900 research outputs found
A Functional and Lagrangian Formulation of Two-Dimensional Topological Gravity
We reconsider two-dimensional topological gravity in a functional and
lagrangian framework. We derive its Slavnov-Taylor identities and discuss its
(in)dependence on the background gauge. Correlators of reparamerization
invariant observables are shown to be globally defined forms on moduli space.
The potential obstruction to their gauge-independence is the non-triviality of
the line bundle on moduli space , whose first Chern-class is
associated to the topological invariants of Mumford, Morita and Miller. Based
on talks given at the Fubini Fest, Torino, 24-26 February 1994, and at the
Workshop on String Theory, Trieste, 20-22 April 1994.Comment: 11 pages, harvmac, CERN-TH-7302/94, GEF-Th-6/199
Chiral QED in Terms of Chiral Boson with a Generalized Fadeevian Regularization
Chiral QED with a generalized Fadeevian regularization is considered.
Imposing a chiral constraint a gauged version of Floranini-Jackiw lagrangian is
constructed. The imposition of the chiral constarint has spoiled t he
manifestly Lorentz covariance of the theory. The phase space structure for this
theory has been det ermined. It is found that spectrum changes drastically but
it is Lorentz invariant. Chiral fermion di sappears from the spectra and the
photon anquire mass as well. Poincare algebra has been calculated to show
physicial Lorentz invariance explicitely.Comment: 11 page
The Renormalization of Non-Commutative Field Theories in the Limit of Large Non-Commutativity
We show that renormalized non-commutative scalar field theories do not reduce
to their planar sector in the limit of large non-commutativity. This follows
from the fact that the RG equation of the Wilson-Polchinski type which
describes the genus zero sector of non-commutative field theories couples
generic planar amplitudes with non-planar amplitudes at exceptional values of
the external momenta. We prove that the renormalization problem can be
consistently restricted to this set of amplitudes. In the resulting
renormalized theory non-planar divergences are treated as UV divergences
requiring appropriate non-local counterterms. In 4 dimensions the model turns
out to have one more relevant (non-planar) coupling than its commutative
counterpart. This non-planar coupling is ``evanescent'': although in the
massive (but not in the massless) case its contribution to planar amplitudes
vanishes when the floating cut-off equals the renormalization scale, this
coupling is needed to make the Wilsonian effective action UV finite at all
values of the floating cut-off.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures; typos correcte
The Kontsevich Connection on the Moduli Space of FZZT Liouville Branes
We point out that insertions of matrix fields in (connected amputated)
amplitudes of (generalized) Kontsevich models are given by covariant
derivatives with respect to the Kontsevich moduli. This implies that
correlators are sections of symmetric products of the (holomorphic) tangent
bundle on the (complexified) moduli space of FZZT Liouville branes. We discuss
the relation of Kontsevich parametrization of moduli space with that provided
by either the (p,1) or the (1,p) boundary conformal field theories. It turns
out that the Kontsevich connection captures the contribution of contact terms
to open string amplitudes of boundary cosmological constant operators in the
(1,p) minimal string models. The curvature of the connection is of type (1,1)
and has delta-function singularities at the points in moduli space where
Kontsevich kinetic term vanishes. We also outline the extention of our
formalism to the c=1 string at self-dual radius and discuss the problems that
have to be understood to reconciliate first and second quantized approaches in
this case.Comment: 34 pages, 2 eps figures, LaTex; typos corrected (including title);
more typos fixed, including those in Eqs.(72) and (132
Physical States at the Tachyonic Vacuum of Open String Field Theory
We illustrate a method for computing the number of physical states of open
string theory at the stable tachyonic vacuum in level truncation approximation.
The method is based on the analysis of the gauge-fixed open string field theory
quadratic action that includes Fadeev-Popov ghost string fields. Computations
up to level 9 in the scalar sector are consistent with Sen's conjecture about
the absence of physical open string states at the tachyonic vacuum. We also
derive a long exact cohomology sequence that relates relative and absolute
cohomologies of the BRS operator at the non-perturbative vacuum. We use this
exact result in conjunction with our numerical findings to conclude that the
higher ghost number non-perturbative BRS cohomologies are non-empty.Comment: 43 pages, 16 eps figures, LaTe
The Wilson-Polchinski Renormalization Group Equation in the Planar Limit
We derive the Wilson-Polchinski RG equation in the planar limit. We explain
that the equation necessarily involves also non-planar amplitudes with sphere
topology, which represent multi-trace contributions to the effective action.
The resulting RG equation turns out to be of the Hamilton-Jacobi type since
loop effects manifest themselves through terms which are linear in first order
derivatives of the effective action with respect to the sources. We briefly
outline applications to renormalization of non-commutative field theories,
matrix models with external sources and holography.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, 3 eps figure
On the Semi-Relative Condition for Closed (TOPOLOGICAL) Strings
We provide a simple lagrangian interpretation of the meaning of the
semi-relative condition in closed string theory. Namely, we show how the
semi-relative condition is equivalent to the requirement that physical
operators be cohomology classes of the BRS operators acting on the space of
local fields {\it covariant} under world-sheet reparametrizations. States
trivial in the absolute BRS cohomology but not in the semi-relative one are
explicitly seen to correspond to BRS variations of operators which are not
globally defined world-sheet tensors. We derive the covariant expressions for
the observables of topological gravity. We use them to prove a formula that
equates the expectation value of the gravitational descendant of ghost number 4
to the integral over the moduli space of the Weil-Peterson K\"ahler form.Comment: 10 pages, harvmac, CERN-TH-7084/93, GEF-TH-21/199
The Spectrum of Open String Field Theory at the Stable Tachyonic Vacuum
We present a level (10,30) numerical computation of the spectrum of quadratic
fluctuations of Open String Field Theory around the tachyonic vacuum, both in
the scalar and in the vector sector. Our results are consistent with Sen's
conjecture about gauge-triviality of the small excitations. The computation is
sufficiently accurate to provide robust evidence for the absence of the photon
from the open string spectrum. We also observe that ghost string field
propagators develop double poles. We show that this requires non-empty BRST
cohomologies at non-standard ghost numbers. We comment about the relations of
our results with recent work on the same subject.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figure
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