4 research outputs found

    State of the art of language learning design using mobile technology: sample apps and some critical reflection

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    In this paper, experiences from different research groups illustrate the state-of-the-art of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (henceforth, MALL) in formal and non-formal education. These research samples represent recent and on-going progress made in the field of MALL at an international level and offer encouragement for practitioners who are trying to incorporate these approaches into mainline second language teaching. Furthermore, researchers interested in the field can see that the work presented here exemplifies how fertile it is, which should hopefully serve as motivation to undertake new studies to move the state-of-the-art further on

    Un mundo figurado de poder de color verde olivo

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    The presentation analyzes the role of fashion in the construction of the revolutionary image of Fidel Castro, evaluating its political impact. It is argued that the olive green campaign uniform contributed to establishing the political vanguard role of the guerrilla led by Fidel Castro and presenting him as the leader of the revolutionary movement, making agents such as the urban underground resistance, traditional political parties and the communist party invisible. . Likewise, the guerrilla style of Fidel Castro and the other revolutionary leaders is presented as the place of enunciation of a new political allegory, that of the revolutionary, who would embody the image of Fidel Castro and, after the assassination of Che Guevara in 1967, that of this of last month. It also analyzes the efforts of the revolutionary leadership to extend the use of the olive green uniform to the citizens, through mass organizations of a military and paramilitary nature that advocated the ideal of a revolutionary New Man formed in the image and likeness of Fidel Castro. All of this would form a figurative world of power that would present post-revolutionary Cuba as a society in revolution, and would legitimize the leadership of Fidel Castro, with echoes that reach the contemporary world of international fashion and politics.La ponencia analiza el rol de la moda en la construcción de la imagen revolucionaria de Fidel Castro, evaluando el impacto político de esta. Se argumenta que el uniforme de campaña verde olivo contribuyó a establecer el papel de vanguardia política de la guerrilla liderada por Fidel Castro y a presentar a este como líder del movimiento revolucionario, invisibilizando agentes como la resistencia clandestina urbana, los partidos políticos tradicionales y el partido comunista. Asimismo, se presenta el estilo guerrillero de Fidel Castro y los demás líderes revolucionarios como lugar de enunciación de una nueva alegoría política, la del revolucionario, que encarnaría la imagen de Fidel Castro y, tras el asesinato del Che Guevara en 1967, la de este último. Se analiza, además, los esfuerzos del liderazgo revolucionario por extender el uso del uniforme verde olivo a la ciudadanía, a través de organizaciones de masa de corte militar y paramilitar que propugnaban el ideal de un Hombre Nuevo revolucionario formado a imagen y semejanza de Fidel Castro. Todo ello conformaría un mundo figurado de poder que presentaría a la Cuba posrevolucionaria como una sociedad en revolución, y legitimaría el liderazgo de Fidel Castro, con ecos que alcanzan el mundo contemporáneo de la moda y la política internacionales.A apresentação analisa o papel da moda na construção da imagem revolucionária de Fidel Castro, avaliando seu impacto político. Argumenta-se que o uniforme de campanha verde oliva contribuiu para estabelecer o papel de vanguarda política do guerrilheiro liderado por Fidel Castro e apresentá-lo como líder do movimento revolucionário, tornando-se agentes como a resistência urbana underground, partidos políticos tradicionais e o partido comunista invisível. Da mesma forma, o estilo guerrilheiro de Fidel Castro e dos demais líderes revolucionários é apresentado como o lugar de enunciação de uma nova alegoria política, a do revolucionário, que encarnaria a imagem de Fidel Castro e, após o assassinato de Che Guevara em 1967, o deste mês passado. Analisa também os esforços da direção revolucionária para estender o uso do uniforme verde oliva aos cidadãos, por meio de organizações de massas de caráter militar e paramilitar que defendiam o ideal de um Novo Homem revolucionário formado à imagem e semelhança de Fidel Castro. Tudo isso formaria um mundo figurativo de poder que apresentaria a Cuba pós- -revolucionária como uma sociedade em revolução e legitimaria a liderança de Fidel Castro, com ecos que chegam ao mundo contemporâneo da moda e da política internacional

    La moda en la literatura cubana, 1960–1979: Tejiendo y destejiendo al hombre nuevo

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    Este artículo analiza la representación de la moda en la literatura posterior al triunfo de la Revolución cubana, deteniéndose en un conjunto de textos literarios producidos durante los años sesenta y setenta. La investigación recorre las representaciones del vestir y sus significaciones en relación con la ideología del socialismo de Estado cubano y la entelequia del hombre nuevo. Las autoras analizan las representaciones literarias del uniforme verde olivo y de milicias y de la ropa de trabajo; así como los inventos artesanales con que los cubanos intentaron sortear la escasez. Las autoras concluyen que la moda jugó un papel significativo comunicando afiliaciones políticas y valores, con lo que lo mismo amplificó los mecanismos de espectacularidad en los que se apoyó el poder político como permitió emitir críticas más o menos sutiles de dicho poder. This article studies the representation of fashion in the literature produced in Cuba after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, especially during the 1960s and 1970s. The research problematizes the representation of dress and its relation with the ideology of state socialism and the entelechy of the new man. The authors trace the literary representations of olive green and militia uniforms and work clothes, as well as of practices of make-do developed to sort out scarcity. The authors conclude that Cuban writers resorted to sartorial tropes to communicate political allegiances and values, either amplifying the revolutionary spectacle that supported the Cuban state socialist regime or more or less openly contesting its logics

    Conceptual Readings into the Cold War: Towards Transnational Approaches from the Perspective of Latin American Studies in Eastern and Western Europe

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    This bibliographical and conceptual essay summarizes recent research in Cold War Studies in Europe and the Americas, especially on smaller states in historiographical studies. Against the background of an increasing connectedness and globalization of research about the Cold War, the authors highlight the importance of the full-scale integration of countries and regions of the 'Global South' into Cold War Studies. Critical readings of the newly available resources reveal the existence of important decentralizing perspectives resulting from Cold War entanglements of the 'Global South' with the 'Global North.' As a result, the idea that these state actors from the former 'periphery' of the Cold War should be considered as passive recipients of superpower politics seems rather troubled. The evidence shows (at least partially) autonomous and active multiple actors