30 research outputs found

    Analysis of alanine aminotransferase in various organs of soybean (Glycine max) and in dependence of different nitrogen fertilisers during hypoxic stress

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    Alanine aminotransferase (AlaAT) catalyses the reversible conversion of pyruvate and glutamate into alanine and oxoglutarate. In soybean, two subclasses were identified, each represented by two highly similar members. To investigate the role of AlaAT during hypoxic stress in soybean, changes in transcript level of both subclasses were analysed together with the enzyme activity and alanine content of the tissue. Moreover, the dependency of AlaAT activity and gene expression was investigated in relation to the source of nitrogen supplied to the plants. Using semi-quantitative PCR, GmAlaAT genes were determined to be highest expressed in roots and nodules. Under normal growth conditions, enzyme activity of AlaAT was detected in all organs tested, with lowest activity in the roots. Upon waterlogging-induced hypoxia, AlaAT activity increased strongly. Concomitantly, alanine accumulated. During re-oxygenation, AlaAT activity remained high, but the transcript level and the alanine content decreased. Our results show a role for AlaAT in the catabolism of alanine during the initial period of re-oxygenation following hypoxia. GmAlaAT also responded to nitrogen availability in the solution during waterlogging. Ammonium as nitrogen source induced both gene expression and enzyme activity of AlaAT more than when nitrate was supplied in the nutrient solution. The work presented here indicates that AlaAT might not only be important during hypoxia, but also during the recovery phase after waterlogging, when oxygen is available to the tissue again

    Differential regulation of alanine aminotransferase homologues by abiotic stresses in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings

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    Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings contain four alanine aminotransferase (AlaAT) homologues. Two of them encode AlaAT enzymes, whereas two homologues act as glumate:glyoxylate aminotransferase (GGAT). To address the function of the distinct AlaAT homologues a comparative examination of the changes in transcript level together with the enzyme activity and alanine and glutamate content in wheat seedlings subjected to low oxygen availability, nitrogen and light deficiency has been studied. Shoots of wheat seedlings were more tolerant to hypoxia than the roots as judging on the basis of enzyme activity and transcript level. Hypoxia induced AlaAT1 earlier in roots than in shoots, while AlaAT2 and GGAT were unaffected. The increase in AlaAT activity lagged behind the increase in alanine content. Nitrogen deficiency has little effect on the activity of GGAT. In contrast, lower activity of AlaAT and the level of mRNA for AlaAT1 and AlaAT2 in wheat seedlings growing on a nitrogen-free medium seems to indicate that AlaAT is regulated by the availability of nitrogen. Both AlaAT and GGAT activities were present in etiolated wheat seedlings but their activity was half of that observed in light-grown seedlings. Exposure of etiolated seedlings to light caused an increase in enzyme activities and up-regulated GGAT1. It is proposed that hypoxia-induced AlaAT1 and light-induced peroxisomal GGAT1 appears to be crucial for the regulation of energy availability in plants grown under unfavourable environmental conditions

    Alanine metabolism and alanine aminotransferase activity in soybean (Glycine max) during hypoxia of the root system and subsequent return to normoxia

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    Alanine is one of the main products of anaerobic metabolism in plants and its formation believed to involve alanine aminotransferase (AlaAT), an enzyme induced under such conditions. Effects of hypoxia on roots of soybean (Glycine max) and the subsequent return to normoxia were studied with regard to alanine metabolism in the roots and its transport in the xylem, together with the role of AlaAT in this process. Non-nodulated plants were grown in a hydroponic system with nutrient solution containing nitrate as source of N. Subjecting the root system to hypoxia for up to 120 h led to large increases in alanine in both roots (4-44 mol%) and xylem sap (0.5-45 mol%). The increase in the roots preceded that of the xylem, consistent with alanine formation in the roots being the source of the increase in the xylem. On return to normoxia, following 120 h under hypoxia, the levels of alanine returned rapidly to pre-hypoxic levels. AlaAT activity of the roots more than doubled over the 120 h period of hypoxia. However, the bulk of this increase in activity took place after 48 h of hypoxia, long after the large increases in alanine had initiated. It is suggested that induction of AlaAT activity in soybean roots under hypoxia has only a limited role in the increase of alanine formation but may be responsible for the rapid recovery of alanine to pre-hypoxic levels on return to normoxia. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.5011

    A visão ecológica: uma teia na enfermagem La visión ecologica: un tejido en enfermería Ecologic view: a web in the nursing

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    A partir de mudanças revolucionárias em conceitos de realidade ocasionadas pela física e pensamento modernos, nova e consistente visão do mundo surge, influenciada pela transição da física clássica para quântica. É propósito do estudo mostrar o pensamento de Capra favorecendo a disseminação do cuidado ecológico na enfermagem. O novo paradigma pode ser chamado de uma visão ecológica, a partir do entendimento de ecologia num sentido amplo e profundo. A saúde na visão holística e na teia de relações que compreende o pensamento ecológico exige do enfermeiro, em suas áreas de atividades uma percepção crítica concernente ao saber, saber-ser e saber-fazer, comprometido com transformações que afloraram das emoções, do encantamento, dos sentimentos, do cuidar da natureza como premissa para qualidade e existência da humanidade.<br>A partir de los cambios revolucionarios en conceptos de realidad impulsados por la física y el pensamiento moderno, nueva y consistente visión del mundo surge, influenciada por la transición de la física clásica hacia quántica. El estudio se propone mostrar el pensamiento de Capra influenciado la diseminación del cuidado ecológico en enfermería. El nuevo paradigma puede ser llamado una visión ecológica, partiendo de la comprensión de la ecología en un sentido amplio y profundo. La salud, la visión holística del hombre y del tejido de relaciones que abarca el pensamiento ecológico, exige del enfermero en sus áreas de actividad, una percepción crítica en relación al saber, saber ser y saber hacer comprometidos con transformaciones, el afloramiento de las emociones, del encantamiento, de los sentimientos, del cuidado de la naturaleza como premisa para la calidad y existencia de la humanidad.<br>From the revolutionary changes in reality concept, caused by physics and modern thoughts, new consistent vision of the world emerge and it is influenced from the classic physics to quantum physics transition. The aim of this study is to show Capra's thoughts influenced the ecologic nursing care dissemination. The new paradigm can be called an ecologic view in a wider and deeper perspective. Health in the holistic view of men with its relationship encompass an ecological thought in which requires nurses' competence area. Also it needs a critical thinking towards knowing, being and doing in order to compromise changes to raise emotions, enchantment and to take care of nature for the quality and existence of humanity

    Avaliação do impacto do Programa Saúde da Família no perfil epidemiológico da população rural de Airões, município de Paula Cândido (MG), 1992-2003 Evaluation of the impact of the Family Health Program in the epidemiology profile of the rural population of Airões, city of Paula Cândido (MG), 1992-2003

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    O Programa Saúde da Família (PSF), como estratégia de reorientação do modelo de atenção à saúde no país, tem promovido a substituição do modelo assistencialista e centrado na cura pela prevenção de doenças e promoção da saúde de indivíduos, famílias e comunidades, colocando a atenção básica como a porta de entrada no sistema de saúde. Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto do PSF na comunidade rural de Airões, município de Paula Cândido, Minas Gerais, analisando sua contribuição para a evolução dos indicadores de saúde, a partir da comparação dos dados sanitários antes e depois da implantação do programa, no período de 1992 e 2003. Os dados foram coletados por meio de inquérito domiciliar, aplicados a 127 famílias selecionadas aleatoriamente na comunidade, que representavam 55,2% e 41,6% do total de famílias em 1992 e 2003, respectivamente. Após a implantação do PSF, houve um aumento de 40,4% no diagnóstico de doenças e o número de internações reduziu de 42,7% para 27,2%. A cobertura da assistência pré-natal aumentou de 30,6% para 90% e os partos domiciliares reduziram de 48,9% para 1%. Desta forma, a evolução dos dados sanitários da comunidade reforça a caracterização do PSF como uma estratégia eficiente de implementação do Sistema Único de Saúde.<br>The Family Health Program (PSF) as a redirection strategy of the healthcare model of the country has promoted the substitution of assistential and cure model for the disease prevention and health promotion of individuals as well as the families and communities, placing the primary health care as the entrance to the healthcare system. This work aims to evaluate the PSF impacting in the rural community of Airões, in the city of Paula Cândido, Minas Gerais State, analyzing its contribution to the evolution of health indicators, since the comparison of sanitary data before and after implementation of the program, in the period ranging from 1992 to 2003. The information were obtained through a household survey applied to 127 families randomly selected within the community, representing 55.2% and 41.6% of the families in 1992 e 2003 respectively. After the PSF implementation there were a increase of 40,4% in diseases diagnosis and a reduction in the number of internment from 42.7% to 27.2%. Pre-natal assistance coverage was enlarged from 30.6% to 90% and the birth in homes reduced from 48.9% to 1%. Therefore, the evolution of the sanitary data in the community shows the characterization of the PSF as an effective strategy of implementation of the Unified Health System