199 research outputs found

    Middle Aged Woman

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    Small ring testing of a creep resistant material

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    Many components in conventional and nuclear power plant, aero-engines, chemical plant etc., operate at temperatures which are high enough for creep to occur. These include steam pipes, pipe branches, gas and steam turbine blades, etc. The manufacture of such components may also require welds to be part of them. In most cases, only nominal operating conditions (i.e. pressure, temperatures, system load, etc.) are known and hence precise life predictions for these components are not possible. Also, the proportion of life consumed will vary from position to position within a component. Hence, non-destructive techniques are adopted to assist in making decisions on whether to repair, continue operating or replace certain components. One such approach is to test a small sample removed from the component to make small creep test specimens which can be tested to give information on the remaining creep life of the component. When such a small sample cannot be removed from the operating component, e.g. in the case of small components, the component can be taken out of operation in order to make small creep test specimens, the results from which can then be used to assist with making decisions regarding similar or future components. This paper presents a small creep test specimen which can be used for the testing of particularly strong and creep resistant materials, such as nickel-based superalloys

    A neural network approach for determining spatial and geometry dependent Green's functions for thermal stress approximation in power plant header components

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    The trend in power generation to operate plant with a greater frequency of on/partial/off load conditions creates several concerns for the long term structural integrity of many high temperature components. The Green's function method has been used for many years to estimate the thermal stresses in components such as steam headers by attempting to solve the un-coupled thermal stress problem for a unit temperature step. Once a Green's function for a unit temperature step has been determined, realistic or actual component temperature profiles can be discretised and the time dependent stress profile reconstructed using Duhamel's theorem. Stress fluctuations can therefore be estimated and damage due to fatigue mechanisms can be quantified. A potential difficulty with this method is that Green's function approximations are determined for a single analysis point in a structure. This is because Green's functions are approximated by fitting a trial function to the results of finite element (FE) simulations. While a user can make some judgement on which point in a structure will give the “worst case” (or life limiting) conditions, it is foreseeable that points of interest will be dependent on the specific analysis conditions, such as the stub penetration geometry and the loading condition considered. The neural network approach described in this paper provides a means where transient thermal stress models of complex components (here taken to be steam headers) can be generated relatively quickly and used pro-actively to assess and modify plant operation. A range of header geometries have been considered to make the network applicable over an industry relevant envelope. Coefficients of determination (R2) are typically above 0.92 when reconstructed (from neural network results) unit temperature step stress profiles are compared against “true” FEA results. Mean errors in the stress profiles are, for the majority of cases, less than 10%. Suggestions are also made on possible future improvements to the method through the use of additional constraints on the reconstructed stress profiles

    Damage mechanics based predictions of creep crack growth in 316 stainless steel

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    This paper describes a novel modelling process for creep crack growth prediction of a 316 stainless steel using continuum damage mechanics, in conjunction with finite element (FE) analysis. A damage material behaviour model, proposed by Liu and Murakami [1], was used which is believed to have advantages in modelling components with cracks. The methods used to obtain the material properties in the multiaxial form of the creep damage and creep strain equations are described, based on uniaxial creep and creep crack growth test data obtained at 600 °C. Most of the material constants were obtained from uniaxial creep test data. However, a novel procedure was developed to determine the tri-axial stress state parameter in the damage model by use of creep crack growth data obtained from testing of compact tension (CT) specimens. The full set of material properties derived were then used to model the creep crack growth for a set of thumbnail crack specimen creep tests which were also tested at 600 °C. Excellent predictions have been achieved when comparing the predicted surface profiles to those obtained from experiments. The results obtained clearly show the validity and capability of the continuum damage modelling approach, which has been established, in modelling the creep crack growth for components with complex initial crack shapes

    Effect of post processing on the creep performance of laser powder bed fused Inconel 718

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    In this study, the creep performance of laser powder bed fusion manufactured Inconel 718 specimens is studied in detail and compared with conventional hot-rolled specimens alongside as-built then heat-treated and as-built then hot-isostatic pressed specimens. Hot-rolled specimens showed the best creep resistance, while the hot-isostatic pressed specimens yielded the worst performance, inferior to the as-built condition. Creep testing of all samples showed increased secondary creep rate was consistently correlated with a reduced life. Fractography revealed intergranular fracture was the primary failure mode for all as-built samples. Preferential intergranular precipitation in the case of the hot-isostatic pressed specimens during hot-isostatic pressing extensive intergranular cracking as the primary failure mechanism. Heat-treated specimens possessed only sparse intergranular precipitates, thereby explaining an improved creep lifetime. The hot-rolled specimens, having smallest grain size, showed the least extensive cracking, particularly in locations of finest grains, explaining avoidance of intergranular fracture as a key creep mechanism, thereby explaining the ductile creep fracture surfaces in the case of the hot-rolled samples

    An investigation of the failure mechanisms in high temperature materials subjected to isothermal and anisothermal fatigue and creep conditions

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    Many engineering components are subjected to conditions which have a detrimental effect on the materials from which they are made. Such components are used, for example, within high temperature regions of aeroengines (e.g. turbine discs) and power plant (e.g. steam pipes) and such conditions can include periods of isothermal and/or thermo-mechanical cyclic loading which may cause fatigue, excessive plasticity and creep. The combination of conditions to which the materials are subjected can have a strong influence on the failure mechanisms induced within the material. This study is concerned with the identification of the failure mechanisms which occur in RR1000 (a Nickel-based superalloy used in aeroengine turbine discs) tested under both isothermal and anisothermal cyclic conditions. The various types of test conditions applied to the specimens (e.g. waveforms which contain high temperature tensile conditions or alternatively low temperature tensile conditions) and the related failure mechanisms (e.g. intergranular, transgranular or mixed cracking), have been identified. Comparisons of the predictions of failure lives with experimental data from tested specimens, subjected to various test conditions, are also presented

    Characterization of viscoplasticity behaviour of P91 and P92 power plant steels

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    This paper deals with the determination of material constitutive model for P91 and P92 steels at high temperatures. An isothermal, strain-controlled test programme was conducted for both steels for a temperature range between 400 and 675 °C. The experimental data from these tests were used to obtain the material constants in a viscoplasticity model. The model includes the effects of isotropic and kinematic hardening, as well as time-dependent effects, and has been used to model the cyclic material behaviour of each material. Material constants were initially determined from initial cycle stress–strain data, maximum stress evolution data and stress relaxation data. The material constants were improved by use of a least-squares optimisation algorithm. The constitutive models have been implemented into the ABAQUS finite element (FE) code by using the Z-mat software. The performances of the material models for both steels have been assessed by comparing predictions with experimental data obtained from the tests

    The development of a novel technique for small ring specimen tensile testing

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    The wide scale use of small specimens in routine testing programs could significantly reduce material resource requirements (factors of 10 are easily achievable). This is a major benefit to situations where there is not enough material to manufacture conventional, full-size specimens, such as first-stage gas turbine blade roots. However, limitations exist due to concerns over size effects, manufacturing difficulties, uncertainties related to the application of representative loading conditions and complex interpretation procedures of non-standard data. Due to these limitations, small specimen testing techniques have been mostly applied in ranking exercises and to determine approximate or simple material parameters such as Young’s modulus, minimum creep strain rate and fracture toughness. The small ring method is a novel, high sensitivity small specimen technique for creep testing that has been extended in the present work to the determination of tensile material properties. The main advantages of the small ring specimen are that it is self-aligning and has a large equivalent gauge length in comparison to other small specimens, resulting in much higher testing sensitivity. In the present work, this specimen type mimics conventional, full-size, monotonic testing, allowing for observations of elastic and plastic material response to be made. Wrought aluminium alloy 7175-T7153 small rings were tested at room temperature at 5 different loading (displacement) rates and the results compared to conventional, full-size, monotonic specimen equivalents. Finite element analysis was conducted in order to evaluate the equivalent gauge section and equivalent gauge length in the small ring specimen (which varied between circa 0.35–1.4 mm2 and 25–45 mm, respectively) to facilitate these comparisons. An analytical solution has also been derived in order to validate the finite element analysis
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