16 research outputs found

    The ability of contrasting ericaceous ecosystems to buffer nitrogen leaching

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    Much attention has been given to the carbon balance of peatland and heathland ecosystems and their role as global carbon stores. They are also important as buffers for atmospheric nitrogen (N) pollution, locking N into the soil and vegetation through tight nutrient cycling and preventing the leaching of soluble N into freshwater ecosystems. We compared mean annual soil exchangeable N, mineralisation and soil solution nitrogen at three contrasting ericaceous-dominated ecosystems: a lowland heath, an upland heath and an ombrotrophic raised bog at intermediate altitude, all of which were sites of long-term N-manipulation experiments. We expected that soil leachate N would be associated with soil C/N and total soil C, and that sites with higher C % and soil C/N would have greater ability to buffer N deposition before N saturation and leaching began. However, although soil solution N responded to N deposition at all the sites, we found that only the heathland sites were consistent with this expectation. The bog, with the highest C/N and largest C pool, was not the most strongly buffered. The upland heath was most effective at retaining N (extractable NH4+-N +3900 % from control) compared to the lowland heath (extractable NH4+-N +370 % from control) and the bog (extractable NH4+-N, +140–240 % from control). We concluded that the absence of a definable Calluna litter layer at the lowland heath and the bog, and the anoxic conditions at the bog, explained the earlier onset of leaching and that carbon and nitrogen cycles appeared more closely coupled in the heathlands but became decoupled at the bog due to the strong controlling effect of hydrology

    High-resolution wetness index mapping: A useful tool for regional scale wetland management

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    Wetland ecosystems are key habitats for carbon sequestration, biodiversity and ecosystem services, yet in many they localities have been subject to modification or damage. In recent years, there has been increasing focus on effective management and, where possible, restoration of wetlands. Whilst this is highly laudable, practical implementation is limited by the high costs and unpredictable rates of success. Accordingly, there is a need for spatial information to guide restoration, ideally at the regional scale that land managers operate. In this study, we use high-resolution Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)-derived elevation, in conjunction with regional soil and land cover maps, to model the wetness potential of an area of conservation importance in north-west England. We use the Compound Topographic Index (CTI) as a measure for the site-specific wetness and potential to be receptive to wetland restoration. The resulting model is in agreement with the regional-scale distribution of wetlands and is clearly influenced by the topographic and soil parameters. An assessment of three representative case studies highlights the small scale features that determine the potential wetness of an area. For each site, the model results conform to the expected patterns of wetness, highlighting restoration and management activity. Furthermore, areas showing high potential wetness that may be suitable for wetland habitat creation, are highlighted. The increasing availability of LiDAR data at regional and national scales will allow studies of this nature to be undertaken at previously unobtainable resolutions. Simple models, such as implemented here, benefit from explainability and relatability and have clear potential for use by managers and conservation agencies involved in wetland restoration

    Sphagnum restoration on degraded blanket and raised bogs in the UK using micropropagated source material: a review of progress

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    There is a growing demand for a supply of Sphagnum to re-introduce to degraded peatlands. However, available supplies of Sphagnum of the desired species are often limited. We describe the propagation of Sphagnum from vegetative material in sterile tissue culture and the introduction of juvenile mosses into the field. Sphagnum produced in the laboratory in three different forms (beads, gel and plugs) was introduced to different peatland surfaces on upland degraded blanket bog and lowland cut-over peatland in northern England. On degraded blanket bog, the establishment of mixed-species Sphagnum plugs was typically 99 % while the survival of beads was much lower, ranging from little above zero on bare eroding peat to a maximum of 12 % on stabilised peat surfaces. On lowland cut-over peatland, all trials took place on peat with an expanding cover of Eriophorum angustifolium and tested Sphagnum gel as well as beads and plugs. This work showed that survival and establishment of plugs was high (99 %) and greater than for beads. Sphagnum gel reached a cover of 95 % in two years. The vegetative micropropagation of Sphagnum offers an effective source of Sphagnum for re-introduction to degraded peatlands

    Disparities between plant community responses to nitrogen deposition and critical loads in UK semi-natural habitats

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    Empirical critical loads are widely used to quantify and manage the ecological impacts of reactive nitrogen (N) deposition. Critical load values aim to identify a level of N deposition below which significant harmful effects do not occur according to present knowledge. Critical loads have been primarily based on experiments, but these are few in number and have well-known limitations, so there is a strong imperative to test and validate values with other forms of evidence. We assembled data on the spatial variability in vegetation communities in the United Kingdom and used Threshold Indicator Taxa Analyses (TITAN) to investigate linkages between species changes and modelled current and cumulative N deposition. Our analyses focused on five datasets: acid grasslands, alpine habitats, coastal fixed dunes, dune slacks and wet grasslands. In four of these habitats there was evidence for a significant decline in the cover of at least one species (a ‘species-loss change-point’) occurring below the critical load, and often at very low levels of N deposition. In all of the habitats there was evidence for clustering of many individual species-loss change-points, implying a community change-point analogous to an ecological threshold. Three of these community change-points occurred below the critical load and the remaining two overlapped with the critical load range. Studies using similar approaches are now increasingly common, with similar results. Across 19 similar analyses there has been evidence for plant species loss change-points below the critical load in 18 analyses, and community-level species loss change-points below the critical load in 13 analyses. None of these analyses has shown community change-points above the critical load. Field data increasingly suggest that many European critical loads are too high to confidently prevent loss of sensitive species

    The effect of long-term ozone fumigation in the field on the growth, physiology and frost sensitivity of Calluna Vulgaris [abstract]

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    Calluna vulgaris (L) Hull. were fumigated in open-top chambers with ambient charcoal filtered air, or 70nl 1•1 (70 ppb)ozone, for 8h per day. 5 days a week. Ozone treatment during the winter increased the frost sensitivity of plants as measured by electrolyte leakage following a controlled frosting regime. Root grow1h was decreased and the allometric root/shoot ratio(k) was reduced by the ozone treatment. There was no significant effect or ozone upon net photosynthesis. There was a significant increase in anthocyanin content in ozone fumigated plants, but no effect on chlorophyll content