63 research outputs found

    O Brasil é um grande formigueiro’: território, ecologia e a história ambiental da América portuguesa, parte 1

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    Neste artigo compósito, proponho uma leitura não-antropoc êntrica da história territorial brasileira. Na parte I, reconstruo teoricamente o conceito de território de modo a ‘subjetificar’ toda e qualquer coisa terrena, descentrando a agência histórica. Para isso, sugiro encarar o território como um campo vital contínuo (i.e., sem ‘buracos’), diversificado e todo-abrangente de que os seres humanos participam, como condição necessária de sua existência terrena. A partir dessa pers pectiva, estar no território significa ‘vibrar’ na mesma faixa de frequência vital dos outros seres e coisas naturais, influenciando suas atividades e sendo influenciado por elas. Desenvolvida essa teoria, passo a utilizá-la, na parte II, para a construção de uma breve narrativa acerca do encontro e das adaptações recíprocas entre florestas costeiras, ameríndios, colonos neoeuropeus e formigas cortadeiras, durante a colonização portuguesa. A título de co nclusão, ressalto o contraste entre a atitude ‘dialogal’ e a atitude ‘colonial’ com que ameríndios e neoeuropeus, respectivamente, participavam dos encontros ecológicos, mais-do-que-humanos, que proponho chamar de territórios. (parte II, próximo número de HALAC

    Ambientalizando a Escrita da História

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    Book Review Rohland, Eleonora. Historia Entrelazada y el Medio Ambiente: Transformaciones Socioambientales en el Caribe, 1492-1800. Bielefeld: Kipu-Verlag, 2020. 81p.Book Review Rohland, Eleonora. Historia Entrelazada y el Medio Ambiente: Transformaciones Socioambientales en el Caribe, 1492-1800. Bielefeld: Kipu-Verlag, 2020. 81p.Book Review Rohland, Eleonora. Historia Entrelazada y el Medio Ambiente: Transformaciones Socioambientales en el Caribe, 1492-1800. Bielefeld: Kipu-Verlag, 2020. 81p


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    Although in most cases it does not allow mapping, use of historical documentation is more and more accepted as a legitimate method for ‘reading’ past forested landscapes. This methodological way has been showing to be suited for reconstitution of older landscapes, as well as long-term changing processes. The aim of this study was to achieve reasonable estimates of the ancient forest landscape – both in spatial and structural parameters – of Macacu river basin (northeast of Recôncavo da Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), using primary documentation (administrative reports, official correspondence) and secondary documentation (specially travelers accounts and narratives) of last quarter of eighteenth century and beginning of nineteenth century, besides pertinent historiography. The results reveal that, if eighteenth century has witnessed, in fact, a turning point in the history of Brazilian, in general, and Rio de Janeiro’s, in particular, Atlantic Forest, with the beginning of deforestation rates exponentially higher, the Macacu basin seems to have been, even in the end of the century, a great “refugee” of the biome. Key words: Historical geo-ecology. Forest landscape. Macacu river basin. Late-colonial Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).Embora não permita, na maioria dos casos, o recurso da cartografia, o uso de documentação histórica vem sendo cada vez mais apontado como um método legítimo para a “leitura” de paisagens florestais do passado. Esta via metodológica vem se mostrando adequada para a reconstrução de paisagens mais recuadas no tempo, bem como processos de mudança de longa duração. O objetivo deste estudo foi chegar a estimativas razoáveis da antiga paisagem florestal – tanto em termos espaciais quanto estruturais – da bacia do rio Macacu (nordeste do Recôncavo da Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro), usando documentação primária (relatórios administrativos, correspondências oficiais) e secundária (principalmente relatos de viajantes e crônicas) do último quartel do século XVIII e início do XIX, além, é claro, da historiografia pertinente. Os resultados alcançados revelam que, se o século XVIII representou, de fato, um turning point na história da Mata Atlântica brasileira, em geral, e fluminense, em particular, com o início de taxas de desflorestamento exponencialmente maiores, a bacia do Macacu parece ter constituído, ainda no final da centúria, um grande “refúgio” do bioma. Palavras-chave: Geoecologia histórica. Paisagem florestal. Bacia do rio Macacu. Rio de Janeiro colonial tardio

    In the Joint Effort of Life: Thinking as an Environmental Historian

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    The essay argues for the importance of environmental history as a critique of the currently dominant ways of thinking and acting towards the extra-human world. It is argued that, under the religious and philosophical influence of Judeo-Christianism, Western civilization has built their cultural identity around the idea of creation, especially from the European Renaissance onwards. Transposed from the divine to the sublunary realm, this “creationism” portrays the world as a unilateral product of human action – since it is the only creature in the animal kingdom driven by a conscious reason. Environmental historians, on the other hand, start out from a decentralized conception of agency to defend the principle that humans participate rather than create; the creativity lies in the encounters and relationships they establish and not in humans themselves. In other words, environmental historians assume a humanity-nature continuum and ask themselves what conditions, factors and processes are responsible for the emergence of systems of thought rooted in the “othering” of non-humans. To illustrate this point, it is briefly examined the historical process of replacing the indigenous population, native to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, by hybrid neo-European populations from 1500 onwards.O ensaio defende a relevância da história ambiental como crítica dos esquemas de pensamento e atitude atualmente dominantes em relação ao mundo extra-humano. Argumenta-se que a civilização ocidental, sob a influência religiosa e filosófica do judaísmo-cristianismo, construiu sua identidade cultural em torno da ideia de criação, sobretudo a partir do Renascimento europeu. Transposto do domínio divino para o sublunar, esse “criacionismo” retrata o mundo como produto unilateral da ação humana – pois é a única criatura, no reino animal, orientada por uma razão autoconsciente. Os historiadores ambientais, por outro lado, partem de uma concepção descentralizada de agência para defender o princípio de que os humanos mais participam do que de fato criam; a criatividade reside nos encontros e relações que estabelecem, e não nos humanos em si mesmos. Em outras palavras, historiadores ambientais partem de um continuum humanidade-natureza e se perguntam pelas condições, fatores e processos responsáveis pela emergência de sistemas de pensamento calcados na “alterização” dos não humanos. Para ilustrar esse ponto, examina-se brevemente o processo histórico de substituição das populações ameríndias, nativas da Mata Atlântica, por populações mestiças neobrasileiras, a partir de 1500

    Landscape and Letterscape in Early Colonial Brazil

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    This essay discusses alphabetic literacy’s geographic implications to the early-modern European colonization of the Americas, especially of those regions inhabited by tribal groups with no writing systems. Based on the understanding that any written text is as much a folding of as an unfolding in the world – a compressed representation of ‘concrete’ environments and a schema for perceiving and dealing with them –, it is proposed that colonial processes be conceptualized from the perspective of landscape-letterscape dialectics. Through the study of early Brazil, it is shown how Portuguese written procedures and materials rearranged the native socio-ecological fabric through encrypted (i.e., non-transparent to native illiterate people) textual projections – both outward-bound and inward-bound or from the text to the world and vice-versa – of a European-like would-be world. As physical objects, most of these texts circulated through a network of earthbound places that were territorially inaccessible to indigenous people. This colonial spatialization of alphabetic practices overwrote native landscapes and livelihoods while at the same time producing the legibility of the novel human geographies that were being created.This essay discusses alphabetic literacy’s geographic implications to the early-modern European colonization of the Americas, especially of those regions inhabited by tribal groups with no writing systems. Based on the understanding that any written text is as much a folding of as an unfolding in the world – a compressed representation of ‘concrete’ environments and a schema for perceiving and dealing with them –, it is proposed that colonial processes be conceptualized from the perspective of landscape-letterscape dialectics. Through the study of early Brazil, it is shown how Portuguese written procedures and materials rearranged the native socio-ecological fabric through encrypted (i.e., non-transparent to native illiterate people) textual projections – both outward-bound and inward-bound or from the text to the world and vice-versa – of a European-like would-be world. As physical objects, most of these texts circulated through a network of earthbound places that were territorially inaccessible to indigenous people. This colonial spatialization of alphabetic practices overwrote native landscapes and livelihoods while at the same time producing the legibility of the novel human geographies that were being created

    Territórios e Paisagens na América Latina

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    FaltaComo invenção moderno-colonial, a América Latina por séculos foi vista como “espaço” puro, um continente vazio a ser preenchido. Pretensamente impelidos e agraciados pela vontade divina, os europeus viam a si mesmos como agentes históricos no duplo sentido da expressão, ou seja, como atores e escritores do drama da colonização. Com suas armas, sua biota e suas letras, os colonizadores ao mesmo tempo criaram e preencheram o “espaço” americano – exterminando e substituindo as populações nativas (humanas e não-humanas), geometrizando a representação da terra e registrando alfabeticamente uma história regional sob a perspectiva dos invasores..

    A new sensitive molecular marker for Aspergillus’ Calmodulin gene detection in biological samples, used as a supplementary diagnosis for invasive Aspergillosis (IA)/ Um novo marcador molecular sensível para a detecção do gene Calmodulin em amostras biológicas do Aspergillus, utilizado como diagnóstico suplementar para a Aspergilose invasiva (IA)

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    Introduction: Aspergillosis is caused by the fungi of Aspergillus genus. After inhalation, Aspergillus’ conidia can invade the tracheal bronchus and lungs, resulting in airway colonization, inflammatory granuloma and invasive aspergillosis (IA), which is most likely to occur in neutropenic and immunosuppressed patients. Presently, IA has been associated with COVID-19 in patients admitted to intensive care units (ICU) for longer periods of time. Objective: The objective of this is to design a new molecular marker for detection of Aspergillus spp. in biological samples, in order to develop a new technique for IA diagnosis which is faster, more efficient and safer. Methodology: The primer was designed in silico using conserved sequences of the Calmodulin gene. After confirming the results in silico, in vitro evaluation was performed using the PCR technique. Results: The designed primer showed high specificity for the Aspergillus species. Conclusion: In this study the standardized PCR reaction with the designed marker proved to be safely utilized as a diagnostic method for IA.  The development of a test to aid in the diagnosis of IA is of great importance, since traditional methods are in turn time consuming and generally confused with other diseases. Early diagnosis contributes to faster treatment initiation and increasing the patient's chance of survival. We can conclude that the standardized PCR with the designed primer can be used safely in the development of a diagnostic test for IA, being of low cost, and accessible to patients treated by the public health system. A Patent application for this molecular marker has been submitted, with the number BR1020190281294