782 research outputs found

    Effects of Feeding Diets Formulated with Amino Acid Profiles Intended for High-, Medium-, and Low-lean Gain Pigs on the Performance of Medium-lean Gain Pigs

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    The University of Nebraka and South Dakota State University published a Swine Nutrition Guide with nutrient recommendations for pigs in a four-phase feeding system for 20 to 114 kg. The recommendations utilized the concepts of split sex feeding, ideal protein profile relative to lysine, and reduction of nitrogen excretion by lowering the total protein content of the diet with dietary supplementation with economically available amino acids The research reported in this paper was an attempt to evaluate the consequences of feeding diets formulated for three lean groth genotypes to pigs of the medium-lean growth type

    Effect of Diet Complexity on the Performance of Newly Weaned Pigs Fed Pharmacological Levels of Zinc Oxide

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    Zinc (Zn) is an essential trace mineral for swine. The requirement for Zn has been suggested to be in the range of 50 to 100 mg/kg for pigs at various stages of growth. The bioavilability of zinc oxide (ZnO) as a source of Zn is lower than other Zn sources such as zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), zinc carbonate (ZnCO3) and Znmethionine in weanling pigs. Recent studies have shown that adding pharmacological levels (2000-4000 mg/kg) of Zn as ZnO to corn-soybean meal based diets improved started pig performance and was effective in controlling E. coli scours for weanling pigs. Very high levels of Zn can be toxic. Studies have demonstrated that Zn toxicosis is not found or is much less severe when ZnO is supplemented in corn-soybean meal dies for weanling pigs than ZnCO3 is the source of pharmacological levels of Zn. The response for weaned pigs to the addition of pharacological levels of ZnO to simple diets containing corn, soybean meal, and dried-whey has not been compared to the addition of the same levels of Zn to complex diets containing these same ingredients plus animal protein supplements. The objective of this study was to determine whether diet composition affected the growth promoting properties of ZnO in weaned pig diets

    Effects of Dietary Energy Concentration During the Grower Period on the Accuracy of Determining Lean Gain Potential During the Finisher Period for Pigs Selected During the Grower Period by Either a Lean Gain Formula or by Plasma Urea Nitrogen Concentration as an Indicator of Lean Gain

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    It is generally thought that pigs eat to satisfy their demand for energy and the amount of feed consumed is dependent on the energy density of the diet. Therefore, the amount of feed consumed when an energy-dense diet is fed will be lower than when a low energy diet is fed. Protein is the nutrient that is most frequently adjusted as energy density in the diet is changed. Energy intake influences the rates of deposition of lean and fat tissue. Nitrogen accretion is generally limited by voluntary intake of energy for pigs weighing less than 50 kg but not for pigs weighing over 50 kg body weight. When the rate of protein deposition reaches a plateau for a given gender and genotype of pig, further increases in energy intake result in an increased deposition of fat tissue. It is thought that lean gain/day is negatively correlated with plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) concentrations. In a diet with proper balance of amino acids, PUN levels will increase as the protein concentration of the diet exceeds the protein requirement of the pigs. Pigs with higher lean growth requir4e a higher concentration of amino acids When a group of pigs are fed a given protein concentration, pigs with a higher lean gain/day are expected to have lower PUN concentrations. To maximize efficient production, there would be merit to sorting pigs by their lean gain potential enabling the producer to better match the nutritional needs of each genotype with the pig’s ability to partition energy toward lean and away from fat deposition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of energy concentration of the grower diet on the ability to sort pigs from a contemporary farrowing group based on high or low lean growth potential estimated by (a) lean gain/day (LGPD) based on the NPPC (1991) formula using gain and ultrasound measurements during the grower period of (b) PUN concentrations at the end of the grower period

    Influence of Corn Density on Pig Growth and Nutrient Digestibility

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    The pricing of corn is baded upon a number of factors including moisture content, test weight, level contaminants, and deterioration of quality. It is understood that high moisture content dilutes the concentration of energy and nutrients. Poor quality because of deterioration during storage and the presence of contaminants lowers the palatability of the ingredient and may have negative health ramifications With less logical reasoning it has been assumed that the feeding value of corn for pigs is related to corn’s bulk density. Low-test weight corn is sold at a discount even if moisture content and quality factors are desirable. Corn harvested in the fall of 1992 with a density of either 20.9 kg/bu (46 lb/bu; LO) or 25.5 kg/bu (56 lb/bu; HI) was used in a growth trial and a digestibility study to further evaluate the effect for growing pig

    Effect of Diet Complexity and the Additive Effect of Pharmacological Levels of ZnO and Carbadox on the Performance of Weaned Pigs

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    The scientific literature documents the efficacy of antibacterial feed additives for weaned pigs. More recently, Feeding therapeutic levels of supplemental zinc (Zn) from zinc oxide (ZnO) stimulated voluntary feed intake and weight gain of young pigs. Over the last decade, research demonstrated that swine diets contianing sub-therapeutic levels of various antibiotics combined with pharmacological levels of copper (Cu) resulted in better performance than when either ingredient was provided individually. In 1982, an additive improvement in performance was found when a sub-therapeutic level (55 mg/kg) of carbodox (CARB) and high level of Cu (125 mg/kg) were provided in combination in a corn-soybean meal diet. The interactive effects of Cu from copper sulfate (CuSO4) and Zn from ZnO in diets for weanling pigs on performance have been evaluated, and the use of 3000 mg/kg Zn alone provided greater performance than the use of both Cu and Zn. Because Cu and Zn have independent biological growth promoting properies, it is necessary to determine if swine diets containing an antimicrobial agent in combination with 3000 mg/kg Zn as ZnO may result in better performance than when either is provided individually. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the additive effects of 3000 mg/kg Zn as ZnO and CARB on weaned pig performance and (2) to evaluate whether simple nursery diets containing Zn as ZnO support performance that is similar to complex (phase I and phase II) nursery diets

    A single-center, observational study of 607 children & young people presenting with Differences in Sex Development (DSD)

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    Context Differences in sex development (DSD) represent a wide range of conditions presenting at different ages to various health professionals. Establishing a diagnosis, supporting the family and developing a management plan are important. Objective We aimed to better understand the presentation and prevalence of pediatric DSD. Design A retrospective, observational cohort study was undertaken of all children and young people (CYP) referred to a DSD multi-disciplinary team over 25 years (1995-2019). Setting A single tertiary paediatric center. Participants In total, 607 CYP (520 regional referrals) were included. Main Outcome Measures Data were analyzed for diagnosis, sex-assignment, age and mode of presentation, additional phenotypic features, mortality, and approximate point prevalence. Results Amongst the three major DSD categories, sex chromosome DSD was diagnosed in 11.2% (68/607) (most commonly 45, X/46, XY mosaicism), 46, XY DSD in 61.1% (371/607) (multiple diagnoses often with associated features), while 46, XX DSD occurred in 27.7% (168/607) (often 21-hydroxylase deficiency). Most children (80.1%) presented as neonates, usually with atypical genitalia, adrenal insufficiency, undescended testes or herniae. Those presenting later had diverse features. Rarely, the diagnosis was made antenatally (3.8%, n = 23) or following incidental karyotyping/family history (n = 14). Mortality was surprisingly high in 46, XY children, usually due to complex associated features (46, XY girls, 8.3%; 46, XY boys, 2.7%). The approximate point prevalence of neonatal referrals for investigation of DSD was 1 in 6,347 births, and 1 in 5,101 overall throughout childhood. Conclusions DSD represent a diverse range of conditions that can present at different ages. Pathways for expert diagnosis and management are important to optimize care

    Distribution of sedimentary rock types through time in a back-arc basin: A case study from the Jurassic of the Greater Caucasus (Northern Neotethys)

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    Abstract The evolution of sedimentary basins can be explored by analyzing the changes in their lithologies and lithofacies (i.e. predominant lithologies). The Greater Caucasus Basin, which was located at the northern margin of the Neotethys Ocean, represents a complete Sinemurian-Tithonian succession. A quantitative analysis of compiled datasets suggests that principal lithologies and lithofacies are represented by siliciclastics, shale and carbonates. The relative abundance of siliciclastics and shale decreased throughout the Jurassic, whereas that of carbonates increased. Evaporites are known from the Upper Jurassic, while volcaniclastics and volcanics, as well as coals, are known only in the Lower to Middle Jurassic. Siliceous rocks are extremely rare. Lithology and lithofacies proportions change accordingly. The Sinemurian-Bathonian sedimentary complex is siliciclastic-and-shale-dominated, whereas the Callovian-Tithonian sedimentary complex is carbonate-dominated. A major change in the character of sedimentation occurred during the Aalenian-Callovian time interval. Regional transgressions and regressions were more important controls of changes in the sedimentary rock proportions than average basin depth. Landward shoreline shifts were especially favorable for carbonate accumulation, whereas siliciclastics and shale were deposited preferentially in regressive settings. An extended area of the marine basin, its lower average depth, and a sharp bathymetric gradient favored a higher diversity of sedimentation. An orogeny at the Triassic-Jurassic transition was responsible for a large proportion of siliciclastics and extensive conglomerate deposition. An arcarc collision in the Middle Jurassic also enhanced the siliciclastic deposition. Both phases of tectonic activity were linked with an increase in volcanics and volcaniclastics. Volcanism itself might have been an important control on sedimentation. A transition to carbonate-dominated sedimentation occurred in the Late Jurassic, reflecting a tectonically calm period

    Developing the digital self-determined learner through heutagogical design

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    This empirical qualitative study investigates whether the introduction of heutagogy in contemporary nursing education can foster the development of the digital self-determined learner, who is prepared to work and live in the fourth industrial age and beyond. The impact of heutagogical design on learner process and outcomes is explored through qualitative framework analysis of learner data and reflective educator observations. Findings suggest that with careful scaffolding and courage in remaining true to the educational philosophy, this approach has the potential to develop learners who demonstrate key principles of heutagogy including non-linear learning, learner agency, capability, self-reflection and metacognition and double-loop learning. This innovative study provides insight into the process of developing the self-determined learner and encourages further research into flexible and learner-centred approaches across Higher Education
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