955 research outputs found

    Is the H0H_0 tension suggesting a 4th neutrino's generation?

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    Flavour oscillations experiments are suggesting the existence of a sterile, 44th neutrino's generation with a mass of an eV order. This would mean an additional relativistic degree of freedom in the cosmic inventory, in contradiction with recent results from the Planck satellite, that have confirmed the standard value Neff3N_{eff} \approx 3 for the effective number of relativistic species. On the other hand, the Planck best-fit for the Hubble-Lema\^itre parameter is in tension with the local value determined with the Hubble Space Telescope, and adjusting NeffN_{eff} is a possible way to overcome such a tension. In this paper we perform a joint analysis of three complementary cosmological distance rulers, namely the CMB acoustic scale measured by Planck, the BAO scale model-independently determined by Verde {\it et al.}, and luminosity distances measured with JLA and Pantheon SNe Ia surveys. Two Gaussian priors were imposed to the analysis, the local expansion rate measured by Riess {\it et al.}, and the baryon density parameter fixed from primordial nucleosynthesis by Cooke {\it et al.}. For the sake of generality, two different models are used in the tests, the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model and a generalised Chaplygin gas. The best-fit gives Neff4N_{eff} \approx 4 in both models, with a Chaplygin gas parameter slightly negative, α0.04\alpha \approx -0.04. The standard value Neff3N_{eff} \approx 3 is ruled out with 3σ\approx 3\sigma.Comment: includes some improvements in analysis, matches accepted version in PR

    Relações públicas e género : estudo sobre expectativas dos estudantes de comunicação organizacional relativas ao futuro profissional

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    A presença feminina no campo profissional das relações públicas tem originado estudos que procuram analisar as implicações desse predomínio para as práticas profissionais, para o estatuto profissional e para as próprias organizações (Broom, 1982; Broom & Dozier, 1986; Creedon, 1991; Grunig et al, 2000; Toth, 2001; Aldory & Toth, 2001; Dozier et al, 2013). Os estudantes de comunicação organizacional preparam-se para serem a próxima geração de profissionais de relações públicas. Nesse sentido, importa conhecer as suas expectativas sobre as relações entre a igualdade de género na profissão de relações públicas e na carreira profissional e as suas repercussões no respectivo domínio. Assim, o presente estudo, efetuado junto de 131 de estudantes comunicação organizacional, pretendeu analisar, de forma exploratória, as expectativas relativas à igualdade de género no exercício da profissão de relações públicas. Os resultados evidenciam que, de um modo geral, os estudantes apresentam expectativas positivas em relação à existência de igualdade de género na profissão. No entanto, verificou-se, também, que os estudantes e as estudantes diferem no que diz respeito às expectativas de igualdade entre géneros relativamente aos salários, à importância dada ao apoio para a conciliação trabalho/família e às competências para o exercício da atividade. Os resultados serão analisados e discutidos no quadro da formação dos futuros profissionais das relações públicas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsy Presenting with Hand Drop in a Young Child

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    Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy (HNPP) results from the deletion of the PMP22 gene in chromosome 17p11.2. Clinically, it presents with painless pressure palsies, typically in the 2nd and 3rd decades of life, being a rare entity in childhood. We present the case study of a six-year-old male child who presented with left hand drop that he kept for over four weeks. Electrophysiological studies suggested HNPP and genetic studies confirmed it. With this paper, we pretend to create awareness to this entity as a diagnosis to be considered in a child with painless monoparesis and to emphasize the importance of electrophysiological studies in the diagnosis

    The implementation of e-learning in the continuous training of the military of the Republican National Guard. Case study: Lisbon Territorial Command

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    The training needs felt in the professional path of the military of the Republican National Guard, associated with the potential of using new technologies is the core of this investigation. Training is one of the great challenges that organizations currently face and, in the National Republican Guard, it plays a fundamental role in the service provided by the Institution, making it clear the high importance of acquiring and maintaining knowledge and skills for the performance on several roles in the organization. The present investigation aims to determine the importance of the e-Learning tool for the continuous training of the soldiers of the National Republican Guard. In this context, it is intended to characterize the importance of continuous training whose objective is to identify and analyze the consequences of the tool, as well as to identify the impact of the use of new technologies in the training of the institution's military, according to a case study in the Lisbon Territorial Command. The method that supports the investigation is the deductive method, which is based on a logic from the general to the particular. In order to achieve the defined objectives, we opted for interviews and a questionnaire survey, complemented with a documentary analysis resulting from bibliographic research and institutional documents. Thus, it appears that continuous training has a high importance for the professional development of the military, since it promotes quality in the service provided, positively affecting the daily activities of the military, increasing individual success and, consequently, organizational success . It is concluded that e-Learning represents an asset for continuous training, since it is a catalyst for the potential of the institution's human resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tbx20 Is Required in Mid-Gestation Cardiomyocytes and Plays a Central Role in Atrial Development.

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    RationaleMutations in the transcription factor TBX20 (T-box 20) are associated with congenital heart disease. Germline ablation of Tbx20 results in abnormal heart development and embryonic lethality by embryonic day 9.5. Because Tbx20 is expressed in multiple cell lineages required for myocardial development, including pharyngeal endoderm, cardiogenic mesoderm, endocardium, and myocardium, the cell type-specific requirement for TBX20 in early myocardial development remains to be explored.ObjectiveHere, we investigated roles of TBX20 in midgestation cardiomyocytes for heart development.Methods and resultsAblation of Tbx20 from developing cardiomyocytes using a doxycycline inducible cTnTCre transgene led to embryonic lethality. The circumference of developing ventricular and atrial chambers, and in particular that of prospective left atrium, was significantly reduced in Tbx20 conditional knockout mutants. Cell cycle analysis demonstrated reduced proliferation of Tbx20 mutant cardiomyocytes and their arrest at the G1-S phase transition. Genome-wide transcriptome analysis of mutant cardiomyocytes revealed differential expression of multiple genes critical for cell cycle regulation. Moreover, atrial and ventricular gene programs seemed to be aberrantly regulated. Putative direct TBX20 targets were identified using TBX20 ChIP-Seq (chromatin immunoprecipitation with high throughput sequencing) from embryonic heart and included key cell cycle genes and atrial and ventricular specific genes. Notably, TBX20 bound a conserved enhancer for a gene key to atrial development and identity, COUP-TFII/Nr2f2 (chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor 2/nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2). This enhancer interacted with the NR2F2 promoter in human cardiomyocytes and conferred atrial specific gene expression in a transgenic mouse in a TBX20-dependent manner.ConclusionsMyocardial TBX20 directly regulates a subset of genes required for fetal cardiomyocyte proliferation, including those required for the G1-S transition. TBX20 also directly downregulates progenitor-specific genes and, in addition to regulating genes that specify chamber versus nonchamber myocardium, directly activates genes required for establishment or maintenance of atrial and ventricular identity. TBX20 plays a previously unappreciated key role in atrial development through direct regulation of an evolutionarily conserved COUPT-FII enhancer