388 research outputs found

    Investigations on Arthropods Associated with Decay Stages of Buried Animals in Italy

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    Burial could be used by criminals to conceal the bodies of victims, interfering with the succession of sarcosaprophagous fauna and with the evaluation of post-mortem interval. In Italy, no experimental investigation on arthropods associated with buried remains has been conducted to date. A first experimental study on arthropods associated with buried carcasses was carried out in a rural area of Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza), Southern Italy, from November 2017 to May 2018. Six pig carcasses (Sus scrofa Linnaeus) were used, five of which were buried in 60-cm deep pits, leaving about 25-cm of soil above each carcass, and one was left above ground. One of the buried carcasses was periodically exhumed to evaluate the effects of disturbance on decay processes and on arthropod fauna. The other four carcasses were exhumed only once, respectively after 43, 82, 133, and 171 days. As expected, the decay rate was different among carcasses. Differences in taxa and colonization of arthropod fauna were also detected in the above ground and periodically exhumed carcasses. In carcasses exhumed only once, no arthropod colonization was detected. The results showed that a burial at about 25 cm depth could be sufficient to prevent colonization by sarcosaprophagous taxa and these data could be relevant in forensic cases involving buried corpses

    Reconstruction of Acinetobacter johnsonii ICE_NC genome using hybrid de novo genome assemblies and identification of the 12α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase gene

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    Aims: The role of a Acinetobacter johnsonii strain, isolated from a soil sample, in the biotransformation of bile acids (BAs) was already described but the enzymes responsible for these transformations were only partially purified and molecularly characterized. Methods and Results: This study describes the use of hybrid de novo assemblies, that combine long-read Oxford Nanopore and short-read Illumina sequencing strategies, to reconstruct the entire genome of A. johnsonii ICE_NC strain and to identify the coding region for a 12α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (12α-HSDH), involved in BAs metabolism. The de novo assembly of the A. johnsonii ICE_NC genome was generated using Canu and Unicycler, both strategies yielded a circular chromosome of about 3.6 Mb and one 117 kb long plasmid. Gene annotation was performed on the final assemblies and the gene for 12α-HSDH was detected on the plasmid. Conclusions: Our findings illustrate the added value of long read sequencing in addressing the challenges of whole genome characterization and plasmid reconstruction in bacteria. These approaches also allowed the identification of the A. johnsonii ICE_NC gene for the 12α-HSDH enzyme, whose activity was confirmed at the biochemical level. Significance and impact or the study: At present, this is the first report on the characterization of a 12α-HSDH gene in an A. johnsonii strain able to biotransform cholic acid into ursodeoxycholic acid, a promising therapeutic agent for several diseases. © 2022 The Authors. Journal of Applied Microbiology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society for Applied Microbiology

    Prevalence of Enterococci and Vancomycin Resistance in the Throat of Non-Hospitalized Individuals Randomly Selected in Central Italy

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    Enterococci are commonly found in the environment and humans as a part of the normal microbiota. Among these, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium can convert into opportunistic pathogens, making them a major cause of nosocomial infections. The rapid diffusion of vancomycin-resistant strains and their impact on nosocomial settings is of considerable concern. Approximately one-third of the E. faecium infections in Italy are caused by vancomycin-resistant strains. This study explored the hypothesis that the oral cavity could represent a silent reservoir of virulent enterococci. A sample of 862 oral flora specimens collected from healthy human volunteers in Central Italy was investigated by real-time PCR to detect E. faecalis and E. faecium, as well as the genetic elements that most frequently determine vancomycin resistance. The prevalence of E. faecalis was 19%, a value that was not associated with alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, or age of the subjects. Less frequently detected, with an overall prevalence of 0.7%, E. faecium was more common among people older than 49 years of age. The genes conferring vancomycin resistance were detected in only one sample. The results indicate that the oral cavity can be considered a reservoir of clinically relevant enterococci; however, our data suggest that healthy individuals rarely carry vancomycin-resistant strains

    Necrodes littoralis (Coleoptera: Silphidae) visiting and breeding on a carcass in Italy

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    The community that progressively colonizes a decaying corpse can be considered a small ecosystem mostly composed of sarcosaprophagous arthropods belonging to the orders Diptera and Coleoptera. Studies on these species are often performed through animal models to obtain data on their succession, behaviour and life cycle, together with information on habitat, corpse conditions, season and association with other species. These data may be relevant for forensic investigations, especially concerning the estimation of Post Mortem Interval (PMI). An investigation on the sarcosaprophagous insect community in a rural area was set in Calabria (Southern Italy), using a pig, Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758 (Artiodactyla: Suidae) as experimental model. Analyses of the community of Diptera and Coleoptera revealed the massive presence of Necrodes littoralis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Silphidae). Adults of this species reached the carcass during the bloated stage and a large amount of larvae was detected from the decay stage onwards, simultaneous to the sharp decrease in dipteran larvae and pupae. The occurrence and the activity of N. littoralis should be considered to avoid misinterpretation and errors in estimating PMI in forensic investigation

    miRNAs in serum exosomes for differential diagnosis of brain metastases

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    Circulating miRNAs are increasingly studied and proposed as tumor markers with the aim of investigating their role in monitoring the response to therapy as well as the natural evolution of primary or secondary brain tumors. This study aimed to evaluate the modulation of the expression of three miRNAs, miR-21, miR-222 and miR-124-3p, in the serum exosomes of patients with high-grade gliomas (HGGs) and brain metastases (BMs) to verify their usefulness in the differential diagnosis of brain masses; then, it focused on their variations following the surgical and/or radiosurgical treatment of the BMs. A total of 105 patients with BMs from primary lung or breast cancer, or melanoma underwent neurosurgery or radiosurgery treatment, and 91 patients with HGGs were enrolled, along with 30 healthy controls. A significant increase in miR-21 expression in serum exosomes was observed in both HGGs and BMs compared with healthy controls; on the other hand, miR-124-3p was significantly decreased in BMs, and it was increased in HGGs. After the surgical or radiosurgical treatment of patients with BMs, a significant reduction in miR-21 was noted with both types of treatments. This study identified a signature of exosomal miRNAs that could be useful as a noninvasive complementary analysis both in the differential diagnosis of BMs from glial tumors and in providing information on tumor evolution over time

    Myiasis in domestic cats: A global review

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    Myiasis is an infestation caused by larvae of Diptera in humans and other vertebrates. In domestic cats, Felis silvestris catus L. (Carnivora: Felidae), four dipteran families have been reported as agents of obligatory and facultative myiasis: Oestridae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae and Muscidae. Among agents of obligatory myiasis, the most frequent genus is Cuterebra Clark (Oestridae) and the most frequent species is Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) (Calliphoridae). Among the agents of facultative myiasis, the most frequent species is Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Calliphoridae). A survey of myiasis in cats reported in literature shows that the cases are distributed worldwide and linked to the geographical range of the dipteran species. Factors favouring the occurrence of myiasis in cats are prowling in infested areas, poor hygiene conditions due to diseases and/or neglect, and wounds inflicted during territorial or reproductive competition. The aim of the review is to provide an extended survey of literature on myiasis in cats, as general information and possible development of guidelines for veterinarians, entomologists and other researchers interested in the field

    Apellidos, estructura genética y dinámica evolutiva de la Argentina

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    Los apellidos proporcionan una estimación de la estructura genética de las poblaciones humanas, de su consanguinidad y aislamiento. En este trabajo se analizó la distribución de los apellidos de 22,6 millones de electores, registrados en el Padrón Electoral Nacional (2000-2001) agrupados en 24 distritos, para cada uno de los cuales se calculó el coeficiente de consanguinidad por isonimia al azar (FST), el indicador de migración reciente (ν) y la diversidad de apellidos (α). Se calcularon las distancias isonímicas con las que se construyó un dendograma. Se encontraron 414.441 apellidos diferentes, siendo González el más común. Los apellidos más frecuentes de la Argentina son todos de origen ibérico, sin embargo, sólo 41 de ellos figuran entre los 100 más frecuentes en España. Los valores más elevados de FST se presentaron en La Rioja, Corrientes y Santiago del Estero, y los más bajos en Capital Federal, Río Negro, La Pampa, Buenos Aires y Santa Fé. La distribución geográfica de los valores de α presentó un gradiente decreciente desde el Atlántico hacia el sur y hacia los Andes lo que indicaría un gradiente temporal en el asentamiento de los inmigrantes. Los agrupamientos del dendograma coinciden con las grandes regiones geográficas de la Argentina. Los parámetros isonímicos empleados permiten describir adecuadamente la estructura genética de la Argentina y coinciden con las particularidades de su poblamiento.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentin

    Apellidos, estructura genética y dinámica evolutiva de la Argentina

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    Los apellidos proporcionan una estimación de la estructura genética de las poblaciones humanas, de su consanguinidad y aislamiento. En este trabajo se analizó la distribución de los apellidos de 22,6 millones de electores, registrados en el Padrón Electoral Nacional (2000-2001) agrupados en 24 distritos, para cada uno de los cuales se calculó el coeficiente de consanguinidad por isonimia al azar (FST), el indicador de migración reciente (ν) y la diversidad de apellidos (α). Se calcularon las distancias isonímicas con las que se construyó un dendograma. Se encontraron 414.441 apellidos diferentes, siendo González el más común. Los apellidos más frecuentes de la Argentina son todos de origen ibérico, sin embargo, sólo 41 de ellos figuran entre los 100 más frecuentes en España. Los valores más elevados de FST se presentaron en La Rioja, Corrientes y Santiago del Estero, y los más bajos en Capital Federal, Río Negro, La Pampa, Buenos Aires y Santa Fé. La distribución geográfica de los valores de α presentó un gradiente decreciente desde el Atlántico hacia el sur y hacia los Andes lo que indicaría un gradiente temporal en el asentamiento de los inmigrantes. Los agrupamientos del dendograma coinciden con las grandes regiones geográficas de la Argentina. Los parámetros isonímicos empleados permiten describir adecuadamente la estructura genética de la Argentina y coinciden con las particularidades de su poblamiento.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentin

    The Use of a Disclosing Agent During Resective Periodontal Surgery for Improved Removal of Biofilm

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    A total removal of the bacterial deposits is one of the main challenges of periodontal therapy. A surgical approach is sometimes required in order to allow a correct access to the areas not thoroughly reached during the initial therapy. The present study focuses on the surgical scaling effectiveness in root deposits removal; the potential support of a disclosing agent during this procedure is also evaluated. Forty surgical periodontal patients were randomly divided between surgeries where the operator was informed about a final examination of the residual root deposits and surgeries where the operator was not informed. Straight after scaling procedures a supervisor recorded the O’Leary Plaque Index of the exposed roots by mean of a disclosing agent and the percentage of teeth with residual biofilm. After the stained deposits removal, a second chromatic examination was performed and new data were collected. Mann-Whitney U-test and Wilcoxon test for paired samples were used for comparisons respectively between the two surgery groups and the first and the second chromatic examination; one-sided p-value was set at 0.05. At first examination no significant differences between the two groups were observed regarding Plaque Index (p=0.24) and percentages of teeth with residual biofilm (p=0.07). The 100% removal of roots deposits was never achieved during the study but a significant reduction of 80% of root deposits was observed between first and second examination (p=0.0001). Since root deposits removal during periodontal surgery resulted always suboptimal, the use of a disclosing agent during this procedure could be a useful and practical aid
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