2,421 research outputs found

    Non-relativistic pair annihilation of nearly mass degenerate neutralinos and charginos II. P-wave and next-to-next-to-leading order S-wave coefficients

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    This paper is a continuation of an earlier work (arXiv:1210.7928) which computed analytically the tree-level annihilation rates of a collection of non-relativistic neutralino and chargino two-particle states in the general MSSM. Here we extend the results by providing the next-to-next-to-leading order corrections to the rates in the non-relativistic expansion in momenta and mass differences, which include leading P-wave effects, in analytic form. The results are a necessary input for the calculation of the Sommerfeld-enhanced dark matter annihilation rates including short-distance corrections at next-to-next-to-leading order in the non-relativistic expansion in the general MSSM with neutralino LSP.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages (+ 36 pages Appendix), 4 figures; v2 - new appendix with analytic results for the P-wave and rest of v^2 corrections to annihilation rates in the wino limit added, matches published versio

    Heavy neutralino relic abundance with Sommerfeld enhancements - a study of pMSSM scenarios

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    We present a detailed discussion of Sommerfeld enhancements in neutralino dark matter relic abundance calculations for several popular benchmark scenarios in the general MSSM. Our analysis is focused on models with heavy wino- and higgsino-like neutralino LSP and models interpolating between these two scenarios. This work is the first phenomenological application of effective field theory methods that we have developed in earlier work and that allow for the consistent study of Sommerfeld enhancements in non-relativistic neutralino and chargino co-annihilation reactions within the general MSSM, away from the pure-wino and pure-higgsino limits.Comment: 38 pages, 14 figures, 3 table

    Non-relativistic pair annihilation of nearly mass degenerate neutralinos and charginos I. General framework and S-wave annihilation

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    We compute analytically the tree-level annihilation rates of a collection of non-relativistic neutralino and chargino two-particle states in the general MSSM, including the previously unknown off-diagonal rates. The results are prerequisites to the calculation of the Sommerfeld enhancement in the MSSM, which will be presented in subsequent work. They can also be used to obtain concise analytic expressions for MSSM dark matter pair annihilation in the present Universe for a large number of exclusive two-particle final states.Comment: LATeX, 24 pages (+ 25 pages Appendix), 11 figures; v2 - replaced incorrect version of Fig. 4 and fixed typos listed in the JHEP erratu

    Questioning the existence of a unique ground state structure for Si clusters

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    Density functional and quantum Monte Carlo calculations challenge the existence of a unique ground state structure for certain Si clusters. For Si clusters with more than a dozen atoms the lowest ten isomers are close in energy and for some clusters entropic effects can change the energetic ordering of the configurations. Isotope pure configurations with rotational symmetry and symmetric configurations containing one additional isotope are disfavored by these effects. Comparisons with experiment are thus difficult since a mixture of configurations is to be expected at thermal equilibrium

    Venture Capital in Japan: A Financial Instrument Supporting the Innovativeness of the Japanese Economy

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    Two factors: First, the relatively small number of new companies as well as the number of companies subject to liquidation over the year ("firm turnover") in Japan, and second, the insignificant prestige associated with the profession of entrepreneur do not foster growth in the dynamics of this form of financing ventures. The cited indicator for Japan in among the lowest in comparison with other highly developed countries1, while the profession of entrepreneur is not the foremost dream of college graduates. They would much rather prefer realizing their professional careers as members of the government bureaucracy or employees of a major corporation2. However, this mindset is slowly changing, if for no other reason then, in spite of popular conviction, because most small companies are not established during periods of prosperity, but near the end of the downward phase of the economic cycle. That is exactly the phase Japan has been dealing with for several years now. Young, creative people, recruited from the unemployed, are seeking self-employment, using all possible opportunities embedded in the "again starting up" machinery of the economy.Dwa czynniki: pierwszy - stosunkowo mała liczba nowych firm, a także firm likwidowanych w skali roku ("firm turnover") w Japonii oraz drugi - niewielki prestiż, jakim cieszy się zawód przedsiębiorcy, nie sprzyjają dynamizacji omawianej formy finansowania przedsięwzięć. Cytowany wskaźnik, dla Japonii należy do najniższych w porównaniu z innymi krajami wysoko rozwiniętymi (Grabowiecki 2000), zaś profesja przedsiębiorcy nie jest szczytem marzeń ludzi po studiach. Znacznie bardziej chcieliby oni swoją karierę zawodową realizować jako członkowie rządowej biurokracji lub pracownicy dużej korporacji (Corver 2008, s. 2). Ta świadomość ulega jednak stopniowej zmianie, chociażby dlatego, że wbrew popularnym przekonaniom, większość niewielkich przedsiębiorstw, powstaje nie w okresie prosperity, lecz pod koniec spadkowej fazy cyklu koniunkturalnego. Z taką fazą mamy do czynienia w Japonii od paru lat. Młodzi, kreatywni ludzie, rekrutujący się z bezrobotnych, poszukują samozatrudnienia, wykorzystują wszelakie szanse, tkwiące w "ruszającej na powrót" maszynerii gospodark (Yonekura, Lynskey 2003, s. 11)

    Shot noise of a quantum dot measured with GHz stub impedance matching

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    The demand for a fast high-frequency read-out of high impedance devices, such as quantum dots, necessitates impedance matching. Here we use a resonant impedance matching circuit (a stub tuner) realized by on-chip superconducting transmission lines to measure the electronic shot noise of a carbon nanotube quantum dot at a frequency close to 3 GHz in an efficient way. As compared to wide-band detection without impedance matching, the signal to noise ratio can be enhanced by as much as a factor of 800 for a device with an impedance of 100 kΩ\Omega. The advantage of the stub resonator concept is the ease with which the response of the circuit can be predicted, designed and fabricated. We further demonstrate that all relevant matching circuit parameters can reliably be deduced from power reflectance measurements and then used to predict the power transmission function from the device through the circuit. The shot noise of the carbon nanotube quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime shows an oscillating suppression below the Schottky value of 2eI2eI, as well an enhancement in specific regions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, supplementar

    Relic density of wino-like dark matter in the MSSM

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    The relic density of TeV-scale wino-like neutralino dark matter in the MSSM is subject to potentially large corrections as a result of the Sommerfeld effect. A recently developed framework enables us to calculate the Sommerfeld-enhanced relic density in general MSSM scenarios, properly treating mixed states and multiple co-annihilating channels as well as including off-diagonal contributions. Using this framework, including on-shell one-loop mass splittings and running couplings and taking into account the latest experimental constraints, we perform a thorough study of the regions of parameter space surrounding the well known pure-wino scenario: namely the effect of sfermion masses being non-decoupled and of allowing non-negligible Higgsino or bino components in the lightest neutralino. We further perform an investigation into the effect of thermal corrections and show that these can safely be neglected. The results reveal a number of phenomenologically interesting but so far unexplored regions where the Sommerfeld effect is sizeable. We find, in particular, that the relic density can agree with experiment for dominantly wino neutralino dark matter with masses ranging from 1.7 to beyond 4 TeV. In light of these results the bounds from Indirect Detection on wino-like dark matter should be revisited.Comment: 49 pages, 15 figure

    Magnetic properties of vanadium-oxide nanotubes probed by static magnetization and {51}V NMR

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    Measurements of the static magnetic susceptibility and of the nuclear magnetic resonance of multiwalled vanadium-oxide nanotubes are reported. In this nanoscale magnet the structural low-dimensionality and mixed valency of vanadium ions yield a complex temperature dependence of the static magnetization and the nuclear relaxation rates. Analysis of the different contributions to the magnetism allows to identify individual interlayer magnetic sites as well as strongly antiferromagnetically coupled vanadium spins (S = 1/2) in the double layers of the nanotube's wall. In particular, the data give strong indications that in the structurally well-defined vanadium-spin chains in the walls, owing to an inhomogeneous charge distribution, antiferromagnetic dimers and trimers occur. Altogether, about 30% of the vanadium ions are coupled in dimers, exhibiting a spin gap of the order of 700 K, the other ~ 30% comprise individual spins and trimers, whereas the remaining \~ 40% are nonmagnetic.Comment: revised versio