397 research outputs found

    The “slower” the better

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    Sistema de soporte a las decisiones y tablero de comandos

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    La Obra Social de Empleados Públicos de Mendoza cuenta con sistemas informatizados desde hace mas de una década, pero no existía una herramienta de análisis de la información de fácil acceso a las áreas gerenciales. Planteada la necesidad, principalmente desde las áreas de control de gestión, se comenzó a evaluar herramientas que permitiesen realizar análisis de grandes volúmenes de datos generados por la institución y también provistos por terceros. Definidas las características mínimas necesarias se realizó la licitación para adquirir el software. Se implemento la herramienta y se comenzó a trabajar sobre las áreas sobre las cuales existía mas urgencia por obtener información gerencial. Si bien se ha logrado realizar un avance en cuanto al Sistema de Soporte a las Decisiones, aún queda mucho trabajo por delante para realizar. Actualmente tenemos en uso tableros de comando en diferentes áreas de la organización, pero falta terminar de definir indicadores y alertas. Los efectos más importantes logrados son la integración de diferentes fuentes de datos y el mejor acceso a la información por parte de los usuarios sin depender para ello del área de sistemas. También se disminuyó considerablemente el tiempo de desarrollo de reportes complejos.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Cardiovascular health in migrants: current status and issues for prevention. A collaborative multidisciplinary task force report.

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    OBJECTIVES: To review information on cardiovascular health and migration, to stress the attention of researchers that much needs to be done in the collection of sound data in Italy and to allow policy makers identifying this issue as an important public health concern. BACKGROUND: In Italy, the rate of immigrants in the total number of residents increased from 2.5% in 1990 to 7.4% in 2010, and currently exceeds 10% in regions such as Lombardia, Emilia Romagna and Toscana. METHODS: A consensus statement was developed by approaching relevant Italian national scientific societies involved in cardiovascular prevention. Task force members were identified by the president and/or the boards of each relevant scientific society or working group, as appropriate. To obtain a widespread consensus, drafts were merged and distributed to the scientific societies for local evaluation and revision by as many experts as possible. The ensuing final draft was finally approved by scientific societies. RESULTS: In several western European countries, the prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, obesity and metabolic syndrome was found to be higher among immigrants than in the native population. Although migrants are often initially healthier than non-migrant populations in their host countries, genetic factors, and changing environments with lifestyle changes, social exclusion and insufficient medical control may expose them to health challenges. Cultural reasons may also hamper both the dissemination of prevention strategies and migrant communication with healthcare providers. However, great diversity exists across and within different groups of migrants, making generalizations very difficult and many countries do not collect registry or survey data for migrant's health. CONCLUSIONS: In the present economic context, the European Union is placing great attention to improve data collection for migrant health and to support the implementation of specific prevention policies aimed at limiting the future burden of cardiovascular and renal disease, and the consequent load for health systems. Wider initiatives on the topic are awaited in Italy


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    Abstract We present the results of a combined analysis of remote sensing and geophysical‐geotechnical data carried out in the Acque Albule Basin, a sinkhole prone area located close to the city of Roma, where a wide travertine wedge is present. We carried out geophysical measurements and borehole drillings over two test areas to image the subsoil where paroxysmal surficial dynamics occur. One site is marked by subsidence occurring at least since the early 2000s, whereas the other site hosts the "La Regina" and "Colonnelle" sinkhole lakes, which discharge sulfur‐carbonated waters. The stability of these two sites threatens highway, railway, and airport facilities, and this study helps to assess the geological hazard. For example, InSAR and LiDAR data helped define wide scale subsidence over the last 20 years and previously undetected small‐scale morphologies. Geophysical measurements of the latter revealed shallow and deep dissolution affecting the travertine and driving surficial paroxysmal events. Both study sites were found to lie inside a large depression located at the junction between Jurassic carbonate and Plio‐Pleistocene units in association with paleo karst morphologies in the travertine deposits and affected by the present‐past spillage of sulfurous waters. Given these elements, multidisciplinary geophysical observations are crucial for assessing and mitigating the geological risk and guiding land use planning and management