251 research outputs found

    The Microchannel X-ray Telescope on Board the SVOM Satellite

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    We present the Micro-channel X-ray Telescope (MXT), a new narrow-field (about 1{\deg}) telescope that will be flying on the Sino-French SVOM mission dedicated to Gamma-Ray Burst science, scheduled for launch in 2021. MXT is based on square micro pore optics (MPOs), coupled with a low noise CCD. The optics are based on a "Lobster Eye" design, while the CCD is a focal plane detector similar to the type developed for the seven eROSITA telescopes. MXT is a compact and light (<35 kg) telescope with a 1 m focal length, and it will provide an effective area of about 45 cmsq on axis at 1 keV. The MXT PSF is expected to be better than 4.2 arc min (FWHM) ensuring a localization accuracy of the afterglows of the SVOM GRBs to better than 1 arc min (90\% c.l. with no systematics) provided MXT data are collected within 5 minutes after the trigger. The MXT sensitivity will be adequate to detect the afterglows for almost all the SVOM GRBs as well as to perform observations of non-GRB astrophysical objects. These performances are fully adapted to the SVOM science goals, and prove that small and light telescopes can be used for future small X-ray missions.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of the conference "Swift: 10 years of Discovery", Rome, December 2-5, 2014. To be published by Po

    Hard X-ray polarimetry with Caliste, a high performance CdTe based imaging spectrometer

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    Since the initial exploration of soft gamma-ray sky in the 60's, high-energy celestial sources have been mainly characterized through imaging, spectroscopy and timing analysis. Despite tremendous progress in the field, the radiation mechanisms at work in sources such as neutrons stars and black holes are still unclear. The polarization state of the radiation is an observational parameter which brings key additional information about the physical process. This is why most of the projects for the next generation of space missions covering the tens of keV to the MeV region require a polarization measurement capability. A key element enabling this capability is a detector system allowing the identification and characterization of Compton interactions as they are the main process at play. The hard X-ray imaging spectrometer module, developed in CEA with the generic name of Caliste module, is such a detector. In this paper, we present experimental results for two types of Caliste-256 modules, one based on a CdTe crystal, the other one on a CdZnTe crystal, which have been exposed to linearly polarized beams at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. These results, obtained at 200-300 keV, demonstrate their capability to give an accurate determination of the polarization parameters (polarization angle and fraction) of the incoming beam. Applying a selection to our data set, equivalent to select 90 degrees Compton scattered interactions in the detector plane, we find a modulation factor Q of 0.78. The polarization angle and fraction are derived with accuracies of approximately 1 degree and 5%. The modulation factor remains larger than 0.4 when essentially no selection is made at all on the data. These results prove that the Caliste-256 modules have performances allowing them to be excellent candidates as detectors with polarimetric capabilities, in particular for future space missions.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables in Experimental Astronomy, 201

    Enzyme‐induced ferrification of hydrogels for toughening of functional inorganic compounds

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    Enzyme-induced mineralization (EIM) has been shown to greatly enhance the mechanical properties of hydrogels by precipitation of calcium salts. Another feature of such hydrogels is their high toughness even when containing finely nanostructured mineral content of ≈75 wt%. This might be useful for bendable materials with high content of functional inorganic nanostructures. The present study demonstrates that EIM can form homogeneous nanostructures of water-insoluble iron salts within hydrogels. Crystalline iron(II) carbonate precipitates urease-induced within polyacrylate-based hydrogels and forms platelet structures that have the potential of forming self-organized nacre-like architectures. The platelet structure can be influenced by chemical composition of the hydrogel. Further, amorphous iron(II) phosphate precipitates within hydrogels with alkaline phosphatase, forming a nanostructured porous inorganic phase, homogeneously distributed within the double network hydrogel. The high amount of iron phosphate (more than 80 wt%) affords a stiffness of ≈100 MPa. The composite is still bendable with considerable toughness of 400 J m−2 and strength of 1 MPa. The high water content (>50%) may allow fast diffusion processes within the material. This makes the iron phosphate-based composite an interesting candidate for flexible electrodes and demonstrates that EIM can be used to deliberately soften ceramic materials, rendering them bendable

    Scanning transmission electron microscopy of gate stacks with HfO2 dielectrics and TiN electrodes

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    High-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) imaging and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) in scanning transmission electron microscopy were used to investigate HfO2 gate dielectrics grown by atomic layer deposition on Si substrates, and their interfaces with TiN electrodes and silicon, as a function of annealing temperature. Annealing at high temperatures (900 °C) caused significant roughening of both bottom (substrate) and top (electrode) interface. At the bottom interface, HAADF images showed clusters of Hf atoms that protruded into the interfacial SiO2 layer. Low-loss EELS established that even crystalline HfO2 films exposed to relative high temperatures (700 °C) exhibited significant differences in their electronic structure relative to bulk HfO2. Further annealing caused the electronic structure to more closely resemble that of bulk HfO2, with the most significant change due to annealing with the TiN electrode

    The COSPIX mission: focusing on the energetic and obscured Universe

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    Tracing the formation and evolution of all supermassive black holes, including the obscured ones, understanding how black holes influence their surroundings and how matter behaves under extreme conditions, are recognized as key science objectives to be addressed by the next generation of instruments. These are the main goals of the COSPIX proposal, made to ESA in December 2010 in the context of its call for selection of the M3 mission. In addition, COSPIX, will also provide key measurements on the non thermal Universe, particularly in relation to the question of the acceleration of particles, as well as on many other fundamental questions as for example the energetic particle content of clusters of galaxies. COSPIX is proposed as an observatory operating from 0.3 to more than 100 keV. The payload features a single long focal length focusing telescope offering an effective area close to ten times larger than any scheduled focusing mission at 30 keV, an angular resolution better than 20 arcseconds in hard X-rays, and polarimetric capabilities within the same focal plane instrumentation. In this paper, we describe the science objectives of the mission, its baseline design, and its performances, as proposed to ESA.Comment: 7 pages, accepted for publication in Proceedings of Science, for the 25th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics (eds. F. Rieger &amp; C. van Eldik), PoS(Texas 2010)25

    The Effects Combining Cryocompression Therapy following an Acute Bout of Resistance Exercise on Performance and Recovery

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    Compression and cold therapy used separately have shown to reduce negative effects of tissue damage. The combining compression and cold therapy (cryocompression) as a single recovery modality has yet to be fully examined. To examine the effects of cryocompression on recovery following a bout of heavy resistance exercise, recreationally resistance trained men (n =16) were recruited, matched, and randomly assigned to either a cryocompression group (CRC) or control group (CON). Testing was performed before and then immediately after exercise, 60 minutes, 24 hours, and 48 hours after a heavy resistance exercise workout (barbell back squats for 4 sets of 6 reps at 80% 1RM, 90 sec rest between sets, stiff legged deadlifts for 4 sets of 8 reps at 1.0 X body mass with 60 sec rest between sets, 4 sets of 10 eccentric Nordic hamstring curls, 45 sec rest between sets). The CRC group used the CRC system for 20-mins of cryocompression treatment immediately after exercise, 24 hours, and 48 hours after exercise. CON sat quietly for 20-mins at the same time points. Muscle damage [creatine kinase], soreness (visual analog scale, 0-100), pain (McGill Pain Q, 0-5), fatigue, sleep quality, and jump power were significantly (p \u3c 0.05) improved for CRC compared to CON at 24 and 48 hours after exercise. Pain was also significantly lower for CRC compared to CON at 60-mins post exercise. These findings show that cryocompression can enhance recovery and performance following a heavy resistance exercise workout

    The Scientific Performance of the Microchannel X-ray Telescope on board the SVOM Mission

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    The Microchannel X-ray Telescope (MXT) will be the first focusing X-ray telescope based on a "Lobster-Eye" optical design to be flown on Sino-French mission SVOM. SVOM will be dedicated to the study of Gamma-Ray Bursts and more generally time-domain astrophysics. The MXT telescope is a compact (focal length ~ 1.15 m) and light (< 42 kg) instrument, sensitive in the 0.2--10 keV energy range. It is composed of an optical system, based on micro-pore optics (MPOs) of 40 micron pore size, coupled to a low-noise pnCDD X-ray detector. In this paper we describe the expected scientific performance of the MXT telescope, based on the End-to-End calibration campaign performed in fall 2021, before the integration of the SVOM payload on the satellite.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Experimental Astronom

    The CXCL12/CXCR4 Signaling Pathway: A New Susceptibility Factor in Human Papillomavirus Pathogenesis

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    The productive human papillomavirus (HPV) life cycle is tightly linked to the differentiation and cycling of keratinocytes. Deregulation of these processes and stimulation of cell proliferation by the action of viral oncoproteins and host cell factors underlies HPV-mediated carcinogenesis. Severe HPV infections characterize the wart, hypogammaglobulinemia, infection, and myelokathexis (WHIM) immunodeficiency syndrome, which is caused by gain-of-function mutations in the CXCR4 receptor for the CXCL12 chemokine, one of which is CXCR41013^{1013}. We investigated whether CXCR41013^{1013} interferes in the HPV18 life cycle in epithelial organotypic cultures. Expression of CXCR41013^{1013} promoted stabilization of HPV oncoproteins, thus disturbing cell cycle progression and proliferation at the expense of the ordered expression of the viral genes required for virus production. Conversely, blocking CXCR41013^{1013} function restored virus production and limited HPV-induced carcinogenesis. Thus, CXCR4 and its potential activation by genetic alterations in the course of the carcinogenic process can be considered as an important host factor for HPV carcinogenesis.This work was supported by the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (FM, LC, CD, AJR, FG, PC, FB), ERA-Net for Research Programmes on Rare Diseases (WHIMThernet 2011-E-RARE 013-01) (FM, FB) and Institut National du Cancer (Chemokine-HPV TRANSLA11-077) (FM, CD, FB). We acknowledge funding from the French Laboratory of Excellence project LERMIT (Investissements d’Avenir-ANR-10-LABX-0033-LERMIT) (FM, AJR, PC, FB) and fellowship (FM) from the Fondation ARC pour la recherche sur le cancer

    PHEMTO: the polarimetric high energy modular telescope observatory

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    Based upon dual focusing techniques, the Polarimetric High-Energy Modular Telescope Observatory (PHEMTO) is designed to have performance several orders of magnitude better than the present hard X-ray instruments, in the 1–600 keV energy range. This, together with its angular resolution of around one arcsecond, and its sensitive polarimetry measurement capability, will give PHEMTO the improvements in scientific performance needed for a mission in the 2050 era in order to study AGN, galactic black holes, neutrons stars, and supernovae. In addition, its high performance will enable the study of the non-thermal processes in galaxy clusters with an unprecedented accuracy