629 research outputs found

    Islanding, growth mode and ordering in Si heteroepitaxy on Ge(001) substrates structured by thermal annealing

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    Si/Ge heteroepitaxial dots under tensile strain are grown on nanostructured Ge substrates produced by high-temperature flash heating exploiting the spontaneous faceting of the Ge(001) surface close to the onset of surface melting. A very diverse growth mode is obtained depending on the specific atomic structure and step density of nearby surface domains with different vicinal crystallographic orientations. On highly-miscut areas of the Ge(001) substrate, the critical thickness for islanding is lowered to about 5 ML, in contrast to the 11 ML reported for the flat Ge(001) surface, while on unreconstructed (1x1) domains the growth is Volmer-Weber driven. An explanation is proposed considering the diverse relative contributions of step and surface energies on misoriented substrates. In addition, we show that the bottom-up pattern of the substrate naturally formed by thermal annealing determines a spatial correlation for the dot sites

    Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy of strain-engineered GaAsBi alloys

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    In this paper, we present results obtained by an optical technique, namely, reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS), applied to a series of GaAs1-xBix samples grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) under different strain conditions with the increasing concentration of Bi, up to the higher value of about 7%. The epitaxial buffer layers for the growing GaAs1-xBix layer were prepared with either a compressive strain (as it is commonly done) or a tensile strain: The latter case has been proven to be a strategy that allows us to obtain a better crystalline quality [Tisbi et al., Phys. Rev. Appl. 14, 014028 (2020)]. A characteristic, well defined anisotropy signal below 2.5 eV is demonstrated to be connected to the presence of Bi and, in particular, to the strain produced in the sub-surface region by the voluminous Bi atoms. The amplitude of this signal directly relates to the Bi quantity, while its sign gives information about the local clustering/ordering of Bi atoms in the grown sample. We conclude that the detailed interpretation of RAS signatures and the knowledge of their origin offer the opportunity to utilize this technique to follow in real time the GaAsBi growth either in MBE or in metal organic vapor phase epitaxy processes

    IP-10 response to RD1 antigens might be a useful biomarker for monitoring tuberculosis therapy

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    Background There is an urgent need of prognosis markers for tuberculosis (TB) to improve treatment strategies. The results of several studies show that the Interferon (IFN)-γ-specific response to the TB antigens of the QuantiFERON TB Gold (QFT-IT antigens) decreases after successful TB therapy. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether there are factors other than IFN-γ [such as IFN-γ inducible protein (IP)-10 which has also been associated with TB] in response to QFT-IT antigens that can be used as biomarkers for monitoring TB treatment. Methods In this exploratory study we assessed the changes in IP-10 secretion in response to QFT-IT antigens and RD1 peptides selected by computational analysis in 17 patients with active TB at the time of diagnosis and after 6 months of treatment. The IFN-γ response to QFT-IT antigens and RD1 selected peptides was evaluated as a control. A non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test for paired comparisons was used to compare the continuous variables at the time of diagnosis and at therapy completion. A Chi-square test was used to compare proportions. Results We did not observe significant IP-10 changes in whole blood from either NIL or QFT-IT antigen tubes, after 1-day stimulation, between baseline and therapy completion (p = 0.08 and p = 0.7 respectively). Conversely, the level of IP-10 release to RD1 selected peptides was significantly different (p = 0.006). Similar results were obtained when we detected the IFN-γ in response to the QFT-IT antigens (p = 0.06) and RD1 selected peptides (p = 0.0003). The proportion of the IP-10 responders to the QFT-IT antigens did not significantly change between baseline and therapy completion (p = 0.6), whereas it significantly changed in response to RD1 selected peptides (p = 0.002). The proportion of IFN-γ responders between baseline and therapy completion was not significant for QFT-IT antigens (p = 0.2), whereas it was significant for the RD1 selected peptides (p = 0.002), confirming previous observations. Conclusions Our preliminary study provides an interesting hypothesis: IP-10 response to RD1 selected peptides (similar to IFN-γ) might be a useful biomarker for monitoring therapy efficacy in patients with active TB. However, further studies in larger cohorts are needed to confirm the consistency of these study results

    miRNA Signatures in Sera of Patients with Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

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    Several studies showed that assessing levels of specific circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) is a non-invasive, rapid, and accurate method for diagnosing diseases or detecting alterations in physiological conditions. We aimed to identify a serum miRNA signature to be used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB). To account for variations due to the genetic makeup, we enrolled adults from two study settings in Europe and Africa. The following categories of subjects were considered: healthy (H), active pulmonary TB (PTB), active pulmonary TB, HIV co-infected (PTB/HIV), latent TB infection (LTBI), other pulmonary infections (OPI), and active extra-pulmonary TB (EPTB). Sera from 10 subjects of the same category were pooled and, after total RNA extraction, screened for miRNA levels by TaqMan low-density arrays. After identification of "relevant miRNAs", we refined the serum miRNA signature discriminating between H and PTB on individual subjects. Signatures were analyzed for their diagnostic performances using a multivariate logistic model and a Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) model. A leave-one-out-cross-validation (LOOCV) approach was adopted for assessing how both models could perform in practice. The analysis on pooled specimens identified selected miRNAs as discriminatory for the categories analyzed. On individual serum samples, we showed that 15 miRNAs serve as signature for H and PTB categories with a diagnostic accuracy of 82% (CI 70.2-90.0), and 77% (CI 64.2-85.9) in a RVM and a logistic classification model, respectively. Considering the different ethnicity, by selecting the specific signature for the European group (10 miRNAs) the diagnostic accuracy increased up to 83% (CI 68.1-92.1), and 81% (65.0-90.3), respectively. The African-specific signature (12 miRNAs) increased the diagnostic accuracy up to 95% (CI 76.4-99.1), and 100% (83.9-100.0), respectively. Serum miRNA signatures represent an interesting source of biomarkers for TB disease with the potential to discriminate between PTB and LTBI, but also among the other categories

    Accuracy of Immunodiagnostic Tests for Active Tuberculosis Using Single and Combined Results: A Multicenter TBNET-Study

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    The clinical application of IFN-gamma release assays (IGRAs) has recently improved the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection. In a multicenter study of the Tuberculosis Network European Trialsgroup (TBNET) we aimed to ascertain in routine clinical practice the accuracy of a novel assay using selected peptides encoded in the mycobacterial genomic region of difference (RD) 1 for the diagnosis of active tuberculosis in comparison with tuberculin skin test (TST), QuantiFERON-TB GOLD In-Tube (Cellestis Ltd., Carnegie, Australia) and T-SPOT.TB (Oxfordimmunotec, Abingdon, UK)

    Methylated HBHA Produced in M. smegmatis Discriminates between Active and Non-Active Tuberculosis Disease among RD1-Responders

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    A challenge in tuberculosis (TB) research is to develop a new immunological test that can help distinguish, among subjects responsive to QuantiFERON TB Gold In tube (QFT-IT), those who are able to control Mtb replication (remote LTBI, recent infection and past TB) from those who cannot (active TB disease). IFN-\u3b3 response to the Heparin-binding-hemagglutinin (HBHA) of Mtb has been associated with LTBI, but the cumbersome procedures of purifying the methylated and immunological active form of the protein from Mtb or M. bovis Bacillus Calmette et Guerin (BCG) have prevented its implementation in a diagnostic test. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the IFN-\u3b3 response to methylated HBHA of Mtb produced in M. smegmatis (rHBHAms) in individuals at different stages of TB who scored positive to QFT-IT

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immune Response in Patients With Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Disease

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    Subjects with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID), such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), have an intrinsic higher probability to develop active-tuberculosis (TB) compared to the general population. The risk ranges from 2.0 to 8.9 in RA patients not receiving therapies. According to the WHO, the RA prevalence varies between 0.3% and 1% and is more common in women and in developed countries. Therefore, the identification and treatment of TB infection (TBI) in this fragile population is important to propose the TB preventive therapy. We aimed to study the M. tuberculosis (Mtb) specific T-cell response to find immune biomarkers of Mtb burden or Mtb clearance in patients with different TB status and different risk to develop active-TB disease. We enrolled TBI subjects as example of Mtb-containment, the active-TB as example of a replicating Mtb status, and the TBI-IMID as fragile population. To study the Mtb-specific response in a condition of possible Mtb sterilization, we longitudinally enrolled TBI subjects and active-TB patients before and after TB therapy. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated overnight with Mtb peptides contained in TB1- and TB2-tubes of the Quantiferon-Plus kit. Then, we characterized by cytometry the Mtb-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells. In TBI-IMID, the TB therapy did not affect the ability of CD4 T cells to produce interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin-2, their functional status, and their phenotype. The TB therapy determined a contraction of the triple functional CD4 T cells of the TBI subjects and active-TB patients. The CD45RA- CD27+ T cells stood out as a main subset of the Mtb-specific response in all groups. Before the TB-preventive therapy, the TBI subjects had higher proportion of Mtb-specific CD45RA-CD27+CD4+ T cells and the active-TB subjects had higher proportion of Mtb-specific CD45RA-CD27-CD4+ T cells compared to other groups. The TBI-IMID patients showed a phenotype similar to TBI, suggesting that the type of IMID and the IMID therapy did not affect the activation status of Mtb-specific CD4 T cells. Future studies on a larger and better-stratified TBI-IMID population will help to understand the change of the Mtb-specific immune response over time and to identify possible immune biomarkers of Mtb-containment or active replication

    Higher Frequency of T-Cell Response to M. tuberculosis Latency Antigen Rv2628 at the Site of Active Tuberculosis Disease than in Peripheral Blood

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    RATIONALE: Due to the invasive nature of the procedures involved, most studies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)-specific immunity in humans have focused on the periphery rather than the site of active infection, the lung. Recently, antigens associated with Mtb-latency and -dormancy have been described using peripheral blood (PB) cells; however their response in the lung is unknown. The objective of this report was to evaluate, in patients prospectively enrolled with suspected active tuberculosis (TB), whether the latency antigen Rv2628 induces local-specific immune response in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cells compared to PB cells. MATERIAL/METHODS: Among the 41 subjects enrolled, 20 resulted with active TB. Among the 21 without active disease, 9 were defined as subjects with latent TB-infection (LTBI) [Quantiferon TB Gold In-tube positive]. Cytokine responses to Rv2628 were evaluated by enzyme linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay and flow cytometric (FACS) analysis. RD1-secreted antigen stimulation was used as control. RESULTS: There was a significantly higher frequency of Rv2628- and RD1-specific CD4+ T-cells in the BAL of active TB patients than in PB. However the trend of the response to Rv2628 in subjects with LTBI was higher than in active TB in both PB and BAL, although this difference was not significant. In active TB, Rv2628 and RD1 induced a cytokine-response profile mainly consisting of interferon (IFN)-γ-single-positive over double-IFN-γ/interleukin (IL)-2 T-cells in both PB and BAL. Finally, BAL-specific CD4+ T-cells were mostly effector memory (EM), while peripheral T-cell phenotypes were distributed among naïve, central memory and terminally differentiated effector memory T-cells. CONCLUSIONS: In this observational study, we show that there is a high frequency of specific T-cells for Mtb-latency and RD1-secreted antigens (mostly IFN-γ-single-positive specific T-cells with an EM phenotype) in the BAL of active TB patients. These data may be important for better understanding the pathogenesis of TB in the lung

    Combined Use of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Specific CD4 and CD8 T-Cell Responses Is a Powerful Diagnostic Tool of Active Tuberculosis.

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    Immune-based assays are promising tools to help to formulate diagnosis of active tuberculosis. A multiparameter flow cytometry assay assessing T-cell responses specific to Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the combination of both CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses accurately discriminated between active tuberculosis and latent infection