25 research outputs found

    Validation of the French ADNM-20 in the assessment of emotional difficulties resulting from COVID-19 quarantine and outbreak

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    Background: Multiple psychological consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak and quarantine have been described. However, there is a lack of global conceptualization. We argue that the stressful aspects of the situation, the multiple environmental consequences of the outbreak, and the diversity of symptoms observed in such a situation, suggest that Adjustment disorder (AD) is a promising way to conceptualize the psychological consequences of the outbreak and quarantine. The first aim of the study was to validate the French version of the ADNM. The second aim was to set out adjustment difficulties resulting from COVID-19 outbreak and quarantine. Method: We recruited 1010 (840 women, 170 men) who consented online to participate. They filled out the French ADNM, visual analogic scales, HADS, IES, and the COPE, to evaluate coping strategies. Results: We confirmed the factor structure of the ADNM and we found good psychometric properties. We found that 61.3% of participants presented an adjustment disorder related to COVID-19 outbreak. We found multiple risk factors and protective factors to AD due to quarantine and outbreak. We also identified the coping strategies negatively and positively associated with AD. Conclusion: Adjustment disorder is a relevant concept to understand psychological manifestations caused by quarantine and outbreak. The French ANDM has good psychometric properties to evaluate such manifestations. The association between coping strategies and AD symptoms suggest that CBT may be the best intervention to help people suffering from AD

    Identification varietale de l'ail au moyen de marqueurs biochimiques et moleculaires

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    DiplĂŽme : D

    Étude des tracas quotidiens des Ă©tudiants : liens avec la santĂ© perçue

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    National audienceThis study shows, among Science, Literature and Human Science students (second year, N: 254, mean age 20,7 ± 2,3) that there is a link between daily hassles and state of health perceived. This link to the detriment of their subjective quality of life. A self administration questionnaire was elaborated (test-group N: 60) and then validated. The sensitivity (gaussian distribution), the concurrent validity (correlation (r) on global score: General Health Questionnaire–28, 0,35; State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Y, dimension: 0,45, state: 0,42 ; World Health Organisation Quality Of Life –26, -0,43), the construct validity (r: 0.82 between impediment and frequency scores), the internal consistency (Cronbach’alpha: 0.70) are correct. The main hassles are fear of missing studies (because of a lack of capacity, of time, of money
), fear of unemployment, sensitivity about own security (robbery, aggression
) and other’s pain. On the other hand, affective life is less often given as a difficulty.Ce travail met en Ă©vidence, chez les Ă©tudiants en sciences, lettres et sciences humaines (2e annĂ©e, N : 254, Ăąge moyen : 20,7 ± 2,3), l’existence d’un lien entre les tracas quotidiens et l’état de santĂ© perçue, cela au dĂ©triment de leur qualitĂ© de vie subjective. Un autoquestionnaire a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ© (groupe « test », N : 60) et ensuite validĂ©. La sensibilitĂ© (distribution gaussienne), la validitĂ© concourante (CorrĂ©lation (r) sur le score total : GĂ©nĂ©ral Health Questionnaire –28, 0,35 ; State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Y, trait : 0,45, Ă©tat : 0,42 ; World Health Organisation Quality Of Life -26, -0,43), la validitĂ© de construction (r : 0,82 entre les scores de gĂȘne et de frĂ©quence) et la consistance interne (alpha de Cronbach : 0,70) sont satisfaisantes. Les principales prĂ©occupations sont : la peur d’échouer dans les Ă©tudes (par manque de compĂ©tence, de temps, d’argent
), la peur du chĂŽmage, la sensibilitĂ© Ă  la souffrance des autres et la sĂ©curitĂ© personnelle (vol, agression
). En revanche, la vie affective est rarement citĂ©e comme Ă©tant une source de difficultĂ©s

    On designing a target-independent DSL for safe OS process-scheduling components

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    Abstract. Developing new process-scheduling components for multiple OSes is challenging because of the tight interdependence between an OS and its scheduler and because of the stringent safety requirements that OS code must satisfy. In this context, a domain-specific language (DSL), designed by a scheduling expert, can encapsulate scheduling expertise and thus facilitate scheduler programming and verification. Nevertheless, designing a DSL that is target-independent and provides safety guarantees requires expertise not only in scheduling but also in the structure of various OSes. To address these issues, we propose the introduction of an OS expert into the DSL design process and the use of a type system to enable the OS expert to express relevant OS properties. This paper instantiates our approach in the context of the Bossa processscheduling framework and describes how the types provided by an OS expert are used to ensure that Bossa scheduling components are safe.

    Validation française du Big Five Inventory à 10 items (BFI-10)

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    International audienceObjectiveOur primary objective was to validate the French version of the BFI-10, an ultra-short ten-item version of the Big Five Inventory (BFI; John et al., 1991), which allows for a reasonably accurate assessment of personality in circumstances in which more in-depth assessment is not possible. In order to reach a thorough evaluation of the external validity, we also aimed to examine the bandwidth of the BFI-10 scales with reference to the study by De Young, Quilty and Peterson (2007) who distinguished between two aspects in each of the Big Five: Assertiveness and Enthusiasm for Extraversion; Compassion and Politeness for Agreeability; Orderliness and Productiveness for Conscientiousness; Withdrawal and Volatility for Negative Emotionality, and finally Openness to Aesthetics and Openness to Ideas for Open-Mindedness. Our concern with regard to bandwidth was to examine whether the BFI-10 scales have strong enough correlations with both aspects of each domain.MethodsParticipants. Data from four samples were analysed: Sample 1 comprised 2499 undergraduate students (1654 women) who completed the full BFI in university classes; Sample 2 comprised 13,306 participants (8471 women) who filled out the BFI-10 ten items online via Internet; Sample 3 comprised 143 undergraduate students (115 women) who completed the full BFI twice with a two-week interval; Sample 4 comprised 360 undergraduate students (183 women) who filled out the BFI and NEO PI-R. Instruments. The French version of the Big Five Inventory is a 45-item inventory, which measures the five broader domains of personality. The ultrashort Ten-item Big Five Inventory (BFI-10) was developed simultaneously in German and English by Rammstedt and John (2007); it comprises five two-item scales measuring the big five domains. The Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness Personality Inventory Revised (NEO PI-R; Costa et McCrae, 1992) is a 240-item questionnaire which assesses the big five domains and 30 lower-order facets, i.e. six facets per domain. Statistical analyses. Factor structure and reliability of the five two-item scales were first investigated on samples 1 and 3. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) were conducted on samples 1 and 2, and discriminant validity was assessed via comparison with the NEO PI-R (sample 4). In order to examine the bandwidth of the BFI-10 two-item scales, we studied their correlation not only with the NEO PI-R domains but also with the 30 facets.ResultsThe CFAs showed the good fit of the five-factor structure, with RMSEA = .077 (.072), CFI = .974 (.956), and SRMR = .029 (.027) in samples 1 and 2 respectively. Multigroup CFA conducted in groups 1 and 2 showed invariance across gender of factor loadings and item intercepts. Test-retest reliability was satisfactory with rs ranging from .68 (Open-Mindedness) to .86 (Extraversion and Negative Emotionality). The comparison of the two-item scales with the NEO PI-R scales showed high correlations not only with the NEO domain scales, but also with several facets: Four BFI-10 two-item scales (Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Negative Emotionality, and Open-Mindedness) were highly correlated with at least three of the six NEO facet scales in each domain. For Agreeableness, the magnitude of correlations was smaller, but the pattern of correlations was the same. All BFI-10 scales had at least moderate correlations with both aspects of each domain, with the exception of Negative Emotionality, which measured the NEO Withdrawal aspect better than Volatility.ConclusionThe French version of the BFI-10 demonstrated the expected five-factor structure, satisfactory reliability, and broad bandwidth. It could be a valuable tool for the assessment of personality in circumstances in which it is not possible to use a longer and more in-depth instrument, especially when personality is not the main focus of research but one of the variables to be controlled.L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est de valider une adaptation française de la forme trĂšs courte du Big Five Inventory (BFI) qui comporte 10 items (BFI-10). Notre but Ă©tait d’examiner en profondeur, en plus de la structure factorielle et de la fiabilitĂ©, la validitĂ© de cet instrument, afin de dĂ©terminer s’il mesure de maniĂšre adĂ©quate les domaines de la personnalitĂ© ou seulement certains de leurs aspects. Nous avons recrutĂ© 4 Ă©chantillons diffĂ©rents (respectivement n = 2499, 13 306, 143 et 360 participants) pour Ă©tudier la structure factorielle, la fidĂ©litĂ© test-retest et la validitĂ© externe du BFI-10. Les instruments utilisĂ©s Ă©taient le BFI (Ă©chantillons 1, 3 et 4), le BFI-10 (Ă©chantillon 2) et le NEO PI-R (Ă©chantillon 4). Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© la structure factorielle du BFI-10, la fidĂ©litĂ© test-retest et la validitĂ© externe avec les Ă©chelles du NEO PI-R. Les analyses factorielles confirmatoires ont confirmĂ© la pertinence de la structure en cinq facteurs, avec des indices d’ajustement satisfaisants, ainsi que l’invariance selon le sexe des coefficients de saturation et des intercepts, ce qui rend valide la comparaison des scores des femmes et des hommes. La comparaison avec le NEO PI-R montre que les Ă©chelles du BFI-10 fournissent une estimation suffisamment large des domaines. Les femmes ont des scores de NĂ©vrosisme plus Ă©levĂ©s que les hommes (d = 0,55), alors que les diffĂ©rences aux autres Ă©chelles sont nĂ©gligeables. Le BFI-10 prĂ©sente des qualitĂ©s psychomĂ©triques intĂ©ressantes qui permettent une Ă©valuation raisonnablement fiable et valide de la personnalitĂ© dans des circonstances oĂč l’emploi d’instruments plus longs n’est pas envisageable