671 research outputs found

    Aedes ægypti control in urban areas: A systemic approach to a complex dynamic.

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    The available strategy for controlling the diseases transmitted by Aedes ægypti (dengue fever, Zika, and chikungunya) relies on continued community participation. Despite slogans emphasizing how easy it should be, no country has achieved it since the seventies. To better investigate potentially sustainable interventions, we developed a systemic model based on a multidisciplinary approach, integrating as deeply as possible specialized knowledge and field experience. The resulting model is composed of 4 external and 8 internal subsystems and 31 relationships, consistent with the literature and checked over multiple iterations with specialists of the many areas. We analyzed the model and the main feedback loops responsible for the system's stability, searching for possible interventions that could shift the existing balance. We suggest the introduction of 1 more player, the local primary health care structure, with the potential to change the undesired equilibrium. The health agents in the areas are the first to detect disease cases, and they could stimulate individuals to inform about potential mosquitoes' breeding sites and bring timely information to the vector-control program. Triggering such an action could introduce changes in people's attitude through a positive feedback loop in the desired direction

    Aggregate stability and carbon and nutrients distribution in an Acrisol under organic and mineral fertilization

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto da adubação orgânica e mineral sobre a estabilidade de agregados e a distribuição de C, N e P, em classes de agregados de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo. Os tratamentos consistiram de 0 e 40 m3 ha-1 por ano de adubação orgânica e de 0, 250 e 500 kg ha-1 de adubação mineral N–P–K da fórmula 4–14–8. Uma área sob floresta atlântica foi utilizada como referência. Amostras foram coletadas nas camadas de 0–10 e 10–20 cm. Houve predomínio da classe de agregados entre 4 e 2 mm, que correspondeu a 39,7% do total de agregados separados por via seca no tratamento com composto orgânico. Os teores de C orgânico total para adubação orgânica foram 17,5 e 36,7% maiores para as classes 4–2 e 0,105–0,25 mm. A adubação orgânica contribuiu para teores de N e P totais de 43 e 38,7% (0–10 cm) e 35,4 e 36,8% (10–20 cm), maiores que os dos tratamentos sem adubo orgânico. A relação carbono/nitrogênio se manteve constante entre as classes de agregados de um mesmo tratamento, enquanto a de carbono/fósforo reduziu com o uso de adubo orgânico ou mineral, em relação à mata nativa. Os índices de estabilidade de agregados se correlacionaram positivamente aos teores de carbono orgânico total da classe 4–2 mm.The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of mineral and organic fertilization on the soil-water aggregate stability and on the distribution of C, N and P in different classes of aggregates in an Acrisol. The treatments were 0 and 40 m3 ha-1 per year of organic fertilizer and 0, 250 and 500 kg ha-1 of mineral fertilizer N–P–K of the formula 4–14–8. An area under Atlantic forest was used as reference. Soil samples were collected at 0–10 and 10–20 cm depths. The distribution of aggregates showed the highest values from 4 to 2 mm. In the organic fertilizer treatment, the aggregates 4–2 mm corresponded to 39.7% of the total on the soil. For the aggregates 4–2 and 0.105–0.25 mm, the total organic carbon contents were 17.5 and 36.7% higher in the organic fertilizer treatments. The organic fertilization contributed to values of N and P of 43 and 38.7% (0–10 cm) and 35.4 and 36.8% (10–20 cm), which were higher than the treatments without organic fertilizer. The carbon/nitrogen ratio did not vary among the aggregate classes in the same treatment. However, the carbon/phosphorus ratio was reduced with the use of organic and mineral fertilizer. The indexes of aggregates stability were positively correlated with the content of total organic carbon in the 4–2 mm

    Prognóstico no uso da terapia de ressincronização cardíaca em pacientes portadores de Insuficiência Cardíaca

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    O presente artigo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão narrativa de literatura de forma a esclarecer o prognóstico da Terapia de Ressincronização Cardíaca (TRC) em pacientes com Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC). A IC consiste em uma síndrome clínica em que o coração não consegue suprir as demandas metabólicas do organismo ou quando essa demanda é suprida mediante a grandes pressões, seja por déficit de contração ou relaxamento do miocárdio. No Brasil, entre os anos de 2008 e 2017, foi a principal causa de hospitalização devido às alterações cardíacas e vasculares, que são consequências de doenças como hipertensão arterial sistêmica, isquemia do miocárdio, doenças valvares e cardiomiopatias. Nos últimos anos, novos métodos de tratamento foram sendo descobertos e utilizados, principalmente relacionados à mudança do estilo de vida, à farmacologia e ao uso de dispositivos implantáveis. A eficácia da TRC (dispositivo implantável) está comprovada por estudos clínicos diversos que demonstram uma resposta favorável e benefícios quanto à sintomatologia, melhora da qualidade de vida, redução das internações hospitalares e diminuição da mortalidade. Nada obstante, a resposta ao tratamento é individualizada, sendo influenciada pelas características clínicas do paciente

    Anti-viral effects of medicinal plants in the management of dengue: a systematic review

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    Background: Dengue is considered as an important arboviral disease. Safe, low-cost, and effective drugs that possess inhibitory activity against dengue virus (DENV) are mostly needed to try to combat the dengue infection worldwide. Medicinal plants have been considered as an important alternative to manage several diseases, such as dengue. As authors have demonstrated the antiviral effect of medicinal plants against DENV, the aim of this study was to review systematically the published research concerning the use of medicinal plants in the management of dengue using the PubMed database.Materials and Methods: Search and selection of publications were made using the PubMed database following the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA statement).Results: Six publications met the inclusion criteria and were included in the final selection after thorough analysis.Conclusion: It is suggested that medicinal plants’ products could be used as potential anti-DENV agents.Keywords: Dengue, arbovirus, medicinal plants, PubMe


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    Background: Whole body vibration (WBV) exercise has been used in health sciences. Authors have reported that changes on the concentration of plasma biomarkers could be associated with the WBV effects. The aim of this investigation is to assess the consequences of exposition of 25 Hz mechanical vibration generated in oscillating/vibratory platform (OVP) on the concentration of some plasma biomarkers and on the weight of rats. Materials and Methods: Wistar rats were divided into two groups. The animals of the Experimental Group (EG) were submitted to vibration (25 Hz) generated in an OVP with four bouts of 30 seconds with rest time of 60 seconds between the bouts. This procedure was performed daily for 12 days. The animals of the control group (CG) were not exposed to vibration. Results: Our findings show that the WBV exercise at 25 Hz was not capable to alter significantly (

    HIV Infection and Oral Manifestations: An Update

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes a complete depletion of the immune system; it has been a major health issue around the world since the 1980s, and due to the reduction of CD4+ T lymphocytes levels, it can trigger various opportunistic infections. Oral lesions are usually accurate indicators of immunosuppression because these oral manifestations may occur as a result of the compromised immune system caused by HIV infection; therefore, oral lesions might be initial and common clinical features in people living with HIV. So, it is necessary to evaluate and understand the mechanism, prevalence, and risk factors of oral lesions to avoid the increase morbidity among those with oral diseases

    Condutas iniciais na Síndrome Coronariana aguda e seu desfecho sobre os quadros de Taquiarritmias: uma revisão sistemática com metanálise: Initial conducts in acute Coronary Syndrome and its outcome on Tachyarrhythmia frames: a systematic review with meta-analysis

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática de literatura sobre condutas iniciais diante de um quadro síndrome coronariana aguda e seu impacto sobre quadros de taquiarritmias. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática de literatura baseada em buscas nas bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde – BVS, Google Acadêmico, Lilacs, Pubmed e Scientific Electronic Library Online – SciELO. A pesquisa utilizou-se dos seguintes descritores, segundo o DeCS, com seus correspondentes no idioma inglês e espanhol: Arritmias Cardíacas; Taquicardia; Síndrome Coronariana Aguda. Os principais resultados obtidos apontam que a síndrome coronariana aguda, um evento isquêmico do miocárdio, decorrente da hipoperfusão cardíaca, pode resultar em taquiarritmias supraventriculares (TSV) e ventriculares (TV), tendo seu desfecho clínico e prognóstico dependente do intervalo de tempo desde o início do evento e do tipo de taquiarritmia desencadeada. A partir disto, surge a questão sobre quais condutas iniciais tomadas diante de SCA minimizaria desfechos clínicos de taquiarritmias, a fim de garantir um manejo adequado e minimização da morbimortalidade
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