15,864 research outputs found

    Unified description of bulk and interface-enhanced spin pumping

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    The dynamics of non-equilibrium spin accumulation generated in metals or semiconductors by rf magnetic field pumping is treated within a diffusive picture. The dc spin accumulation produced in a uniform system by a rotating applied magnetic field or by a precessing magnetization of a weak ferromagnet is in general given by a (small) fraction of hbar omega, where omega is the rotation or precession frequency. With the addition of a neighboring, field-free region and allowing for the diffusion of spins, the spin accumulation is dramatically enhanced at the interface, saturating at the universal value hbar omega in the limit of long spin relaxation time. This effect can be maximized when the system dimensions are of the order of sqrt(2pi D omega), where D is the diffusion constant. We compare our results to the interface spin pumping theory of A. Brataas et al. [Phys. Rev. B 66, 060404(R) (2002)]

    Electrical detection of spin pumping: dc voltage generated by ferromagnetic resonance at ferromagnet/nonmagnet contact

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    We describe electrical detection of spin pumping in metallic nanostructures. In the spin pumping effect, a precessing ferromagnet attached to a normal-metal acts as a pump of spin-polarized current, giving rise to a spin accumulation. The resulting spin accumulation induces a backflow of spin current into the ferromagnet and generates a dc voltage due to the spin dependent conductivities of the ferromagnet. The magnitude of such voltage is proportional to the spin-relaxation properties of the normal-metal. By using platinum as a contact material we observe, in agreement with theory, that the voltage is significantly reduced as compared to the case when aluminum was used. Furtheremore, the effects of rectification between the circulating rf currents and the magnetization precession of the ferromagnet are examined. Most significantly, we show that using an improved layout device geometry these effects can be minimized.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Mean-field solution of the small-world network model

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    The small-world network model is a simple model of the structure of social networks, which simultaneously possesses characteristics of both regular lattices and random graphs. The model consists of a one-dimensional lattice with a low density of shortcuts added between randomly selected pairs of points. These shortcuts greatly reduce the typical path length between any two points on the lattice. We present a mean-field solution for the average path length and for the distribution of path lengths in the model. This solution is exact in the limit of large system size and either large or small number of shortcuts.Comment: 14 pages, 2 postscript figure

    Large cone angle magnetization precession of an individual nanomagnet with dc electrical detection

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    We demonstrate on-chip resonant driving of large cone-angle magnetization precession of an individual nanoscale permalloy element. Strong driving is realized by locating the element in close proximity to the shorted end of a coplanar strip waveguide, which generates a microwave magnetic field. We used a microwave frequency modulation method to accurately measure resonant changes of the dc anisotropic magnetoresistance. Precession cone angles up to 909^{0} are determined with better than one degree of resolution. The resonance peak shape is well-described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation

    Electrical detection of spin pumping due to the precessing magnetization of a single ferromagnet

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    We report direct electrical detection of spin pumping, using a lateral normal metal/ferromagnet/normal metal device, where a single ferromagnet in ferromagnetic resonance pumps spin polarized electrons into the normal metal, resulting in spin accumulation. The resulting backflow of spin current into the ferromagnet generates a d.c. voltage due to the spin dependent conductivities of the ferromagnet. By comparing different contact materials (Al and /or Pt), we find, in agreement with theory, that the spin related properties of the normal metal dictate the magnitude of the d.c. voltage

    Phase transition in the modified fiber bundle model

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    We extend the standard fiber bundle model (FBM) with the local load sharing in such a way that the conservation of the total load is relaxed when an isolated fiber is broken. In this modified FBM in one dimension (1D), it is revealed that the model exhibits a well-defined phase transition at a finite nonzero value of the load, which is in contrast to the standard 1D FBM. The modified FBM defined in the Watts-Strogatz network is also investigated, and found is the existences of two distinct transitions: one discontinuous and the other continuous. The effects of the long-range shortcuts are also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Evaluation of be-38 percent al alloy final report, 27 jun. 1964 - 28 feb. 1965

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    Mechanical properties, microstructural features, and general metallurgical quality of beryllium- aluminum allo

    Enhancing complex-network synchronization

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    Heterogeneity in the degree (connectivity) distribution has been shown to suppress synchronization in networks of symmetrically coupled oscillators with uniform coupling strength (unweighted coupling). Here we uncover a condition for enhanced synchronization in directed networks with weighted coupling. We show that, in the optimum regime, synchronizability is solely determined by the average degree and does not depend on the system size and the details of the degree distribution. In scale-free networks, where the average degree may increase with heterogeneity, synchronizability is drastically enhanced and may become positively correlated with heterogeneity, while the overall cost involved in the network coupling is significantly reduced as compared to the case of unweighted coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Asymptotic behavior of the Kleinberg model

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    We study Kleinberg navigation (the search of a target in a d-dimensional lattice, where each site is connected to one other random site at distance r, with probability proportional to r^{-a}) by means of an exact master equation for the process. We show that the asymptotic scaling behavior for the delivery time T to a target at distance L scales as (ln L)^2 when a=d, and otherwise as L^x, with x=(d-a)/(d+1-a) for ad+1. These values of x exceed the rigorous lower-bounds established by Kleinberg. We also address the situation where there is a finite probability for the message to get lost along its way and find short delivery times (conditioned upon arrival) for a wide range of a's

    Network Topology of an Experimental Futures Exchange

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    Many systems of different nature exhibit scale free behaviors. Economic systems with power law distribution in the wealth is one of the examples. To better understand the working behind the complexity, we undertook an empirical study measuring the interactions between market participants. A Web server was setup to administer the exchange of futures contracts whose liquidation prices were coupled to event outcomes. After free registration, participants started trading to compete for the money prizes upon maturity of the futures contracts at the end of the experiment. The evolving `cash' flow network was reconstructed from the transactions between players. We show that the network topology is hierarchical, disassortative and scale-free with a power law exponent of 1.02+-0.09 in the degree distribution. The small-world property emerged early in the experiment while the number of participants was still small. We also show power law distributions of the net incomes and inter-transaction time intervals. Big winners and losers are associated with high degree, high betweenness centrality, low clustering coefficient and low degree-correlation. We identify communities in the network as groups of the like-minded. The distribution of the community sizes is shown to be power-law distributed with an exponent of 1.19+-0.16.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figure
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