2,797 research outputs found

    Magnetoswitching of current oscillations in diluted magnetic semiconductor nanostructures

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    Strongly nonlinear transport through Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor multiquantum wells occurs due to the interplay between confinement, Coulomb and exchange interaction. Nonlinear effects include the appearance of spin polarized stationary states and self-sustained current oscillations as possible stable states of the nanostructure, depending on its configuration and control parameters such as voltage bias and level splitting due to an external magnetic field. Oscillatory regions grow in size with well number and level splitting. A systematic analysis of the charge and spin response to voltage and magnetic field switching of II-VI Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor multiquantum wells is carried out. The description of stationary and time-periodic spin polarized states, the transitions between them and the responses to voltage or magnetic field switching have great importance due to the potential implementation of spintronic devices based on these nanostructures.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Revtex, to appear in PR

    Nonlinear localized modes in two-dimensional electrical lattices

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    We report the observation of spontaneous localization of energy in two spatial dimensions in the context of nonlinear electrical lattices. Both stationary and traveling self-localized modes were generated experimentally and theoretically in a family of two-dimensional square, as well as hon- eycomb lattices composed of 6x6 elements. Specifically, we find regions in driver voltage and frequency where stationary discrete breathers, also known as intrinsic localized modes (ILM), exist and are stable due to the interplay of damping and spatially homogeneous driving. By introduc- ing additional capacitors into the unit cell, these lattices can controllably induce traveling discrete breathers. When more than one such ILMs are experimentally generated in the lattice, the interplay of nonlinearity, discreteness and wave interactions generate a complex dynamics wherein the ILMs attempt to maintain a minimum distance between one another. Numerical simulations show good agreement with experimental results, and confirm that these phenomena qualitatively carry over to larger lattice sizes.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Vortex Structures Formed by the Interference of Sliced Condensates

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    We study the formation of vortices, vortex necklaces and vortex ring structures as a result of the interference of higher-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). This study is motivated by earlier theoretical results pertaining to the formation of dark solitons by interfering quasi one-dimensional BECs, as well as recent experiments demonstrating the formation of vortices by interfering higher-dimensional BECs. Here, we demonstrate the genericity of the relevant scenario, but also highlight a number of additional possibilities emerging in higher-dimensional settings. A relevant example is, e.g., the formation of a "cage" of vortex rings surrounding the three-dimensional bulk of the condensed atoms. The effects of the relative phases of the different BEC fragments and the role of damping due to coupling with the thermal cloud are also discussed. Our predictions should be immediately tractable in currently existing experimental BEC setups.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures (low res). To appear in Phys. Rev. A. Full resolution preprint available at: http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~rcarrete/publications

    Guiding chemical pulses through geometry: Y-junctions

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    We study computationally and experimentally the propagation of chemical pulses in complex geometries.The reaction of interest, CO oxidation, takes place on single crystal Pt(110) surfaces that are microlithographically patterned; they are also addressable through a focused laser beam, manipulated through galvanometer mirrors, capable of locally altering the crystal temperature and thus affecting pulse propagation. We focus on sudden changes in the domain shape (corners in a Y-junction geometry) that can affect the pulse dynamics; we also show how brief, localized temperature perturbations can be used to control reactive pulse propagation.The computational results are corroborated through experimental studies in which the pulses are visualized using Reflection Anisotropy Microscopy.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.


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    The emergent weed flora of eleven european rice growing areas from Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Romania and Hungary is analysed. It is concluded that al1 emergent vegetation of the european rice fields studied belongs to the same association, Oryzo sativae-Echinochloetum cruris-galli Sóo 1946 ex Ubrizsy 1948, with a subassociation, paspaletosum disrichi (W. Koch 1954) nom. & stat. nov., characterised by the presence of more termophile taxa.Se analiza la flora arvense emergente de los arrozales de once zonas europeas de Portugal, España, Francia, Italia, Rumanía y Hungría. Se llega a la conclusión de que la vegetación emergente de los arrozales de estos países pertenece a la misma asociación vegetal, Oryzo sativae-Echinochloetum cruris-galli Sóo 1946 ex Ubrizsy 1948, en la que se distingue una subasociación, paspaletosum distichi (W. Koch 1954) nom. & stat. nov., de carácter más termófilo

    Single and Multiple Vortex Rings in Three-Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensates: Existence, Stability and Dynamics

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    In the present work, we explore the existence, stability and dynamics of single and multiple vortex ring states that can arise in Bose-Einstein condensates. Earlier works have illustrated the bifurcation of such states, in the vicinity of the linear limit, for isotropic or anisotropic three-dimensional harmonic traps. Here, we extend these states to the regime of large chemical potentials, the so-called Thomas-Fermi limit, and explore their properties such as equilibrium radii and inter-ring distance, for multi-ring states, as well as their vibrational spectra and possible instabilities. In this limit, both the existence and stability characteristics can be partially traced to a particle picture that considers the rings as individual particles oscillating within the trap and interacting pairwise with one another. Finally, we examine some representative instability scenarios of the multi-ring dynamics including breakup and reconnections, as well as the transient formation of vortex lines.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Impact of anisotropy on vortex clusters and their dynamics

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    We investigate the effects of anisotropy on the stability and dynamics of vortex cluster states which arise in Bose-Einstein condensates. Sufficiently strong anisotropies are shown to stabilize states with arbitrary numbers of vortices that are highly unstable in the isotropic limit. Conversely, anisotropy can be used to destabilize states which are stable in the isotropic limit. Near the linear limit, we identify the bifurcations of vortex states including their emergence from linear eigenstates, while in the strongly nonlinear limit, a particle-like description of the dynamics of the vortices in the anisotropic trap is developed. Both are in very good agreement with numerical results. Collective modes of stabilized many vortex cluster states are demonstrated.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Photoluminescence-free photoreflectance spectra using dual frequency modulation

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    The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 102.9 (2007): 093507 and may be found at https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.2802991Photoreflectance (PR) spectra are usually obtained by measuring the relative change on the reflectivity of a semiconducting sample induced by a chopped laser beam. The laser beam can also produce photoluminescence (PL) emission at the sample surface which, detected at its same frequency, could appear as an offset distorting the PR spectrum. This parasitic and intrinsically noisy PL signal, not easily discriminated electronically nor optically filtered, can become the dominant part of the PR spectrum at low sample temperatures, hiding spectrum features under its associated noise, or even avoiding data acquisition. An alternative method for PL signal discrimination is proposed in this work, using a different chopping frequency for each light beam: PL and reflected signals will appear each one at its own chopping frequency, while PR signal will be detected at its frequency sum, allowing signal separation by frequency. Both experimental setups are compared using a highly luminescent quantum well structure at low temperatures. While the standard setup suffers the PL limitation, the proposed method overcomes this constraint, allowing good quality spectra to be measured at temperatures as low as 12