82 research outputs found

    Field induced quantum-Hall ferromagnetism in suspended bilayer graphene

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    We have measured the magneto-resistance of freely suspended high-mobility bilayer graphene. For magnetic fields B>1B>1 T we observe the opening of a field induced gap at the charge neutrality point characterized by a diverging resistance. For higher fields the eight-fold degenerated lowest Landau level lifts completely. Both the sequence of this symmetry breaking and the strong transition of the gap-size point to a ferromagnetic nature of the insulating phase developing at the charge neutrality point.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Microwave assisted heterogeneous catalysis: effects of varying oxygen concentrations on the oxidative coupling of methane

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    The oxidative coupling of methane was investigated over alumina supported La2O3/CeO2 catalysts under microwave dielectric heating conditions at different oxygen concentrations. It was observed that, at a given temperature using microwave heating, selectivities for both ethane and ethylene were notably higher when oxygen was absent than that in oxygen/methane mixtures. The differences were attributed to the localised heating of microwave radiation resulting in temperature inhomogeneity in the catalyst bed. A simplified model was used to estimate the temperature inhomogeneity; the temperature at the centre of the catalyst bed was 85 °C greater than that at the periphery when the catalyst was heated by microwaves in a gas mixture with an oxygen concentration of 12.5% (v/v), and the temperature difference was estimated to be 168 °C in the absence of oxygen

    A bright impulsive solar burst detected at 30 THz

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    Ground- and space-based observations of solar flares from radio wavelengths to gamma-rays have produced considerable insights but raised several unsolved controversies. The last unexplored wavelength frontier for solar flares is in the range of submillimeter and infrared wavelengths. Here we report the detection of an intense impulsive burst at 30 THz using a new imaging system. The 30 THz emission exhibited remarkable time coincidence with peaks observed at microwave, mm/submm, visible, EUV and hard X-ray wavelengths. The emission location coincides with a very weak white-light feature, and is consistent with heating below the temperature minimum in the atmosphere. However, there are problems in attributing the heating to accelerated electrons. The peak 30 THz flux is several times larger than the usual microwave peak near 9 GHz, attributed to non-thermal electrons in the corona. The 30 THz emission could be consistent with an optically thick spectrum increasing from low to high frequencies. It might be part of the same spectral component found at sub-THz frequencies whose nature remains mysterious. Further observations at these wavelengths will provide a new window for flare studies.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Astrophysical Journal, March 23, 201

    Spin dependent quantum interference in non-local graphene spin valves

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    Spin dependent electron transport measurements on graphene are of high importance to explore possible spintronic applications. Up to date all spin transport experiments on graphene were done in a semi-classical regime, disregarding quantum transport properties such as phase coherence and interference. Here we show that in a quantum coherent graphene nanostructure the non-local voltage is strongly modulated. Using non-local measurements, we separate the signal in spin dependent and spin independent contributions. We show that the spin dependent contribution is about two orders of magnitude larger than the spin independent one, when corrected for the finite polarization of the electrodes. The non-local spin signal is not only strongly modulated but also changes polarity as a function of the applied gate voltage. By locally tuning the carrier density in the constriction we show that the constriction plays a major role in this effect and indicates that it can act as a spin filter device. Our results show the potential of quantum coherent graphene nanostructures for the use in future spintronic devices

    Unusual Emissions at Various Energies Prior to the Impulsive Phase of the Large Solar Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection of 4 November 2003

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    The GOES X28 flare of 4 November 2003 was the largest ever recorded in its class. It produced the first evidence for two spectrally separated emission components, one at microwaves and the other in the THz range of frequencies.We analyzed the pre-flare phase of this large flare, twenty minutes before the onset of the major impulsive burst. This periodis characterized by unusual activity in X-rays, sub-THz frequencies, H, and microwaves.The CME onset occurred before the onset of the large burst by about 6 min

    Bright 30 THz Impulsive Solar Bursts

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    Impulsive 30 THz continuum bursts have been recently observed in solar flares, utilizing small telescopes with a unique and relatively simple optical setup concept. The most intense burst was observed together with a GOES X2 class event on October 27, 2014, also detected at two sub-THz frequencies, RHESSI X-rays and SDO/HMI and EUV. It exhibits strikingly good correlation in time and in space with white light flare emission. It is likely that this association may prove to be very common. All three 30 THz events recently observed exhibited intense fluxes in the range of 104 solar flux units, considerably larger than those measured for the same events at microwave and sub-mm wavelengths. The 30 THz burst emission might be part of the same spectral burst component found at sub-THz frequencies. The 30 THz solar bursts open a promising new window for the study of flares at their originComment: 11 pages, 4 Figures J. Geophys. Res - Space Physics, accepted, May 21, 201

    Sub-THz and H{\alpha} activity during the preflare and main phases of a GOES class M2 event

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    Radio and optical observations of the evolution of flare-associated phenomena have shown an initial and rapid burst at 0.4 THz only followed subsequently by a localized chromospheric heating producing an H{\alpha} brightening with later heating of the whole active region. A major instability occurred several minutes later producing one impulsive burst at microwaves only, associated with an M2.0 GOES X-ray flare that exhibited the main H{\alpha} brightening at the same site as the first flash. The possible association between long-enduring time profiles at soft X-rays, microwaves, H{\alpha} and sub-THz wavelengths is discussed. In the decay phase the H{\alpha} movie shows a disrupting magnetic arch structure ejecting dark, presumably chromospheric, material upwards. The time sequence of events suggests genuine interdependent and possibly non-thermal instabilities triggering phenomena, with concurrent active region plasma heating and material ejection.Comment: Accepted by Astrophysical Journal, October 13, 201

    Terahertz photometer to observe solar flares in continuum

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    Solar observations at sub-THz frequencies detected a new flare spectral component peaking in the THz range, simultaneously with the well known microwaves component, bringing challenging constraints for interpretation. Higher THz frequencies observations are needed to understand the nature of the mechanisms occurring in flares. A THz photometer system was developed to observe outside the terrestrial atmosphere on stratospheric balloons or satellites, or at exceptionally transparent ground stations. The telescope was designed to observe the whole solar disk detecting small relative changes in input temperature caused by flares at localized positions. A Golay cell detector is preceded by low-pass filters to suppress visible and near IR radiation, a band-pass filter, and a chopper. A prototype was assembled to demonstrate the new concept and the system performance. It can detect temperature variations smaller than 1 K for data sampled at a rate of 10/second, smoothed for intervals larger than 4 seconds. For a 76 mm aperture, this corresponds to small solar burst intensities at THz frequencies. A system with 3 and 7 THz photometers is being built for solar flare observations on board of stratospheric balloon missions.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 9 December 201
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