51 research outputs found

    Simultaneous measurement of the microscopic dynamics and the mesoscopic displacement field in soft systems by speckle imaging

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    The constituents of soft matter systems such as colloidal suspensions, emulsions, polymers, and biological tissues undergo microscopic random motion, due to thermal energy. They may also experience drift motion correlated over mesoscopic or macroscopic length scales, \textit{e.g.} in response to an internal or applied stress or during flow. We present a new method for measuring simultaneously both the microscopic motion and the mesoscopic or macroscopic drift. The method is based on the analysis of spatio-temporal cross-correlation functions of speckle patterns taken in an imaging configuration. The method is tested on a translating Brownian suspension and a sheared colloidal glass

    Processamento auditivo em crianças e adolescentes em situação de risco e vulnerabilidade

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Children and adolescents who live in situations of social vulnerability present a series of health problems. Nonetheless, affirmations that sensory and cognitive abnormalities are present are a matter of controversy. The aim of this study was to investigate aspects to auditory processing, through applying the brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) and behavioral auditory processing tests to children living on the streets, and comparison with a control group. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study in the Laboratory of Auditory Processing, School of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo. METHODS: The auditory processing tests were applied to a group of 27 individuals, subdivided into 11 children (7 to 10 years old) and 16 adolescents (11 to 16 years old), of both sexes, in situations of social vulnerability, compared with an age-matched control group of 10 children and 11 adolescents without complaints. The BAEP test was also applied to investigate the integrity of the auditory pathway. RESULTS: For both children and adolescents, there were significant differences between the study and control groups in most of the tests applied, with significantly worse performance in the study group, except in the pediatric speech intelligibility test. Only one child had an abnormal result in the BAEP test. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that the study group (children and adolescents) presented poor performance in the behavioral auditory processing tests, despite their unaltered auditory brainstem pathways, as shown by their normal results in the BAEP test

    Measurement of the positron fraction and of the electron and positron fluxes with the AMS-02 experiment and interpretation in terms of dark matter and pulsars

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    AMS-02 est un spectromètre magnétique conçu pour la détection du rayonnement cosmique chargé et des photons gamma. La mesure en 2013 de la fraction de positons par AMS-02 a confirmé la présence d'une composante de positons primaires, nécessitant l'existence d'une source de positons dans notre Galaxie. Cette thèse s'est exclusivement consacrée à l'étude de ce phénomène, et à la recherche de cette source de positons. La fraction de positons, le flux de positons et le flux d'électrons sont mesurés à l'aide d'une méthode de fit multidimensionnel mis au point lors de cette thèse. Une étude particulière est réservé au phénomène de confusion de charge, important pour la mesure du signe de la charge à haute énergie. La fonction de réponse instrumentale du détecteur est évaluée à l'aide de simulations Monte Carlo et est corrigée par les données réelles du détecteur. Un travail phénoménologique est effectué afin d'interpréter les résultats mesurés. L'interprétation de ces résultats en termes de composante primaire issues d'un pulsar local et du halo galactique de matière noire est effectué. Les implications et l'espace des paramètres autorisé pour chacun des modèles est explicité. Une ré-évaluation des secondaires à l'aide des nouvelles données d'AMS-02, ainsi que l'étude de l'impact de l'erreur expérimentale d'AMS-02 sur ces résultats, est exécuté.AMS-02 is a magnetic spectrometer design for the cosmic ray and gamma ray detection. The measurement in 2013 of the positron fraction by AMS-02 confirmed the presence of a primary positron component, which means the existence of a galactic primary source of positrons. This thesis is devoted exclusively to the study of this phenomenon. The positron fraction, the positron flux, and the electron flux are measured using a method of multidimensional fit developed during this thesis. The charge confusion phenomenon, which is important at the highest energies, is investigated. The instrumental response function of the detector is evaluated using Monte Carlo simulations and is corrected using the ISS data. A phenomenological work is done to interpret the measured results. The interpretation of these results in terms of primary component from a local pulsar and dark matter halo is done. The implications and the parameter space allowed for each model is detailed. A reevaluation of secondaries with the new AMS-02 data, and the study of the impact of the experimental error of AMS-02 on these results is performed

    Mesures du flux d'électrons, du flux de positons, et de leur rapport avec l'expérience AMS-02 : interprétation en terme de matière noire et pulsars

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    AMS-02 is a magnetic spectrometer design for the cosmic ray and gamma ray detection. The measurement in 2013 of the positron fraction by AMS-02 confirmed the presence of a primary positron component, which means the existence of a galactic primary source of positrons. This thesis is devoted exclusively to the study of this phenomenon. The positron fraction, the positron flux, and the electron flux are measured using a method of multidimensional fit developed during this thesis. The charge confusion phenomenon, which is important at the highest energies, is investigated. The instrumental response function of the detector is evaluated using Monte Carlo simulations and is corrected using the ISS data. A phenomenological work is done to interpret the measured results. The interpretation of these results in terms of primary component from a local pulsar and dark matter halo is done. The implications and the parameter space allowed for each model is detailed. A reevaluation of secondaries with the new AMS-02 data, and the study of the impact of the experimental error of AMS-02 on these results is performed.AMS-02 est un spectromètre magnétique conçu pour la détection du rayonnement cosmique chargé et des photons gamma. La mesure en 2013 de la fraction de positons par AMS-02 a confirmé la présence d'une composante de positons primaires, nécessitant l'existence d'une source de positons dans notre Galaxie. Cette thèse s'est exclusivement consacrée à l'étude de ce phénomène, et à la recherche de cette source de positons. La fraction de positons, le flux de positons et le flux d'électrons sont mesurés à l'aide d'une méthode de fit multidimensionnel mis au point lors de cette thèse. Une étude particulière est réservé au phénomène de confusion de charge, important pour la mesure du signe de la charge à haute énergie. La fonction de réponse instrumentale du détecteur est évaluée à l'aide de simulations Monte Carlo et est corrigée par les données réelles du détecteur. Un travail phénoménologique est effectué afin d'interpréter les résultats mesurés. L'interprétation de ces résultats en termes de composante primaire issues d'un pulsar local et du halo galactique de matière noire est effectué. Les implications et l'espace des paramètres autorisé pour chacun des modèles est explicité. Une ré-évaluation des secondaires à l'aide des nouvelles données d'AMS-02, ainsi que l'étude de l'impact de l'erreur expérimentale d'AMS-02 sur ces résultats, est exécuté

    Les endotoxines du genre Bordetella (structure, évolution et impact sur la virulence bactérienne)

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    Le genre Bordetella comporte à l heure actuelle neuf espèces, majoritairement responsables d infections respiratoires. B. pertussis, agent de la coqueluche, est le modèle de travail de cette thèse avec d autres espèces telles que B. holmesii et B. avium. Les endotoxines bactériennes sont les composants essentiels de la membrane externe des bactéries à Gram-négatif. Du point de vue chimique, ce sont des lipopolysaccharides (LPS) qui provoquent un grand nombre de désordres physiopathologiques allant de la simple fièvre, à faible dose, jusqu au choc endotoxinique mortel, à forte dose. L analyse structurale des LPS de Bordetella est la spécialité majeure du laboratoire et la structure des endotoxines de la plupart des espèces de ce genre y a été décrite. Il est admis que le lipide A, qui constitue la région hydrophobe des LPS, est responsable de la majorité des activités biologiques de ces molécules. Ainsi, la moindre variation structurale de ces molécules a une répercussion importante sur la reconnaissance hôte-pathogène, les activités biologiques et la virulence bactérienne. A titre d exemple, il a été mis en évidence que la modification spécifique, par substitution des groupes phosphate du lipide A, avec de la glucosamine, jouait un rôle majeur dans la modulation de la réponse immunitaire. Cette originalité structurale qui a été mise en évidence dans notre équipe chez B. avium, B. bronchiseptica puis chez B. pertussis; elle semble être un trait spécifique des Bordetelles. Il faut savoir que la coqueluche fait des ravages dans les pays sous-développés et touche les nouveau-nés dans de nombreux pays, comme la France, d une maladie infectieuse mortelle dans les cas graves. Le vaccin qui ne peut être injecté qu à l âge de 2-3 mois et dont les rappels ne sont pas régulièrement suivis est imparfait. Les spécialistes du domaine ont reconnu qu un complément antigénique serait nécessaire pour le rendre plus efficace. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons analysé la structure des LPS d isolats cliniques de B. pertussis afin d étudier leur évolution et leur adaptation avec le temps ainsi que leur application vaccinale potentielle. De plus, concernant deux souches de B. pertussis, BP338 et BP18-323 nous avons contribué à la mise en évidence de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans la biosynthèse de la GlcN substituant les groupes phosphate de la région lipidique et à expliquer la différence de longueur du seul acide gras distinct entre les deux souches. L étude de l influence de ces éléments structuraux sur l activation du complexe, TLR4/MD-2 apporte de nouveaux éclairages sur les interactions entre les lipides A et ce récepteur. Nos études sur les isolats cliniques de B. holmesii, pathogène opportuniste responsable d affections de type coqueluche, montrent une grande hétérogénéité structurale du lipide A au sein d un même isolat. Nous avons montré dans cette souche la présence d un marqueur spécifique des souches de Bordetella, il s agit d un acide gras présent uniquement chez les lipides A des isolats humains. Nos travaux effectués sur des isolats cliniques de B. pertussis appartenant aux ères pré- et post-vaccinales et provenant de différents pays, montrent une perte du matériel génétique avec une déficience de certains antigènes majeurs. Nous avons démontré, via des méthodes physico-chimiques, que ces modifications ne concernaient pas les LPS de ces isolats. La stabilité de ces antigènes ainsi que nos méthodes de purification, nous permettent de proposer que ces LPS détoxifiés soient de bons candidats pour améliorer l efficacité des vaccins coquelucheux acellulaires. Enfin, toutes les études structurales présentées dans cette thèse ont permis de mieux comprendre la régulation de certains gènes en réponse à un stress extérieur. Elles participent, sur l exemple d un pathogène majeur, au déchiffrage des mécanismes moléculaires qui mènent à la virulence et à l adaptation bactérienne.The Bordetella genus is actually composed of nine species responsible for respiratory infections. B. pertussis, the agent of whooping cough, is the main model of this thesis along with other species such as B. holmesii and B. avium. Bacterial endotoxins are the major components of Gram-negative bacteria external membrane. From a chemical point of view, they are lipopolysaccharides (LPS) causing a high number of pathophysiological disorders ranging from low fever at weak doses, to lethal endotoxic choc at high ones. Structural analysis of the Bordetellae LPS is the major specialty of our group where the endotoxin structures of most species of the genus were described. It is well-known that lipid A, which constitutes the hydrophobic moiety of LPS, is responsible for the majority of biological activities of these molecules. Thus, any structural change of these molecules has an important impact on host-pathogen recognition, biological activities and bacterial virulence. For example, it has been demonstrated that the specific modification by grafting glucosamine on lipid A phosphate groups plays a major role in modulating the immune response. This structural peculiarity was highlighted by our team first in B. avium, B. bronchiseptica then in B. pertussis; it seems to be a unique trait of Bordetella. It should be noted that pertussis wreaks havoc in developing countries and affects newborns in several others, including France, where this infectious disease causes a significant death toll. The vaccine, which cannot be injected before the age of 2-3 months, could be improved and boosters are not regularly monitored. Experts in the domain have recognized the lack of an antigenic complement to make it more effective. In this thesis, we analyzed the structure of LPS from B. pertussis clinical isolates to study their evolution and adaptation over time along with their potential use in the design of new vaccines. In addition, regarding two strains of B. pertussis, BP338 and BP18-323, we have contributed to the identification of new genes involved in the biosynthesis of GlcN substituting the phosphate groups of the lipid moiety, which helped explaining the difference in the length of the single fatty acid differing between the two strains. The analysis of the influence of these structural elements on the activation of the receptor complex, TLR4/MD-2 sheds new light on the interactions between lipids A and this receptor. Our studies on clinical isolates of B. holmesii, an opportunistic pathogen responsible for pertussis-like illness, show great structural heterogeneity in the lipid A of these isolates. We showed the presence of a specific marker of Bordetella species, namely a fatty acid present only in the lipid A of human isolates. Our works on B. pertussis clinical isolates belonging to pre- and post-vaccine eras and coming from different countries show a loss of genetic material with a deficiency in certain major antigens. We have demonstrated, via physico-chemical methods, that these modifications did not affect the LPS of these isolates. The stability of these antigens and our ability to purify them, allow us to propose that detoxified LPS could be good candidates for improving the effectiveness of acellular pertussis vaccines. Finally, all structural studies presented in this thesis have provided insight into the regulation of certain genes in response to external stress. Our compiled work on a major pathogen is an important step in deciphering the molecular mechanisms leading to bacterial virulence and adaptation.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Deep Learning and IACT: Bridging the gap between Monte-Carlo simulations and LST-1 data using domain adaptation

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    International audienceThe Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) is the next generation of observatories employing the imaging air Cherenkov technique for the study of very high energy gamma rays. The deployment of deep learning methods for the reconstruction of physical attributes of incident particles has evinced promising outcomes when conducted on simulations. However, the transition of this approach to observational data is accompanied by challenges, as deep learning-based models are susceptible to domain shifts. In this paper, we integrate domain adaptation in the physics-based context of the CTAO and shed light on the gain in performance that these techniques bring using LST-1 real acquisitions

    Deep Learning and IACT: Bridging the gap between Monte-Carlo simulations and LST-1 data using domain adaptation

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    International audienceThe Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) is the next generation of observatories employing the imaging air Cherenkov technique for the study of very high energy gamma rays. The deployment of deep learning methods for the reconstruction of physical attributes of incident particles has evinced promising outcomes when conducted on simulations. However, the transition of this approach to observational data is accompanied by challenges, as deep learning-based models are susceptible to domain shifts. In this paper, we integrate domain adaptation in the physics-based context of the CTAO and shed light on the gain in performance that these techniques bring using LST-1 real acquisitions

    Determination of the single photo-electron spectrum and gain measurement for the Cherenkov Telescope Array camera NectarCAM

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    International audienceThe measurement of the photomultiplier gain is a crucial step for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes in order to translate the measured charge to a number of photons. For that, one of the possibility is to perform measurements with a flashing light source at a low intensity level, in order to reconstruct the charge distribution of a single photon. In this contribution, we will present a method to reconstruct the single photo electron spectrum using low intensity charge distribution. We will show that the usually adopted Gaussian assumption does not reproduce well this data, and will present a new model which explains the data behavior. The impact of this measurement on the gain determination will be presented, and the associated uncertainty will be discussed

    Bordetella holmesii: Lipid A Structures and Corresponding Genomic Sequences Comparison in Three Clinical Isolates and the Reference Strain ATCC 51541

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    International audienceBordetella holmesii can cause invasive infections but can also be isolated from the respiratory tract of patients with whooping-cough like symptoms. For the first time, we describe the lipid A structure of B. holmesii reference strain ATCC 51541 (alias NCTC12912 or CIP104394) and those of three French B. holmesii clinical isolates originating from blood (Bho1) or from respiratory samples (FR4020 and FR4101). They were investigated using chemical analyses, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). The analyses revealed a common bisphosphorylated β-(1→6)-linked d-glucosamine disaccharide with hydroxytetradecanoic acid in amide linkages. Similar to B. avium, B. hinzii and B. trematum lipids A, the hydroxytetradecanoic acid at the C-2' position are carrying in secondary linkage a 2-hydroxytetradecanoic acid residue resulting of post-traductional biosynthesis modifications. The three clinical isolates displayed characteristic structural traits compared to the ATCC 51541 reference strain: the lipid A phosphate groups are more or less modified with glucosamine in the isolates and reference strain, but the presence of 10:0(3-OH) is only observed in the isolates. This trait was only described in B. pertussis and B. parapertussis strains, as well as in B. petrii isolates by the past. The genetic bases for most of the key structural elements of lipid A were analyzed and supported the structural data

    Observations of the Pulsar Wind Nebula HESS J1825–137 with H.E.S.S. II

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    International audienceWe present a new and deep analysis of the pulsar wind nebula (PWN) HESS J1825-137 with a comprehensive data set of almost 400 hours taken with the H.E.S.S. array between 2004 and 2016. The large amount of data, and the inclusion of low-threshold H.E.S.S. II data allows us to include a wide energy range of more than 2.5 orders of magnitude, ranging from 150 GeV up to 70 TeV. We exploit this rich dataset to study the morphology and the spectral distributions of various subregions of this largely extended source in more detail. We find that HESS J1825-137 is not only the brightest source in that region above 32 TeV, but is also one of the most luminous of all firmly identified pulsar wind nebulae in the Milky Way