496 research outputs found

    First optical validation of a Schwarzschild Couder telescope: the ASTRI SST-2M Cherenkov telescope

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) represents the most advanced facility designed for Cherenkov Astronomy. ASTRI SST-2M has been developed as a demonstrator for the Small Size Telescope in the context of the upcoming CTA. Its main innovation consists in the optical layout which implements the Schwarzschild-Couder configuration and is fully validated for the first time. The ASTRI SST-2M optical system represents the first qualified example for two mirrors telescope for Cherenkov Astronomy. This configuration permits to (i) maintain a high optical quality across a large FoV (ii) de-magnify the plate scale, (iii) exploit new technological solutions for focal plane sensors. The goal of the paper is to present the optical qualification of the ASTRI SST-2M telescope. The qualification has been obtained measuring the PSF sizes generated in the focal plane at various distance from the optical axis. These values have been compared with the performances expected by design. After an introduction on the Gamma Astronomy from the ground, the optical design and how it has been implemented for ASTRI SST-2M is discussed. Moreover the description of the setup used to qualify the telescope over the full field of view is shown. We report the results of the first--light optical qualification. The required specification of a flat PSF of ∼10\sim 10 arcmin in a large field of view ~10 deg has been demonstrated. These results validate the design specifications, opening a new scenario for Cherenkov Gamma ray Astronomy and, in particular, for the detection of high energy (5 - 300 TeV) gamma rays and wide-field observations with CTA.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Sulfide-, fluorite-, barite-bearing siliceous "crusts" related to unconformity surfaces of different ages in Pyrenees and Alps: a new model in carbonate-hosted deposits?

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    Wumerous stratabound sulfide-, barite-, fluonte-bearing siliceous crusts, from dm to some tens of in thick, occur over large areas of the Alpine belt, ;.e. the Alps and the Pyrenees. They are linked to unconformlty landscapes evolved on various carbonate units of Paieozoic and Triassic sedimentq sequences. Since the study mineralizations constitute the transition between the underlying carbonates and the overlying detrital units, they can be considered as an independent lithostratigraphic units that record a particular metalogenetic process not only in the alpine chains but worldwide. These mineralizations exhibit several morphologies: tabular concordant with the unconfonnities bodies, columnar bodies, karstic cavity-fillings, laminites and veins. In addition, the study deposits are clearly affected by remobilization process occuned during diagenesis or metamorphism. Such processes are responsible for masking the occunence of the breccia/conglomerate typically located at the base of the orebodies.Although the study mineralizations have usually been included in MVT deposit class, constrastirig differences between their diagnostic features and those of MVT mineralizations, suggest that the inclusion of the mineralized crust deposits in the MVT group seem incorrect.These peculiar ore-bearing quartz-crusts, persistent over large areas and showing an independent and distinct character and constituting an important marker for some sedimentary sequences of different ages in Alpine belts, allow the authors to define a new metallogenic model named as "crust-type" (CT) deposits. Comparable mineralization in other geotectonic environments outside Alpine belts point out to CT deposits being a worldwide significant metallogenic event

    The MICADO first light imager for ELT: its astrometric performance

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    We report on our ongoing efforts to ensure that the MICADO NIR imager reaches differential absolute (often abbreviated: relative) astrometric performance limited by the SNR of typical observations. The exceptional 39m diameter collecting area in combination with a powerful multi-conjugate adaptive optics system (called MAORY) brings the nominal centroiding error, which scales as FWHM/SNR, down to a few 10 uas. Here we show that an exceptional effort is needed to provide a system which delivers adequate and calibrateable astrometric performance over the full field of view (up to 53 arcsec diameter).Comment: 5 pages, submitted to SPIE 2018 Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentatio

    Arachidonic Acid/ppara Enhancement of Ca2+-Regulated Exocytosis in Antral Mucous Cells of Guinea Pig

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    N is known to be the most limiting element for vegetation growth in temperate and boreal forests. The expected increases in global temperature are predicted to accelerate N mineralization, therefore incrementing N availability in the soil and affecting the soil C cycle as well. While there is an abundance of C data collected to fulfill the requirements for national GHG accounting, more limited information is available for soil N accumulation and storage in relation to forest categories and altitudinal gradients. The data collected by the second Italian National Forest Inventory, spanning a wide range of temperature and precipitation values (10° latitudinal range), represented a unique opportunity to calculate N content and C/N ratio of the different soil layers to a depth of 30 cm. Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) models were applied to investigate the main determinants of soil N distribution and C/N ratio. Forest category was shown to be the main explanatory factor of soil N variability in seven out of eight models, both for forest floor and mineral soil layers. Moreover latitude explained a larger share of variability than single climate variables. BRT models explained, on average, the 49% of the data variability, with the remaining fraction likely due to soil-related variables that were unaccounted for. Accurate estimations of N pools and their determinants in a climate change perspective are consequently required to predict the potential impact of their degradation on forest soil N pools

    Autoimmune cytopenias in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is frequently complicated by secondary autoimmune cytopenias (AIC) represented by autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), pure red cell aplasia and autoimmune granulocytopenia. The distinction of immune cytopenias from cytopenias due to bone marrow infiltration, usually associated with a worse outcome and often requiring a different treatment, is mandatory. AIHA and ITP are more frequently found in patients with unfavorable biological risk factors for CLL. AIC secondary to CLL respond less favorably to standard treatments than their primary forms, and treating the underlying CLL with chemotherapy or monoclonal antibodies may ultimately be necessary

    A multidisciplinary approach in tackling invasive species: barcoding, morphology, and metataxonomy of the leafhopper Arboridia adanae

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    The leafhopper genus Arboridia includes several species that feed on Vitis vinifera and cause leaf chlorosis. We report the first alien Arboridia infestation in Italy in 2021 in an Apulian vineyard. To confirm the taxonomic status of the species responsible for crop damage, and reconstruct its demographic history, we barcoded individuals from Apulia together with Arboridia spp. from Crete (Greece), A. adanae from Central Turkey and other specimens of the presumed sister species, A. dalmatina from Dalmatia (Croatia). Molecular phylogenies and barcoding gap analysis identified clades not associated with sampling locations. This result is incongruent with classical specimen assignment and is further supported by morphological analyses, which did not reveal significant differences among the populations. Therefore, we propose A. dalmatina as a junior synonym of A. adanae, which would become the only grapevine-related Arboridia species in the eastern Mediterranean. To further characterise A. adanae evolution, we performed a molecular clock analysis that suggested a radiation during the Pleistocene glaciations. Finally, to assess whether the Apulian individuals carried microorganisms of agricultural relevance, we sequenced their bacterial microbiota using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing identifying three phytopathogens not generally associated with Arboridia activities as well as Wolbachia in one Apulian haplogroup. We discuss the agricultural implications of this infestatio

    Expected performance of the ASTRI-SST-2M telescope prototype

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    ASTRI (Astrofisica con Specchi a Tecnologia Replicante Italiana) is an Italian flagship project pursued by INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) strictly linked to the development of the Cherenkov Telescope Array, CTA. Primary goal of the ASTRI program is the design and production of an end-to-end prototype of a Small Size Telescope for the CTA sub-array devoted to the highest gamma-ray energy region. The prototype, named ASTRI SST-2M, will be tested on field in Italy during 2014. This telescope will be the first Cherenkov telescope adopting the double reflection layout in a Schwarzschild-Couder configuration with a tessellated primary mirror and a monolithic secondary mirror. The collected light will be focused on a compact and light-weight camera based on silicon photo-multipliers covering a 9.6 deg full field of view. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to estimate the performance of the planned telescope. The results regarding its energy threshold, sensitivity and angular resolution are shown and discussed.Comment: In Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). All CTA contributions at arXiv:1307.223
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