33,564 research outputs found

    Stellar Photometric Structures of the Host Galaxies of Nearby Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We present detailed image analysis of rest-frame optical images of 235 low-redshift (z≤z \leq 0.35) type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) observed with the Hubble Space Telescope. The high-resolution images enable us to perform rigorous two-dimensional image modeling to decouple the luminous central point source from the host galaxy, which, when warranted, is further decomposed into its principal structural components (bulge, bar, and disk). In many cases, care must be taken to account for structural complexities such as spiral arms, tidal features, and overlapping or interacting companion galaxies. We employ Fourier modes to characterize the degree of asymmetry of the light distribution of the stars, as a quantitative measure of morphological distortion due to interactions or mergers. We examine the dependence of the physical parameters of the host galaxies on the properties of the AGNs, namely radio-loudness and the width of the broad emission lines. In accordance with previous studies, narrow-line (Hβ\beta FWHM ≤2000\leq 2000 km~s−1^{-1}) type 1 AGNs, in contrast to their broad-line (Hβ\beta FWHM >2000> 2000 km~s−1^{-1}) counterparts, are preferentially hosted in later type, lower luminosity galaxies, which have a higher incidence of pseudo-bulges, are more frequently barred, and are less morphologically disturbed. This suggests narrow-line type 1 AGNs experienced a more quiescent evolutionary history driven primarily by internal secular evolution instead of external dynamical perturbations. The fraction of AGN hosts showing merger signatures is larger for more luminous sources. Radio-loud AGNs generally preferentially live in earlier type (bulge-dominated), more massive hosts, although a minority of them appears to contain a significant disk component. We do not find convincing evidence for enhanced merger signatures in the radio-loud population.Comment: Published in ApJ

    Cloud and boundary layer interactions over the Arctic sea ice in late summer

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    Observations from the Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study (ASCOS), in the central Arctic sea-ice pack in late summer 2008, provide a detailed view of cloud- atmosphere-surface interactions and vertical mixing processes over the sea-ice environment. Measurements from a suite of ground-based remote sensors, near-surface meteorological and aerosol instruments, and profiles from radiosondes and a helicopter are combined to characterize a weeklong period dominated by low-level, mixed-phase, stratocumulus clouds. Detailed case studies and statistical analyses are used to develop a conceptual model for the cloud and atmosphere structure and their interactions in this environment. Clouds were persistent during the period of study, having qualities that suggest they were sustained through a combination of advective influences and in-cloud processes, with little contribution from the surface. Radiative cooling near cloud top produced buoyancy-driven, turbulent eddies that contributed to cloud formation and created a cloud-driven mixed layer. The depth of this mixed layer was related to the amount of turbulence and condensed cloud water. Coupling of this cloud-driven mixed layer to the surface boundary layer was primarily determined by proximity. For 75%of the period of study, the primary stratocumulus cloud-driven mixed layer was decoupled from the surface and typically at a warmer potential temperature. Since the near-surface temperature was constrained by the ocean-ice mixture, warm temperatures aloft suggest that these air masses had not significantly interacted with the sea-ice surface. Instead, backtrajectory analyses suggest that these warm air masses advected into the central Arctic Basin from lower latitudes. Moisture and aerosol particles likely accompanied these air masses, providing necessary support for cloud formation. On the occasions when cloud-surface coupling did occur, back trajectories indicated that these air masses advected at low levels, while mixing processes kept the mixed layer in equilibrium with the near-surface environment. Rather than contributing buoyancy forcing for the mixed-layer dynamics, the surface instead simply appeared to respond to the mixedlayer processes aloft. Clouds in these cases often contained slightly higher condensed water amounts, potentially due to additional moisture sources from below

    Historical geography II: traces remain

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    The second report in this series turns to focus on the trace in relation to life-writing and biography in historical geography and beyond. Through attention to tracing journeys, located moments and listening to the presence of ghosts (Ogborn, 2005), this report seeks to highlight the range of different ways in which historical geographers have explored lives, deaths, and their transient traces through varied biographical terrains. Continuing to draw attention in historical geography to the darkest of histories, this piece will pivot on moments of discovering the dead to showcase the nuanced ways in which historical geography is opening doors into uncharted lives and unspoken histories

    BRS "Symmetry", prehistory and history

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    Prehistory - Starting from 't Hooft's (1971) we have a short look at Taylor's and Slavnov's works (1971-72) and at the lectures given by Rouet and Stora in Lausanne-1973 which determine the transition from pre-history to history. History - We give a brief account of the main analyses and results of the BRS collaboration concerning the renormalized gauge theories, in particular the method of the regularization independent, algebraic renormalization, the algebraic proof of S-matrix unitarity and that of gauge choice independence of the renormalized physics. We conclude this report with a suggestion to the crucial question: what could remain of BRS invariance beyond perturbation theory.Comment: Talk given at: A Special day in honour of Raymond Stora, Annecy, July 8, 201


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    Lung volumes and gas exchange were investigated prospectively in 96 patients with rheumatoid arthritis selected without regard to pulmonary disorders and treated with i.m. methotrexate (MTX) injections [mean weekly dose 13.0 mg (5th-95th percentile (5-95 PC) 7.6-20.8)]. Individual changes over time during MTX treatment [mean duration 2.9 yr (5-95 PC 0.4-5.3)] were assessed by regression analyses in each individual. Forced vital capacity (FVQ remained stable in the majority of patients [mean annual change +0.8% (5-95 PC −8.1 to +14.0) of calculated normal value]. In addition, transfer factor using the indicator gas CO (TLCO) was unaltered in most patients [mean annual change − 2.1% (5-95 PC −16.2 to +11.8) of predicted value]. However, there were significant decreases in the forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) before and after inhalation of 0.2 mg salbutamol [mean annual change - 0.8% (5-;95 PC −8.4 to +3.2) and −1.3% (5-95 PC −7.8 to +3.9) of the FVC measured, respectively]. In addition, there were significant increases in alveolar-arterial Po2, gradients (P(A-a), O2) at rest and after exercise [mean annual change +1.7 mmHg (5-;95 PC −5.2 to +12.2) and +1.8 mmHg (5-95 PC −3.5 to 9.0), respectively]. Nevertheless, the amounts were small in view of the reliability of the methods applied and reflect, at least in part, the normal process of ageing. The annual change in FEV1 /FVC was negatively correlated with FEV1 /FVC at baseline (Rs = − 0.46, P < 0.001). The annual change in TL, co was also negatively correlated with TL, co at baseline (Rs = − 0.31, P = 0.028). No other risk factors for deterioration of lung volumes or gas exchange were found, including mean weekly MTX dose, age, gender, smoking, presence of rheumatoid factor and pulmonary function at baseline. We conclude that MTX has no major effect on pulmonary function in the majority of patients and that there is no evidence that patients with pre-existing pulmonary disease are at increased risk for further deterioration of lung functio

    Assessing uncertainty and heterogeneity in machine learning-based spatiotemporal ozone prediction in Beijing-Tianjin- Hebei region in China

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    Accurate prediction of spatiotemporal ozone concentration is of great significance to effectively establish advanced early warning systems and regulate air pollution control. However, the comprehensive assessment of uncertainty and heterogeneity in spatiotemporal ozone prediction remains unknown. Here, we systematically analyze the hourly and daily spatiotemporal predictive performances using convolutional long short term memory (ConvLSTM) and deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN) models over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in China from 2013 to 2018. In extensive scenarios, our results show that the machine learning-based (ML-based) models achieve better spatiotemporal ozone concentration prediction performance with multiple meteorological conditions. A further comparison to the air pollution model-Nested Air Quality Prediction Modelling System (NAQPMS) and monitoring observations, the ConvLSTM model demonstrates the practical feasibility of identifying high ozone concentration distribution and capturing spatiotemporal ozone variation patterns at a high spatial resolution (here 15 km × 15 km)

    Adsorption behavior of Eu(III) on partially Fe(III)- or Ti(IV)-coated silica

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    The adsorption behavior of Eu(III) onto silica surface, which was partially coated with Fe(III) or Ti(IV), was investigated to determine Fe(III) or Ti(IV) effects on the surface reaction of lanthanides on mineral surfaces in groundwater. Compared with a parallel uncoated silica, the Fe(III)-coated silica did not enhance the adsorption of Eu(III). However, enhanced adsorption of Eu(III) on the Ti(IV)-coated silica was observed by increasing the amount of Ti(IV) on the silica surface

    Homological algebra for osp(1/2n)

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    We discuss several topics of homological algebra for the Lie superalgebra osp(1|2n). First we focus on Bott-Kostant cohomology, which yields classical results although the cohomology is not given by the kernel of the Kostant quabla operator. Based on this cohomology we can derive strong Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand resolutions for finite dimensional osp(1|2n)-modules. Then we state the Bott-Borel-Weil theorem which follows immediately from the Bott-Kostant cohomology by using the Peter-Weyl theorem for osp(1|2n). Finally we calculate the projective dimension of irreducible and Verma modules in the category O
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