647 research outputs found

    La utilización del ordenador en la realización de experiencias de laboratorio

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    In this work we expose the principles and teaching impact of the applications of the computer means to carry out the real experiments in the teaching laboratory

    Improved image quality with new ultrasound imaging techniques

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    AbstractThis work addresses three key subjects to the image quality with phased arrays: timing accuracy, beamforming strategy and post-processing for increased resolution and suppression of grating and side lobes.Timing accuracy is achieved by defining a modular and scalable architecture which guarantees timing errors of a few tens of picoseconds, whatever is the system size. The proposed beamforming methodology follows the progressive focusing correction technique, which keeps low focusing errors, provides a high information density and has a simple implementation for real-time imaging. Then, phase coherence imaging is defined to suppress grating and sidelobe indications and increasing the lateral resolution

    Regenerative Strategy for Persistent Periprosthetic Leakage around Tracheoesophageal Puncture: Is It an Effective Long-Term Solution?

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    Autologous tissue-assisted regenerative procedures have been considered effective to close different types of fistula, including the leakage around tracheoesophageal puncture. The aim of this study was to retrospectively review 10 years of lipotransfer for persistent periprosthetic leakage in laryngectomized patients with voice prosthesis. Clinical records of patients who experienced periprosthetic leakage from December 2009 to December 2019 were reviewed. Patients receiving fat grafting were included. The leakage around the prosthesis was assessed with a methylene blue test. Twenty patients experiencing tracheoesophageal fistula enlargement were treated with fat grafting. At the one-month follow-up, all patients were considered improved with no leakage observed. At six months, a single injection was sufficient to solve 75% of cases (n 15), whereas 25% (n 5) required a second procedure. The overall success rate was 80% (n 16). Results remained stable for a follow-up of 5.54 � 3.97 years. Fat grafting performed around the voice prosthesis, thanks to its volumetric and regenerative properties, is a valid and lasting option to solve persistent periprosthetic leakage

    Clinical approach and treatment of benign and malignant parotid masses, personal experience

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    Parotid gland tumours account for 80% of all salivary gland neoplasms, 20% of these are malignant, but in daily clinical practice most parotid masses are operated on before obtaining the final histological diagnosis. This clinical setting further complicates the critical point of parotid surgery, which is the management of the facial nerve. In the present study, data were evaluated referring to 540 patients who underwent parotidectomy for a mass which was discovered to be a benign (470 cases) or a malignant (70 cases) neoplasm, between November 1994 and December 2007, at our Institution. The most significant single parameter in this series of malignancies regarding disease specific survival was the clinical involvement of the facial nerve at diagnosis (p = 0.006). Also for this reason, as there is no evidence that liberal VIIth nerve sacrifice improves prognosis, when it is not clinically involved, every attempt is made to dissect and preserve it. At present, the most complicated situation concerning nerve preservation may be, on the other hand, recurrence of a benign tumour, in particular pleomorphic adenoma, which, in our series, has a higher incidence (8.3%) of permanent facial dysfunction, than surgery with nerve preservation for malignancy (3.7%)

    Midfacial fractures: our experience.

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    Authors report their experience in the treatment of midfacial fractures in 201 patients, 177 of whom underwent surgery for reduction and fixation of the fracture. Since no functional or aesthetic deficits were present, surgery was not performed in the remaining 24 cases. Of the 177 patients, the maxillary complex was involved in 70 (classified as central and centro- lateral fractures), the zygomatic-maxillary-orbital complex in another 70, isolated fractures of the orbital floor blow-out in 18, and. isolated fractures of the zygomatic arch in 19. The re- sults obtained and the degree of satisfaction were evaluated in 90 patients with clinical visits, as well as by telephone inter- view. A total of 88 patients expressed complete satisfaction with the results of the surgical outcome, while the remaining 2 patients were not satisfied with the aesthetic outcome. All pa- tients were operated within 24-48 hours post-trauma in the case of incarceration of extrinsic ocular muscles, and within 10 days in other types of trauma, even in those patients in inten- sive care. The importance of clinical and radiological pre-op- erative diagnosis is stressed as well as the choice of the most suitable therapeutic approach for the different types of frac- tures, considering recent tendencies towards minimally inva- sive procedures to achieve better cosmetic results. The latest developments in fixation techniques with reference to titanium mini- and/or micro-plates that may eventually be substituted with absorbable materials are discussed

    HPV in sperm is efficiently removed by washing: A suitable approach for assisted reproduction

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    Research question: Is it possible, by sperm-washing spermatozoa from clinically HPV-positive men, to obtain spermatozoa free of human papillomavirus (HPV) to be employed in assisted reproduction? Design: This was an observational study performed on HPV-positive men. Freshly ejaculated semen was collected and readily processed by gradient separation followed by swim-up from the washed pellet. The resulting fractions were seminal plasma, cell pellet, round cells, non-motile spermatozoa and motile spermatozoa. All fractions were then tested for the presence of HPV DNA. Results: Of the 15 clinically HPV-positive subjects, 67% were positive in at least one of the seminal fractions. If any postivity was detected, the plasma was always HPV positive. No consistent pattern was observed throughout different samples in the cell pellet, round cell and non-motile spermatozoa fractions. However, after the sperm-wash procedure, the fraction of motile spermatozoa was never found to be HPV-positive. Conclusions: The sperm-washing technique, which was previously successfully used to remove human immunodeficiency virus, can efficiently remove HPV from spermatozoa. However, the present study was conducted on a small population so a larger follow-up study is recommended. HPV screening should be performed in sperm samples and, upon HPV positivity, sperm-washing should be considered before assisted reproduction techniques are used

    Caso clínico de Reproducción

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    Se presentó en el Hospital Clínico Veterinario de la Universidad de Murcia un perro West Highland Terrier, 9 kg de peso y 7 años de edad, con un historial previo de dermatitis alérgica a pulgas, otitis y cistitis recurrentes. El propietario informa que dos meses antes el animal fue empleado para realizar varias inseminaciones artificiales sin éxito, pese a haber tenido descendencia hace unos años. El dueño nos insiste en que desearía obtener una camada de él cuando la perra vuelva a entrar en celo. En el examen físico no se observó ninguna alteración evidente. La exploración rectal de la próstata no demostró dolor, asimetría ni incremento del tamaño de la glándula. Los resultados de las analíticas sanguíneas y bioquímica séricas estaban dentro de los rangos normales. En el examen ecográfico abdominal se observó una próstata de bordes irregulares y ligeramente disminuida de tamaño (Fig. 1). La ecotextura era heterogénea (Fig. 2). A nivel de la vejiga se observaba ecográficamente que las paredes estaban engrosadas y la presencia de sedimento ecogénico en suspensión, realizándose una cistocentesis ecoguiada. El análisis de orina no reveló proteinuria ni alteraciones de la gravedad específica ni del pH. En el sedimento se observó una ligera hematuria y presencia de neutrófilos degenerados. En base a todo lo descrito previamente se diagnostica un cuadro de prostatitis crónica, siendo instaurado un tratamiento médico que permite la obtención de una camada de 3 cachorros 4 meses más tarde

    Idiopathic SIADH in young patients: dont forget the nose

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    Il neuroblastoma olfattivo (ONB) è un raro tumore neuroendocrino dei seni paranasali associato, secondo molti autori, alla produzione di molteplici sostanze biologicamente attive. In questo lavoro descriviamo il caso di un paziente di sesso maschile di 31 anni giunto alla nostra osservazione presentando la sindrome idiopatica da inappropriata secrezione di ormone antidiuretico (SIADH). Durante il work-up diagnostico il paziente è stato sottoposto a TAC del massiccio facciale, che documentava la presenza di un estesioneuroblastoma etmoidale. è stato eseguito un trattamento di chirurgia endoscopica e successiva radioterapia. Subito dopo lintervento chirurgico i livelli di natremia si sono normalizzati. Cinque anni più tardi il paziente risulta essere libero da malattia. Attualmente in letteratura sono stati pubblicati 17 casi di SIADH associata a ONB. In nove lavori la SIADH idiopatica ha tempestivamente portato alla diagnosi di masse sinusali come nel nostro caso, tuttavia, in molti casi, si è giunti alla diagnosi corretta mesi o anni dopo. Nei giovani pazienti con sindrome idiopatica da inappropriata secrezione di ormone antidiuretico è necessario escludere un tumore maligno neuroendocrino dei seni paranasali