any advantages to using bioPTH vs. PTHi as a marker of mortality. BioPTH limits of normality must be reevaluated because its relationship with iPTH is not consistent. Not knowing these limits affects its prognostic valueLa paratohormona tiene un papel fundamental en el control del metabolismo mineral. Además es considerada como una toxina urémica al originar dan˜ o cardiovascular e influir en la mortalidad cardiovascular del paciente en diálisis. Existen dos métodos de medición denominados de 2.a generación o PTH intacta (PTHi) y de 3.a generación o bioPTH (PTHbio). Objetivo: Evaluar las diferencias en la mortalidad del paciente en diálisis entre ambas formas de medición de PTH, así como el posible papel pronóstico de su cociente. Métodos: Se incluyeron 145 pacientes en hemodiálisis con un seguimiento de 2 an˜ os con determinación analítica basal y posteriormente de forma anual. Resultados: Veintiún pacientes fallecieron el primer an˜ o y 28 el segundo. No se encontró correlación entre PTHi, PTHbio y cociente PTHbio/PTHi con la mortalidad. Ambas PTH tienen una buena correlación entre ellas y correlacionan de manera similar con otras moléculas del metabolismo mineral. Los valores basales de PTH extremos son los de mayor mortalidad. En la supervivencia por tramos de PTHi (según guías y estudio COSMOS) se observa una curva en J. A mayor aumento de PTHi el cociente desciende, posiblemente al aumentar los fragmentos no 1-84. No existe una mayor aproximación pronóstica sobre mortalidad con PTHbio que con PTHi. No se observan diferencias en el valor predictivo del cociente sobre la mortalidad. Tampoco hubo diferencias en mortalidad cuando se analiza la progresión del cociente PTHbio/PTHi. Conclusiones: No encontramos ventajas en la utilización de PTHbio sobre la PTHi como marcador de mortalidad. Se deben reevaluar los límites de la PTHbio pues su relación con la PTHi no es constante. El no conocer esos límites condiciona su utilidad pronósticaOur thanks to Maribel Villarino for the help with the development of the study. L.R.-O. is a Health Professional on Research Training “Rio Hortega r” (CM13/00131), Ministry of Education, Government of Spain. R.V.B. is a professional with postdoctoral contract “Sara Borrell” (CD14/00198) and a project (SAF2014- 60699-JIN) of the Ministry of Economy (MINECO) and FEDER funds. PI14/00386. PI16/01298. FEDER funds ISCIII-RETIC REDinREN/ RD06/0016, RD12/002

    Parathormone levels add prognostic ability to N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide in stable coronary patients

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    Aims: There are controversial data on the ability of the components of mineral metabolism (vitamin D, phosphate, parathormone [PTH], fibroblast growth factor-23 [FGF23], and klotho) to predict cardiovascular events. In addition, it is unknown whether they add any prognostic value to other well-known biomarkers. Methods and results: In 969 stable coronary patients, we determined plasma levels of all the aforementioned components of mineral metabolism with a complete set of clinical and biochemical variables, including N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), high-sensitivity troponin I (hs-TnI), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. Secondary outcomes were ischaemic events (any acute coronary syndrome, stroke, or transient ischaemic attack) and heart failure or death. The primary outcome was a composite of the secondary outcomes. Median follow-up was 5.39 years. Age was 60 (52–72) years. Median glomerular filtration rate was 80.4 (65.3–93.1) mL/min/1.73 m2. One-hundred and eighty-five patients developed the primary outcome. FGF23, PTH, hs-TnI, and NT-proBNP were directly related with the primary outcome on univariate Cox analysis, while Klotho and calcidiol were inversely related. On multivariate analysis, only PTH (HR 1.058 [CI 1.021–1.097]; P = 0.002) and NT-proBNP (HR 1.020 [CI 1.012–1.028]; P 85.5 RU/mL) (P < 0.001) but not in patients with low FGF23 levels (P = 0.551). There was a significant interaction between FGF23 and PTH (P = 0.002). However, there was no significant interaction between PTH and both klotho and calcidiol levels. Conclusions: Parathormone is an independent predictor of cardiovascular events in coronary patients, adding complimentary prognostic information to NT-proBNP plasma levels. This predictive value is restricted to patients with high FGF23 plasma levels. This should be considered in the design of future studies in this field.This work was supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and Fondos FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) European Union (PI05/0451, PI14/1567, PI17/01615, and PI17/01495); Spanish Society of Cardiology; Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis; RECAVA (Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Enfermedades Cardiovasculares) (RD06/0014/0035); and Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER (FJD biobank: RD09/0076/00101). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Design and rationale of a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to evaluate the effect of vitamin D on ventricular remodelling in patients with anterior myocardial infarction: the VITamin D in Acute Myocardial Infarction (VITDAMI) trial

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    Introduction:Decreased plasma vitamin D (VD) levels are linked to cardiovascular damage. However, clinical trials have not demonstrated a benefit of VD supplements on left ventricular (LV) remodelling. Anterior ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) is the best human model to study the effect of treatments on LV remodelling. We present a proof-of-concept study that aims to investigate whether VD improves LV remodelling in patients with anterior STEMI. Methods and analysis:The VITamin D in Acute Myocardial Infarction (VITDAMI) trial is a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. 144 patients with anterior STEMI will be assigned to receive calcifediol 0.266 mg capsules (Hidroferol SGC)/15 days or placebo on a 2:1 basis during 12 months. Primary objective:to evaluate the effect of calcifediol on LV remodelling defined as an increase in LV end-diastolic volume >= 10\% (MRI). Secondary objectives:change in LV end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes, ejection fraction, LV mass, diastolic function, sphericity index and size of fibrotic area; endothelial function; plasma levels of aminoterminal fragment of B-type natriuretic peptide, galectin-3 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; levels of calcidiol (VD metabolite) and other components of mineral metabolism (fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23), the soluble form of its receptor klotho, parathormone and phosphate). Differences in the effect of VD will be investigated according to the plasma levels of FGF-23 and klotho. Treatment safety and tolerability will be assessed. This is the first study to evaluate the effect of VD on cardiac remodelling in patients with STEMI. Ethics and dissemination: This trial has been approved by the corresponding Institutional Review Board (IRB) and National Competent Authority (Agencia Espanola de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS)). It will be conducted in accordance with good clinical practice (International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use-Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP)) requirements, ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and national laws. The results will be submitted to indexed medical journals and national and international meetings.The VITDAMI trial is an investigator initiated study, sponsored by the Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria Fundacion Jimenez Diaz (IIS-FJD). Funding has been obtained from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PI14/01567; http://www.isciii.es/) and Spanish Society of Cardiology (http://secardiologia.es/). In addition, the study medication has been provided freely by the pharmaceutical Company FAES FARMA S.A. (Leioa, Vizcaya, Spain; http://faesfarma.com/). This company was the only funder who collaborated in study design (IG-H).S

    Higher Proportion of Non-1-84 PTH Fragments in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients Compared to Hemodialysis Patients Using Solutions Containing 1.75 mmol/l Calcium

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    Background: The prevalence of low- turnover bone disease (LTBD) in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients is higher than in hemodialysis (HD) patients. LTBD patients may be at risk for vascular calcification, and cardiovascular disease. Current therapy for chronic kidney disease metabolic bone disorders (CKD-MBD) is guided by biochemical parameters, as bone biopsy is not used in routine clinical care.Methods: We assessed intact PTH (iPTH: 1-84PTH plus non-1-84PTH), 1-84PTH, and the 1-84PTH/non-1-84PTH ratio in 129 hemodialysis and 73 PD prevalent patients dialyzed with solutions containing 1.75 mmol/L calcium.Results: Hemodialysis and PD patients presented similar iPTH and tCa values and prevalence of putative LTBD as defined according to KDOQI iPTH cut-off levels or 1-84 PTH levels. However, iCa accounted for a higher percentage of tCa in PD (53%) than in hemodialysis (39%) p &lt; 0.001, and the 1-84PTH/non-1-84PTH ratio was lower in PD than in hemodialysis patients (0.44 ± 0.12) vs. (0.60 ± 0.10), p &lt; 0.001. The prevalence of putative LTBD when using the coexistence of 1-84PTH/non-1-84PTH ratio &lt; 1.0 and iPTH &lt; 420 pg/m, was higher in PD than in hemodialysis patients (73 vs. 16% respectively, p &lt; 0.001). In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, dialysis modality was the main determinant of the 1-84PTH/non-1-84PTH ratio.Conclusion: Solutions containing 1.75 mmol/L calciums are associated to a higher proportion of non-1-84PTH fragments in PD than in HD patients. Different analytical criteria result in widely different estimates of LTBD prevalence, thus impairing the ability of clinicians to optimize therapy for CKD-MBD

    Determination of the number of light neutrino species from single photon production at LEP

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    A determination of the number of light neutrino families performed by measuring the cross section of single photon production in \ee\ collision near the \Zo\ resonance is reported. From an integrated luminosity of 100 pb1100~\mathrm{pb^{-1}}, collected during the years 1991--94, we have observed 2091 single photon candidates with an energy above 1~\GeV\ in the polar angular region 45<θγ<13545^\circ < \theta_\gamma < 135^\circ. From a maximum likelihood fit to the single photon cross section, the \Zo\ decay width into invisible particles is measured to be \Ginv = 498 \pm 12 \mathrm{(stat)} \pm 12 \mathrm{(sys)~MeV}. Using the Standard Model couplings of neutrinos to the \Zo, the number of light neutrino species is determined to be $N_\nu = 2.98 \pm 0.07 (\mathrm{stat}) \pm 0.07 (\mathrm{sys}).

    Search for R-Parity Breaking Sneutrino Exchange at LEP

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    We report on a search for R--parity breaking effects due to supersymmetric tau--sneutrino exchange in the reactions e+e- to e+e- and e+e- to mu+mu- at centre--of--mass energies from 91~{\GeV} to 172~{\GeV}, using the L3 detector at LEP. No evidence for deviations from the Standard Model expectations of the measured cross sections and forward--backward asymmetries for these reactions is found. Upper limits for the couplings λ131\lambda_{131} and λ232\lambda_{232} for sneutrino masses up to m_{\SNT} \leq 190~\GeV are determined from an analysis of the expected effects due to tau sneutrino exchange