179 research outputs found

    2015 Nevada High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS): Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Analysis

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    Priority health risk behaviors (i.e. preventable behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality) are often established during childhood and adolescence and extend into adulthood. Ongoing surveillance of youth risk behaviors is critical for the design, implementation, and evaluation of public health interventions to improve adolescent health. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is a national surveillance system that was established in 1991 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to monitor the prevalence of health risk behaviors among youth. The Nevada High School YRBS is a biennial, anonymous, and voluntary survey of students in 9th through 12th grade in regular public, charter, and alternative schools. The survey asks students to self-report their behaviors in six major areas of health that directly lead to morbidity and mortalityThis research was partially supported by a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC-PS13-1308). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC

    2015 Nevada High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS): Sexual Identity Analysis

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    The Nevada High School YRBS provides prevalence estimates for priority risk behaviors and can be used to monitor trends over timeThis research was partially supported by a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC-PS13-1308). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC

    Universality Classes for Interface Growth with Quenched Disorder

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    We present numerical evidence that there are two distinct universality classes characterizing driven interface roughening in the presence of quenched disorder. The evidence is based on the behavior of λ\lambda, the coefficient of the nonlinear term in the growth equation. Specifically, for three of the models studied, λ\lambda \rightarrow \infty at the depinning transition, while for the two other models, λ0\lambda \rightarrow 0.Comment: 11 pages and 3 figures (upon request), REVTeX 3.0, (submitted to PRL

    Singularities and Avalanches in Interface Growth with Quenched Disorder

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    A simple model for an interface moving in a disordered medium is presented. The model exhibits a transition between the two universality classes of interface growth phenomena. Using this model, it is shown that the application of constraints to the local slopes of the interface produces avalanches of growth, that become relevant in the vicinity of the depinning transition. The study of these avalanches reveals a singular behavior that explains a recently observed singularity in the equation of motion of the interface.Comment: 4 pages. REVTEX. 4 figs available on request from [email protected]

    Strength of bacterial adhesion on nanostructured surfaces quantified by substrate morphometry

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    Microbial adhesion and the subsequent formation of resilient biofilms at surfaces are decisively influenced by substrate properties, such as the topography. To date, studies that quantitatively link surface topography and bacterial adhesion are scarce, as both are not straightforward to quantify. To fill this gap, surface morphometry combined with single-cell force spectroscopy was performed on surfaces with irregular topographies on the nano-scale. As surfaces, hydrophobized silicon wafers were used that were etched to exhibit surface structures in the same size range as the bacterial cell wall molecules. The surface structures were characterized by a detailed morphometric analysis based on Minkowski functionals revealing both qualitatively similar features and quantitatively different extensions. We find that as the size of the nanostructures increases, the adhesion forces decrease in a way that can be quantified by the area of the surface that is available for the tethering of cell wall molecules. In addition, we observe a bactericidal effect, which is more pronounced on substrates with taller structures but does not influence adhesion. Our results can be used for a targeted development of 3D-structured materials for/against bio-adhesion. Moreover, the morphometric analysis can serve as a future gold standard for characterizing a broad spectrum of material structures. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019

    Scaling properties of driven interfaces in disordered media

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    We perform a systematic study of several models that have been proposed for the purpose of understanding the motion of driven interfaces in disordered media. We identify two distinct universality classes: (i) One of these, referred to as directed percolation depinning (DPD), can be described by a Langevin equation similar to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation, but with quenched disorder. (ii) The other, referred to as quenched Edwards-Wilkinson (QEW), can be described by a Langevin equation similar to the Edwards-Wilkinson equation but with quenched disorder. We find that for the DPD universality class the coefficient λ\lambda of the nonlinear term diverges at the depinning transition, while for the QEW universality class either λ=0\lambda = 0 or λ0\lambda \to 0 as the depinning transition is approached. The identification of the two universality classes allows us to better understand many of the results previously obtained experimentally and numerically. However, we find that some results cannot be understood in terms of the exponents obtained for the two universality classes {\it at\/} the depinning transition. In order to understand these remaining disagreements, we investigate the scaling properties of models in each of the two universality classes {\it above\/} the depinning transition. For the DPD universality class, we find for the roughness exponent αP=0.63±0.03\alpha_P = 0.63 \pm 0.03 for the pinned phase, and αM=0.75±0.05\alpha_M = 0.75 \pm 0.05 for the moving phase. For the growth exponent, we find βP=0.67±0.05\beta_P = 0.67 \pm 0.05 for the pinned phase, and βM=0.74±0.06\beta_M = 0.74 \pm 0.06 for the moving phase. Furthermore, we find an anomalous scaling of the prefactor of the width on the driving force. A new exponent φM=0.12±0.06\varphi_M = -0.12 \pm 0.06, characterizing the scaling of this prefactor, is shown to relate the values of the roughnessComment: Latex manuscript, Revtex 3.0, 15 pages, and 15 figures also available via anonymous ftp from ftp://jhilad.bu.edu/pub/abms/ (

    Static and Dynamic Properties of Inhomogeneous Elastic Media on Disordered Substrate

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    The pinning of an inhomogeneous elastic medium by a disordered substrate is studied analytically and numerically. The static and dynamic properties of a DD-dimensional system are shown to be equivalent to those of the well known problem of a DD-dimensional random manifold embedded in (D+D)(D+D)-dimensions. The analogy is found to be very robust, applicable to a wide range of elastic media, including those which are amorphous or nearly-periodic, with local or nonlocal elasticity. Also demonstrated explicitly is the equivalence between the dynamic depinning transition obtained at a constant driving force, and the self-organized, near-critical behavior obtained by a (small) constant velocity drive.Comment: 20 pages, RevTeX. Related (p)reprints also available at http://matisse.ucsd.edu/~hwa/pub.htm

    Stochastic Growth Equations and Reparametrization Invariance

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    It is shown that, by imposing reparametrization invariance, one may derive a variety of stochastic equations describing the dynamics of surface growth and identify the physical processes responsible for the various terms. This approach provides a particularly transparent way to obtain continuum growth equations for interfaces. It is straightforward to derive equations which describe the coarse grained evolution of discrete lattice models and analyze their small gradient expansion. In this way, the authors identify the basic mechanisms which lead to the most commonly used growth equations. The advantages of this formulation of growth processes is that it allows one to go beyond the frequently used no-overhang approximation. The reparametrization invariant form also displays explicitly the conservation laws for the specific process and all the symmetries with respect to space-time transformations which are usually lost in the small gradient expansion. Finally, it is observed, that the knowledge of the full equation of motion, beyond the lowest order gradient expansion, might be relevant in problems where the usual perturbative renormalization methods fail.Comment: 42 pages, Revtex, no figures. To appear in Rev. of Mod. Phy

    Collective Particle Flow through Random Media

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    A simple model for the nonlinear collective transport of interacting particles in a random medium with strong disorder is introduced and analyzed. A finite threshold for the driving force divides the behavior into two regimes characterized by the presence or absence of a steady-state particle current. Below this threshold, transient motion is found in response to an increase in the force, while above threshold the flow approaches a steady state with motion only on a network of channels which is sparse near threshold. Some of the critical behavior near threshold is analyzed via mean field theory, and analytic results on the statistics of the moving phase are derived. Many of the results should apply, at least qualitatively, to the motion of magnetic bubble arrays and to the driven motion of vortices in thin film superconductors when the randomness is strong enough to destroy the tendencies to lattice order even on short length scales. Various history dependent phenomena are also discussed.Comment: 63 preprint pages plus 6 figures. Submitted to Phys Rev

    Heterotic domain wall solutions and SU(3) structure manifolds

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    We examine compactifications of heterotic string theory on manifolds with SU(3) structure. In particular, we study N = 1/2 domain wall solutions which correspond to the perturbative vacua of the 4D, N =1 supersymmetric theories associated to these compactifications. We extend work which has appeared previously in the literature in two important regards. Firstly, we include two additional fluxes which have been, heretofore, omitted in the general analysis of this situation. This allows for solutions with more general torsion classes than have previously been found. Secondly, we provide explicit solutions for the fluxes as a function of the torsion classes. These solutions are particularly useful in deciding whether equations such as the Bianchi identities can be solved, in addition to the Killing spinor equations themselves. Our work can be used to straightforwardly decide whether any given SU(3) structure on a six-dimensional manifold is associated with a solution to heterotic string theory. To illustrate how to use these results, we discuss a number of examples taken from the literature.Comment: 34 pages, minor corrections in second versio