271 research outputs found

    Influence of ion-to-electron temperature ratio on tearing instability and resulting subion-scale turbulence in a low-βe\beta_e collisionless plasma

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    A two-field gyrofluid model including ion finite Larmor radius (FLR) corrections, magnetic fluctuations along the ambient field and electron inertia is used to study two-dimensional reconnection in a low βe\beta_e collisionless plasma, in a plane perpendicular to the ambient field. Both moderate and large values of the ion-to-electron temperature ratio τ\tau are considered. The linear growth rate of the tearing instability is computed for various values of τ\tau, confirming the convergence to reduced electron magnetodynamics (REMHD) predictions in the large τ\tau limit. Comparisons with analytical estimates in several limit cases are also presented. The nonlinear dynamics leads to a fully-developed turbulent regime that appears to be sensitive to the value of the parameter τ\tau. For τ=100\tau = 100, strong large-scale velocity shears trigger Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, leading to the propagation of the turbulence through the separatrices, together with the formation of eddies of size of the order of the electron skin depth. In the τ=1\tau = 1 regime, the vortices are significantly smaller and their accurate description requires that electron FLR effects be taken into account

    Gaia: Organisation and challenges for the data processing

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    Gaia is an ambitious space astrometry mission of ESA with a main objective to map the sky in astrometry and photometry down to a magnitude 20 by the end of the next decade. While the mission is built and operated by ESA and an industrial consortium, the data processing is entrusted to a consortium formed by the scientific community, which was formed in 2006 and formally selected by ESA one year later. The satellite will downlink around 100 TB of raw telemetry data over a mission duration of 5 years from which a very complex iterative processing will lead to the final science output: astrometry with a final accuracy of a few tens of microarcseconds, epoch photometry in wide and narrow bands, radial velocity and spectra for the stars brighter than 17 mag. We discuss the general principles and main difficulties of this very large data processing and present the organisation of the European Consortium responsible for its design and implementation.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 24

    Turbulent dissipation in the ISM: the coexistence of forced and decaying regimes and implications for galaxy formation and evolution

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    We discuss the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy Ek in the global ISM by means of 2-D, MHD, non-isothermal simulations in the presence of model radiative heating and cooling. We argue that dissipation in 2D is representative of that in three dimensions as long as it is dominated by shocks rather than by a turbulent cascade. Energy is injected at a few isolated sites in space, over relatively small scales, and over short time periods. This leads to the coexistence of forced and decaying regimes in the same flow. We find that the ISM-like flow dissipates its turbulent energy rapidly. In simulations with forcing, the input parameters are the radius l_f of the forcing region, the total kinetic energy e_k each source deposits into the flow, and the rate of formation of those regions, sfr_OB. The global dissipation time t_d depends mainly on l_f. In terms of measurable properties of the ISM, t_d >= Sigma_g u_rms^2/(e_k sfr_OB), where Sigma_g is the average gas surface density and u_rms is the rms velocity dispersion. For the solar neighborhood, t_d >= 1.5x10^7 yr. The global dissipation time is consistently smaller than the crossing time of the largest energy-containing scales. In decaying simulations, Ek decreases with time as t^-n, where n~0.8-0.9. This suggests a decay with distance d as Ek\propto d^{-2n/(2-n)} in the mixed forced+decaying case. If applicable to the vertical direction, our results support models of galaxy evolution in which stellar energy injection provides significant support for the gas disk thickness, but not models of galaxy formation in which this energy injection is supposed to reheat an intra-halo medium at distances of up to 10-20 times the optical galaxy size, as the dissipation occurs on distances comparable to the disk height.Comment: 23 pages, including figures. To appear in ApJ. Abstract abridge

    Turbulent Control of the Star Formation Efficiency

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    Supersonic turbulence plays a dual role in molecular clouds: On one hand, it contributes to the global support of the clouds, while on the other it promotes the formation of small-scale density fluctuations, identifiable with clumps and cores. Within these, the local Jeans length \Ljc is reduced, and collapse ensues if \Ljc becomes smaller than the clump size and the magnetic support is insufficient (i.e., the core is ``magnetically supercritical''); otherwise, the clumps do not collapse and are expected to re-expand and disperse on a few free-fall times. This case may correspond to a fraction of the observed starless cores. The star formation efficiency (SFE, the fraction of the cloud's mass that ends up in collapsed objects) is smaller than unity because the mass contained in collapsing clumps is smaller than the total cloud mass. However, in non-magnetic numerical simulations with realistic Mach numbers and turbulence driving scales, the SFE is still larger than observational estimates. The presence of a magnetic field, even if magnetically supercritical, appears to further reduce the SFE, but by reducing the probability of core formation rather than by delaying the collapse of individual cores, as was formerly thought. Precise quantification of these effects as a function of global cloud parameters is still needed.Comment: Invited review for the conference "IMF@50: the Initial Mass Function 50 Years Later", to be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, eds. E. Corbelli, F. Palla, and H. Zinnecke

    A method for reconstructing the variance of a 3D physical field from 2D observations: Application to turbulence in the ISM

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    We introduce and test an expression for calculating the variance of a physical field in three dimensions using only information contained in the two-dimensional projection of the field. The method is general but assumes statistical isotropy. To test the method we apply it to numerical simulations of hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in molecular clouds, and demonstrate that it can recover the 3D normalised density variance with ~10% accuracy if the assumption of isotropy is valid. We show that the assumption of isotropy breaks down at low sonic Mach number if the turbulence is sub-Alfvenic. Theoretical predictions suggest that the 3D density variance should increase proportionally to the square of the Mach number of the turbulence. Application of our method will allow this prediction to be tested observationally and therefore constrain a large body of analytic models of star formation that rely on it.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Density Variance Mach Number Relation in the Taurus Molecular Cloud

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    Supersonic turbulence in molecular clouds is a key agent in generating density enhancements that may subsequently go on to form stars. The stronger the turbulence - the higher the Mach number - the more extreme the density fluctuations are expected to be. Numerical models predict an increase in density variance with rms Mach number of the form: sigma^{2}_{rho/rho_{0}} = b^{2}M^{2}, where b is a numerically-estimated parameter, and this prediction forms the basis of a large number of analytic models of star formation. We provide an estimate of the parameter b from 13CO J=1-0 spectral line imaging observations and extinction mapping of the Taurus molecular cloud, using a recently developed technique that needs information contained solely in the projected column density field to calculate sigma^{2}_{rho/rho_{0}}. We find b ~ 0.48, which is consistent with typical numerical estimates, and is characteristic of turbulent driving that includes a mixture of solenoidal and compressive modes. More conservatively, we constrain b to lie in the range 0.3-0.8, depending on the influence of sub-resolution structure and the role of diffuse atomic material in the column density budget. We also report a break in the Taurus column density power spectrum at a scale of ~1pc, and find that the break is associated with anisotropy in the power spectrum. The break is observed in both 13CO and dust extinction power spectra, which, remarkably, are effectively identical despite detailed spatial differences between the 13CO and dust extinction maps. [ abridged ]Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Is nasal carriage of the main acquisition pathway for surgical-site infection in orthopaedic surgery?

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    International audienceThe endogenous or exogenous origin of , responsible for orthopaedic surgical-site infections (SSI), remains debated. We conducted a multicentre prospective cohort study to analyse the respective part of exogenous contamination and endogenous self-inoculation by during elective orthopaedic surgery. The nose of each consecutive patient was sampled before surgery. Strains of isolated from the nose and the wound, in the case of SSI, were compared by antibiotypes or pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). A total of 3,908 consecutive patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery were included. Seventy-seven patients developed an SSI (2%), including 22 related to (0.6%). was isolated from the nose of 790 patients (20.2%) at the time of surgery. In the multivariate analysis, nasal carriage was found to be a risk factor for SSI in orthopaedic surgery. However, only nine subjects exhibiting SSI had been found to be carriers before surgery: when compared, three pairs of strains were considered to be different and six similar. In most cases of SSI, either an endogenous origin could not be demonstrated or pre-operative nasal colonisation retrieved a strain that was different from the one recovered from the surgical sit

    Direct path from microscopic mechanics to Debye shielding, Landau damping, and wave-particle interaction

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    The derivation of Debye shielding and Landau damping from the NN-body description of plasmas is performed directly by using Newton's second law for the NN-body system. This is done in a few steps with elementary calculations using standard tools of calculus, and no probabilistic setting. Unexpectedly, Debye shielding is encountered together with Landau damping. This approach is shown to be justified in the one-dimensional case when the number of particles in a Debye sphere becomes large. The theory is extended to accommodate a correct description of trapping and chaos due to Langmuir waves. Shielding and collisional transport are found to be two related aspects of the repulsive deflections of electrons, in such a way that each particle is shielded by all other ones while keeping in uninterrupted motion.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1310.3096, arXiv:1210.154