283 research outputs found

    A study of the usefulness of Skylab EREP data for earth resources studies in Australia

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The stereo cover of the Skylab photos, their clarity, and their resolution put them far above the ERTS imagery not only in distinguishing between patterns but also in determining the nature of the country. The following land systems: (1) plains with sand dunes; (2) ridges, foothills, and alluvial plains; (3) dune-covered country with stony hills; and (4) alluvial plains were indistinguishable on the ERTS imagery. However, the same places are clearly distinguishable on the Skylab photos, together with the character of the dunes (parallel, reticulate, or irregular)

    A study of the usefulness of Skylab EREP data for earth resources studies in Australia

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    A study of the usefulness of Skylab EREP data for earth resources studies in Australia

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    The author has identified the following significant results. In subhumid, vegetated areas, S190B photography: (1) has a potentially operational role in detecting lineaments in 1:100,000 scale geological mapping and in major civil engineering surveys; (2) is of limited value for regional lithological mapping at 1:500,000 scale; and (3) provided much useful synoptic information and some detailed information of direct value to the mapping of nonmineral natural resources such as vegetation, land soil, and water. In arid, well exposed areas, S190B photography could be used: (1) with a limited amount of field traverses, to produce reliable 1:500,000 scale geological maps of sedimentary sequences; (2) to update superficial geology on 1:250,000 scale maps; and (3) together with the necessary field studies, to prepare landform, soil, and vegetation maps at 1:1,000,000 scale. Skylab photography was found to be more useful than LANDSAT images for small scale mapping of geology and land types, and for the revision of topographic maps at 1:100,000 scale, because of superior spatial resolution and stereoscopic coverage

    Contributo della micropropagazione alla valorizzazione del sorbo da legno

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    Nell\u2019attivit\ue0 di micropropagazione di selezioni autoctone da legno di S. torminalis e S. domestica la fase di radicazione si \ue8 rivelata critica per S. torminalis e quella d\u2019ambientamento per entrambe. Nel presente lavoro si evidenzia l\u2019influenza del genotipo e della citochinina sulla fase di radicazione di S. torminalis e si descrive l\u2019evoluzione dell\u2019apparato fogliare durante la fase di ambientamento delle colture.Sorbus spp. is particularly important for timber production as the price of its good-quality wood is extremely high and its demand is increasing on the European market. The use of in vitro propagation allows the large-scale production of interesting accessions as those selected at DIPROVE of Milan University. Whereas rooting was critic for S. torminalis accessions acclimatization appeared critical also for S. domestica. S. torminalis gave better rooting and in vivo survival when preconditioned on BA free medium. Changes in the morphological and histological features and in the development of the mesophyll layer of persistent (ex vitro) leaves as compared to both in vitro and new formed ones were observed

    Feedback topology and XOR-dynamics in Boolean networks with varying input structure

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    We analyse a model of fixed in-degree Random Boolean Networks in which the fraction of input-receiving nodes is controlled by a parameter gamma. We investigate analytically and numerically the dynamics of graphs under a parallel XOR updating scheme. This scheme is interesting because it is accessible analytically and its phenomenology is at the same time under control, and as rich as the one of general Boolean networks. Biologically, it is justified on abstract grounds by the fact that all existing interactions play a dynamical role. We give analytical formulas for the dynamics on general graphs, showing that with a XOR-type evolution rule, dynamic features are direct consequences of the topological feedback structure, in analogy with the role of relevant components in Kauffman networks. Considering graphs with fixed in-degree, we characterize analytically and numerically the feedback regions using graph decimation algorithms (Leaf Removal). With varying gamma, this graph ensemble shows a phase transition that separates a tree-like graph region from one in which feedback components emerge. Networks near the transition point have feedback components made of disjoint loops, in which each node has exactly one incoming and one outgoing link. Using this fact we provide analytical estimates of the maximum period starting from topological considerations

    Inhibition of neddylation represses lipopolysaccharide-induced proinflammatory cytokine production in macrophage cells

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    Background: Lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) up-regulate proinflammatory cytokines in macrophages, partly through a NF-κB-dependent process. Results: Blocking neddylation, which helps regulate NF-κB, represses LPS-induced up-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines. Conclusion: Neddylation plays a role in the up-regulation of NF-κB-regulated proinflammatory cytokines produced by macrophages in response to LPS. Significance: Inhibition of neddylation represents a novel and effective method for the prevention of LPS-induced proinflammatory cytokines

    Prepartum body condition score changes and the secretion of acute phase proteins in dairy cows.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito da condição corporal (BCS) durante o período de pré-parto, sobre a concentração de proteínas de fase aguda e parâmetros metabólicos em vacas leiteiras

    Revising the Language Map of Korea

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    As linguists develop a deeper understanding of the properties of individual varieties of speech, they often find it necessary to reclassify dialects as independent languages, based on the criterion of intelligibility. This criterion is applied here to Jejueo, the traditional variety of speech used on Jeju Island, a province of the Republic of Korea. Although Jejueo has long been classified as a nonstandard dialect of Korean, evidence from an intelligibility experiment shows that it is not comprehensible to monolingual speakers of Korean and therefore should be treated as a separate language, in accordance with the usual practice within linguistics. This finding calls for a revision to the standard language map of Kore

    Discours normatifs et transmissions des savoirs médicaux sur les nourrices (Antiquité-Renaissance) - Partie MOYEN AGE

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    Ce chapitre (dont j\u27ai eu la responsabilité de la partie médiévale) doit trouver sa place dans la section Transferts du volume 1 qui a pour objectif d’accueillir des études dévolues aux transactions, tant économiques que symboliques, générées par l’allaitement. Il s\u27agit ici de faire le point sur le nourrissage mercenaire et la manière dont les savoirs médicaux (antiques) sur les nourrices se sont diffusés dans la société médiévale et ont faconné un ensemble de discours normatifs et prescriptifs sur les dangers mais aussi les avantages pragmatiques de la mise en nourrice
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