18 research outputs found

    Inelasticity Distribution Of Hadron-pb Collisions In The Energy Region Exceeding 1014 Ev From Mountain Cosmic Ray Experiments

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    The inelasticity distribution of hadron-lead collisions in the energy region exceeding 1014 eV is estimated on the basis of 66 events, induced by cosmic ray hadrons and detected at high mountain altitudes at Pamir (4300 m, 595 g/cm2). The distribution of the best fitting is approximated as g(K)dK=[α(1-K)m1-1 + βKm2-1]dK, where m1=0.5, m2=1.125, α=0.26, β=0.55, giving 〈K〉=0.60. The errors of the parameters are discussed in the text. The distribution is compared with those which are based on theoretical models. ©1999 The American Physical Society.611110Frichter, G.M., Gaisser, T.K., Stanev, T., (1997) Phys. Rev. D, 56, p. 3135Fowler, G.N., Weiner, R.M., Wilk, G., (1985) Phys. Rev. Lett., 55, p. 173Fowler, G.N., Vourdas, A., Weiner, R.M., Wilk, G., (1987) Phys. Rev. D, 35, p. 870Fowler, G.N., Navarra, F.S., Plümer, M., Voudras, A., Weiner, R.M., Wilk, G., (1989) Phys. Rev. C, 40, p. 1219Shabelski, Yu.M., Weiner, R.M., Wilk, G., Włodarczyk, Z., (1992) J. Phys. G, 18, p. 1281Włodarczyk, Z., (1995) J. Phys. G, 21, p. 281Chou, T.T., Yang, C.N., (1985) Phys. Rev. D, 32, p. 1692Gaisser, T.K., Stanev, T., (1989) Phys. Lett. B, 219, p. 375Kaǐdalov, A.B., Ter-Martirosyan, K.A., (1987) Proceedings of the 20th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 5, p. 139(1984) Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 40, p. 135Nazareth, R.A.M.S., Kodama, T., Portes Jr., D.A., (1992) Phys. Rev. D, 46, p. 2896Schatz, G., Thouw, T., Werner, K., Oehlschläger, J., Bekk, K., (1994) J. Phys. G, 20, p. 1267Gaisser, T.K., Protheroe, R.J., Turver, K.E., McComb, T.J.L., (1978) Rev. Mod. Phys., 50, p. 859Van Hove, L., Pokorski, S., (1975) Nucl. Phys., B86, p. 243Akashi, M., (1964) Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., 32, p. 1Feynman, R., (1969) Phys. Rev. Lett., 23, p. 1415Taylor, F.E., Carey, D.C., Johnson, J.R., Kammerud, R., Ritchie, D.J., Roberts, A., Sauer, J.R., Walker, J.K., (1976) Phys. Rev. D, 14, p. 1217Ohsawa, A., (1994) Prog. Theor. Phys., 92, p. 1005Arata, N., (1983) Nucl. Phys., B211, p. 189Tabuki, T., (1983) Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., 76, p. 40Chinellato, J.A., (1983) Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., 76, p. 1Alner, G.L., (1987) Phys. Rep., 5-6, p. 247Nishimura, J., (1967) Handbuch der Physik, 46 (2), p. 1. , Springer, BerlinArisawa, T., Fujimoto, Y., Hasegawa, S., Honda, K., Ito, H., Kopenkin, V.V., Semba, H., Strogova, O.P., (1994) Nucl. Phys., B424, p. 241Baradzei, L.T., (1992) Nucl. Phys. B, B370, p. 365Kopenkin, V., Fujimoto, Y., (1996) Nuovo Cimento C, 19, p. 1017Moriya, M., (1997), Master thesis, Waseda UniversityBarroso, S.L.C., Fujimoto, Y., Kopenkin, V., Moriya, M., Navia, C., Ohsawa, A., Shibuya, E.H., Tamada, M., (1997) Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), 52 B, p. 201(1997) Proceedings of the 25th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 6, p. 41Hama, Y., Paiva, S., (1997) Phys. Rev. Lett., 78, p. 3070Tamada, M., (1995) J. Phys. G, 21, p. 1387Knapp, J., Heck, D., Schatz, G., (1996) Report of Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, , Wissenchafteliche Berichte FZKA 5828Harr, R., Liapis, C., Karchin, P., Biino, C., Erhan, S., Hofmann, W., Kreuzer, P., Zweizig, J., (1997) Phys. Lett. B, 401, p. 176Tamada, M., Kopenkin, V.V., (1997) Nucl. Phys., B494, p. 3Ohsawa, A., (1971) Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., 47, p. 180Gaisser, T.K., (1990) Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics, , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Englan

    Estimating the inelasticity with the information theory approach

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    Using the information theory approach, in both its extensive and nonextensive versions, we estimate the inelasticity parameter KK of hadronic reactions together with its distribution and energy dependence from ppˉp\bar{p} and pppp data. We find that the inelasticity remains essentially constant in energy except for a variation around K0.5K\sim 0.5, as was originally expected.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Misprints correcte

    Repensando a história do karate contada no Brasil

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    Este estudo aborda diversos aspectos presentes na literatura e que moldam o pensamento presente no imaginário dos brasileiros sobre a identidade, história e filosofia do Karate-Dō¹. O objetivo deste estudo é produzir uma meta análise da literatura circulante sobre a inserção e o desenvolvimento do Karate no Brasil, abordando seus diferentes estilos. Justifica-se este estudo pelo fato de considerarmos que foi difundida no Brasil uma versão distorcida sobre a história do Karate por meio da mídia, pela tradição oral e pelo preconceito entre os praticantes de diferentes estilos. As reflexões aqui apresentadas buscam contribuir com informações para a construção de outra versão sobre esta prática em nosso país.This study approaches several aspects of literature that shape the present thinking in the Brazilians imaginaries about the Karate-Dō identity, history and philosophy. The objective of this research is to produce a meta-analysis of the spread literature approaching is different styles. This study is justified by the fact of we consider that a distortion of Karate-Dō history was diffused in Brazil, by the media, oral tradition and preconception between some Karate-Dō styles practitioners. The reflections presented here seek contribute with information for another version's construction about this practice in Brazil

    Muon lifetime measurement from muon nuclear capture process

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    Hadron-rich Cosmic-ray Families Detected By Emulsion Chamber

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    The observed hadrons in excess, larger-than-expected charged mesons (pions) in cosmic-ray families detected in emulsion chamber experiment at mountain altitude (5220 m above sea level) and produced in cosmic-ray hadronic interaction not far from PeV energy region are here studied. The hypothesis that these extra hadrons could be a bundle of surviving nuclear fragments (nucleons) is verified through a simulation method using a hybrid code composed by a superposition model to describe the number of interacting pairs of nucleon-nucleon in a nucleus-nucleus collision. Together with the UA5 algorithm to describe nucleon-nucleon collision, atmospheric propagation structure is also considered. A comparison between simulation output with experimental data shows that the surviving-nuclear-fragments hypothesis is not enough to explain non-pionic hadron excess, even if a heavy dominance composition in the primary flux is considered. © 1995 Società Italiana di Fisica.108111341135

    γ-hadron Families Sensitivity To Disoriented Chiral Condensates

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    Presented in this study is a possible coherent emission of pions from a large domain of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) in the leading particle region, through their influence on the development of the γ-hadron families, initiated by cosmic ray particles in the atmosphere. The production rate of DCC's is obtained by using a phenomenological framework in the quenching approximation and is included in a Monte Carlo code. In this context, we have found, under the assumption of a "normal" proton dominant composition in the primary flux, that the anomalous hadron-rich families, observed in the experimental data, can be reproduced. However, the production rate of DCC's obtained here is not enough to describe the global characteristics, such as the family flux, observed at mountain altitudes. The implications of these results are here discussed.55958345840Das Gupta, U., (1992) Phys. Rev. D, 45, p. 1459Cosmic Ray Conference (1993) Proceedings of the 23th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2, p. 97. , Calgary, Canada, 1993, edited by R. B. Hicks et al. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994)(1990) Astrophys. J., 349, pp. L25Ichimura, M., (1993) Phys. Rev. D, 48, p. 1949Lattes, C.M.J., Fujimoto, Y., Hasegawa, S., (1980) Phys. Rep., 65, p. 152Navia, C.E., (1994) Phys. Rev. D, 50, p. 5732Iwai, J., University of Washington Report No. UWSEA92-06 (unpublished)Baradzei, L.T., (1992) Nucl. Phys., B370, p. 365Niihori, Y., (1987) Phys. Rev. D, 36, p. 783Alner, G.L., (1987) Nucl. Phys., B291, p. 445Belletine, G., (1973) High Energy Collisions, , edited by C. Quigg, AIP Conf. Proc. 15 AIP, New YorkCool, R.L., (1982) Phys. Rev. Lett., 48, p. 2451Goulianos, K., (1983) Phys. Rep., 101, p. 169Albrow, M.G., (1976) Nucl. Phys., B108, p. 1Nikolsky, S.J., (1975) Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz., 39, p. 1160Anselm, A.A., Ryskin, M.G., (1991) Phys. Lett. B, 266, p. 482Rajagopal, K., Wilczek, F., (1993) Nucl. Phys., B399, p. 395Bjorken, J.D., (1992) Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 7, p. 4189Bjorken, J.D., (1992) Acta Phys. Pol. B, 23, p. 561Kowalski, K.L., Taylor, C.C., Case West Report No. CWRUTH-92-6 (unpublished)Bjorken, J.D., Kowalski, K.L., Taylor, C.C., (1993), Report No. SLAC-PUB-6109, (unpublished)Blaizot, J.P., Krzywicki, A., (1992) Phys. Rev. D, 46, p. 246Asakawa, M., (1995) Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, p. 3126Bank, S.Y., Cosmic Ray Conference, 4, p. 62Bank, S.Y., (1991) Phys. Rev. C, 43, p. 1410Jones, L., (1995) Proceedings of the 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1, p. 886. , Roma, Italy, edited by Nunzio Iucci (Arti Grafiche Editoriale, Urbino, Italy, 1995)Bjorken, J., (1993) 23rd International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (1993), , Proceedings, Aspen, Colorado, edited by M. L. Block and A. White (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994

    Connection Among Spacecrafts And Ground Level Observations Of Small Solar Transient Events

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    An overview of the results of the search for small solar transient events, in association with muon enhancements (deficits) registered at ground-level by the Tupi muon telescopes, is presented. Among the events, there are three interplanetary shocks and two solar flares of small scale whose X-ray emission flux is much smaller than 10 -5 W m -2 at 1 AU (GOES-Tupi connection). Two of the interplanetary shocks are cataloged as corotating interaction region and the third shock is due to the passage of a CME(coronal mass ejection) ejecta (ACE and SOHO-Tupi connection) in the Earth's proximities. In most cases, the particles excess (deficit) coming from these events have only been observed with spacecraft instruments. However, the Tupi telescopes are located at sea level and within the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), a region where the shielding effect of the magnetosphere is not perfectly spherical and shows a 'dip'. This fact enables the muon telescopes to achieve a low rigidity of response to primary and secondary charged particles (≥ 0.1 GV). Muon excesses (deficits) with significances above 4σ have been found. These events observed at ground admit a temporal correlation with solar transient events observed by spacecrafts, which suggests strongly a real connection between them. Details of these observations are reported. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.3102/03/15177197Augusto, C.R.A., Navia, C.E., Tsui, K.H., Muon enhancements at sea level in association with Swift-BAT and MILAGRO triggers (2008) Phys. Rev., D77, p. 123008Casolino, M., PAMELA Collaboration: Observations of primary, trapped and quasi trapped particles with PAMELA experiment (2008) Proceedings 30th ICRC, 1, p. 709. , MeridaGupta, S.P., Solar activity and atmospheric tide effect on the polar conductivity and the vertical electric field in the stratosphere at low latitude (2003) Adv. Space Res., 34, p. 1798Augusto, C.R.A., Simultaneous observation at sea level and at 5200 m.a.s.l. of high energy particles in the South Atlantic Anomaly (2010) Astropart. Phys., 34, p. 40Iucci, N., Parisi, M., Storini, M., Villoresi, G., High-speed solar-wind streams and galactic cosmic-ray modulation (1979) Il Nuovo Cimento, 2 C, p. 421Richardson, I.G., Cane, H.V., Cliver, E.W., Sources of geomagnetic activity during nearly three solar cycles (1972-2000) (2002) J. Geophys. Res., , doi:10.1029/2001JA000504Krucker, S., Benz, A.J., Energy distribution of heating processes in the quiet solar corona (1998) Astrophys. J., 501, pp. L213Berghmans, D., Clette, F., Moses, D., A panoramic view by EIT on board SOHO (1998) Astron. Astrophys., 336, p. 1039Aschwand, M.J., Time variability of the "quiet" Sun observed with TRACE. II. Physical parameters, temperature evolution, and energets of extreme-ultraviolet nanoflares (2000) Astrophys. J., 535, p. 1027Ruffolo, D., Khumlumlert, T., Propagation of coherent pulses of solar cosmic rays (1995) Proceeding 24th ICRC, 4, p. 277. , RomeNavia, C.E., Is there an enhancement of muons at sea level from transient events? (2005) Astrophys. J., 621, p. 1137Augusto, C.R.A., Muon excess at sea level from solar flares in association with the Fermi GBM spacecraft detector (2011) Phys. Rev. D, , arXiv: 1012. 1561v1 [astro-ph. SR

    Search For Disoriented Chiral Condensate In Cosmic γ-hadron Families

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    We present a systematic study of the large asymmetries in neutral pion fraction distribution in high energy cosmic ray families (100 TeV<Evis<700 TeV) detected at high mountain altitudes at Pamir (4300 m, 595 g/cm2). With this in mind we have constructed robust observables, ratios of factorial moments, in experimental and simulated families in a similar way. We have found that our experimental data do not exclude the possibility of a DCC formation mechanism in high energy interactions. ©1999 The American Physical Society.59516Bayburina, S.G., (1981) Nucl. Phys., B191, p. 1Arisawa, T., (1994) Nucl. Phys., B424, p. 241Kopenkin, V., (1997) Nuovo Cimento C, 19, p. 1017Bjorken, J., (1992) Acta Phys. Pol. A, 7, p. 4189Lattes, C.M.G., (1980) Phys. Rep., 61, p. 151Brooks, T.C., (1997) Phys. Rev. D, 55, p. 5667Baradzei, L.T., (1992) Nucl. Phys., B370, p. 365Navia, C.E., (1997) Phys. Rev. D, 55, p. 5834Hasegawa, S., (1996) Nucl. Phys., B474, p. 141Minakata, H., (1996) Phys. Lett. B, 377, p. 135Niihori, Y., (1987) Phys. Rev. D, 36, p. 783(1987) Nucl. Phys., B291, p. 445Tamada, M., (1994) J. Phys. G, 20, p. 487Augusto, C.R.A., (1995) Phys. Rev. D, 52, p. 4976Tamada, M., (1995) J. Phys. G., 21, p. 1387Moriya, M., (1997), Master thesis, Waseda Universit

    Possible Dcc Signature In γ-hadron Families Seen Through Robust Observables

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    We have found by using robust observables in experimental cosmic ray gamma-hadron families (100 TeV < Evis < 700 TeV) detected at mountain altitudes that there are peculiar clusters with large asymmetries in the neutral pion fraction distribution, absent in the artificial generic families. A qualitative explanation of this result can be associated to copious production of pions in the far-forward angular region from a channel of DCC generation in nuclear collisions.751-2206208Bjorken, J., (1992) Acta Phys. Pol., A7, p. 4189Lattes, C.M.G., (1980) Phys. Rep., 61, p. 151Brooks, T.C., (1997) Phys. Rev., D55, p. 5667Baradzei, L.T., (1992) Nucl. Phys. B, 370, p. 365Arisawa, T., (1994) Nucl. Phys. B, 424, p. 241Kopenkin, V., (1997) IL Nuovo Cimento, 19 C (N6), p. 1017(1987) Nucl. Phys. B, 291, p. 445Tamada, M., (1994) J. Phys. G:Nucl. Part. Phys., 20, p. 487Augusto, C.R.A., (1995) Phys. Rev., D52, p. 4976Navia, C.E., (1997) Phys Rev., D55, p. 5834Bayburina, S.G., (1981) Nucl. Phys. B, 191, p. 1Moriya, M., Master Thesis, Waseda University, 1997, unpublishe