663 research outputs found

    Forward logistic regression for earth-flow landslide susceptibility assessment in the Platani river basin (southern Sicily, Italy)

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    Forward logistic regression has allowed us to derive an earth-flow susceptibility model for the Tumarrano river basin, which was defined by modeling the statistical relationships between an archive of 760 events and a set of 20 predictors. For each landslide in the inventory, a landslide identification point (LIP) was automatically produced as corresponding to the highest point along the boundary of the landslide polygons, and unstable conditions were assigned to cells at a distance up to 8m. An equal number of stable cells (out of landslides) was then randomly extracted and appended to the LIPs to prepare the dataset for logistic regression. A model building strategy was applied to enlarge the area included in training the model and to verify the sensitivity of the regressed models with respect to the locations of the selected stable cells. A suite of 16 models was prepared by randomly extracting different unoverlapping stable cell subsets that have been appended to the unstable ones. Models were finally submitted to forward logistic regression and validated. The results showed satisfying and stable error rates (0.236 on average, with a standard deviation of 0.007) and areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUCs) (0.839 for training and 0.817 for test datasets) as well as factor selections (ranks and coefficients). As regards the predictors, steepness and large-profile and local-plan topographic curvatures were systematically selected. Clayey outcropping lithology, midslope drainage, local and midslope ridges, and canyon landforms were also very frequently (from eight to 15 times) included in the models by the forward selection procedures. The model-building strategy allowed us to produce a performing earth-flow susceptibility model, whose model fitting, prediction skill, and robustness were estimated on the basis of validation procedures, demonstrating the independence of the regressed model on the specific selection of the stable cells

    Propuesta de evaluación del aprendizaje en materias científico-técnicas

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    El presente trabajo pretende mostrar un sistema de evaluación que se lleva acabo en materias científico-técnicas donde el contenido práctico es considerable. Se pretende considerar los distintos instrumentos y formas de evaluación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El objetivo principal de este trabajo pretende entender que examinar y calificar no son actos de menor importancia, sino que suponen una gran influencia en todo el proceso y pueden o no, ayudar y animar a los estudiantes en su principal tarea del aprendizaje y su progreso. La propuesta permite desarrollar las siguientes técnicas docentes: sesiones académicas teóricas, prácticas, exposición y debate, seminarios y jornadas, tutorías colectivas y además visitas facultativas

    Writing materiality into management and organization studies through and with Luce Irigaray

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    YesThere is increasing recognition in management and organization studies of the importance of materiality as an aspect of discourse, while the neglect of materiality in post-structuralist management and organization theory is currently the subject of much discussion. This article argues that this turn to materiality may further embed gender discrimination. We draw on Luce Irigaray’s work to highlight the dangers inherent in masculine discourses of materiality. We discuss Irigaray’s identification of how language and discourse elevate the masculine over the feminine so as to offer insights into ways of changing organizational language and discourses so that more beneficial, ethicallyfounded identities, relationships and practices can emerge. We thus stress a political intent that aims to liberate women and men from phallogocentrism. We finally take forward Irigaray’s ideas to develop a feminist écriture of/for organization studies that points towards ways of writing from the body. The article thus not only discusses how inequalities may be embedded within the material turn, but it also provides a strategy that enriches the possibilities of overcoming them from within

    Perioperative standard oral nutrition supplements versus immunonutrition in patients undergoing colorectal resection in an Enhanced Recovery (ERAS) protocol

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    To compare immunonutrition versus standard high calorie nutrition in patients undergoing elective colorectal resection within an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program. Despite progress in recent years in the surgical management of patients with colorectal cancer (ERAS programs), postoperative complications are frequent. Nutritional supplements enriched with immunonutrients have recently been introduced into clinical practice. However, the extent to which the combination of ERAS protocols and immunonutrition benefits patients undergoing colorectal cancer surgery is unknown. The SONVI study is a prospective, multicenter, randomized trial with 2 parallel treatment groups receiving either the study product (an immune-enhancing feed) or the control supplement (a hypercaloric hypernitrogenous supplement) for 7 days before colorectal resection and 5 days postoperatively. A total of 264 patients were randomized. At baseline, both groups were comparable in regards to age, sex, surgical risk, comorbidity, and analytical and nutritional parameters. The median length of the postoperative hospital stay was 5 days with no differences between the groups. A decrease in the total number of complications was observed in the immunonutrition group compared with the control group, primarily due to a significant decrease in infectious complications (23.8% vs. 10.7%, P=0.0007). Of the infectious complications, wound infection differed significantly between the groups (16.4% vs. 5.7%, P=0.0008). Other infectious complications were lower in the immunonutrition group but were not statistically significantly different. The implementation of ERAS protocols including immunonutrient-enriched supplements reduces the complications of patients undergoing colorectal resection


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    El presente trabajo aborda la cartografía de la susceptibilidad y la peligrosidad a los movimientos de ladera, en un ambiente montañoso, con información limitada sobre su actividad. El análisis y validación de la susceptibilidad se realizada mediante un modelo elaborado a partir del ModelBuilder™ de ArcGIS basado en el Método de la Matriz en un SIG. Dicho modelo necesita una cartografía previa de los movimientos, un MDE y un análisis discriminante de los factores determinantes de la estabilidad. Los datos del análisis reflejan que el 15% de la zona estudiada muestra una susceptibilidad a los movimientos de moderada a muy alta que, a su vez, coincide con lugares donde se encuentran la mayoría de las infraestructuras públicas de la región. Además, los valores registrados en la validación mediante el grado de ajuste están por encima del 83% para las zonas de susceptibilidad alta y muy alta. Estas zonas que presentan un mayor grado de susceptibilidad y, por tanto, una mayor exposición potencial al riesgo, son las seleccionadas para el análisis detallado de la peligrosidad. El principal problema, que, por otra parte, suele ser generalizado en este tipo de áreas para la estimación de la frecuencia con la que se suceden movimientos de ladera, es la falta de información sobre su ocurrencia. Por tanto, y con el objetivo de obtener la mayor información posible, los datos relativos a la actividad de los movimientos se extraen de diversas fuentes y técnicas, de forma que interactivamente solventen sus correspondientes limitaciones. Estos datos se extraen de una documentación previa, tanto en prensa como bibliografía específica, donde se presentan trabajos sobre DInSAR, fotogrametría aérea y LIDAR, y TLS. Además, se realiza de forma específica un análisis dendrogeomorfológico de árboles en movimientos de ladera y se revisa la ortofotografía aérea histórica de la zona de estudio. Posteriormente, con los datos de actividad, se realiza un análisis de los factores desencadenantes, que refleja que los movimientos de ladera están relacionados con episodios de precipitaciones intensas y prolongadas, y no tanto con la actividad sísmica del área. Por último, de forma indirecta, se estima la peligrosidad de la zona de estudio a los movimientos de ladera, asociando los resultados obtenidos de actividad con los factores desencadenantes; esto es, con periodos de precipitaciones intensas. Así, se establece un periodo de retorno que se extrapola a toda el área, con la asunción de que los grandes deslizamientos se generan o reactivan, conjuntamente con movimientos superficiales, tras periodos lluviosos intensos y prolongados, y que las lluvias torrenciales generan movimientos de ladera superficiales tipo flujo y desprendimientos. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la frecuencia con la que se generan los movimientos es de 5 años para los flujos superficiales y desprendimientos (F=0,2), y de 18 años para los deslizamientos y movimientos complejos (F=0,06). La zona, en términos generales, presenta determinados sectores con susceptibilidad moderada a muy alta, sin embargo la peligrosidad a los movimientos de ladera es de moderada a muy baja. En términos de probabilidad temporal, los flujos y desprendimientos son los movimientos con mayor peligrosidad

    Data intimacies: building infrastructures for intensified embodied encounters with air pollution

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    The air is, in many urban contexts, polluted. Governments and institutions monitor particles and gas concentrations to better understand how they perform in the light of air quality guidance and legislation, and to make predictions in terms of future environmental health targets. The visibility of these data is considered crucial for citizens to manage their own health, and a proliferation of new informational forms and apps have been created to achieve this. And yet, beyond everyday decisions (when to use a mask or when to do sports outdoors), it is not clear whether current methods of engaging citizens produce behavioural change or stronger citizen engagement with air pollution. Drawing on the design, construction and ethnography of an urban infrastructure to measure, make visible and remediate particulate matter (PM2.5) through a water vapour cloud that we installed at the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017, we examined the effects and affects of producing a public space that allows for physical interaction with data. In Yellow Dust, data from PM2.5 were translated into mist, the density of which was responsive to the number of particles suspended in the air. Data were made sense/ible by the changing conditions of the air surrounding the infrastructure, which can be experienced in embodied, collective and relational ways: what we call ‘molecular intimacies’. By reflecting on how the infrastructure facilitated new modes of sensing data, we consider how ‘data intimacies’ can re-specify action by producing different forms of engagement with air pollution

    RNA-seq analysis of the influence of anaerobiosis and FNR on Shigella flexneri.

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    BACKGROUND: Shigella flexneri is an important human pathogen that has to adapt to the anaerobic environment in the gastrointestinal tract to cause dysentery. To define the influence of anaerobiosis on the virulence of Shigella, we performed deep RNA sequencing to identify transcriptomic differences that are induced by anaerobiosis and modulated by the anaerobic Fumarate and Nitrate Reduction regulator, FNR. RESULTS: We found that 528 chromosomal genes were differentially expressed in response to anaerobic conditions; of these, 228 genes were also influenced by FNR. Genes that were up-regulated in anaerobic conditions are involved in carbon transport and metabolism (e.g. ptsG, manX, murQ, cysP, cra), DNA topology and regulation (e.g. ygiP, stpA, hns), host interactions (e.g. yciD, nmpC, slyB, gapA, shf, msbB) and survival within the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. shiA, ospI, adiY, cysP). Interestingly, there was a marked effect of available oxygen on genes involved in Type III secretion system (T3SS), which is required for host cell invasion and pathogenesis. These genes, located on the large Shigella virulence plasmid, were down regulated in anaerobiosis in an FNR-dependent manner. We also confirmed anaerobic induction of csrB and csrC small RNAs in an FNR-independent manner. CONCLUSIONS: Anaerobiosis promotes survival and adaption strategies of Shigella, while modulating virulence plasmid genes involved in T3SS-mediated host cell invasion. The influence of FNR on this process is more extensive than previously appreciated, although aside from the virulence plasmid, this transcriptional regulator does not govern expression of genes on other horizontally acquired sequences on the chromosome such as pathogenicity islands

    Propuesta de evaluación del aprendizaje en materias científico-técnicas

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    El presente trabajo pretende mostrar un sistema de evaluación que se lleva acabo en materias científico-técnicas donde el contenido práctico es considerable. Se pretende considerar los distintos instrumentos y formas de evaluación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El objetivo principal de este trabajo pretende entender que examinar y calificar no son actos de menor importancia, sino que suponen una gran influencia en todo el proceso y pueden o no, ayudar y animar a los estudiantes en su principal tarea del aprendizaje y su progreso. La propuesta permite desarrollar las siguientes técnicas docentes: sesiones académicas teóricas, prácticas, exposición y debate, seminarios y jornadas, tutorías colectivas y además visitas facultativas

    Visual methodologies, sand and psychoanalysis: employing creative participatory techniques to explore the educational experiences of mature students and children in care

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    Social science research has witnessed an increasing move towards visual methods of data production. However, some visual techniques remain pariah sites because of their association with psychoanalysis; and a reluctance to engage with psychoanalytically informed approaches outside of therapy based settings. This paper introduces the method of ‘sandboxing’, which was developed from the psychoanalytical approach of the ‘world technique’. ‘Sandboxing’ provides an opportunity for participants to create three-dimensional scenes in sand-trays, employing miniature figures and everyday objects. Data is presented from two studies conducted in Wales, UK. The first, exploring mature students’ accounts of higher education, and the second, exploring the educational experiences of children and young people in public care. The paper argues that psychoanalytical work can be adapted to enable a distinctive, valuable and ethical tool of qualitative inquiry; and illustrates how ‘sandboxing’ engendered opportunities to fight familiarity, enabled participatory frameworks, and contributed to informed policy and practice

    'L'Invisible Voyeur du Monde des Voyants': Critiques of French Society in Michel Tournier's La Goutte d'or and Guy Hocquenghem's L'Amour en relief

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    Since decolonisation, the increase in immigration from France’s former colonies in North Africa has prompted metropolitan writers to reconsider conceptions of French society. In their novels, Tournier and Hocquenghem present contemporary France through the defamiliarising eyes of a North African immigrant who serves as a device for the critique of French culture. This article investigates the opposition between the objectifying culture of the West, and the immigrants’ desert culture. It argues that this opposition is flawed, and that the division is between actual practices of seeing and the cultural discourses around vision
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