389 research outputs found

    Pensión especial anticipada y el principio del interés superior del niño como derecho humano en Colombia

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    In Colombia, there have been significant advances in guarantees and rights for special protection groups such as children in situations of functional diversity, among the different legal measures, are found; the special anticipated pension, established so that parents with children in situations of functional diversity can withdraw from work and take care of their children. In this sense, from the bibliographic-documentary review with critical analysis, the protection offered by this special pension is analyzed against the principle of the best interests of the child as a human right. Concluding, that its application is in tension with the operational-financial response capacity of the State. © 2019, Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved

    Evangelicalism as a protestant movement in Latin America causes and consequences

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    Over the last 100 years, the Evangelical movement has shown an unprecedented capacity for globalization. The authors analyse the causes and consequences of the development of Evangelicalism in Latin America. Based on academic literature analysis, the notion and essence of Evangelicalism as a Protestant movement are revealed. The authors provide classification models of Latin American Evangelical Churches and analyse the number of Evangelical Christians in Latin America. The authors study researchers‟ opinions on the causes and consequences of Evangelical growth in Latin America within the study. It is concluded that the socio-cultural influence of Evangelicalism in Latin America has increased. © 2021, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved

    Trend in ice moistening the stratosphere – constraints from isotope data of water and methane

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    Water plays a major role in the chemistry and radiative budget of the stratosphere. Air enters the stratosphere predominantly in the tropics, where the very low temperatures around the tropopause constrain water vapour mixing ratios to a few parts per million. Observations of stratospheric water vapour show a large positive long-term trend, which can not be explained by change in tropopause temperatures. Trends in the partitioning between vapour and ice of water entering the stratosphere have been suggested to resolve this conundrum. We present measurements of stratospheric H_(2)O, HDO, CH_4 and CH_(3)D in the period 1991–2007 to evaluate this hypothesis. Because of fractionation processes during phase changes, the hydrogen isotopic composition of H_(2)O is a sensitive indicator of changes in the partitioning of vapour and ice. We find that the seasonal variations of H_(2)O are mirrored in the variation of the ratio of HDO to H_(2)O with a slope of the correlation consistent with water entering the stratosphere mainly as vapour. The variability in the fractionation over the entire observation period is well explained by variations in H_(2)O. The isotopic data allow concluding that the trend in ice arising from particulate water is no more than (0.01±0.13) ppmv/decade in the observation period. Our observations suggest that between 1991 and 2007 the contribution from changes in particulate water transported through the tropopause plays only a minor role in altering in the amount of water entering the stratosphere

    Omnidirectional Inter-Satellite Optical Communicator (ISOC)

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    The objective of the Omnidirectional Inter-Satellite Optical Communicator (ISOC) project is to design a compact, lightweight,and energy efficient communicator module for use between satellites in space. This module will achieve continuous optical communication, with simultaneous data transmission and reception, at up to1 gigabit per second (Gbits) data rates for small spacecraft separated by up to 200 kilometers (kms). To achieve this goal,a data communicator with full spherical coverage field of view (FOV) needs to be designed. The proposed ISOC is a dodecahedron geometric array of chipscale, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) based gimbal-less scanning mirrors that provide adjustable beam pointing and spherical FOV coverage for uninterrupted data transmission between several small spacecraft at arbitrary relative positions. This design eliminates known pointing issues and hence allows accurate direction of arrival calculations.Moreover, the proposed approach will enable data relaying between multiple satellites, and enable relative navigation control

    Efecto de la adición de ácido cítrico y la cantidad de yeso sobre las propiedades del cemento de sulfoaluminato de calcio

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    The influence of citric acid on the hydration and strength development of a calcium sulphoaluminate cement was investigated. Cement pastes were prepared by mixing calcium sulphoaluminate (C4A3Ŝ) with 15, 20 and 25wt% of hemihydrate (CŜH0.5). Citric acid was added as a retarder at 0 and 0.5wt%. The samples were cured at 20 °C for periods of time from 1 to 28 days to evaluate their compressive strength and to characterize the hydration products by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Calorimetric curves showed that the retarding agent considerably decreases the heat release rate and the quantity of total heat released. The main product after the curing was ettringite (C6AŜ3H32). The morphology of this phase consisted of long and thin needles growing radially on the cement grains. Samples with 15wt% of hemihydrate and 0.5wt% of citric acid developed the highest compressive strength (70 MPa) at 28 days of curing.Se investigó el efecto del ácido cítrico sobre la hidratación y propiedades mecánicas de un cemento de sulfoaluminato de calcio. El C4A3Ŝ se mezcló con 15, 20 y 25% e.p. de hemihidrato (CŜH0.5). Se agregó ácido cítrico como retardante en 0 y 0.5% e.p. Las muestras fueron curadas a 20 °C por periodos de 1 a 28 días para realizar mediciones de resistencia a la compresión y caracterizar los productos de hidratación mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido y difracción de rayos X. Las curvas de calorimetría mostraron ue el ácido cítrico disminuye la velocidad de liberación de calor y la cantidad de calor liberado durante la hidratación. La resistencia a la compresión alcanzó un máximo de 70 MPa en muestras con 15% e.p. de hemihidrato y 0,5% e.p de ácido cítrico. Los resultados muestran a la etringita (C6AŜ3H32) como principal producto de hidratación. Se observa a esta fase con morfología acicular creciendo sobre las partículas de cemento

    Single event effects in static and dynamic registers in a 0.25μm0.25-\mu-m CMOS technology

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    We have studied single event effects in static and dynamic registers designed in a quarter micron CMOS process. In our design, we systematically used guardrings and enclosed (edgeless) transistor geometry to improve the total dose tolerance. This design technique improved both the SEL and SEU sensitivity of the circuits. Using SPICE simulations, the measured smooth transition of the cross-section curve between LET threshold and saturation has been traced to the presence of four different upset modes, each corresponding to a different critical charge and sensitive area. A new architecture to protect the content of storage cells has been developed, and a threshold LET around 89 MeV cm/sup 2/ mg/sup -1/ has been measured for this cell at a power supply voltage of 2 V

    Efecto del contenido de aluminato de estroncio y hemihidrato sobre las propiedades de un cemento de sulfoaluminato de calcio

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    The effect of strontium aluminate (SrAl2O4) on the hydration process of a calcium sulphoaluminate (C4A3Ŝ) cement was investigated. Cement pastes were prepared by mixing C4A3Ŝ , hemihydrate (CaSO4· ½H2O, CŜH0.5) and 0, 10 or 20wt% of SrAl2O4 (SrA). The amount of CŜH0.5 was 15, 20 or 25wt% based on the C4A3Ŝ quantity. The cement pastes were hydrated using water to cement ratios (w/c) of 0.4 and 0.5. Samples were cured from 1 to 28 d. The compressive strength and setting time were evaluated and the hydration products were characterized. It was found that the setting time was delayed up to 42 min for the samples containing SrAl2O4 compared to samples without addition. The samples with 25wt% hemihydrate containing 20wt% SrAl2O4 developed the highest compressive strength (60 MPa) after 28 d of curing. The main product after hydration was ettringite (C6AŜ3H32). The morphology of this phase consisted of thin needle-shaped crystals.Se investigó el efecto de la adición de aluminato de estroncio (SrAl2O4) sobre las propiedades de un cemento de sulfoaluminato de calcio (C4A3Ŝ). Se prepararon muestras mezclando C4A3Ŝ, hemihidrato (CaSO4· ½H2O, CŜH0.5) y 0, 10 o 20% e.p de SrAl2O4 (SrA). La cantidad de CŜH0.5 fue de 15, 20 o 25% e.p. basado en la cantidad de C4A3Ŝ. Las relaciones agua/cemento utilizadas fueron 0.4 y 0.5. Las muestras fueron curadas hasta 28 d. Se evaluó el tiempo de fraguado y la resistencia a la compresión. Los productos de hidratación se caracterizaron mediante DRX y MEB. El tiempo de fraguado se retardó hasta 42 minutos con la adición del SrAl2O4 comparado con las muestras sin adiciones. Las muestras con 25% e.p. de yeso y 20% e.p. de SrAl2O4 desarrollaron la mayor resistencia a la compresión alcanzando 60 MPa a 28 d de curado. Los análisis por MEB y DRX muestran como principal producto de hidratación a la etringita (C6AŜ3H32), cuya morfología se observa como cristales aciculares

    Cariogenic bacteria and dental health status in adolescents: the role of oral health behaviours

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    AIM: To evaluate the association between dental health status and levels of cariogenic bacteria in teenagers and the influence of behaviours and socio-demographic background on levels of bacteria. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Study design: A cross-sectional population-based sample of 13-year-old adolescents (112 females and 78 males, total 190) was examined. The number of decayed, missing and filled surfaces (DMFS), plaque and hygiene index were recorded according to the WHO criteria. The saliva samples were collected in a sterile container and then analysed by culture on Mitis Salivarius Bacitracin (MSB) agar for mutans Streptococci and on Man Rogosa Sharp (MRS) agar for Lactobacilli. The levels of bacteria were expressed as the number of colonies forming units per millilitre of saliva (CFU/ml). Associations between levels of mutans Streptococci and Lactobacilli and dental health were estimated by odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) using unconditional logistic regression. RESULTS: No mutans Streptococci were detected in 53.2% of the adolescents but 22.6% presented ≥ 10³ CFU/ml. For Lactobacilli, these values were, respectively 43.7% and 34.7%. After adjustment for gender and social class, the OR (95% CI) for DMFS >5 was 8.66 (3.57-21.02) if mutans Streptococci ≥ 10³ CFU and 2.11 (0.96-4.64) if Lactobacilli ≥ 10³ CFU. CONCLUSION: This data allow us to conclude that hygiene habits and dental visits are not associated with high levels of cariogenic bacteria, but high scores of DMFS were found in adolescents with high levels of mutans Streptococci and lower parents' education

    Robotic IVC Surgery

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