123 research outputs found

    Gut Pathogens

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    Obesity is a worldwide health problem and a significant risk factor for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Gut microbiota (GM) plays an essential role in obesity, and prebiotics such as polyphenols could be one way to improve microbial dysbiosis-induced obesity

    XPS study of the band alignment at ITO/oxide (n-type MoO3 or p-type NiO) interface

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    While they have different electronic properties n-type MoO3 and p-type NiO are very efficient as buffer layers between the ITO anode and the organic electron donor in organic photovoltaic cells. While it is admitted that MoO3 is n-type, its band structure is still under study. Here, the band alignment at the interface of an ITO/MoO3 heterojunction is studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The same study is realized on the structure ITO/NiO, NiO being a p-type semiconductor. The measurements have been performed on samples obtained under the same experimental conditions as those used to achieve organic photovoltaic cells. The MoO3 (NiO) upper layer was 3 nm thick. The semidirect XPS technique used to measure the band offsets allows us to estimate the band discontinuities at the interface ITO/MoO3: ΔEv = 0.50 eV and ΔEc = 0.90 eV, while at the interface ITO/NiO we have ΔEv = −2.10 eV and ΔEc = −1.90 eV. Therefore, n-type MoO3 and p-type NiO, which are both very efficient anode buffer layers (ABLs), exhibit different band structure at the contact with ITO. However, the measurement, by means of a Kelvin probe, of the work functions of the structures ITO/NiO and ITO/MoO3, shows that they are close and significantly higher than that of ITO alone

    Shortening of atrioventricular delay at increased atrial paced heart rates improves diastolic filling and functional class in patients with biventricular pacing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Use of rate adaptive atrioventricular (AV) delay remains controversial in patients with biventricular (Biv) pacing. We hypothesized that a shortened AV delay would provide optimal diastolic filling by allowing separation of early and late diastolic filling at increased heart rate (HR) in these patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>34 patients (75 ± 11 yrs, 24 M, LVEF 34 ± 12%) with Biv and atrial pacing had optimal AV delay determined at baseline HR by Doppler echocardiography. Atrial pacing rate was then increased in 10 bpm increments to a maximum of 90 bpm. At each atrial pacing HR, optimal AV delay was determined by changing AV delay until best E and A wave separation was seen on mitral inflow pulsed wave (PW) Doppler (defined as increased atrial duration from baseline or prior pacemaker setting with minimal atrial truncation). Left ventricular (LV) systolic ejection time and velocity time integral (VTI) at fixed and optimal AV delay was also tested in 13 patients. Rate adaptive AV delay was then programmed according to the optimal AV delay at the highest HR tested and patients were followed for 1 month to assess change in NYHA class and Quality of Life Score as assessed by Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>81 AV delays were evaluated at different atrial pacing rates. Optimal AV delay decreased as atrial paced HR increased (201 ms at 60 bpm, 187 ms at 70 bpm, 146 ms at 80 bpm and 123 ms at 90 bpm (ANOVA F-statistic = 15, p = 0.0010). Diastolic filling time (P < 0.001 vs. fixed AV delay), mitral inflow VTI (p < 0.05 vs fixed AV delay) and systolic ejection time (p < 0.02 vs. fixed AV delay) improved by 14%, 5% and 4% respectively at optimal versus fixed AV delay at the same HR. NYHA improved from 2.6 ± 0.7 at baseline to 1.7 ± 0.8 (p < 0.01) 1 month post optimization. Physical component of Quality of Life Score improved from 32 ± 17 at baseline to 25 ± 12 (p < 0.05) at follow up.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Increased heart rate by atrial pacing in patients with Biv pacing causes compromise in diastolic filling time which can be improved by AV delay shortening. Aggressive AV delay shortening was required at heart rates in physiologic range to achieve optimal diastolic filling and was associated with an increase in LV ejection time during optimization. Functional class improved at 1 month post optimization using aggressive AV delay shortening algorithm derived from echo-guidance at the time of Biv pacemaker optimization.</p

    Utilisation de données SPOT5 pour la cartographie des habitats benthiques littoraux. Application à l’archipel des îles Chausey (golfe normand-breton, France)

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    Cette étude présente l’intérêt et les limites des données de télédétection à Haute Résolution Spatiale issues du capteur SPOT5 pour la cartographie des habitats benthiques médiolittoraux. Le site d’étude, l’archipel des îles Chausey (golfe normand-breton, France) se caractérise par un très vaste estran parsemé d’une multitude d’îlots. Par ses contraintes physiques, il constitue un site de recherche privilégié pour répondre aux problèmes actuels de cartographies des habitats littoraux, par ailleurs en cours de réalisation (programme REBENT-IFREMER) et initiées par les instances publiques (services délocalisés de l’État) suite aux nombreuses pollutions côtières. Des méthodes de traitement d’images traditionnelles et couramment utilisées ont été testées et validées à l’échelle de l’archipel par des photographies aériennes récentes et des campagnes d’échantillonnages faites sur le terrain. La classification retenue est très proche de celle de la nomenclature NATURA 2000 en ce qui concerne les habitats naturels de l’estran. Les traitements apportés permettent d’explorer quelques potentialités de SPOT5 et d’afficher ainsi une première évaluation de ces données pour la caractérisation, l’inventaire et le suivi des habitats naturels littoraux.Recent coastal pollutions have induced local and national authorities (research institutes – IFREMER, CNES, IFEN –, decentralised state agencies) to evaluate present mapping techniques and to assess their ability to map coastal benthic habitats. Within these research programs a test site has been choosen to evaluate data from the High Spatial Resolution Satelite SPOT5. It is the Chausey archipelago, in the English Channel which is characterized by a very wide macro tidal shore line with many skerries and very small islands. Such a rugged inter-and sub-tidal topography makes it a very demanding site for cartography. SPOT5 data has been classified (using usual routines of image processing), compared to photos, cross checked with field evidences. This has allowed to point out SPOT5 potential : the classification is very similar to the Natura 2000 check list and shows a good ability to map this type of shore. This preliminary test is a begining to a wider program of coastal monitoring by SPOT5

    Evidence of a Louse-Borne Outbreak Involving Typhus in Douai, 1710-1712 during the War of Spanish Succession

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    Background: The new field of paleomicrobiology allows past outbreaks to be identified by testing dental pulp of human remains with PCR. Methods: We identified a mass grave in Douai, France dating from the early XVIII th century. This city was besieged during the European war of Spanish succession. We tested dental pulp from 1192 teeth (including 40 from Douai) by quantitative PCR (qPCR) for R. prowazekii and B. quintana. We also used ultra-sensitive suicide PCR to detect R. prowazekii and genotyped positive samples. Results and Discussion: In the Douai remains, we identified one case of B. quintana infection (by qPCR) and R. prowazekii (by suicide PCR) in 6/21 individuals (29%). The R. prowazekii was genotype B, a genotype previously found in a Spanish isolate obtained in the first part of the XX th century. Conclusion: Louse-borne outbreaks were raging during the XVIII th century; our results support the hypothesis that typhus was imported into Europe by Spanish soldiers from America

    Natural Variation in an ABC Transporter Gene Associated with Seed Size Evolution in Tomato Species

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    Seed size is a key determinant of evolutionary fitness in plants and is a trait that often undergoes tremendous changes during crop domestication. Seed size is most often quantitatively inherited, and it has been shown that Sw4.1 is one of the most significant quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying the evolution of seed size in the genus Solanum—especially in species related to the cultivated tomato. Using a combination of genetic, developmental, molecular, and transgenic techniques, we have pinpointed the cause of the Sw4.1 QTL to a gene encoding an ABC transporter gene. This gene exerts its control on seed size, not through the maternal plant, but rather via gene expression in the developing zygote. Phenotypic effects of allelic variation at Sw4.1 are manifested early in seed development at stages corresponding to the rapid deposition of starch and lipids into the endospermic cells. Through synteny, we have identified the Arabidopsis Sw4.1 ortholog. Mutagenesis has revealed that this ortholog is associated with seed length variation and fatty acid deposition in seeds, raising the possibility that the ABC transporter may modulate seed size variation in other species. Transcription studies show that the ABC transporter gene is expressed not only in seeds, but also in other tissues (leaves and roots) and, thus, may perform functions in parts of the plants other than developing seeds. Cloning and characterization of the Sw4.1 QTL gives new insight into how plants change seed during evolution and may open future opportunities for modulating seed size in crop plants for human purposes

    Effect of apomorphine on cognitive performance and sensorimotor gating in humans

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    Contains fulltext : 88792.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)INTRODUCTION: Dysfunction of brain dopamine systems is involved in various neuropsychiatric disorders. Challenge studies with dopamine receptor agonists have been performed to assess dopamine receptor functioning, classically using the release of growth hormone (GH) from the hindbrain as primary outcome measure. The objective of the current study was to assess dopamine receptor functioning at the forebrain level. METHODS: Fifteen healthy male volunteers received apomorphine sublingually (2 mg), subcutaneously (0.005 mg/kg), and placebo in a balanced, double-blind, cross-over design. Outcome measures were plasma GH levels, performance on an AX continuous performance test, and prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle. The relation between central outcome measures and apomorphine levels observed in plasma and calculated in the brain was modeled using a two-compartmental pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic analysis. RESULTS: After administration of apomorphine, plasma GH increased and performance on the AX continuous performance test deteriorated, particularly in participants with low baseline performance. Apomorphine disrupted prepulse inhibition (PPI) on high-intensity (85 dB) prepulse trials and improved PPI on low intensity (75 dB) prepulse trials, particularly in participants with low baseline PPI. High cognitive performance at baseline was associated with reduced baseline sensorimotor gating. Neurophysiological measures correlated best with calculated brain apomorphine levels after subcutaneous administration. CONCLUSION: The apomorphine challenge test appears a useful tool to assess dopamine receptor functioning at the forebrain level. Modulation of the effect of apomorphine by baseline performance levels may be explained by an inverted U-shape relation between prefrontal dopamine functioning and cognitive performance, and mesolimbic dopamine functioning and sensorimotor gating. Future apomorphine challenge tests preferentially use multiple outcome measures, after subcutaneous administration of apomorphine.1 januari 201

    Atrioventricular and interventricular delay optimization in cardiac resynchronization therapy: physiological principles and overview of available methods

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    In this review, the physiological rationale for atrioventricular and interventricular delay optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy is discussed including the influence of exercise and long-term cardiac resynchronization therapy. The broad spectrum of both invasive and non-invasive optimization methods is reviewed with critical appraisal of the literature. Although the spectrum of both invasive and non-invasive optimization methods is broad, no single method can be recommend for standard practice as large-scale studies using hard endpoints are lacking. Current efforts mainly investigate optimization during resting conditions; however, there is a need to develop automated algorithms to implement dynamic optimization in order to adapt to physiological alterations during exercise and after anatomical remodeling