119 research outputs found

    New Generation of Tunable Bioactive Shape Memory Mats Integrated with Genetically Engineered Proteins

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    Aligned poly(l-lactide)/poly(methyl methacrylate) binary blend fibers and mats loaded with a chimeric green fluorescence protein having a bioactive peptide with hydroxyapatite binding and mineralization property are prepared by pressurized gyration. The effect of processing parameters on the product morphologies, and the shape memory properties of these samples are investigated. Integration of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles into the fiber assembly is self-directed using the hydroxyapatite-binding property of the peptide genetically engineered to green fluorescence protein. Fluorescence microscopy analysis corroborated with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) data confirms the integration of the chimeric protein with the fibers. An enzyme based remineralization assay is conducted to study the effects of peptide-mediated mineralization within the fiber mats. Raman and FTIR spectral changes observed following the peptide-mediated mineralization provides an initial step toward a soft-hard material transition. These results show that programmable shape memory properties can be obtained by incorporating genetically engineered bioactive peptide domains into polymer fibers

    Next‐generation Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) incorporated nanofibre wound dressings

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) containing polymer-based nanodelivery systems offer to overcome many challenges in wound care. While preventing the contact of the external agents on the wound, it also addresses a rising concern on the drug resistance. AMPs as the host defence peptides have been increasingly recognized for therapeutic potential owning to their critical role in innate immunity. Here we investigated a nanofibre mesh approach using AMPs incorporated polyethylene oxide (PEO) for wound healing applications. PEO was prepared to carry GH12-COOH-M2 (type 1 AMP) and AMP2 (type 2 AMP), and their antibacterial activity was assessed against Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis). PEO-AMP nanofibre meshes were successfully formed by using pressurized gyration (PG), which allows rapid mass production. Bacterial viability of the nanofibre meshes was investigated using the AlamarBlue assay. Fibre morphology, size distribution and AMP incorporation in the nanofibres were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), fluorescence microscopy (polarization contrast images) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). While both PEO-AMP1 and PEO-AMP2 nanofibres indicate promising bacterial inhibition at 105 ”g/ml, PEO-AMP2 fibres showed the highest S. epidermidis reduction. The results demonstrated that increase in the AMP content reduced the bacterial growth. Another important implementation of the PEO-AMP nanofibres is that they can be tuned to rapidly releasing the peptides. Antimicrobial peptide-loaded nanofibres represent a viable biologically active solution to next-generation wound dressings

    Coupling Infusion and Gyration for the Nanoscale Assembly of Functional Polymer Nanofibers Integrated with Genetically Engineered Proteins

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    Nanofibers featuring functional nanoassemblies show great promise as enabling constituents for a diverse range of applications in areas such as tissue engineering, sensing, optoelectronics, and nanophotonics due to their controlled organization and architecture. An infusion gyration method is reported that enables the production of nanofibers with inherent biological functions by simply adjusting the flow rate of a polymer solution. Sufficient polymer chain entanglement is obtained at Berry number > 1.6 to make bead-free fibers integrated with gold nanoparticles and proteins, in the diameter range of 117-216 nm. Integration of gold nanoparticles into the nanofiber assembly is followed using a gold-binding peptide tag genetically conjugated to red fluorescence protein (DsRed). Fluorescence microscopy analysis corroborated with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) data confirms the integration of the engineered red fluorescence protein with the nanofibers. The gold nanoparticle decorated nanofibers having red fluorescence protein as an integral part keep their biological functionality including copper-induced fluorescence quenching of the DsRed protein due to its selective Cu(+2) binding. Thus, coupling the infusion gyration method in this way offers a simple nanoscale assembly approach to integrate a diverse repertoire of protein functionalities into nanofibers to generate biohybrid materials for imaging, sensing, and biomaterial applications

    Spatially Selective Assembly of Quantum Dot Light Emitters in an LED Using Engineered Peptides

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots are utilized in numerous applications in nano- and biotechnology. In device applications, where several different material components are involved, quantum dots typically need to be assembled at explicit locations for enhanced functionality. Conventional approaches cannot meet these requirements where assembly of nanocrystals is usually material-nonspecific, thereby limiting the control of their spatial distribution. Here we demonstrate directed self-assembly of quantum dot emitters at material-specific locations in a color-conversion LED containing several material components including a metal, a dielectric, and a semiconductor. We achieve a spatially selective immobilization of quantum dot emitters by using the unique material selectivity characteristics provided by the engineered solid-binding peptides as smart linkers. Peptide-decorated quantum dots exhibited several orders of magnitude higher photoluminescence compared to the control groups, thus, potentially opening up novel ways to advance these photonic platforms in applications ranging from chemical to biodetection. © 2011 American Chemical Society

    Investigating the specificity of peptide adsorption on gold using molecular dynamics simulations

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    We report all-atom molecular dynamics simulations following adsorption of gold-binding and non-gold-binding peptides on gold surfaces modeled with dispersive interactions. We examine the dependence of adsorption on both identity of the amino acids and mobility of the peptides. Within the limitations of the approach, results indicate that when the peptides are solvated, adsorption requires both configurational changes and local flexibility of individual amino acids. This is achieved when peptides consist mostly of random coils or when their secondary structural motifs (helices, sheets) are short and connected by flexible hinges. In the absence of solvent, only affinity for the surface is required: mobility is not important. In combination, these results suggest the barrier to adsorption presented by displacement of water molecules requires conformational sampling enabled through mobility.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) – Programa Operacional “CiĂȘncia , Tecnologia, Inovação” – SFRH/BPD/20555/2004/0GV

    Identification of novel neutralizing single-chain antibodies against vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2

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    Human vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptor (VEGFR-2/kinase domain receptor [KDR]) play a crucial role in angiogenesis, which makes the VEGFR-2 signaling pathway a major target for therapeutic applications. In this study, a single-chain antibody phage display library was constructed from spleen cells of mice immunized with recombinant human soluble extracellular VEGFR-2/KDR consisting of all seven extracellular domains (sKDR D1-7) to obtain antibodies that block VEGF binding to VEGFR-2. Two specific single-chain antibodies (KDR1.3 and KDR2.6) that recognized human VEGFR-2 were selected; diversity analysis of the clones was performed by BstNI fingerprinting and nucleotide sequencing. The single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) were expressed in soluble form and specificity of interactions between affinity purified scFvs and VEGFR-2 was confirmed by ELISA. Binding of the recombinant antibodies for VEGFR-2 receptors was investigated by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. In vitro cell culture assays showed that KDR1.3 and KDR2.6 scFvs significantly suppressed the mitogenic response of human umbilical vein endothelial cells to recombinant human VEGF 165 in a dose-dependent manner, and reduced VEGF-dependent cell proliferation by 60% and 40%, respectively. In vivo analysis of these recombinant antibodies in a rat cornea angiogenesis model revealed that both antibodies suppressed the development of new corneal vessels (p < 0.05). Overall, in vitro and in vivo results disclose strong interactions of KDR1.3 and KDR2.6 scFvs with VEGFR-2. These findings indicate that KDR1.3 and KDR2.6 scFvs are promising antiangiogenic therapeutic agents. © 2011 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Detection and characterization of subvisible aggregates of monoclonal lgG in serum

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    To detect and characterize the aggregation of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in undiluted biological fluids. Fluorescently labeled subvisible IgG aggregates formed by applying either heat stress or by pH-shift were investigated immediately after addition to human serum, and after 24 h. Unstressed and stressed IgG formulations were analyzed by fluorescence single particle tracking, confocal laser scanning microscopy and flow cytometry. Unstressed formulations remained free from subvisible aggregates in serum, whereas heat-stressed and pH-shift stressed formulations showed dissimilar aggregation behaviors. The aggregation profile of the heat-stressed formulation diluted in serum remained practically the same as the one diluted in buffer, even after the 24 h incubation period. The pH-shift stressed formulation had strikingly smaller and more numerous subvisible aggregates immediately after dilution in serum compared to buffer. These aggregates became noticeably larger in both diluents after 24 h, but in serum they appeared to be formed by other types of constituents than the labeled protein itself. These results show that subvisible therapeutic protein aggregates may undergo changes in number, type and size distribution upon contact with human serum. This emphasizes the importance of analytical strategies for monitoring aggregation in undiluted biological fluids

    Cementomimetics—constructing a cementum-like biomineralized microlayer via amelogenin-derived peptides

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2012 Nature Publishing GroupCementum is the outer-, mineralized-tissue covering the tooth root and an essential part of the system of periodontal tissue that anchors the tooth to the bone. Periodontal disease results from the destructive behavior of the host elicited by an infectious biofilm adhering to the tooth root and left untreated, may lead to tooth loss. We describe a novel protocol for identifying peptide sequences from native proteins with the potential to repair damaged dental tissues by controlling hydroxyapatite biomineralization. Using amelogenin as a case study and a bioinformatics scoring matrix, we identified regions within amelogenin that are shared with a set of hydroxyapatite-binding peptides (HABPs) previously selected by phage display. One 22-amino acid long peptide regions referred to as amelogenin-derived peptide 5 (ADP5) was shown to facilitate cell-free formation of a cementum-like hydroxyapatite mineral layer on demineralized human root dentin that, in turn, supported attachment of periodontal ligament cells in vitro. Our findings have several implications in peptide-assisted mineral formation that mimic biomineralization. By further elaborating the mechanism for protein control over the biomineral formed, we afford new insights into the evolution of protein–mineral interactions. By exploiting small peptide domains of native proteins, our understanding of structure–function relationships of biomineralizing proteins can be extended and these peptides can be utilized to engineer mineral formation. Finally, the cementomimetic layer formed by ADP5 has the potential clinical application to repair diseased root surfaces so as to promote the regeneration of periodontal tissues and thereby reduce the morbidity associated with tooth loss
