8 research outputs found
The optical rebrightening of GRB100814A: an interplay of forward and reverse shocks?
We present a wide dataset of -ray, X-ray, UVOIR, and radio observations of the Swift GRB100814A. At the end of the slow decline phase of the X-ray and optical afterglow, this burst shows a sudden and prominent rebrightening in the optical band only, followed by a fast decay in both bands. The optical rebrightening also shows chromatic evolution. Such a puzzling behaviour cannot be explained by a single component model. We discuss other possible interpretations, and we find that a model that incorporates a long-lived reverse shock and forward shock fits the temporal and
spectral properties of GRB100814 the best
The circumburst environment of a FRED GRB: Study of the prompt emission and X-ray/optical afterglow of GRB 051111
Aims.We report a multi-wavelength analysis of the prompt emission and early afterglow of GRB 051111 and discuss its properties in the context of current fireball models.
Methods.The detection of GRB 051111 by the Burst Alert Telescope on-board Swift triggered early BVRi' observations with the 2-m robotic Faulkes Telescope North in Hawaii, as well as X-ray observations with the Swift X-Ray Telescope.
Results.The prompt -ray emission shows a classical FRED profile. The optical afterglow light curves are fitted with a broken power law, with to and a break time around 12 min after the GRB. Although contemporaneous X-ray observations were not taken, a power law connection between the -ray tail of the FRED temporal profile and the late XRT flux decay is feasible. Alternatively, if the X-ray afterglow tracks the optical decay, this would represent one of the first GRBs for which the canonical steep-shallow-normal decay typical of early X-ray afterglows has been monitored optically. We present a detailed analysis of the intrinsic extinction, elemental abundances and spectral energy distribution. From the absorption measured in the low X-ray band we find possible evidence for an overabundance of some elements such as oxygen, [O/Zn] = 0.7 0.3, or, alternatively, for a significant presence of molecular gas. The IR-to-X-ray Spectral Energy Distribution measured at 80 min after the burst is consistent with the cooling break lying between the optical and X-ray bands. Extensive modelling of the intrinsic extinction suggests dust with big grains or grey extinction profiles. The early optical break is due either to an energy injection episode or, less probably, to a stratified wind environment for the circumburst medium
The early- and late-time spectral and temporal evolution of ORB 050716
We report on a comprehensive set of observations of gamma-ray burst 050716, detected by the Swift satellite and subsequently followed-up rapidly in X-ray, optical and near-infrared (NIR) wavebands. The prompt emission is typical of long-duration bursts, with two peaks in a time interval of T90= 68 s (15–350 keV). The prompt emission continues at lower flux levels in the X-ray band, where several smaller flares can be seen on the top of a decaying light curve that exhibits an apparent break around 220 s post-trigger. This temporal break is roughly coincident with a spectral break. The latter can be related to the extrapolated evolution of the break energy in the prompt γ-ray emission, and is possibly the manifestation of the peak flux break frequency of the internal shock passing through the observing band. A possible 3σ change in the X-ray absorption column is also seen during this time. The late-time afterglow behaviour is relatively standard, with an electron distribution power-law index of p= 2; there is no notable temporal break out to at least 10 d. The broad-band optical/NIR to X-ray spectrum indicates a redshift of z≳ 2 for this burst, with a host-galaxy extinction value of EB−V≈ 0.7 that prefers a small magellanic cloud (SMC)-like extinction curve
Anatomy of a dark burst - The afterglow of GRB 060108
We present a multiwavelength study of GRB 060108 – the 100th gamma-ray burst discovered by Swift. The X-ray flux and light curve (three segments plus a flare) detected with the X-ray Telescope are typical of Swift long bursts.
We report the discovery of a faint optical afterglow detected in deep BVRi′-band imaging obtained with the Faulkes Telescope North beginning 2.75 min after the burst. The afterglow is below the detection limit of the Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope within 100 s of the burst, while is evident in K-band images taken with the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope 45 min after the burst. The optical light curve is sparsely sampled. Observations taken in the R and i′ bands can be fitted either with a single power-law decay in flux, F(t) ∝t−α where α= 0.43 ± 0.08, or with a two-segment light curve with an initial steep decay α1 < 0.88 ± 0.2, flattening to a slope α2∼ 0.31 ± 0.12. A marginal evidence for rebrightening is seen in the i′ band.
Deep R-band imaging obtained ∼12 d post-burst with the Very Large Telescope reveals a faint, extended object (R∼ 23.5 mag) at the location of the afterglow. Although the brightness is compatible with the extrapolation of the slow decay with index α2, significant flux is likely due to a host galaxy. This implies that the optical light curve had a break before 12 d, akin to what observed in the X-rays.
We derive the maximum photometric redshift z < 3.2 for GRB 060108. We find that the spectral energy distribution at 1000 s after the burst, from the optical to the X-ray range, is best fitted by a simple power law, Fν∝ν−β, with βOX= 0.54 and a small amount of extinction. The optical to X-ray spectral index (βOX) confirms GRB 060108 to be one of the optically darkest bursts detected. Our observations rule out a high redshift as the reason for the optical faintness of GRB 060108. We conclude that a more likely explanation is a combination of an intrinsic optical faintness of the burst, a hard optical to X-ray spectrum and a moderate amount of extinction in the host galaxy
The prompt-afterglow connection in gamma-ray bursts: a comprehensive statistical analysis of Swift X-ray light curves
We present a comprehensive statistical analysis of Swift X-ray light curves of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) collecting data from more than 650 GRBs discovered by Swift and other facilities. The unprecedented sample size allows us to constrain the rest-frame X-ray properties of GRBs from a statistical perspective, with particular reference to intrinsic time-scales and the energetics of the different light-curve phases in a common rest-frame 0.3–30 keV energy band. Temporal variability episodes are also studied and their properties constrained. Two fundamental questions drive this effort: (i) Does the X-ray emission retain any kind of ‘memory’ of the prompt γ-ray phase? (ii) Where is the dividing line between long and short GRB X-ray properties? We show that short GRBs decay faster, are less luminous and less energetic than long GRBs in the X-rays, but are interestingly characterized by similar intrinsic absorption. We furthermore reveal the existence of a number of statistically significant relations that link the X-ray to prompt γ-ray parameters in long GRBs; short GRBs are outliers of the majority of these two-parameter relations. However and more importantly, we report on the existence of a universal three-parameter scaling that links the X-ray and the γ-ray energy to the prompt spectral peak energy of both long and short GRBs: EX, iso∝E[Superscript: 1.00 ± 0.06]γ, iso/E[Superscript: 0.60 ± 0.10]pk
Multi-wavelength afterglow observations of the high redshift GRB 050730
Context.GRB 050730 is a long duration high-redshift burst (z=3.967) that was discovered by Swift. The afterglow shows variability and was well monitored over a wide wavelength range. We present comprehensive temporal and spectral analysis of the afterglow of GRB 050730 including observations covering the wavelength range from the millimeter to X-rays.
Aims.We use multi-wavelength afterglow data to understand the complex temporal and spectral decay properties of this high redshift burst.
Methods.Five telescopes were used to study the decaying afterglow of GRB 050730 in the B, V, r', R, i', I, J and K photometric pass bands. A spectral energy distribution was constructed at 2.9 h post-burst in the B, V, R, I, J and K bands. X-ray data from the satellites Swift and XMM-Newton were used to study the afterglow evolution at higher energies.
Results.The early afterglow shows variability at early times and the slope steepens at 0.1 days (8.6 ks) in the B, V, r', R, i', I, J and K passbands. The early afterglow light curve decayed with a powerlaw slope index and subsequently steepened to based on the R and I band data. A millimeter detection of the afterglow around 3 days after the burst shows an excess in comparison to theoretical predictions. The early X-ray light curve observed by Swift is complex and contains flares. At late times the X-ray light curve can be fit by a powerlaw decay with which is steeper than the optical light curve. A spectral energy distribution (SED) was constructed at ~2.9 h after the burst. An electron energy index, p, of ~2.3 was calculated using the SED and the photon index from the X-ray afterglow spectra and implies that the synchrotron cooling frequency is above the X-ray band
Multiwavelength observations of the energetic GRB 080810 : detailed mapping of the broad-band spectral evolution
GRB 080810 was one of the first bursts to trigger both Swift and the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. It was subsequently monitored over the X-ray and UV/optical bands by Swift, in the optical by Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment (ROTSE) and a host of other telescopes, and was detected in the radio by the Very Large Array. The redshift of z = 3.355 ± 0.005 was determined by Keck/High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer (HIRES) and confirmed by RTT150 and NOT. The prompt gamma/X-ray emission, detected over 0.3–10³ keV, systematically softens over time, with E[subscript peak] moving from ∼600 keV at the start to ∼40 keV around 100 s after the trigger; alternatively, this spectral evolution could be identified with the blackbody temperature of a quasi-thermal model shifting from ∼60 to ∼3 keV over the same time interval. The first optical detection was made at 38 s, but the smooth, featureless profile of the full optical coverage implies that this is originated from the afterglow component, not from the pulsed/flaring prompt emission
THESEUS: a key space mission for Multi-Messenger Astrophysics
The recent discovery of the electromagnetic counterpart of the gravitational wave source GW170817, has demonstrated the huge informative power of multi-messenger observations. During the next decade the nascent field of multi-messenger astronomy will mature significantly. In 2030s, third generation gravitational wave detectors will be roughly ten times more sensitive than the current ones. At the same time, neutrino detectors currently upgrading to multi km^3 telescopes, will include a 10 km^3 facility in the Southern hemisphere that is expected to be operational during the thirties. In this review, we describe the most promising high frequency gravitational wave and neutrino sources that will be detected in the next two decades. In this context, we show the important role of the Transient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS), a mission concept proposed to ESA by a large international collaboration in response to the call for the Cosmic Vision Programme M5 missions. THESEUS aims at providing a substantial advancement in early Universe science as well as playing a fundamental role in multi-messenger and time-domain astorphysics. It will operate in strong sinergy with future gravitational wave and neutrino detectors as well as major ground- and space-based telescopes. This review is an extension of the THESEUS white paper (Amati et al., 2017), in light of the discovery of GW170817/GRB170817A that was announced on October 16th, 2017