2,768 research outputs found

    Innovative Public Service Delivery: How to assess the new relationship between public agencies and society?

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    One of the major challenges faced by the Public Administration is how to create more value for both citizens and firms, mainly because of the increasing budgetary constraints and challenging demands from society. In fact, over the past two decades there has been a general movement of public reform in most developed countries, and for this reason it is essential to understand how users assess public services’ quality. This paper aims at understanding the determinants of public services’ quality. Due to the nature of the research problem, we have adopted a case-study methodology. The research involved an extensive qualitative and quantitative data collection with managers, citizens and front and back-office public servants, by means of interviews, questionnaires and focus groups. The paper presents the case of Citizen Shops in Portugal, a recent and innovative channel of public services’ delivery, within a strong relationship perspective. Firstly, it explores the kind of relationships that are developed during the public service encounter between the citizen, the public organization and society. Secondly, both citizen’s satisfaction and dissatisfaction with public services are investigated. The basic premise is that these two concepts are not opposite but have different determinants instead. Furthermore, the paper also explores the existence of a zone of tolerance and emphasizes the importance of managing emotions in the public service encounter. Finally, it is discussed that public services’ quality assessment should also take into consideration the implications on the value to society.Public services; citizen shops; quality determinants; satisfaction; dissatisfaction

    New Forms of Public Service Delivery – are they really valuable?

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    One of the major challenges currently faced by Public Administrations is the creation of more value for both citizens and firms, mainly because of the increasing budgetary constraints and challenging demands from society. In fact, in the last two decades there has been a general movement of public reform in almost all developed countries, and for this reason it became essential to understand how users assess public services’ quality. This paper aims precisely at understanding which the determinants of public services’ quality are. Due to the nature of the research problem, the case-study methodology has been chosen. Thus, this paper presents the case-study of Citizen Shops in Portugal, a recent and innovative channel of public services’ delivery, within a strong relational perspective. This research involved an extensive qualitative and quantitative data collection. The main findings and implications are presented and discussed.public services; Citizen Shops; quality determinants; satisfaction; dissatisfaction

    The effect of posthypnotic suggestion and task difficulty on adherence to health-related requests

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    The effects of posthypnotic suggestion on health-related behavior, using a behavioral measure of adherence were investigated. Three hundred twenty three students covering the full range of hypnotic suggestibility were prescribed an easy (mood rating) or a difficult (physical activity) task. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either a) hypnosis with posthypnotic suggestions to facilitate performance of the assigned task or b) a social request to perform the assigned task. There were significant effects for type of task and hypnosis, revealing that participants adhered significantly more to the easy task and that hypnosis decreased task adherence. Hypnotic suggestibility did not predict adherence, and its interaction with posthypnotic suggestion was not significant. These results suggest that posthypnotic suggestion may decrease adherence rates regardless of participants’ suggestibility level

    The Creative Citizen: Citizenship Building in Urban Areas

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    O presente trabalho pretende reflectir sobre a cidadania na sociedade contemporânea, sugerindo uma nova abordagem a este conceito, na qual a prática artística e a importância crescente da diversidade cultural dos contextos urbanos contemporâneos são os elementos essenciais para a criação de cidadãos criativos. Este estudo centra-se em estudos de caso da área Metropolitana de Boston (Estado do Massachussets, EUA) com o objectivo de abordar a cultura e a prática artística como plataformas para reequacionar a cidadania ao nível comunitário. Os estudos de caso dão conta de exemplos onde a cidadania é analisada do ponto de vista do desenvolvimento de relações inter-étnicas e conexões pessoais, entendidas como plataformas de inclusão artística, de criação de uma identidade local associada com um distrito artístico, e através da apropriação do espaço físico e do reforço da identidade cultural. A relação entre espaço público urbano, comunidade e cultura é entendida como uma plataforma que pode oferecer novas estratégias de revificação dos espaços urbanos, assim como estratégias específicas de envolvimento cívico e de liderança nas comunidades, criando oportunidades para o desenvolvimento de cidadãos criativos.The current work explores the significance of citizenship in the contemporary world, suggesting a new approach to its realization, where artistic practice and the development of cultural awareness combine to produce the creative citizen. This research uses case studies from three Boston metropolitan area neighbourhoods in Massachusetts, USA, to reflect on arts and culture as platforms to re-address citizenship at the community level. The case studies address examples where citizenship is explored through the development of inter-ethnic and face-to-face connections as platforms of artistic inclusion, the creation of a local identity associated with an Arts District, and through physical space appropriation and reinforcement of cultural identity. The relationship between urban public space, community, and culture is understood as a platform that may offer new strategies for urban space revivification, and specific strategies of civic engagement and leadership in these communities, providing impetus for the development of creative citizens

    Determinação analítica de nitratos e/ou nitritos em amostras do estudo de dieta total (TDS) por cromatografia líquida de alta resolução (HPLC): contribuição para a avaliação da exposição da população a nitratos/nitritos

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Química e Biológica, apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, 2018.Júri: Presidente: Doutora Isabel João; Vogais: Doutora Graça Dias; Doutora Celeste Serra.Trabalho de mestrado realizado no Departamento de Alimentação e Nutrição do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge.The main purpose of this work was the optimization and validation of an ion exchange HPLC method for the determination of nitrate and nitrite contents in meat food samples, based on the European Standard EN 12014-4, for application in the analysis of these products. The analytical determination was run on an HPLC equipment with UV-Vis DAD detector, using mobile phase based on lithium borate gluconate buffer and acetonitrile. The samples were extracted with hot water, while clarification was achieved with acetonitrile. Detection was performed at 205 nm. Through the optimization tests, the laboratory was able to confirm that the parameters indicated in the European Standard were adequate. The only change was in the preparation of the standards, which were prepared in mobile phase instead of water that allow a better visualization and integration of the peaks of interest. The method validation procedure consisted in the evaluation of parameters such as selectivity/specificity, range of work, linearity, sensitivity, repeatability and linearity of the injector, detection limits (3.3 mg nitrate/kg sample and 1.7 mg nitrite/kg sample) and quantification (10 mg nitrate/kg sample and 5 mg nitrite/kg sample), precision (coefficients of variation below 10%) and accuracy. From the analysis of the samples it was possible to verify that only two samples were above the limits of potassium nitrate allowed, with contents of 648 and 1 190 mg/kg sample, in the samples of pork pate and salami, respectively. It was possible to compare different batches of the same sample through an ANOVA test with a significance level of 5% and to conclude that the batches differed significantly, probably due to interconversion of the analytes during storage. Finally, the exposure of the population to the analyzed analytes was evaluated and it was verified that the consumption of meat products does not contribute for the exposure of the population to nitrates and nitrites, since were found values below 0.01 mg/body weight/day.O objetivo deste trabalho foi a otimização e validação de um método de HPLC de troca iónica para a determinação de teores de nitratos e nitritos em amostras de alimentos à base de carne, fundamentado na norma europeia EN 12014-4 com vista à aplicação na análise de amostras destes produtos. Através dos ensaios de otimização, este trabalho permitiu confirmar os parâmetros indicados na norma para a realização da análise de amostras de carne. A única alteração foi a preparação dos padrões, com fase móvel em vez de água, o que permitiu uma melhor visualização e integração dos picos de interesse nos cromatogramas. A determinação analítica decorreu num equipamento de HPLC com detetor UV-Vis DAD, utilizando fase móvel à base de tampão gluconato de borato de lítio e acetonitrilo. A extração das amostras foi efetuada com água quente e a clarificação foi realizada com acetonitrilo. A deteção foi realizada a 205 nm. O processo de validação do método consistiu na avaliação de parâmetros como a seletividade/especificidade, gama de trabalho, linearidade, sensibilidade, repetibilidade e linearidade do injetor, limites de deteção (3,3 mg nitrato/kg amostra e 1,7 mg nitrito/kg amostra) e quantificação (10 mg nitrato/kg amostra e 5 mg nitrito/kg amostra), precisão (coeficientes de variação abaixo dos 10%) e exatidão. A partir da análise das amostras, foi possível constatar que apenas duas amostras continham teores acima dos limites de nitrato de potássio permitidos com valores de 648 e 1 190 mg/kg amostra, nas amostras de paté de porco e salame, respetivamente. Ao aplicar um teste ANOVA, com nível de significância de 5%, a diferentes lotes de uma mesma amostra foi possível concluir que os lotes diferiam significativamente, provavelmente devido à interconversão dos analitos durante o armazenamento. Por fim, avaliou-se a exposição da população aos analitos em estudo, verificando-se que o consumo de alimentos à base de carne não contribui significativamente para a exposição a nitratos e nitritos, uma vez que foram obtidos valores inferiores a 0,01 mg/kg massa corporal/dia.N/

    The creative citizen: citizenship building in urban areas

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    The current work explores the significance of citizenship in the contemporary world, suggesting a new approach to its realization, where artistic practice and the development of cultural awareness combine to produce the creative citizen. This research uses case studies from three Boston metropolitan area neighbourhoods in Massachusetts, USA, to reflect on arts and culture as platforms to re-address citizenship at the community level. The case studies address examples where citizenship is explored through the development of inter-ethnic and face-to-face connections as platforms of artistic inclusion, the creation of a local identity associated with an Arts District, and through physical space appropriation and reinforcement of cultural identity. The relationship between urban public space, community, and culture is understood as a platform that may offer new strategies for urban space revivification, and specific strategies of civic engagement and leadership in these communities, providing impetus for the development of creative citizens

    Assessing the Quality of Public Services: A Conceptual Model

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    One of the major challenges faced by Public Administration is how to create more value for both citizens and firms, mainly because of the increasing budgetary constraints and challenging demands from society. In fact, over the past two decades there has been a general movement of public reform in most developed countries, and for this reason it is essential to understand how users assess the quality of public services. The aim of this paper is to clarify the determinants of public service quality. Due to the nature of the research problem, we have adopted a case-study methodology. The research involved extensive qualitative and quantitative data collection with managers, citizens and front and back-office public servants by means of interviews, questionnaires and focus groups. The paper presents the case of Public Service Citizens’ Shops (Loja do Cidadão) in Portugal, a recent and innovative channel for the delivery of public services. Firstly, it explores the kind of relationships that develop during the public service encounter between the citizen, the public organization and society. Secondly, citizen satisfaction and dissatisfaction with public services are both investigated. The basic premise is that these two concepts are not opposite but have different determinants. Furthermore, the paper also explores the nature of tolerance and emphasizes the importance of managing emotions in the public service encounter. Finally, it also considers how the quality assessment of public services should also take into account implications regarding value to society.public services; quality determinants; satisfaction; dissatisfaction; zone of tolerance; emotions; citizens’ shops

    Exposição adversa, psicopatologia e queixas de saúde em bombeiros portugueses

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    Os Bombeiros estão continuamente expostos a adversidade como vítimas secundárias e frequentemente experienciam situações que os ameaçam directamente, podendo inclusive colocar a sua própria vida em perigo. A exposição cumulativa a adversidade pode ter consequências pejorativas no equilíbrio psicológico e afectar o bem-estar físico. Este estudo teve como principais objectivos analisar a prevalência de exposição a adversidade em Bombeiros do Norte de Portugal bem como as suas queixas físicas e psicológicas. Os 296 participantes foram avaliados em relação a Exposição e Impacto de Acontecimentos Traumáticos, Lista de Acontecimentos de Vida, sintomas de PTSD e queixas psicológicas (BSI) e físicas (RSCL). Os resultados revelam uma exposição muito elevada a adversidade, tendo 12% sintomas de perturbação pós-stress traumático e 17% sintomas de psicopatologia geral. Existe uma relação entre a gravidade e o impacto da exposição, a psicopatologia e as queixas físicas, sendo esta relação particularmente elevada com os sintomas de PTSD. Todas estas variáveis são preditoras das queixas físicas. Os resultados deste trabalho indicam a importância de serem adoptadas medidas que permitam não só o treino dos Bombeiros para desenvolverem estratégias adequadas para lidar com a adversidade, como também a obtenção de apoio (psicológico, social) continuado e, sobretudo, perante as situações mais difíceis


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    In order to address new demands from citizens and companies, public agencies are developing new ways of delivering public services within a multi-channel logic. In this context, Citizen Shops have been designed to increase speed of response, to simplify procedures and, above all, to improve service quality. This article aims to evaluate the perceptions of users of public services in order to improve their quality. The article follows a marketing perspective, paying special attention to citizens' expectations and perceptions and to the role of emotions in the encounter. Given the nature of the research issue, the investigation followed a case-study methodology. The authors present an adaptation of the Critical Incident Technique and analyse extensive qualitative and quantitative data collected in six Portuguese Citizen Shops. The findings show that expectations are extremely dynamic and play a relevant role in users' satisfaction. Satisfying and neutral attributes were identified, and the Critical Incident Technique also revealed the importance of emotions in the encounter

    Uma base de dados terminológica na área das telecomunicações

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    Mestrado em Tradução EspecializadaO presente trabalho visa apresentar a implementação de uma base de dados terminológica de abreviaturas em contexto laboral na área das telecomunicações. Contudo, durante a execução da mesma, diversos foram os obstáculos encontrados, as soluções propostas e as resoluções efectuadas que cumprissem as necessidades sentidas pelos colaboradores da empresa. Assim, apresentamos uma proposta de definição de abreviação, e a distinção do termo relativamente a 'abreviatura', de base de dados terminológica, bem como de terminologia e de linguagens de especialidade, uma vez que todos estes termos são abordados no presente trabalho. Dedicamos, ainda, algumas páginas à explicação dos campos inseridos, da ferramenta onde foi desenvolvido o projecto e da sua inovação. Os softwares existentes para auxílio nesta área, e ainda o panorama português, foram também documentados no sentido de analisar o que consideramos constituir uma lacuna desta área. Expomos, também, propostas e sugestões para uma melhor fundamentação aquando da criação de uma base de dados terminológica em contexto laboral. Por último, descrevemos as conclusões retiradas de um questionário efectuado a redactores técnicos, no sentido de justificar algumas das opções tomadas. ABSTRACT: This work aims to present the implementation of a terminological database in a working environment in the telecommunications field. However, during its implementation, several obstacles were found. Solutions were proposed and resolutions executed which were felt to fulfil the needs expressed by the company collaborators. As the object of this database centres on abbreviations, a proposal of definition for abbreviation is presented in Portuguese, and the distinction from 'abreviatura', of terminological database is established. The fields of terminology and of specialist languages are also explored, since all these concepts are central to this work. We developed some thought on the explanation of the terminological fields inserted, of the tool where the project was developed and its innovative contribution. The existing software in this field is also addressed, and shortcomings in the Portuguese scenario were also documented so that we could analyse what we consider to be a lack in this field. We also documented proposals and suggestions to better support this type of project when creating a terminological database in a working environment. Finally, we described the conclusions taken from a questionnaire made to technical writers, justifying some options made
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