1,411 research outputs found

    Métodos de plantio de capim-elefante.

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    Efeito da epoca de colheita e da vedacao da pastagem na producao de sementes de capim andropogon.

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    Heat and helium production during exothermic reactions between gases through palladium geometrical elements loaded with hydrogen

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    In this research, thexffect of the shape of hydrogenloaded palladium elements on exothennic reactions between gases is shown. It was found that an element with parts of its sulface next to each other spontaneously triggers reactions, whereas an element whose su$aces are not next to each other needs outside triggering. The heat developed makes the temperature of the elements rise even by a few hundredths of a degree centigrade. Through photographic techniques, it was shown that the elements, when releasing heat, emit radiation connected to nuclearfusion reactions. These reactions, confirmed also by the analysis of the used hydrogen, showed helium formation. All these tests have confirmed the reproducibility of the phenomenon

    Desempenho produtivo de ovinos em pastagem cultivada.

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    The submarine hydrothermal system of Panarea (Southern Italy): biogeochemical processes at the thermal fluids - sea bottom interface

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    Among the submarine hydrothermal systems located offshore the volcanic archipelago of the Aeolian Islands (Southern Italy), the most active is located off the coasts of Panarea island. Thermal waters, gases and sulfur deposits coexist at the sea bottom where hydrothermal fluids are released from both shallow and deep vents. The chemical and isotopic composition of the fluid phase shows the presence of a significant magmatic component and the physico-chemical conditions of the geothermal reservoir allow the release of reduced chemical species that are microbially mediated towards the production of organic carbon as a form of biochemical energy. Microorganisms inhabiting this environment possess nutritional requirements and overall metabolic pathways ideally suited to such ecosystem that represents a clear example of the close connection between geosphere and biosphere. Microscopic examination of the white mat attached to rock surfaces showed the presence of Thiothrix-like filamentous bacteria. Moderately thermophilic heterotrophic isolates were identified as strains of the genus Bacillus. Although the hydrothermal system of Panarea has to be considered a “shallow” system, it shows many characteristics that make it similar to the “deep” oceanic systems, giving a unique opportunity for improving our knowledge on such an unexplored world by working at this easily accessible site

    Gramíneas forrageiras para uso de caprinos e ovinos em pastejo.

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    Capim elefante: altenativa para a entressafra de pasto.

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    Disponivel em papel na biblioteca do CPAMN

    Considerações sobre a suplementação mineral de bovinos.

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    No Estado do Amazonas, levantamentos realizados no complexo solo-planta-animal indicaram acentuada deficiencia de nutrientes minerais, tais como calcio, cobre, cobalto, zinco, principalmente fosforo, nas pastagens de terra firme dos municipios de Manaus, Itacoatiara e Parintins. Com base nessas deficiencias, foram feitas formulacoes de misturas minerais de modo que bovinos de corte em pastagem de quicuio da Amazonia recebessem quantidades adequadas de fosforo, zinco, cobre, cobalto e iodo.bitstream/item/82237/1/Consideracoes-sobre-a-suplementacao-mineral-de-bovinos.pd

    Mud volcanoes and methane seeps in Romania: main features and gas flux

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    Romania is one of the European countries with the most vigorous natural seepage of methane, uprising from pressurised natural gas and petroleum reservoirs through deep faults. The largest seepage zone is represented by large mud volcanoes, with CH4 >80% v/v, occurring on the Berca-Arbanasi hydrocarbon-bearing faulted anticline, in the Carpathian Foredeep. Smaller mud volcanoes have been identified in other areas of the Carpathian Foredeep, in the Transylvanian Depression and on the Moldavian Platform. New surveys carried out in Transylvania allowed us to discover the richest N2 mud volcano zone in the world (N2>90% v/v), with a remarkably high He content and a helium isotopic signature which highlights a contribution of mantle-derived source. The large mud volcanoes are generally quiescent, with rare explosive episodes and provide a methane flux in the order of 102-103 t km−2 y−1. Independently from mud volcanism, a remarkable dry macroseepage, however, has been found, with a degassing rate up to three orders of magnitude higher than that of mud volcanoes (i.e. 103-105 t km−2 y−1). The total gas flux from all investigated macroseepage zones in Romania is estimated in the range of 1500-2500 t y−1. The emission from microseepage, pervasively occurring throughout the hydrocarbon-prone basins, has yet to be assessed and added to the total gas output to the atmosphere

    A comparative analysis of old and recent Ag coins by XRF methodology

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    The investigation of silver coins dated since the first century B.C. up to recent times, coming from different countries in the world, has successfully generated a growing interest among numismatic researchers. The classification of these coins into originals, copies and imitations - according to their provenance and to their Ag content - has been performed by using the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The archaeological challenge is to explain the large diversification of these coins, to determine the differences in composition, weight and physical aspects. A non-destructive physical method was employed to study the properties of silver coins (as in this case) allowing a detailed characterization of the analyzed samples. The XRF analysis was applied to the bulk, through an X-ray tube, and to the surface patina, through an electron beam