71 research outputs found

    Making a Step Forward Towards Urban Resilience. The Contribution of Digital Innovation

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    Starting from 'wicked problem' theory as the landmark for framing disaster events in terms of policy issue for city governments, this paper highlights the contribution provided by Big Data analytics and digital innovation in dealing with disaster risks. The research aims at answering the following question: what is the role that 'smart technologies' play in strengthening urban resilience to disaster risks

    A Cytochrome P450 Conserved in Insects Is Involved in Cuticle Formation

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    The sequencing of numerous insect genomes has revealed dynamic changes in the number and identity of cytochrome P450 genes in different insects. In the evolutionary sense, the rapid birth and death of many P450 genes is observed, with only a small number of P450 genes showing orthology between insects with sequenced genomes. It is likely that these conserved P450s function in conserved pathways. In this study, we demonstrate the P450 gene, Cyp301a1, present in all insect genomes sequenced to date, affects the formation of the adult cuticle in Drosophila melanogaster. A Cyp301a1 piggyBac insertion mutant and RNAi of Cyp301a1 both show a similar cuticle malformation phenotype, which can be reduced by 20-hydroxyecdysone, suggesting that Cyp301a1 is an important gene involved in the formation of the adult cuticle and may be involved in ecdysone regulation in this tissue

    Sustainable development and human resource management. A science mapping approach

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    Financiación ECO2017-82208-PThis manuscript presents a systematic review of "sustainable human resource man-agement"(HRM), highlighting its major themes and the evolution and tendenciesobserved in this field. It contributes to the development of this relatively new topic,offering a critical evaluation and identifying the highest impact research strands.The Web of Science database returned 111 documents spanning the period 1997-2018, and a conceptual science mapping analysis based on co-word bibliographic net-works was developed, using SciMAT as an analytical tool. The motor themes (welldeveloped and important for the structure of the discipline) in the field of sustainableHRM areenvironmental management,socially responsible HRM, andturnover.Employeeengagementis a specialised theme (well developed but less important for the struc-ture of the research field),human resource practicesis a basic or transversal theme(important for the discipline but not developed), andsustainable leadershipandenvi-ronmental performanceare emerging themes (both weakly developed and marginalto the field).Management and Marketing Department (University of Pablo de Olavide

    Like mixing oil and water?: the take up of sustainability in hard-to-reach places - an East Texas case study

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    Following studies about the adoption of sustainability initiatives in both innovative and ordinary US cities, this article offers a unique view of sustainability in hard-to-reach places where regulation and planning are viewed with suspicion. Taking an interpretive approach to policy analysis, the paper asks if hard-to-reach places are destined to remain untouched by what many argue is a central tenet of modern planning. In so doing, it offers a key point of contrast to studies on cities at the vanguard of change, reminding us how critical it is to recognise all types of communities in our research and practice