6,808 research outputs found

    Are there stable long-range ordered Fe(1-x)Cr(x) compounds?

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    The heat of formation of Fe-Cr alloys undergoes an anomalous change of sign at small Cr concentrations. This observation raises the question whether there are intermetallic phases present in this composition range. Here we report the discovery of several long-range ordered structures that represent ground state phases at zero Kelvin. In particular we have identified a structure at 3.7% Cr with an embedding energy which is 49 meV/Cr atom below the solid solution. This implies there is an effective long-range attractive interaction between Cr atoms. We propose that the structures found in this study complete the low temperature-low Cr region of the phase diagram.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Short-range order and precipitation in Fe-rich Fe-Cr alloys: Atomistic off-lattice Monte Carlo simulations

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    Short-range order (SRO) in Fe-rich Fe-Cr alloys is investigated by means of atomistic off-lattice Monte Carlo simulations in the semi-grand canonical ensemble using classical interatomic potentials. The SRO parameter defined by Cowley [Phys. Rev. B 77, 669 (1950)] is used to quantify the degree of ordering. In agreement with experiments a strong ordering tendency in the Cr distribution at low Cr concentrations (~< 5%) is observed, as manifested in negative values of the SRO parameters. For intermediate Cr concentrations (5% ~< c_Cr ~< 15%) the SRO parameter for the alpha-phase goes through a minimum, but at the solubility limit the alpha-phase still displays a rather strong SRO. In thermodynamic equilibrium for concentrations within the two-phase region the SRO parameter measured over the entire sample therefore comprises the contributions from both the alpha and alpha-prime phases. If both of these contributions are taken into account, it is possible to quantitatively reproduce the experimental results and interpret their physical implications. It is thereby shown that the inversion of the SRO observed experimentally is due to the formation of stable (supercritical) alpha-prime precipitates. It is not related to the loss of SRO in the alpha-phase or to the presence of unstable (subcritical) Cr precipitates in the alpha-phase.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    T-cell modulation for the treatment of chronic plaque psoriasis with efalizumab (Raptiva (TM)): Mechanisms of action

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    Psoriasis is a chronic, incurable, auto-immune disorder with cutaneous manifestations. New evidence on the central role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of psoriasis increasingly provides insight into pathogenic steps that can be modulated to provide disease control. Numerous biological therapies are in various stages of clinical development, with expectation of providing enhanced safety and efficacy over currently available psoriasis therapies. Efalizumab, a recombinant humanized monoclonal IgG1 antibody, is a novel targeted T-cell modulator that inhibits multiple steps in the immune cascade that result in the production and maintenance of psoriatic plaques, including initial T-cell activation and T-cell trafficking into sites of inflammation, including psoriatic skin, with subsequent reactivation in these sites. This article reviews the pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic and clinical effects observed during phase I, II and III efalizumab trials in patients with moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Beyond the IPCC for Food: An Overarching Framework for Food Systems Sustainability Assessment

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    Food systems are responsible for a large share of anthropogenic impacts. In recent debates, the need to strengthen the link between science and policy has emerged with the proposal to establish a new global science-policy interface for a sustainable food system. While the clash between those who consider necessary and those who do not consider necessary the creation of this panel increases, this paper takes inspiration from this debate to highlight how strengthening the interactions between science and policy should be supported by increasing the informativeness of current sustainability assessments, regardless of the need for such a panel. In particular, we delve into this emerging topic by focusing on some critical aspects of the current sustainability assessments of food systems, which include the need for more comprehensive assessments, based on the joint use of multiple indicators. While sustainability assessments of food systems have been historically focusing on just one-two externalities at a time, the introduction of new multi-faceted indicators make it now possible to look at multiple externalities concurrently and at the trade-offs among them. Dietary contextualization becomes essential too, to avoid the provision of misleading information. An operative framework to improve sustainability assessments of food systems is presented here and discussed with the aim of promoting more informative approaches, which are crucial for transforming scientific knowledge into mitigation policies

    Towards durable multistakeholder-generated solutions: The pilot application of a problem-oriented policy learning protocol to legality verification and community rights in Peru

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    This paper reports and reflects on the pilot application of an 11-step policy learning protocol that was developed by Cashore and Lupberger (2015) based on several years of Cashore’s multi-author collaborations. The protocol was applied for the first time in Peru in 2015 and 2016 by the IUFRO Working Party on Forest Policy Learning Architectures (hereinafter referred to as the project team). The protocol integrates insights from policy learning scholarship (Hall 1993, Sabatier 1999) with Bernstein and Cashore’s (2000, 2012) four pathways of influence framework. The pilot implementation in Peru focused on how global timber legality verification interventions might be harnessed to promote local land rights. Legality verification focuses attention on the checking and auditing of forest management units in order to verify that timber is harvested and traded in compliance with the law. We specifically asked: How can community legal ownership of, and access to, forestland and forest resources be enhanced? The protocol was designed as a dynamic tool, the implementation of which fosters iterative rather than linear processes. It directly integrated two objectives: 1) identifying the causal processes through which global governance initiatives might be harnessed to produce durable results ‘on the ground’; 2) generating insights and strategies in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. This paper reviews and critically evaluates our work in designing and piloting the protocol. We assess what seemed to work well and suggest modifications, including an original diagnostic framework for nurturing durable change. We also assess the implications of the pilot application of the protocol for policy implementation that works to enhance the influence of existing international policy instruments, rather than contributing to fragmentation and incoherence by creating new ones

    Nonadiabatic forces in ion-solid interactions: the initial stages of radiation damage

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    The Born-Oppenheimer approximation is the keystone for molecular dynamics simulations of radiation damage processes; however, actual materials response involves nonadiabatic energy exchange between nuclei and electrons. In this work, time dependent density functional theory is used to calculate the electronic excitations produced by energetic protons in Al. We study the influence of these electronic excitations on the interatomic forces and find that they differ substantially from the adiabatic case, revealing a nontrivial connection between electronic and nuclear stopping that is absent in the adiabatic case. These results unveil new effects in the early stages of radiation damage cascades

    Environmental and socio-economic effects of construction and demolition waste recycling in the European Union

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    The recovery rate of construction and demolition waste (CDW) in the European Union (EU) is at 89 % and thus high relative to other waste streams. However, the relatively high figure can be misleading because it typically does not correspond to high-value material recovery but rather "poor" levels of circularity. From a life-cycle perspective, we assess the environmental impacts and costs of 12 CDW material fractions relying on alterna-tive pathways and treatment technologies. The results indicate important trade-offs in the transition towards the circular economy. Indeed, recycling of concrete, bricks, gypsum, and ceramics and tiles represent the best environmental performance but also the most expensive pathway. However, when shifting from landfill to recycling the total societal costs in the EU are reduced mainly due to the lower external costs. Overall, recycling CDW in the EU with advanced technologies would save about 264 kg CO2-eq t(-1) with a cost of 25 EUR t(-1). The maximum potential for recycling under current technology in the EU would lead to an annual total reduction of about 33 Mt. of CO2-eq using 2020 as reference year. The fractions with the highest potential for improving current waste management practices in terms of environmental improvements are concrete and bricks. The economic and non-economic barriers for realising this potential at EU level are discussed in relation to the European Green Deal and the EU's circular economy objectives

    Kinetic Theory of Collisionless Self-Gravitating Gases: II. Relativistic Corrections in Galactic Dynamics

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    In this paper we study the kinetic theory of many-particle astrophysical systems imposing axial symmetry and extending our previous analysis in Phys. Rev. D 83, 123007 (2011). Starting from a Newtonian model describing a collisionless self-gravitating gas, we develop a framework to include systematically the first general relativistic corrections to the matter distribution and gravitational potentials for general stationary systems. Then, we use our method to obtain particular solutions for the case of the Morgan & Morgan disks. The models obtained are fully analytical and correspond to the post-Newtonian generalizations of classical ones. We explore some properties of the models in order to estimate the importance of post-Newtonian corrections and we find that, contrary to the expectations, the main modifications appear far from the galaxy cores. As a by-product of this investigation we derive the corrected version of the tensor virial theorem. For stationary systems we recover the same result as in the Newtonian theory. However, for time dependent backgrounds we find that there is an extra piece that contributes to the variation of the inertia tensor.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures. v2: Minor corrections and references added. Conclusions unchanged. v3: Version published in PR