1,058 research outputs found

    Življenje v pismih: Antropološka refleksija korespondence slovenske misijonarke, sestre Konradine Resnik

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    This article follows a circular path. Its starting point is the well-preserved family archive of more than a hundred letters written by Sr. Conradina to her family back home in Slovenia from her assigned mission in India. It then journeys through layers of historical context important for understanding the qualitative methodological approaches, reflecting on various aspects relevant to the analysis of the letters (material aspects, questions of comprehension, content issues, the ethnographic context, etc.). Finally, it reaches – or rather comes back to – the source, the missionary herself, writing letters from India to Slovenia from within the framework of different hierarchies, discourses and relationships.Članek je zasnovan krožno. Pot začne s predstavitvijo v obsežnem družinskem arhivu zbranih pisem, ki jih je slovenska misijonarka sr. Konradina v prvi polovici prejšnjega stoletja pošiljala svoji družini v Slovenijo. V nadaljevanju predstavi nekatere zgodovinske okoliščine, pomembne za razumevanje kvalitativnih metodoloških pristopov, ponudi pa tudi vpogled v različne plasti, pomembne pri analizi pisem (materialni aspekt, vprašanje obsega, vsebinska analiza, etnografski kontekst itd.). V zaključku se vrne na svoje izhodišče in osvetli akterko samo, slovensko misijonarko v Indiji, ki je v okviru različnih hierarhij, diskurzov in odnosov svojim domačim pošiljala pisma

    Analyzing the articles published in the field of flute in Turkey: Türkiye’de flüt alanında yayımlanan makalelerin incelenmesi

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    This study, which aims to examine the articles published in the field of flute in Turkey in terms of various characteristics and to determine the current situation, was designed in descriptive survey model. The 103 articles, which can be accessed by typing the keyword "flute" in Google Scholar, Dergipark, Sobiad databases and Google search engine, were analyzed with a descriptive analysis approach according to the variables of "field, year, subject, method, number of authors, composer studied, journal in which it was published, index in which it was indexed". According to the results of the research, it was determined that the articles published in the field of flute showed a balanced distribution in terms of field type in the field of flute education and outside the field of flute education, were mostly published in 2019, focused on flute techniques, especially on work analysis and etude/method analysis, mainly adopted qualitative method and survey model as method type, mostly single-authored, and W.A. Mozart and E. Köhler were the leading composers covered in their subjects. In addition, it was concluded that these articles, which were published in 52 different journals, were mostly indexed in indexes other than international field indexes, TR Index and journals that are not indexed in any index, and least indexed in journals in ESCI- Scopus and H.W. Wilson indexes, which are known as international field indexes. (Extended English summary is at the end of this document)   Özet Türkiye’de flüt alanında yayımlanan makalelerin çeşitli özellikleri açısından incelenmesi ile mevcut durumunun belirlenmesi amacını taşıyan bu araştırma, betimsel tarama modelinde tasarlanmıştır. Google Akademik, Dergipark, Sobiad veri tabanlarına ve Google arama motoruna "flüt" anahtar kelimesi yazılarak ulaşılabilen 103 makale, betimsel analiz yaklaşımı ile "alan, yıl, konu, yöntem, yazar sayısı, işlenilen besteci, yayımlandığı dergi, tarandığı index (dizin) değişkenlerine göre dağılımları incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre flüt alanında yayımlanan makalelerin alan türü bakımından flüt eğitimi alanında ve flüt eğitimi alanı dışında dengeli bir dağılım gösterdiği, en fazla 2019 yılında yayımlandığı, flüt teknikleri başta olmak üzere eser inceleme ve etüt/metot inceleme konuları üzerine yoğunlaştığı, ağırlıklı olarak nitel yöntemi ve yöntem türü olarak tarama modelini benimsediği, çoğunlukla tek yazarlı olduğu, konularında işlenen bestecilerin başında W.A. Mozart ve E. Köhler geldiği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, 52 çeşit dergide yayımlanan bu makalelerin en çok sırasıyla uluslararası alan indexleri dışındaki diğer indexlerde, TR Dizin’de ve hiçbir indexte taranmayan dergilerde dizinlendiği; en az ise uluslararası alan indexleri olarak bilinen ESCI- Scopus ve H.W. Wilson indexleri kaspamındaki dergilerde tarandığı sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır

    Effects of different feeding methods on neuropeptide nesfatin-1 and irisin in turkeys

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    In this study, the effects of different methods of feeding turkeys on the neuropeptide nesfatin-1 and the hormone irisin were evaluated. A total of 90 turkeys were distributed to three treatment groups, namely T1: conventional system, T2: 50% feed and pasture, and T3: pasture. There were 30 birds in each group with three random replications. The birds were fed for 18 weeks. At the end of the study, blood was collected from 10 birds of each group. Plasma nesfatin-1 and irisin levels were measured with an enzyme-linked immunoassay. The nesfatin-1 levels of male turkeys in T1, T2, and T3 were 0.76 ± 0.1 ng/m, 0.41 ± 0.1 ng/ml, and 1.24 ± 0.2 ng/ml, respectively. Nesfatin-1 levels in the female turkeys in T1, T2 and T3 were 0.53 ± 0.07 ng/ml, 1.18 ± 0.3 ng/ml, 1.32 ± 0.1 ng/ml, respectively. The irisin levels in the male turkeys in T1, T2, and T3 were 575.93 ± 42.5 pg/ml, 188.39 ± 1.8 pg/ml, and 607.54 ± 24.1 pg/ml, respectively. Irisin levels of the female turkeys in T1, T2 and T3 were 603.20 ± 42.2 pg/ml, 241.42 ± 18.4 pg/ml, and 399.29 ± 21.5 pg/ml, respectively. Because nesfatin-1 is involved in regulating food intake, food intake by turkeys might differ, depending on the management system. Different management systems might also alter irisin secreation because it can be induced by exercise

    The influence of elevated temperatures on the mechanical properties of polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete

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    This paper describes the strength of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete (PFRC) exposed to the elevated temperatures. In the study, control specimens without any fibers and the concrete specimens with the ratios of 0.30, 0.60, 0.90 and 1.20 kg/m³ polypropylene fibers both in woolen and bar shape fiber have been produced. The specimens have been kept in the laboratory conditions for 28 days. Shortly after the curing period was completed, every group was heated at 23, 150, 300, 450, 600 and 750°C for two hours then the compressive strengths of them were determined. The maximum compressive strength was obtained by the specimens including 0.30 kg/m³ woolen polypropylene. For this group, the compressive strength increase was 8% according to the control specimens. The compressive strengths of bar polypropylene fiber concrete were higher than the wool fibers under elevated temperatures. On the other hand, more compressive strength values are obtained from the control specimens than fiber groups at 600°C temperature. Melting the polypropylene fiber at 500°C formed some pore spaces in concrete and caused reduction of the compressive strength

    Dwelling on and with water - materialities, (im)mobilities and meanings: Introduction to the special issue

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    This special issue explores the materialities, (im)mobilities and meanings of dwelling on and with water by asking how is water experienced, narrated, and understood. Water’s physical qualities both afford mobility and create frictions, thus complicating the boundaries between moving and staying, while waterscapes are also full of political, socio-cultural, and metaphorical meanings. Dwelling on water presents a challenge to overwhelmingly sedentary states and their terra-centric logics, which compels us to further discuss water both in a phenomenological and a political manner. This special issue suggests avenues for studying dwelling on and with water by examining various practices of being on water with their related meanings (the liveaboard boating communities on inland waterways and surfers on the sea) as well as with(out) water in terms of water scarcity, thus underlining the need for an anthropology of water

    A study of hair conditioners and conditioning shampoos composition

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    Lasje so pomemben del naše podobe, zato njihovi negi posvečamo veliko časa in truda. Videz pričeske lahko polepšamo s procesi, kot so česanje, kodranje ali likanje las, vendar se pri tem velikokrat ne zavedamo škode, ki jo povzročamo. Z uporabo balzamov za lase poškodbe zmanjšamo ter obnovimo in zaščitimo strukturo las. Ker so pričakovanja potrošnikov vedno večja, so proizvajalci razvili kombinacijo šampona in balzama za lase ter tako poleg čiščenja zagotovili nego las in lasišča. V diplomski nalogi smo proučevali balzame za lase in šampone 2 v 1. V drogerijah smo izbrali 56 izdelkov ter jih razdelili v skupine glede na namen in način uporabe. Osredotočili smo se na sestavine v obeh skupinah izdelkov, ki imajo vlogo pri obnovi las. Ovrednotili smo tudi pogostost pojavljanja posameznih površinsko aktivnih snovi, dišav in konzervansov v izbranih izdelkih. Ugotovili smo, da preiskovani izdelki vsebujejo blage površinsko aktivne snovi. Med kationskimi polimeri prevladujejo polikvaterniji, ki so prisotni v 32 izdelkih. Najpogosteje uporabljene kationske PAS so cetrimonijev klorid, behentrimonijev klorid in stearamidopropil dimetilamin. Med silikoni prevladuje dimetikon, in sicer v 14 izdelkih. Med hidrolizati proteinov smo najpogosteje našli proteine iz keratina in pšenične proteine. Anionske površinsko aktivne snovi so prisotne le v šamponih 2 v 1, in sicer je najpogostejši natrijev lavret sulfosukcinat. Najpogosteje uporabljena dišava v izdelkih je linalol, med konzervansi pa prevladujejo fenoksietanol, benzilni alkohol in kalijev sorbat. Glede na pogostost pojavljanja določenih sestavin in informacij, ki so bile prisotne na ovojnini izdelka, smo izdelke razdelili na kratkotrajne balzame, intenzivne balzame, balzame brez izpiranja, ter šampone 2 v 1.Hair is a significant part of our image, so we commit much time and effort to its care. Hairstyles can be beautified by processes such as combing, curling or ironing, but frequently we are not cognizant of the effects these processes have on our hair. Hair loses its protective lipid layer, making it thinner, drier and more susceptible to damage. By using conditioners, we restore the hair structure and revive its softness, suppleness and shine. The key ingredients providing these properties are cationic polymers, cationic surfactants, silicones and protein hydrolysates. Consumers’ expectations are increasing, so manufacturers have developed a combination of shampoo and conditioner, which simultaneously provides cleaning and hair care. In this diploma thesis we studied the composition of hair conditioners and two-in-one hair shampoos. We chose 56 products at pharmacies and drugstores and divided them into groups according to their purpose and use. We focused primarily on ingredients with a role in hair restoration. We also analysed emollients, thickeners, moisturisers and surfactants, and some attention was paid to fragrances and preservatives. Among cationic polymers, polyquaternium was most commonly found, while cationic surfactants were predominantly cetrimonium chloride, behentrimonium chloride, and stearamidopropyl dimethylamine. Among silicones, dimethicone appeared most frequently - in 14 products. Among protein hydrolysates, keratin and wheat protein were most commonly present. We found that the examined products contain mainly mild surfactants with low irritation potential. Among them, cocamidopropylbetain and polysorbate 20 predominated. Anionic surfactants were found only in two-in-one shampoos, with sodium laureth sulfoxinate being the most common in these products. Among the thickeners most commonly found was cetearyl alcohol, which is also a representative of emollients. The most widely used fragrance in products is linalol, with phenoxyethanol, benzyl alcohol and potassium sorbate predominating as preservatives. Given the frequency of occurrence of individual ingredients and information present on the product packaging, we divided the products into short-term conditioners, intensive conditioners, non-rinse conditioners, and two-in-one shampoos

    Quantitative seismic interpretation and machine learning applications for subsurface characterization and modeling

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    Quantitative seismic interpretation and geostatistical modeling methods have been widely used for subsurface reservoir characterization. However, the task becomes challenging due to the reservoir complexity and limited well control. To address these challenges, this research explores workflows that combine supervised machine learning, quantitative seismic interpretation, and seismic-constraining reservoir modeling methods to effectively reduce uncertainty in predicting multiscale subsurface heterogeneity. These workflows help mitigate the risks and uncertainties of exploring and developing potential reservoirs for hydrocarbon exploration and production or subsurface carbon sequestration. Techniques applied in this study integrate multiple sources of data to characterize complex reservoirs across different fields in north America. This dissertation presents three case studies combining new and traditional subsurface characterization techniques at different scales. The research starts with supervised machine learning, 3D seismic data, and well-log information to map the seismic scale diagenetic imprint and its corresponding reservoir quality on a Permian Basin reservoir. Then, I present a workflow that integrates core-derived petrophysical measurements, well logs, and pre-stack seismic data through supervised machine learning to map the seismic-scale spatial variability of petrophysically significant facies of a carbonate reservoir targeted for carbon geosequestration. Lastly, I present a seismic-constrained reservoir modeling and simulation workflow that combines the seismic-scale petrophysically defined facies information with well log and core data to map small-scale stratigraphic variability of petrophysical properties, CO2 storage capacity, and subsurface fluid flow behavior for long-term carbon sequestration. The illustrated workflows showed that the subsurface properties, such as lithology and petrofacies information, could be extracted on a seismic scale with the help of supervised machine learning. Additionally, this information can be used to better constrain reservoir models and reduce uncertainty where the well control is sparse

    Emergency peripartum hysterectomy in Nnewi, Nigeria: A 10-year review

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    Background: Emergency peripartum hysterectomy has remained a challenging and very life saving surgical procedure in obstetrics. Its indications are emerging.Aims: This was to determine the incidence, indications, and outcomes of emergency peripartum hysterectomy at a tertiary hospital in Nnewi, south–east Nigeria.Materials and Methods: A retrospective study of the case files of patients requiring an emergency peripartum hysterectomy between January 2000 and December 2009 was conducted. Emergency peripartum hysterectomy was defined as one performed for hemorrhage unresponsive to other treatment within 24 hours of delivery. The findings were analyzed using Epi info version 3.5.1.Results: During the 10-year period, there were 6,137 deliveries and 38 cases of emergency peripartum hysterectomies, giving an incidence of 6.2 per 1000 deliveries. Of the 38 hysterectomies, only 29 (76.3%) case files were available for analysis. The mean age of the patients was 28.1 ± 5.4 years and 22 (75.9%) patients were unbooked. There were four primigravidae (13.8%) while 25 (86.2%) were parous. The main indications for hysterectomy were placenta praevia 14 (48.3%) and uterine rupture 10 (34.5%). Subtotal hysterectomy was performed in majority (72.4%) of cases. The commonest postoperative morbidities were postoperative fever (37.9%), postoperative anemia (24.1%), and wound infection (20.7%). The maternal case fatality rate was 31.0%, while the perinatal mortality was 44.8%. The mean duration of hospital stay was 9.8 ± 2.4 days.Conclusion: The incidence of emergency peripartum hysterectomy was high and majority of patients were unbooked. Placenta praevia has emerged as its primary indication. Booking for antenatal care, anticipation, prompt resuscitation, and early surgical intervention by a skilled surgeon are crucial

    Three-Dimensional Spontaneous Flow Transition in a Homeotropic Active Nematic

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    We study the three-dimensional spontaneous flow transition of an active nematic in an infinite slab geometry using a combination of numerics and analytics. We show that it is determined by the interplay of two eigenmodes -- called S- and D-mode -- that are unstable at the same activity threshold and spontaneously breaks both rotational symmetry and chiral symmetry. The onset of the unstable modes is described by a non-Hermitian integro-differential operator, which we determine their exponential growth rates from using perturbation theory. The S-mode is the fastest growing. After it reaches a finite amplitude, the growth of the D-mode is anisotropic, being promoted perpendicular to the S-mode and suppressed parallel to it, forming a steady state with a full three-dimensional director field and a well-defined chirality. Lastly, we derive a model of the leading-order time evolution of the system close to the activity threshold.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure