156 research outputs found

    Periods Of Weed Interference In Maize Crops Cultivated In The First And Second Cycles

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    The interference of weeds in maize production may be reflected in grain yield losses that vary as a function of the density, stage and degree of aggressiveness of the species present. In the agricultural ecosystem, crops and weeds demand light, water, nutrients and space, which are frequently not available in sufficient quantities, leading to competition. The aim of this work was to determine the period of interference of weed plants, in particular of naked crabgrass (Digitaria nuda) on maize crop in the first and second harvest. The treatments were defined as increasing periods of coexistence and increasing control of weed community (7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, and 56 days), two more controls, a control including one with weed control until the end of the culture cycle and another with coexistence until the harvest. For each period, were evaluated the stand of maize plants, length of ear, number of grains per row, number of rows per ear, cob, 100-grain weight, and grain productivity. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance using the F test, with average treatments compared using Tukey's test at 5% probability. Crop productivity was evaluated by means of regressions, the critical periods of interference were estimated. The critical timing of weed removal was 25 days for both harvests. The critical weed free period was 54 and 27 days for the first and second harvest respectively. For the conditions of the first and second harvest, the critical period of weed control was of 29 and 2 days respectively.3752867287

    Uma análise da aplicação empírica da produção mais limpa na manufatura no Journal of Cleaner Production

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    This article shows the results of a literature analysis of publications in the Journal of Cleaner Production, specifically papers that deal with the implementation of Cleaner Production (CP) in manufacturing. This work employs a systematic literature review considering a descriptive as well as a content analysis. Based on the results, it was found that the CP applied in manufacturing stands out in four main areas: 33% concerns the application of CP concepts, 12% of the areas refer to the application on-site recovery/reuse, 10% are geared technology changes, and 9% were used for better process control. It was also found that China and Australia are the countries with most applications of the concepts and practices of CP, based on the publications. Regarding barriers to implement CP, a wide range of factors that influence the application of CP in manufacturing was observed, which are economic, organizational, behavioral, technical and government.Keywords: Cleaner Production, manufacturing, literature review.O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma análise de publicações no Journal of Cleaner Production especificamente que tratam da aplicação da Cleaner Production (CP) na manufatura. Para tanto, a pesquisa empregou uma revisão sistemática da literatura considerando uma análise descritiva e uma análise do conteúdo. Com base nas publicações analisadas, identificou-se que a CP aplicada na manufatura destaca-se em quatro áreas principais: 33% referente à aplicação dos conceitos de CP, 12% à aplicação on-site de recuperação/reutilização, 10% voltadas às mudanças de tecnologia e 9% para melhor controle do processo. Foi constatado também que a China e a Austrália são os países com maior aplicação dos conceitos e práticas da CP com base nas publicações analisadas. Em relação às barreiras para implementação da CP na manufatura, observou-se uma ampla gama de fatores de ordem econômica, organizacional, comportamental, técnica e governamental.Palavras-chave: produção mais limpa, manufatura, revisão da literatura

    Uma análise da aplicação empírica da produção mais limpa na manufatura no Journal of Cleaner Production

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    This article shows the results of a literature analysis of publications in the Journal of Cleaner Production, specifically papers that deal with the implementation of Cleaner Production (CP) in manufacturing. This work employs a systematic literature review considering a descriptive as well as a content analysis. Based on the results, it was found that the CP applied in manufacturing stands out in four main areas: 33% concerns the application of CP concepts, 12% of the areas refer to the application on-site recovery/reuse, 10% are geared technology changes, and 9% were used for better process control. It was also found that China and Australia are the countries with most applications of the concepts and practices of CP, based on the publications. Regarding barriers to implement CP, a wide range of factors that influence the application of CP in manufacturing was observed, which are economic, organizational, behavioral, technical and government.Keywords: Cleaner Production, manufacturing, literature review.O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma análise de publicações no Journal of Cleaner Production especificamente que tratam da aplicação da Cleaner Production (CP) na manufatura. Para tanto, a pesquisa empregou uma revisão sistemática da literatura considerando uma análise descritiva e uma análise do conteúdo. Com base nas publicações analisadas, identificou-se que a CP aplicada na manufatura destaca-se em quatro áreas principais: 33% referente à aplicação dos conceitos de CP, 12% à aplicação on-site de recuperação/reutilização, 10% voltadas às mudanças de tecnologia e 9% para melhor controle do processo. Foi constatado também que a China e a Austrália são os países com maior aplicação dos conceitos e práticas da CP com base nas publicações analisadas. Em relação às barreiras para implementação da CP na manufatura, observou-se uma ampla gama de fatores de ordem econômica, organizacional, comportamental, técnica e governamental.Palavras-chave: produção mais limpa, manufatura, revisão da literatura

    Limited added value of fungal ITS amplicon sequencing in the study of bovine abortion.

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    Bovine mycotic abortion is sporadic and caused by different ubiquitous and opportunistic fungi. Recently, a broad spectrum of bacterial opportunists involved in bovine abortion was revealed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. We hypothesized that fungal organisms potentially involved in bovine abortion also might remain undetected by conventional culture. In this retrospective study, we therefore applied fungal internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region amplicon sequencing to 74 cases of bovine abortion submitted to our diagnostic service. The investigation was complemented by fungal culture and, retrospectively, by data from bacteriological, virological and parasitological analyses and histopathological examination of placentas. Fungal DNA was found in both the placentas and abomasal contents, with 92 fungal genera identified. In 18 cases, >75% of the reads belonged to one specific fungal genus: <i>Candida</i> (n = 7), <i>Malassezia</i> (n = 4), <i>Cryptococcus</i> (n = 3), unidentified <i>Capnodiales</i> (n = 3), <i>Actinomucor</i> (n = 1), <i>Cystofilobasidium</i> (n = 1), <i>Penicillium</i> (n = 1), <i>Verticillum</i> (n = 1) and <i>Zymoseptoria</i> (n = 1) with one case harboring two different genera. By culture, in contrast, fungal agents were detected in only 6 cases. Inflammatory and/or necrotizing lesions were found in 27/40 histologically assessed placentas. However, no lesion-associated fungal structures were detected in HE- and PAS-stained specimens. Complementary data revealed the presence of one or more non-fungal possible abortifacient: <i>Chlamydiales</i> , <i>Coxiella burnetii</i> , <i>Leptospira</i> spp., <i>Campylobacter fetus</i> subsp. <i>fetus</i> , <i>Streptococcus uberis</i> , <i>Escherichia coli</i> , <i>Streptococcus pluranimalium</i> , <i>Bacillus licheniformis</i> , <i>Campylobacter fetus</i> subsp. <i>fetus</i> , <i>Serratia marcescens</i> , <i>Trueperella pyogenes</i> , Schmallenbergvirus, <i>Neospora caninum</i> . The mycobiota revealed by sequencing did not differ between cases with or without a possible infectious etiology. Our study suggests that amplicon sequencing of the ITS2 region from DNA isolated from bovine abortion does not provide additional information or new insight into mycotic abortion and without complementary analyses may easily lead to a false interpretation of the role of fungal organisms in bovine abortion

    Neutrino properties and the decay of the lightest supersymmetric particle

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    Supersymmetry with broken R-parity can explain the neutrino mass squared differences and mixing angles observed in neutrino oscillation experiments. In the minimal model, where R-parity is broken only by bilinear terms, certain decay properties of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) are correlated with neutrino mixing angles. Here we consider charginos, squarks, gluinos and sneutrinos being the LSP and calculate their decay properties in bilinear R-parity breaking supersymmetry. Together with the decays of charged scalars and neutralinos calculated previously this completes the proof that bilinear R-parity breaking as the source of neutrino masses will be testable at future colliders. Moreover, we argue that in case of GMSB, the decays of the NLSP can be used to test the model.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Could more efficient utilization of ecosystem services improve soil quality indicators to allow sustainable intensification of Amazonian family farming?

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    In the Amazonian periphery, there are sources of numerous disservices, including deforestation, loss of wildlife habitat and biodiversity erosion. However, there are great opportunities to adopt appropriate agricultural management practices to take advantage of the benefits of ecosystem services for sustainable agricultural intensification. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of certain ecosystem services provided by combined use of legumes with residue of low- and high-quality on soil quality indicators, nitrogen use efficiency and sustainability of maize grain yield in infertile tropical soil. The overarching objective is to determine how ecosystem services can contribute to the improvement of land-use policy to ensure the sustainability of cultivated lands, in such a way that forest can be preserved by avoiding deforestation of other new areas through shifting cultivation systems. Four leguminous tree species were used, two with high-quality residues Leucaena leucocephala (leucaena) and Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia) and two with low-quality residues Clitoria fairchildiana (clitoria) and Acacia mangium (acacia). Maize grain yield was evaluated between 2011 and 2017 in these treatments. In 2018, to assess how ecosystem services affect crop performance, the treatments were divided into ten treatments with and without urea. We conclude that increased uptake of inorganic and organic N by maize resulting from improvement of the soil quality indicators may allow agricultural intensification. This improvement can help meet the challenges of sustainability and feasibility of agroecosystems of the Amazonian periphery by making the agroecosystem more productive year by year. Therefore, our results confirm that the utilization of an ecosystem services style approach can help meet the challenges of sustainability and feasibility in agrosystems of the Amazonian periphery. In addition, these results can contribute to the development of land-use policy in the Amazonian periphery, aiming for the intensification of agriculture in cropped areas to avoid deforestation of new areas from shifting cultivation systems

    THE AFTERCARE SURVEY:Assessment and intervention practices after brain tumour surgery in Europe

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    Introduction People with gliomas need specialized neurosurgical, neuro-oncological, psycho-oncological, and neuropsychological care. The role of language and cognitive recovery and rehabilitation in patients’ well-being and resumption of work is crucial, but there are no clear guidelines for the ideal timing and character of assessments and interventions. The goal of the present work was to describe representative (neuro)psychological practices implemented after brain surgery in Europe. Methods An online survey was addressed to professionals working with individuals after brain surgery. We inquired about the assessments and interventions and the involvement of caregivers. Additionally, we asked about recommendations for an ideal assessment and intervention plan. Results Thirty-eight European centres completed the survey. Thirty of them offered at least one post-surgical (neuro)psychological assessment, mainly for language and cognition, especially during the early recovery stage and at long-term. Twenty-eight of the participating centres offered post-surgical therapies. Patients who stand the highest chances of being included in evaluation and therapy post-surgically are those who underwent awake brain surgery, harboured a low-grade glioma, or showed poor recovery. Nearly half of the respondents offer support programs to caregivers, and all teams recommend them. Treatments differed between these offered to individuals with low-grade glioma versus those with high-grade glioma. The figure of caregiver is not yet fully recognized in the recovery phase. Conclusion We stress the need for more complete rehabilitation plans, including the emotional and health-related aspects of recovery. In respondents´ opinions, assessment and rehabilitation plans should also be individually tailored and goal-directed (e.g., professional reinsertion)