1,521 research outputs found

    Characterization of natural cork agglomerate functionalised by plasma treatment

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    This work intends to study the chemical and physical modifications of natural cork agglomerate after plasma treatment using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). Different experimental techniques were used to evaluate the surface alterations of the substrate pre- treated with DBD plasma, namely, static and dynamic contact angle, surface energy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Plasma discharge greatly increases the wettability and surface energy of the samples. Chemical and physical analyses of the cork agglomerate confirmed considerable surface modification.The authors gratefully acknowledge the CsF – CNPq and CAPES Foundation, Brazil, for the doctoral grants 202539/2011-3 and BEX0978/12-4. We would also like to thank the Project no 2011/19280 (“COLTEC”), FCT and FEDER-COMPETE funding PEt-C/CTM/UI0264/2011

    Cortiça, tecnologia e moda : aplicação da descarga plasmática para viabilizar a utilização de novos produtos.

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    Este trabalho pretende estudar potenciais aplicações da cortiça. Por ser tratar de um material inerte, muitas vezes torna-se necessário modificar a superfície deste substrato com o intuito de melhorar a sua interação com outros tipos de materiais nos processos de estamparia, tingimento, acabamentos entre outros. Diferentes técnicas foram utilizadas para analisar a cortiça após o tratamento plasmático. Verificou-se, com os resultados obtidos, que o plasma DBD foi capaz de melhorar as propriedades superficiais de um aglomerado de cortiça e sua interação com microcápsulas, criando a possibilidade de desenvolver produtos sustentáveis e inovadores.Os autores agradecem o programa CsF - CNPq e a Fundação CAPES, pelas bolsas de doutorado 202539/2011-3 e BEX0978/12-4, respectivamente. Gostaríamos também de agradecer ao Projeto n o 2011/19280 ("COLTEC"), FCT e FEDER-COMPETE financiamento PEt-C/CTM/UI0264/2011.This paper intends to explore potential applications of the cork. Because it is an inert material, several times becomes necessary to modify the surface of this substrate in order to improve its interaction with other types of materials in the printing, dyeing, finishing processes. Different techniques were used to analyze the cork agglomerate after plasma treatment. The results obtained showed that the DBD plasma was able to improve the surface properties of this substrate and its interaction with PCMs microcapsules, creating the possibility to develop innovative and sustainable products

    Trends in income inequality: comparing the United States and Portugal

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    This article presents a comparative analysis of the United States and Portugal in terms of economic inequality from the early twentieth century to the present decade. We use different measures of inequality from several statistical sources. The article revolves around three complementary points. The first is a synchronic and diachronic analysis of economic inequalities in Portugal and the United States, the second is the issue of redistribution of income and the final analysis addresses the evolution of top incomes in both countries.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Functionalization of cork agglomerate composite with pcm microcapsules after dbd plasma treatment

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    This research intends to study the influence of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma treatment on the adsorption of Phase Change Materials (PCM) microcapsules applied to cork agglomerate laminated with a polymer membrane. Several experimental techniques were used to evaluate cork and membrane surface modification after plasma treatment and the influence on the microcapsules adsorption, namely, Static and Dynamic Contact Angle, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Tensile Strength. The plasma treatment greatly increases the hydrophilicity of both materials, justifying that more microcapsules are adsorbed on this composite. Chemical and physical characterization of the cork agglomerate and polymer membrane confirmed significant surface alteration.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from - Programme CsF–CNPq and CAPES Foundation, Brazil, for the doctoral grants 202539/2011-3 and BEX0978/12-4. The authors would also like to express their acknowledgment to FCT and FEDER-COMPETE funding, under the project PEst-C/CTM/UI0264/2011

    Photonic sensors based on flexible materials with FBGs for use on biomedical applications

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    This chapter is intended for presenting biomedical applications of FBGs embedded into flexible carriers for enhancing the sensitivity and to provide interference-free instrumentation.This work was fully supported by the Algoritmi’s Strategic Project UI 319-2011-2012, under the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology grant Pest C/EEI/UI0319/2011

    Caracterización de recubrimientos de hidroxiapatita depositadas sobre la aleación Ti6Al7Nb a través de aspersión térmica a plasma

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    Hydroxyapatite (HA) coated onto titanium alloys by atmospheric plasma-arc spraying is a promising technique for improving biocompatibility of materials. The tissue adherence to the HA coating increases when compared to the provided by the natural environment of the human body. Hidroxyapatite coating applied to a Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy substrate by plasma spray was characterized morphologically via Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray diffraction. X-Ray diffraction results of the HA layer indicated the presence of crystalline HA, amorphous phase and another constituents, like tricalcium phosphate (TCP) and calcium oxide. However, after annealing at a temperature of 600oC there was recristalisation of the amorphous phase and transformation of some of the TCP to HA. SEM results revealed a lamellar morphology which is typical of plasma sprayed surfaces. The HA/alloy interface exhibited some irregularities, however these are not present in the majority of the interfacial area.Peer Reviewe

    Aharonov-Bohm-like effect for light propagating in nematics with disclinations

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    Using a geometric approach for the propagation of light in anisotropic media, we investigate what effect the director field of disclinations may have on the polarization state of light. Parallel transport around the defect, of the spinor describing the polarization, indicates the acquisition of a topological phase, in analogy with the Aharonov-Bohm effect.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Emissão de N2O e de CO2 em cultivo de cana-de-açúcar em função da presença de palha sobre o solo.

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    RESUMO: O objetivo foi avaliar as emissões de N2O e CO2 no cultivo de cana-de-açúcar, em função da presença de diferentes níveis de palha sobre o solo, relacionando com a adubação nitrogenada. Para isto, foram avaliados os tratamento sem e com a adição de 12,8 t ha-1 de palha de cana-de-açúcar sobre o solo. O experimento instalado com delineamento de blocos ao acaso e parcelas de 60m2 foram adubadas com 100 kg de N ha-1 (nitrato de amônio). Os fluxos de CO2 e N2O foram amostrados a partir do 1° ao 46° dia após a aplicação do fertilizante em intervalos de um dia entre as coletas, entre os meses de dezembro a janeiro de 2013. As amostras foram analisadas por cromatografia gasosa. Observou-se maior fluxo de N-N2O nos primeiros 15-20 dias após a adubação, no tratamento com presença de palha o fluxo de N foi de 53,54 mg N m-2 dia-1 e o tratamento sem palha foi de 5,20 mg N m-2 dia-1. Já o maior fluxo de CO2 foi de 11,33 g m2 dia-1 para o tratamento com palha e 9,66 g m2 dia-1 para o tratamento sem palha

    A study to guide breeding of new cultivars of organic cherry tomato following a consumer-driven approach.

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    Agricultural studies focusing on the development and/or improvement of new varieties of fruits and vegetables usually prioritize the productivity, disease resistance, response to fertilization, and higher nutrient content. However, new product development needs to take into account not only flavour preference, but also consumer preference for appearance since without tasting products, consumers have to make decisions based on the way a product looks. The present study evaluated the sensory characteristics and consumer preference of ten promising accessions of organic cherry tomato for fresh consumption aiming at identifying the sensory attributes related to appearance that contributed to consumer liking/disliking the fruit. More specifically, the objective of the study was to guide producers regarding the target appearance attributes that play a role on consumer acceptance of cherry tomatoes. Ten accessions of organic cherry tomatoes were evaluated by a trained panel using the QDA methodology, and also by 80 tomato consumers for the acceptance of appearance and intention to purchase. The results achieved after integrating these two data sets (from the trained panel and consumers) in a multidimensional map allowed the elucidation of consumer liking of tomatoes in relation to the appearance, i.e. drivers of liking/disliking were identified. Results revealed that tomatoes with round shape and red colour (reddish) (cultivar ENAS 1031, ENAS 1010, ?Perinha Agua Branca?, Super Sweet, and ?Joana?) were the most liked cherry tomatoes. Those genotypes were also liked by the smallest segment (17.5% of participants) but for them unusual shapes (oblong and pear), orange-yellow colour, and bigger size were also liked. Despite the small number of participants in this study (80 consumers), new shapes and colours for the organic cherry tomatoes could be considered promising alternatives in the Brazilian market, and can be an opportunity for the producers of the state of Rio de Janeiro

    Effects of leaf removal and shoot trimming on physiological and agronomic characteristics of Syrah grapevine in Northeast Brazil: preliminary results.

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    The São Francisco Valley, Northeast Brazil, is one of the most important wine regions with tropical conditions in the world. lt is located between parallels 8 and 1OoS, with an average annual temperature of 26.5 OC and 3,000 hours of sunshine per year. This work shows preliminary results on physiological and agronomic characteristics of Syrah vines.subjected to the practices of leaf removal and shoot trimming. The physiological and agronomical characteristics evaluated were the following: mass of cluster, mass of canes after pruning, mass of fresh and dry leaves, net photosynthesis (An), stomatal conductance (gs), intrinsic water use eficience (WUEi), leaf area (LA) and specific leaf area (SLA). The treatments did not show difJerences related to net photosynthesis (An), stomatal conductance (gs) and intrinsic water use ejJiciency (WUEi). The initial measurements of leaf area showed no difJerence between treatments. The individual leaf area was initially a.ffected by treatments, but during ripening these e.ffects were not revealed in the experimento Reverse e.ffects were observed for specific leaf area, which proved not to be a.ffected by treatments during the immature cluster phenological phase. The studies should be continued for three more seasons .in order to understand how the canopy management of Syrah, growing in a tropical environment, can injluence the agronomical and physiological plant behavior, and the implications for the quality of grapes and wines