72 research outputs found

    Malnutrition and Sarcopenia Combined Increases the Risk for Mortality in Older Adults on Hemodialysis

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    Aim: Sarcopenia and malnutrition are highly prevalent in older adults undergoing hemodialysis (HD) and are associated with negative outcomes. This study aimed to evaluate the role of sarcopenia and malnutrition combined on the nutritional markers, quality of life, and survival in a cohort of older adults on chronic HD. Methods: This was an observational, longitudinal, and multicenter study including 170 patients on HD aged >60 years. Nutritional status was assessed by 7-point-subjective global assessment (7p-SGA), body composition (anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance), and appendicular skeletal muscle mass (Baumgartner's prediction equation). Quality of life was assessed by KDQoL-SF. The cutoffs for low muscle mass and low muscle strength established by the 2019 European Working group on sarcopenia for Older People (EWGSOP) were used for the diagnosis of sarcopenia. Individuals with a 7p-SGA score 5 were considered malnourished, individuals with low strength or low muscle mass were pre-sarcopenic, and those with low muscle mass and low muscle strength combined as sarcopenic. The sample was divided into four groups: sarcopenia and malnutrition; sarcopenia and no-malnutrition; no-sarcopenia with malnutrition; and no-sarcopenia and no-malnutrition. Follow-up for survival lasted 23.5 (12.2; 34.4) months. Results: Pre-sarcopenia, sarcopenia, and malnutrition were present in 35.3, 14.1, and 58.8% of the patients, respectively. The frequency of malnutrition in the group of patients with sarcopenia was not significantly higher than in the patients without sarcopenia (66.7 vs. 51.2%; p = 0.12). When comparing groups according to the occurrence of sarcopenia and malnutrition, the sarcopenia and malnutrition group were older and presented significantly lower BMI, calf circumference, body fat, phase angle, body cell mass, and mid-arm muscle circumference. In the survival analysis, the group with sarcopenia and malnutrition showed a higher hazard ratio 2.99 (95% CI: 1.23: 7.25) for mortality when compared to a group with no-sarcopenia and no-malnutrition. Conclusion: Older adults on HD with sarcopenia and malnutrition combined showed worse nutritional parameters, quality of life, and higher mortality risk. In addition, malnutrition can be present even in patients without sarcopenia. These findings highlight the importance of complete nutritional assessment in patients on dialysis. (c) Copyright (c) 2021 Macedo, Amaral, Rodrigues, Santin and Avesani

    Risk analysis in a Portuguese archive what has changed in five years?

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    The Cultural Property Risk Analysis Model was applied in 2006 to a Portuguese archive located in Lisbon. Its results highlighted the need for the institution to take care of risks related to fire, physical forces and relative humidity problems. Five years after this first analysis the results are revisited and a few changes are introduced due to recent events: fire and high humidity remain an important hazard but are now accompanied by a pressing contaminants problem. Improvements in storage systems were responsible for a large decrease in terms of calculated risk magnitude and proved to be very cost-effective

    Y-27632 is associated with corticosteroid-potentiated control of pulmonary remodeling and inflammation in guinea pigs with chronic allergic inflammation

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Previously, we showed that treatment with the Rho-kinase inhibitor Y-27632 was able to control airway responsiveness, inflammation, remodeling, and oxidative stress in an animal model of asthma, suggesting that this drug is beneficial in asthma. However, studies evaluating the effects of these inhibitors in conjunction with corticosteroids on chronic pulmonary inflammation have not been conducted. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of treatment with the Rho-kinase inhibitor Y-27632, with or without concurrent dexamethasone treatment, on airway and lung tissue mechanical responses, inflammation, extracellular matrix remodeling, and oxidative stress in guinea pigs with chronic allergic inflammation.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud The guinea pigs were subjected to seven ovalbumin or saline inhalation exposures. Treatment with Y-27632 (1 mM) and dexamethasone (2 mg/kg) started at the fifth inhalation. Seventy-two hours after the seventh inhalation, the pulmonary mechanics were evaluated and exhaled nitric oxide (ENO) levels were determined. The lungs were removed and histological analysis was performed using morphometry.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud The treatment of guinea pigs with the Rho-kinase inhibitor and dexamethasone (ORC group) decreased ENO, the maximal mechanical responses after antigen challenge, inflammation, extracellular matrix remodeling and oxidative stress in the lungs.\ud This therapeutic strategy reduced the levels of collagen and IFN-γ in the airway walls, as well as IL-2, IFN-γ, 8-iso-PGF2α and NF-κB in the distal parenchyma, when compared to isolated treatment with corticosteroid or Rho-kinase inhibitor (P < 0.05) and reduced the number of TIMP-1-positive cells and eosinophils in the alveolar septa compared to corticosteroid-treated animals (P < 0.05). The combined treatment with the Rho-kinase inhibitor and the corticosteroid provided maximal control over the remodeling response and inflammation in the airways and parenchyma.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud Rho-kinase inhibition, alone or in combination with corticosteroids, can be considered a future pharmacological tool for the control of asthma.We thank Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) for their financial support

    Isolation, Cloning and Structural Characterisation of Boophilin, a Multifunctional Kunitz-Type Proteinase Inhibitor from the Cattle Tick

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    Inhibitors of coagulation factors from blood-feeding animals display a wide variety of structural motifs and inhibition mechanisms. We have isolated a novel inhibitor from the cattle tick Boophilus microplus, one of the most widespread parasites of farm animals. The inhibitor, which we have termed boophilin, has been cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Mature boophilin is composed of two canonical Kunitz-type domains, and inhibits not only the major procoagulant enzyme, thrombin, but in addition, and by contrast to all other previously characterised natural thrombin inhibitors, significantly interferes with the proteolytic activity of other serine proteinases such as trypsin and plasmin. The crystal structure of the bovine α-thrombin·boophilin complex, refined at 2.35 Å resolution reveals a non-canonical binding mode to the proteinase. The N-terminal region of the mature inhibitor, Q16-R17-N18, binds in a parallel manner across the active site of the proteinase, with the guanidinium group of R17 anchored in the S1 pocket, while the C-terminal Kunitz domain is negatively charged and docks into the basic exosite I of thrombin. This binding mode resembles the previously characterised thrombin inhibitor, ornithodorin which, unlike boophilin, is composed of two distorted Kunitz modules. Unexpectedly, both boophilin domains adopt markedly different orientations when compared to those of ornithodorin, in its complex with thrombin. The N-terminal boophilin domain rotates 9° and is displaced by 6 Å, while the C-terminal domain rotates almost 6° accompanied by a 3 Å displacement. The reactive-site loop of the N-terminal Kunitz domain of boophilin with its P1 residue, K31, is fully solvent exposed and could thus bind a second trypsin-like proteinase without sterical restraints. This finding explains the formation of a ternary thrombin·boophilin·trypsin complex, and suggests a mechanism for prothrombinase inhibition in vivo

    Desafio do Núcleo de Atenção Médica Integrada diante da necessidade de inserção de fonoaudiólogo na Rede Municipal de Saúde de Fortaleza

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    OBJETIVO: Demonstrar a necessidade da inserção do fonoaudiólogo na rede municipal de saúde de Fortaleza-CE, diante da elevada demanda de usuários e da escassez de serviços gratuitos de fonoaudiologia nesse município. MÉTODOS: Estudo documental, transversal e descritivo com abordagem quantitativa, realizado de julho e setembro de 2008, no qual foram analisados os documentos de atendimentos fonoaudiológicos do Núcleo de Atenção Médica Integrada da Universidade de Fortaleza (NAMI-Unifor), no período de janeiro de 2006 a dezembro de 2007. RESULTADOS: Houve predomínio de atendimento das faixas etárias de 0 e 6 anos no setor de audiologia, (22,05%); e de 0 a 10 anos no setor de fonoterapia, (58,09%). O exame audiológico mais procurado foi a audiometria (65,78%); o principal responsável pelo encaminhamento ao setor de audiologia foi o otorrinolaringologista (56,39%). No setor de fonoterapia, a linguagem foi a área com maior prevalência de atendimentos (36,99%). A terapia em grupo atingiu percentual significativo, com 37,27%, em 2007. Foi registrada queda no número de atendimentos durante o período de recesso da Universidade, devido à redução do número de alunos. CONCLUSÃO: Com um trabalho em nível de atenção primária, no que concerne à saúde da comunicação humana/deglutição, haveria diminuição de gastos públicos com o tratamento das alterações fonoaudiológicas nos demais níveis de atenção. A presença do fonoaudiólogo nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) possibilitaria a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população em todos os ciclos de vida, além da redução da sobrecarga nos serviços gratuitos que prestam atendimento fonoaudiológico no município de Fortaleza.PURPOSE: To demonstrate the need to include the speech-language pathologist and audiologist in the municipal health system of the city of Fortaleza (Northeastern Brazil), due to the high demand of patients and the lack of public speech-language and audiology services in the city. METHODS: Documental, cross-sectional and descriptive study with a quantitative approach, developed between July and September 2008. Data were collected through the analysis of the records of the speech-language and audiology assistance provided for patients at NAMI-Unifor (The Medical Care Nucleus of the University of Fortaleza) in the period from January 2006 to December 2007. RESULTS: There was predominance of the assistance provided for the age groups between 0 and 6 years old in the audiology service (22.05%) and 0 to 10 years old in the speech-language therapy service (58.09%). The most applied audiology procedure was audiometry (65.78%), and the main professional responsible for referring patients to the audiology service was the otorhinolaryngologist (56.39%). In speech-language therapy, oral language and/or writing was the area with the highest prevalence of visits (36.99%). Group therapy reached a significant percentage: 37.27% in 2007. A fall in the number of visits during the University's recess period was observed, due to the reduction in the number of students who are responsible for the procedures. CONCLUSION: With work in the level of primary care as regards the health of human communication/deglutition, there would be a reduction in public expenses with the treatment of speech-language and audiology alterations in the other health care levels. The presence of the speech-language therapist in the Primary Care Units would help to improve the quality of life of the population across the whole life cycle, and would also reduce the burden in the public services that provide speech-language therapy in the city of Fortaleza

    Discursos e a construção do senso comum sobre alimentação a partir de uma revista feminina

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    Diversos elementos contribuem para a construção do senso comum sobre alimentação com impacto na saúde das populações. Nesse estudo, parte-se da hipótese de que o discurso midiático desempenha um papel estruturador relevante no processo de construção e consolidação de padrões de estética corporal e de alimentação, produzindo sentidos coletivos que interferem nas escolhas feitas pelos sujeitos. Este trabalho objetivou reconhecer as estratégias discursivas adotadas por um veículo midiático direcionado ao público feminino quanto à alimentação saudável e sua contribuição para a formação do senso comum sobre o tema. Foram analisadas as matérias de capa dos doze números de uma revista feminina publicados no ano de 2007, segundo o referencial teórico da análise do discurso. Foi observado um discurso carregado de ambiguidade entre beleza e saúde, com forte apelo à sensualidade e ao culto do corpo perfeito, predominantemente divergente do saber científico na área da nutrição, legitimado por dois outros discursos transversais, o socioestético e o especializado. Concluiu-se que as estratégias discursivas adotadas pelo veículo midiático analisado contribuem para a formação de um saber comum sobre práticas alimentares que é frágil e não habilita os sujeitos para escolhas autônomas e saudáveis.Several factors contribute to the construction of common sense on food with impact on public health. In this study, our hypothesis was that media discourse plays an important structuring role in the process of body aesthetics and food patterns construction and consolidation, producing collective senses that interfere in the choices made by people. The study aimed to recognize the discursive strategies adopted by a media vehicle targeted at women about healthy eating, and their contribution to the formation of common sense on the subject. We analyzed the twelve cover reports of a women's magazine published in 2007, according to the theoretical framework of discourse analysis. A discourse full of ambiguity between beauty and health was observed, with a strong appeal to sensuality and to the cult of the perfect body, predominantly divergent from scientific knowledge in the nutrition area, legitimized by two other cross discourses, the socioaesthetic and the specialized ones. We conclude that the discursive strategies adopted by the media vehicle that was examined contribute to the formation of a common knowledge about eating habits that is fragile and does not enable people to make independent and healthy choices