143 research outputs found

    Comparison of temporary or continuous immersion systems for micropropagation in liquid medium of axillary shoots of Salix viminalis.

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    In this study the response to culture in liquid medium of axillary shoots of two woody species, chestnut and willow, has been compared. Both species differ in their recalcitrance to micropropagation, especially in their rooting and acclimatization abilities. Parameters such as explant type, supporting material, bioreactor type, number of immersions and/or aerations were tested. Continuous and temporary immersion systems have been applied to both species and several differences were detected. Hyperhydricity was not observed in willow shoots cultured in liquid medium with aeration, but this disorder affected chestnut cultures unless supporting materials as rockwool cubes were used. Besides, willow shoots rooted spontaneously in liquid culture, whereas chestnut shoots required an auxin treatment. In spite of these differences, both species showed better performance in liquid culture than in semi-solid medium, and shoots from an adult willow genotype and from eight selected chestnut genotypes (hybrids of European and Asian chestnuts) were successfully rooted and acclimatized.Peer reviewe

    Secuelas tras inyección ilegal de silicona líquida como técnica de aumento mamario: presentación de 2 casos

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    The use of liquid silicone for breast augmentation was widespread in the 1960s but was abandoned at the end of the decade due to numerous studies describing the development of a large number of local complications, as well as remote migration of small amounts of silicone. The use of liquid silicone also leads to enormous difficulty in the early diagnosis of breast cancer; these patients are precluded from routine screening programs and must undergo exhaustive periodic examinations. Magnetic resonance imaging has become the most effective test for the early detection of breast cancer in these patients. Indications for subcutaneous mastectomy are the presence of local complications, suspicion of a malignant lesion, or the patient’s desire to prevent both these potential problems

    Colgajo DIEP de cobertura tras mastectomía de limpieza paliativa en cáncer de mama localmente avanzado

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    The DIEP reconstruction offers great cutaneous extension. It can be a resource in highly selected cases of locally advanced breast cancer in which surgery becomes the main treatment

    Effects of TLR Agonists on the Hypoxia-Regulated Transcription Factor HIF-1α and Dendritic Cell Maturation under Normoxic Conditions

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    Dendritic cells (DC) are professional antigen presenting cells that represent an important link between innate and adaptive immunity. Danger signals such as toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists induce maturation of DC leading to a T-cell mediated adaptive immune response. In this study, we show that exogenous as well as endogenous inflammatory stimuli for TLR4 and TLR2 induce the expression of HIF-1α in human monocyte-derived DC under normoxic conditions. On the functional level, inhibition of HIF-1α using chetomin (CTM), YC-1 and digoxin lead to no consistent effect on MoDC maturation, or cytokine secretion despite having the common effect of blocking HIF-1α stabilization or activity through different mechanisms. Stabilization of HIF-1α protein by hypoxia or CoCl2 did not result in maturation of human DC. In addition, we could show that TLR stimulation resulted in an increase of HIF-1α controlled VEGF secretion. These results show that stimulation of human MoDC with exogenous as well as endogenous TLR agonists induces the expression of HIF-1α in a time-dependent manner. Hypoxia alone does not induce maturation of DC, but is able to augment maturation after TLR ligation. Current evidence suggests that different target genes may be affected by HIF-1α under normoxic conditions with physiological roles that differ from those induced by hypoxia

    Cross-shell states in 15^{15}C: a test for p-sd interactions

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    The low-lying structure of 15^{15}C has been investigated via the neutron-removal 16^{16}C(d,t)(d,t) reaction. Along with bound neutron sd-shell hole states, unbound p-shell hole states have been firmly confirmed. The excitation energies and the deduced spectroscopic factors of the cross-shell states are an important measure of the [(p)1(sd)2][(p)^{-1}(sd)^{2}] neutron configurations in 15^{15}C. Our results show a very good agreement with shell-model calculations using the SFO-tls interaction for 15^{15}C. However, a modification of the pp-sdsd and sdsd-sdsd monopole terms was applied in order to reproduce the N=9N=9 isotone 17^{17}O. In addition, the excitation energies and spectroscopic factors have been compared to the first calculations of 15^{15}C with the ab initioab~ initio self-consistent Green's function method employing the NNLOsat_{sat} interaction. The results show the sensitivity to the size of the N=8N=8 shell gap and highlight the need of going beyond the current truncation scheme in the theory

    Contrasting Responses to Harvesting and Environmental Drivers of Fast and Slow Life History Species

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    According to their main life history traits, organisms can be arranged in a continuum from fast (species with small body size, short lifespan and high fecundity) to slow (species with opposite characteristics). Life history determines the responses of organisms to natural and anthropogenic factors, as slow species are expected to be more sensitive than fast species to perturbations. Owing to their contrasting traits, cephalopods and elasmobranchs are typical examples of fast and slow strategies, respectively. We investigated the responses of these two contrasting strategies to fishing exploitation and environmental conditions (temperature, productivity and depth) using generalized additive models. Our results confirmed the foreseen contrasting responses of cephalopods and elasmobranchs to natural (environment) and anthropogenic (harvesting) influences. Even though a priori foreseen, we did expect neither the clear-cut differential responses between groups nor the homogeneous sensitivity to the same factors within the two taxonomic groups. Apart from depth, which affected both groups equally, cephalopods and elasmobranchs were exclusively affected by environmental conditions and fishing exploitation, respectively. Owing to its short, annual cycle, cephalopods do not have overlapping generations and consequently lack the buffering effects conferred by different age classes observed in multi-aged species such as elasmobranchs. We suggest that cephalopods are sensitive to short-term perturbations, such as seasonal environmental changes, because they lack this buffering effect but they are in turn not influenced by continuous, long-term moderate disturbances such as fishing because of its high population growth and turnover. The contrary would apply to elasmobranchs, whose multi-aged population structure would buffer the seasonal environmental effects, but they would display strong responses to uninterrupted harvesting due to its low population resilience. Besides providing empirical evidence to the theoretically predicted contrasting responses of cephalopods and elasmobranchs to disturbances, our results are useful for the sustainable exploitation of these resourcesVersión del editor4,411